The Executive Committee of the Hardeman Co., Temperance Alliance will meet promptly at 3 p.m. at the C. P. Church in Bolivar, Thursday, April 22, 1886. Important business. Committee: A. J. SWINEBROAD – Chairman, Rev. C. D. HILLIARD, R. P. SMITH, D. J. NEWBERN, W. A. CARUTHERS, J. A. WILSON – Secretary.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Mrs. L. C. NEWBERN, died of pneumonia, on the 13th of April, at the Bolivar House. The funeral was very largely attended on the 15th. Rev. C. D. HILLIARD conducted the services. She will be missed by her friends, but more by her children.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

From the present outlook a good wheat crop is anticipated by the farmers.

Mr. Ab McKINNIE‘s little daughter is much improved, hope will soon she be well again.

One of Esq. W. A. CARUTHER‘s little sons fell out a swing on Saturday morning last, and broke his arm.

A nest of young rabbits was found in the Court House yard last Saturday, when it was being cleaned up.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Mr. Foster MOORE, of Fulton, Kentucky, is visiting his mother and sisters in Bolivar this week.

Mr. T. A. OSBORNE, one of our oldest and best citizens, has gone for awhile to Paduca, Kentucky.

Mr. W. T. SCOTT of Hickory, was in town Monday last, looking well.

J. W. WILKES Esq. was in town on Monday last, and was riding his fine stallion, Telephone. He has recently purchased an excellent stallion sired by Bay Tom.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Mr. Will McGEE of Toone was in town on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. WITHERS of Jackson are visiting their relatives in Bolivar for a few days.

Mr. T. C. STEWART, of Whiteville, called in to see us on Monday last. Come again. We are glad to see our friends.

Mr. Tillman BRADFORD, of Toone, called in to see us on Monday last. Call again we are always glad to see you.

Esq. J. W. WILSON, of Middleton, honored the Bulletin witha call on Monday last. The Squire is regarded as one of the most strudy citizens of this county.

Esq. Thomas SHEA, attended Quarterly Court on Monday last and paid his respects to the Bulletin.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Mrs. Evie D. McCLANAHAN, wife of Charles E. McCLANAHAN and daughter of Mrs. M. J. CLIFFT, died at the Clifft House yesterday morning after a brief illness, aged 17 years. Only a few weeks ago she stood at Hymen’s altar and pledged her hand and heart to the husband of her choice. Young, beautiful, and the roses of health blooming in her cheeks, none who saw her then thought that death would so soon claim her for the grave. She was stricken down a few days since and yesterday morning the spark of life went out on earth to be relite in eternity. The funeral takes place from the First Presbyterian Church this morning at 10 o-clock, Rev. J. H. NALL will officiate. The bereaved husband and mother and other relatives have our sincere sympathy in their hour of sorrow.” The family has a large number of relatives and friends here who deeply sympathize with them in their afflictions.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

05. March 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: 1886 · Tags:

Mr. J. G. McCABE commenced work on his brickyard on the Asylum grounds yesterday. He will push the work as rapidly as possible.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Mr. W. S. ESTES, an old citizen of this county, died at this home near Toone, on Thursday of last week.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

05. March 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: 1886 · Tags:

Mr. S. F. SMITH‘s saw mill, at Pocahontas was burned Tuesday night of last week. It was partially insured. It is supposed to have been accidental.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Married at Toone, Mr. E. A. HILLHOUSE and Miss Doe ANDERSON, Rev. D. L. HINES, officiating.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 April 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.