During the past fiscal year, the Government has buried the remains of 341,670 soldiers at the expense of $1,144,791.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 19 Jan. 1867, Page 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

We notice by a late number of that excellent paper, the Memphis Commercial and Argus, that W. J. SMITH is spoken of as “the representative from Hardeman.” This is an error. The people of this staunch old county have said in convention that he is not their servant – neither do they wish to be “dubbed” has constituents”. Lash him as much as you many, but do not say that he represents Hardeman county in the Tennessee legislature. Facts do not warrant the assertion. Don’t say it!!

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 02 Feb. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

This section of the District of West Tennessee is sadly in need of mail facilities. No mails are transported in this county, only those that pass over the railroads.

In former times our people could boast of as many post offices as those of any other county in the State, but now the general complaint is that it is impossible to send or receive anything sent through the United State mail bags without the party is conveniently located to Bolivar. Just east of us lies the county of McNairy, and it is almost useless to attempt communication between its county site, Purdy, and this place. Business demands that the country postal routes be reopened.

Will the Hon. John W. LEFTWICK look to this and alleviate the back woods condition in which we are in? Anything done by him in this line will be doubly appreciated by this entire district. Open the old routes and let us have free and uninterrupted communication. Our future welfare depends upon it.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 Feb. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

An election for municipal officers was held in Somerville on the 24th of January, but the “powers that be” refuse to allow the gentlemen elected to serve. Cause – they are anti-radical, and have the audacity to assert that a white man is better than a negro!

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 Feb. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

The radicals of McNairy county held a meeting in the town of Purdy on the 27th January, and appointed delegates to the coming convention which is to assemble at Nashville on the 22nd. Fielding HURST was called to the chair. The delegates chosen were instructed to vote for BROWNLOW as the radical candidate for Governor, for HURST for congressman from this district, and in case he declined to make the race to vote for W. J. SMITH.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 Feb. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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The following is a synopsis of business transacted in the county court of Hardeman county at the February term, 1867.


John HOWE appointed administrator on the estate of B. MCMAHAN, dec’d.

W. A. MASH appointed administrator on the estate of Nancy SHINAULT, dec’d.

James J. BROOKS appointed administrator on the estate of M. H. BOYD, dec’d.

J. J. POLK appointed guardian to W. P. and Ida F. FOWLER.

A. MAYFIELD appointed guardian to Francis SPURLIN.

Thomas J. AYERS constable elect in district 16 entered into bond and duly qualified.

S. L. PREWITT constable elect in district 1, entered into bond and duly qualified.

William H. WEBB apprenticed to J. S. NEELY until he arrives at the age of 21 years.

Paul, Silas and Manuel, colored children, apprenticed to John TAYLOR until they arrive at the age of 21 years.

J. M. M. and Reuben J. SILLS, white children, apprenticed to William RUSH until they arrive at the age of 18 years.

The last Will and Testament with codicels thereto of Ann E. FITZHUGH, dec’d, probated.

Report special commissioners appointed to purchase a suitable home for Mrs. C. USSERY, widow of M. C. USSERY, dec’d, filed and confirmed.

Order to pay the heirs of John HARRIS, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of J. B. MOTLEY, dec’d.

Order to pay the adm’r of S. CARPER, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of William PIRTLE, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of William POWELL, dec’d.

Order to loan money belonging to Mrs. M. P. ROBERTS.

Order allowing Isaac W. PIRTLE, adm’t of estate of B. W. PIRTLE, dec’d, credit for $33, Confederate money belonging to said estate.

Order releasing T. E. MOORE, guardian, from interest.

Order releasing H. BISHOP and H. HARKINS, guardians, from interest.

Order authorizing J. C. PREWITT, adm’r of J. E. LAKE‘s estate to sell coin belonging to said estate.

Order allowing William MCKINNIE, guardian, credit for $200, Confederate money.

Order appointing commissioners to set apart one years’ provisions to Mrs. Jane MARSH.

One jury of view report filed and approved.

