Died at his residence in Bolivar, on the 18th of the present month (January 1868) at 3-1/2 o’clock A.M., Dr. Hamilton BLACK, for years an honored and respected citizen of this place. In lieu of the remarks we intended to make on his demise, we give place to the following tribute to this memory, from his intimate friend, Rev. E. H. OSBORNE: ” By his kind, affectionate and generous disposition endeared himself to all who knew him. Dr. BLACK was a man of superior intellect. He had mastered his noble profession by years of diligence, energy and industry. Kind and gentle to the poor and the needy, he deserved the appellation of good Samaritan. The writer of this simple but affectionate tribute to his memory, has seen him set by the bedside of the pennyless, both nurse and physician, friend and brother, with no hope of pecuniary reward. He had as kind a heart as ever beat in the bosom of man. A broad and beautiful charity marked all his actions towards the needy. He was a true and faithful friend, a devoted husband, a kind and indulgent father. He has fallen in the proud flush of manhood, in the hopeful noon of life. His desolute wife and heart broken children mourn over his untimely death. We will cherish the memory of his kindness, and pray that He, who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, may deal very gently with the sorrowful hearts of his lonely widow and fatherless children. In the writer of this they shall find a friend who would weep with those who weep, and whose hand would fold back the shadow that has fallen upon them, and bid them trust in God.

The Bolivar Bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 25 Jan. 1868, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.