Nine appointments of overseers of roads.

Report commissioners appointed to divide land of S. P. MCKINNIE, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of R. DIAL, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of Bryant JOHNSON, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of Mary RODGERS, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of R. M. CALLAHAN, filed and excepted to and the bidding ordered to stand open until next term.

Report sale land belonging to W. C. USSERY, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of Thomas DOYLE, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Resignation of R. GALLOWAY as constable of district 10 tendered and accepted.

Order requiring the sheriff to open and hold elections in districts 16, 5 and 10 to fill vacancies of justice of the peace, school commissioner and constable.

Order guardian adlitem, order reference and order sale land in case of R. A. BARHAM et al. vs. heirs of J. A. BARHAM, dec’d.

Order guardian adlitem, order pro confesso in case of Sarah GRANTHAM vs. heirs of Alvin GRANTHAM, dec’d.

Order appointing commissioners to divide lands of Alvin GRANTHAM, dec’d.

Order appointing Notaries Public for the county as follows: C. H. ANDERSON, Bolivar; William H. TODD, Saulsbury; R. B. RUFFIN, Toone Station.

Order allowing W. J. DAVIS, adm’r of C. COPE, dec’d, until next term to settle.

Order authorizing W. H. TODD, adm’r of J. H. RAINER, dec’d, to sell uncurrent money belonging to said estate.

Report of the first pro rata statement in insolvent estate of John E. MASTIN, dec’d, presented, approved, and the adm’r ordered to pay out to creditors.

Report of the first pro rata statement in insolvent estate of Isaac T. CREWS, dec’d, presented, approved, and the administrator ordered to pay out to creditors.

Order appointing commissioner to assign dower to Mrs. E. L. NEARIN.

Order appointing commissioner to assign dower to Mrs. Syrena RAY.

Order granting the Clerk and Master further time to take the account of advancements in estates of A. DEAN and Catherine MCCARTER, dec’d.

Report commissioners appointed to set apart one years’ provisions each to Mrs. Sarah GATEWOOD and Manima WEBB, filed and approved.

Report receipts of creditors in the insolvent estate of J. S. BAGLEY, dec’d, filed and approved.

The following settlements, inventories and account sales presented, approved and ordered to be recorded and filed, to-wit:

A settlement with Francis FENTRESS, adm’r of estate of J. R. FENTRESS, dec’d.

A settlement with A. TURNER, executor of estate of Ann HUMBLE, dec’d.

A settlement with Pryor WEBB, guardian of B. F. and R. MASHBURN.

A settlement with A. RAMSEY, guardian of T. J. JOYNER.

A settlement with W. SMITH, guardian of heirs of Levi PEARCE, dec’d.

A settlement with N. H. DUNLAP, guardian of V. W. HINES.

A settlement with E. E. LOW, guardian of M. J. DENSON.

A settlement with Wood & Smith, trustees of Schuyler & Shirley.

A settlement with Jerome HILL, guardian of P. M. HUDDLESTON.

An inventory property of Schuyler & Shirley by Wood & Smith, trustees.

An inventory property of R. MCMAHAN, dec’d, by John HOWE, administrator.

An inventory property of S. WEST, dec’d, by Ann M. ROPER, administratrix.

An inventory property of P. M. HUDDLESTON, by Jerome HILL, trustee.

An inventory property of R. M. MCCOMMON, dec’d, by W. H. TODD, adm’r.

An inventory property of William MOORE, dec’d, by J. M. TAYLOR, executor.

An inventory property of Thomas KERR, dec’d, by J. B. ROWLAND, administrator.

An inventory property of Sampson CARPER, dec’d, by P. M. DERRYBERRY, adm’r.

An inventory property of M. H. BOYD, dec’d, by J. J. BROOKS, adminstrator.

An inventory property of M. J. DENSON, dec’d, by E. E. LOW, administrator.

An inventory property of J. B. MOTLEY, dec’d, by Rufus ARCHER, administrator.

An inventory property of Jane EAGIN, dec’d, by M. BROOKS, administrator.

An account sale property of James AVENT, dec’d, by J. J. POLK, administrator.

An account sale property of J. M. KIRK, dec’d, by A. H. THORNTON, administrator.

An account sale property of Thomas E. CHAMBERS, dec’d, by J. P. CHAMBERS, executor.

An account sale property of J. B. MOTLEY, dec’d, by Rufus ARCHER, administrator.

An account sale property of heirs of H. J. MCKINNIE by D. MCKINNIE, guardian.


The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 16 Feb. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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The following is a synopsis of business transacted in the County Court at Hardeman county, at its January term, 1867.

An election held for Chairman and Quorum Justices for the year 1867, which resulted in the election of John H. BILLS, Chairman; and A. H. ROSE and J. B. FAWCETT, Quorum Justices.

Order levying the following taxes on property, polls and privileges for 1867, to wit: for county purposes on each $100 worth of taxable property, 12-1/2 cents; taxable free poll, 50 cents; merchants, druggists, peddlers, grocers, jewelers, confectioners or tippling houses, $25; circuses, shows or concerts for profit each day, $25. Foreign insurance companies having an agency in Hardeman count, $12.50.

The following persons were appointed to serve as Jurors at the February term of the Circuit Court, to-wit;
district no. 1, J. H. MCLELLAND and J. C. PREWITT
district no. 2, William POWELL and Theophilus HIGGS
district no. 3, J. J. POLK and Thomas BOYLE
district no. 4, J. W. WILKES and James MITCHELL
district no. 5, Milton CROSS and Robert CLINTON
district no. 6, C. H. DORION, William NUCKOLLS and W. R. KEARNEY
district no. 7, B. F. USSERY and J. B. WILKERSON
district no. 8, Alexander BLACK and R. S. CARTER
district no. 9, S. T. AVENT and S. R. MCALEXANDER
district no. 10, D. A. FERGUSON and Burrell SAULS
district no. 11, Henley STONE and W. S. CARSON
district no. 12, W. R. HOWELL and J. S. SASSER
district no. 13, John CRAWFORD and William MCKINNIE
district no. 14, Thomas E. MCCLENDON and J. B. YOUNG
district no. 15, Matthew BROOKS and W. B. RAINEY
district no. 16, A. B. CRAIN and Thomas BLAIR
district no. 17, Hamon HUDSON and Valentine FREASE
F. F. MYERS and James MURDAUGH, constables, to wait on said court.

The following names persons were appointed revenue commissioners for the year 1867:
district 1, J. C. PREWITT
district 2, A. H. ROSE
district 3, J. J. POLK
district 4, J. W. WILKES
district 5, M. CAMPBELL
district 6, C. H. DORION
district 7, D. J. NEWBERN
district 8, J. W. HOLDFORD
district 9, S. T. AVENT
district 10, P. M. CRAWFORD
district 11, A. H. THORNTON
district 12, W. R. HOWELL
district 13, J. M. MITCHELL
district 14, Wiley FORT
district 15, W. B. RAINEY
district 16, George MCCLENDON
district 17, Charles MCCOMMON

A statement with J. WATSON, County Trustee, was presented showing amount received by him during the year 1866, of $6,179.81, and amount paid out of $6,576.03, leaving in his favor of $396.22, which settlement was approved and ordered to be recorded.

A settlement of the county revenue collected by the clerk county court on privileges for the year 1866, amounting to $1,900.25 was presented, approved and ordered to be recorded, and the County Trustee’s receipt for the amount, which was also approved.

A statement of the County Revenue collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the year 1866, amounting to $19.50, was presented, approved and ordered to be recorded and the county Trustee’s receipt for the amount, which was also approved.

Ordered that the chairman be allowed $2.50 per day for services as presiding magistrate, and $50 per quarter as financial agent, and the Quorum Justices be allowed $2 per day for services holding court, and that the Justices each be allowed $2 per day for attending and holding the quarterly courts for the year 1867.

Ordered that the review commissioners be allowed $20 each for assessing the taxes in their respective districts for the year 1867.

Order appointing George S. GIBSON, A. COX and Grove ROOK commissioners for the poor for the year 1867.

Appropriations made amounting to $1,062.21.

Order requesting the court house commissioners to prepare a plan and let the building of a new court house, subject to the approval of the court at its April term, and adding John H. BILLS to the list of commissioners.

Order fixing the rates of ferriage the same as 1866, which is as follows, to-wit; for each footman, 5 cents; for each man and horse, 10 cents; for each horse, mule, jack or jannet, 5 cents; for each head of cattle, 5 cents; for each head of sheep, goat or hog, 2-1/2 cents; for each 2 horse wagon, 50 cents; for each 4 horse wagon, 75 cents; for each 6 horse wagon, one dollar, and the same where oxen are used in place of horses; for each carriage, carryall or hack, 75 cents; for each pleasure carriage, 75 cents; for each buggy 50 cents; and that all persons residing in the county of Hardeman be allowed to cross at half price, and that the different ferry keepers be required to keep posted at their ferries the above rates of toll.

The commissioner of registration reported the following number of voters registered to the 1st of January, 1867, to-wit: Class 1, 28; Class 2, 6; Class 3, 59; and Class 4, 228. Total, 321.

Resignation of A. B. CRAIN as constable of district 16 tendered and accepted and an election ordered to fill the vacancy.

Order requiring the sheriff to open and hold elections in districts 1, 11 and 17 to fill the vacancies of constables.

James MURDAUGH, constable elect in district 15, entered into bonds and duly qualified.

The last Will and Testament of Mary A. C. BUTTS probated; William E. TOMLINSON, executor.

Order releasing T. S. ROBERTSON from $4.55 over assessment on lands for the year 1866.

Application of Aaron LEDFORD and Benjamin VAUGHAN to establish ferries on Hatchie river granted, upon their executing bond as required by law.

William TISDALE appointed guardian to Thomas CREWS and JOSEPH CREWS, minors of W. H. CREWS, dec’d.

David ROWLAND appointed administrator on the estate of Thomas KERR, dec’d.

Abel STEWART appointed administrator on the estate of Whit STEWART, dec’d.

E. E. LOW appointed administrator on the estate of Maria J. DENSON, dec’d.

A. M. STATLER appointed administrator on the estate of James P. STATLER, dec’d.

A. M. STATLER appointed guardian to Ella STATLER, minor of Samuel STATLER, dec’d.

Mary A. PIRTLE appointed guardian to Bettie and Mollie STATLER, minors of Samuel STATLER, dec’d.

The last Will and Testament of John A. CARUTHERS, dec’d probated; William A CARUTHERS executor.

Jim, a colored boy, aged 9 years, apprenticed to W. W. MCCARLEY until he shall arrive at the age of 21 years.

Conner, a colored boy, aged 10 years, apprenticed to D. A. ROBINSON until he shall reach 21 years.

Report of commissioners appointed to assign dower to Mrs. Marcella FOSTER, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report of commissioners appointed to assign dower to Mrs. Jane ELKS, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Order removing funds belonging to the heirs of F. FLYNT, dec’d to Woodruff county, Arkansas.

Report of commissioners appointed to divide land belonging to J. W. CASEY, dec’d, among his heirs, filed and confirmed and title decreed to the parties.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of Bryant JOHNSON, dec’d, filed and accepted to, and order to resell.

Report sale land belonging to estate of Mary RODGERS, dec’d, filed and excepted to, and order to resell the same.

Report of commissioners appointed to assign dower and divide the lands of James AVENT, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to the parties.

Report of commissioners appointed to assign dower to Eliza P. FORBES, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report of commissioners appointed to assign dower to Mary A. BARHAM, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report commissioners appointed to assign dower to Laura M. LAKE, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale land belonging to estate of M. C. USSERY, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

Mrs. V. E. HUNT, administratrix estate of J. W. HUNT, dec’d, allowed further time to make settlement of the same.

Order appointing commissioners to lay off one years’ provisions to Mrs. Manima WEBB.

Order dismissing the motion of Mrs. F. PETTUS for dower in personalty of W. T. PETTUS, dec’d.

Order W. H. BLACK, adm’r estate of J. K. FERGUSON, dec’d to sell gold belonging to the estate.

John M. MITCHELL appointed administrator on the estate of Allen COX, dec’d.

Richard BRIGHT, colored, appointed anm’r on estate of Douglas BRIGHT, colored.

James COLEMAN appointed guardian to Mary, Ellen, Margaret and James COLEMAN.

Application of H. and W. MOORE to establish a ferry on Hatchie river granted, and bond executed.

Order authorizing John W. NUCKOLLS, adm’r of Starling NUCKOLLS, dec’d, to sell railroad stock belonging to said estate.

Order to pay heirs of J. P. COSBY, dec’d.

Order appointing commissioners to divide land allot to N. M. MCKINNEY his share or 1/3 part in value.

Report sale land belonging to estate of Eli COX, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

Order appointing commissioners to divide land belonging to estate John GRAMPS, dec’d, and allot to R. C. HARDWICK 1/2 of the same.

Order pro-confesso in case of R. C. HARDWICK vs. O. C. SIMMONS and wife et al.

Order to pay heirs of Martha CREWS, dec’d.

Report sale land belonging to estate William SIMPSON, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

George, a colored boy, apprenticed to Mrs. Amanda L. M. COATS until he arrives at the age of 18 years.

Five appointments of overseers of roads.

Four Jury of View appointments.

Order legitimating and changing name of George COATS, colored, to George MCNEAL.

Order pro-confesso in case of P. M. CRAWFORD vs. heirs of R. M. CALLAHAN, dec’d.

Order sale land belonging to estate of R. M. CALLAHAN, dec’d.

Order sale land belonging to the estate of Roderick BARNES, dec’d.

Order guardian adlitem and order reference in case of Grove ROOK vs. heirs of W. F. AYERS, dec’d, and order sale land belonging to the estate of W. F. AYERS, dec’d.

Order guardian adlitem and order reference in case of D. F. HAM, adm’r vs. heirs of M. H. LAKE, dec’d, and order sale land belonging to estate of M. H. LAKE, dec’d.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of C. and T. MCCARTER, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of Isaac T. CREWS, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

Report account of advancements and order reference in case of J. B. HARDAGE and wife et al. vs. H. J. DEAN, et.al.

Order sale land belonging to the estate of Alsey DEAN, dec’d.

Report sale land and lots belonging to the estate of N. ROBERTS, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

J. H. BILLS, J. B. FAWCETT and R. S. CARTER, Justices of the Peace, executed small offence bonds as required by law.

Margaret MCMAHAN appointed adm’rx of the estate of Bernard MCMAHAN, dec’d.

Eldridge JOURDAN appointed adm’r of the estate of Martha E. JOURDAN, dec’d.

Report sale of one tract land belonging to the estate of Thomas DOYLE, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchaser, and exceptions filed as to sale of one other tract, and order to resell the same.

Order to pay the administrator of estate of Thomas DOYLE, dec’d.

Report commissioners appointed to assign dower to Violet LUTTRELL, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Order sale land belonging to the estate of Colbert LUTTRELL, dec’d.

Order guardian adlitem and order reference in case of Violet LUTTRELL, et al. vs. heirs of C. LUTTRELL, dec’d.

Report sale land belonging to the estate of John FIELDS, dec’d, filed and excepted to, and the bidding ordered to stand open until the next term.

Order to pay heirs ARMSTEAD, dec’d.

Order to pay heirs William POWELL, dec’d.

Order continuance in the case of R. P. NEELY et al. vs. E. C. CRISP et al.

John, Jordan, Adaline, Emily and Martha NEW, colored children, apprenticed to A. WILKERSON, colored.

Order requiring W. J. DAVIS, adm’r of C. COPE, dec’d, to make settlement with the clerk.

Two overseers of road appointments.

Report sale of town lot belonging to the estate of W. T. PETTUS, dec’d, filed and excepted to, and order to resell the same.

Jesse WOOD and Evelina BILLS, colored children, apprenticed to R. H. WOOD.

Order for the county surveyor to resurvey the dower of Mrs. M. A. PIRTLE.

Report of advancements in case of John I. SIMPSON et al. vs heirs of William SIMPSON, dec’d, filed and confirmed and order to pay the heirs.

Report commissioners appointed to lay off one years’ provisions to Jane ELKS, filed and confirmed.

Receipts of the creditors of the insolvent estate of J. R. PRICE, dec’d, filed, approved and ordered to be recorded.

Order to pay the heirs of Eli COX, dec’d.

Order to pay heirs of N. ROBERTS, dec’d.

B. F. USSERY, George MCCLENDON and S. T. AVENT, Justices of the Peace, entered into small offence bonds as required by law.

The following settlements, inventories and account sales presented, approved and ordered to be recorded and filed, to-wit:
A settlement with D. F. HAM, adm’r estate of M. H. LAKE, dec’d.
A settlement with W. B. CAVNAR, adm’r of estate of E. CAVNAR, dec’d.
A settlement with John MURDAUGH, adm’r of the estate of John BRINKLEY, dec’d.
A settlement with J. G. CHISUM, adm’r of the estate of R. PIRTLE, dec’d.
A settlement with J. H. ROBINSON, guardian of the heirs of MCLARTY, dec’d.
A settlement with M. MCKINLEY, guardian of the heirs of F. FLYNT, dec’d.
A settlement with E. E. LOW, guardian of Maria J. DENSON.
An inventory of property estate of John CULLIGAN, dec’d, by Kate CULLIGAN, adm’rx.
An account sales property estate of Lott FOSTER, dec’d, by Amos FOSTER, administrator.
An account sales property estate of J. R. FENTRESS, dec’d, by F. FENTRESS, adm’r.
An account sales property estate of W. GALLOWAY, dec’d, by W. H. TODD, adm’r.
An account sales property estate of Alsey DEAN, dec’d, by J. A. and H. J. DEAN, adm’r.
An account sales property estate of James MILLS, Sr., dec’d, by W. B. HENRY, adm’r.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 26 Jan. 1867, Page 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

We are pleased to state to the public that ample arrangements have been made for the approaching Spring session of this favorite school, and that the trustees have secured the services of the following competent and trustworthy teachers: Miss Mary A. GALLOWAY, principal; Mrs. Ann FENTRESS, primary department’ Mrs. Dr. J. W. NELSON, teacher of music, drawing, painting and embroidery. Parties who live at a distance, and who desire to patronize the Bolivar Female Academy can secure good homes for their daughters or wards in highly respectable families on reasonable terms. As will be seen from a card in another column, no boys will be admitted to the school this session.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Jan. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

This Spring session of this school will commence on the 21st day of the present month. A card from J. Milton HUBBARD, principal, appears in another column. It will also be seen that Mr. HUBBARD intends to secure the services of a competent assistant whenever the patronage of the school justifies it. It is evident that the present number of students in attendance at the academy is not sufficient to employ two good teachers. It is true that Mr. HUBBARD has been teaching a large number of boys for the past year, (upon an average about thirty-four), but it must be gratifying to the patrons of the school that during a scholastic year, about two hundred and fifty hours more are spent in teaching than in any other school of the same grade. The principal challenges comparison as regards the scholarship of his students with those of any other school. It rests with the friends of this school whether or not it shall have an assistant teacher.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Jan. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

At an election held for district constable in district 15 of this county the following ‘heavy vote’ was polled:

James MURDAUGH …… 2 votes
Thomas RUFFIN ……. 1 vote

District 15 being one of the largest in the county, it can readily seen how the franchise law operates.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Jan. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.