
W. J. SMITH, the “stern Radical from Hardeman,” is looking after State Senatorial honors! Poor fellow; he will look in vain!

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 27 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

A Southern contemporary calls attention to the fact that the 26th of April, the day chosen by the ladies of the South for decorating the graves of our loved and lost, in the late terrible but unsuccessful struggle for independence, will soon be at hand. On that day let all work be laid aside by fair and lovely “woman,” that she may wend her way to the last resting place of our hero dead, and enshroud their low and earthly mounds with wreaths of evergreen and beautiful spring flowers, and drop on silent tear upon the spot which enshrines the manly forms of those who yielded up their lives for us, so cheerfully.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 20 April 1867, Page 4. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

We have seen a beautiful present that was sent from Middle Tennessee to one of our most esteemed fellow citizens. It is a highly finished walking cane, cut from off the memorable battle-field of Franklin, and bears this inscription: “Battlefield of Franklin. To J. H. Bills by James Allison, 1867.” It will, no doubt, be handed down for years to come as a memento of one of the fiercest conflicts that ever took place on American soil, and the sight of the token will never fail to call up memories of the loved and lost, for it grew upon the ground that drank the vital tide of the lamented Cleburne, and over fourteen hundred of his lion-hearted comrades in arms.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 20 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

A sad affair occurred in the town of Somerville on Saturday evening. Two youths named Derritt O. MOSELEY and John REEVES were playing, when they quarreled and commenced fighting, the affray being ended by the former drawing a pistol and shooting the latter. The ball entering the abdomen of the unfortunate boy, and he survived but a few moments. The affair caused a marked sensation in the community. The murdered boy is a son of Judge REEVES. The frequent serious results from carrying firearms should impel all good citizens to frown down the pernicious practice of carrying them, and cause our lawmakers to provide severe punishment for all persons guilty of carrying deadly weapons. (Public Ledger 16th)

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 20 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Two companies of U. S. troops (white) have been stationed at Humbolt.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 20 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

A company of U.S. troops have been stationed at Union City.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 20 April 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

PROCLAMATION – State of Tennessee, Executive Department, Nashville, April 12, 1867

Whereas, the General Assembly, on the 8th day of March 1867, passed an act the 3rd and 4th sections of which are in the words and figures following to-wit:

Section 3: “Be it further enacted, that the registration in the county of Davidson, heretofore had under the Franchise Act of May 3, 1866, be and is hereby declared null and void, and no person shall be entitled to vote by virtue of any certificate issued under said registration.”

Section 4: “Be it further enacted, that the provisions of this act shall extend to any other county in this State when it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor that frauds and irregularities have intervened in the registration of voters in such county, and the Governor shall make known such fact and set aside said registration by proclamation.”

And whereas, it has been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Governor that frauds and irregularities have intervened in the registration of voters in our counties of Benton, Coffee, Franklin, HARDEMAN, Humphreys, Lincoln, Stewart and Wilson.
Now, therefore, I, William G. BROWNLOW, Governor of the State of Tennessee, by virtue of the power conferred, and in discharge of the duties imposed upon me by the 3rd and 4th sections above recited, of the act passed March 8th, 1867, do hereby set aside, and declare null and void, all registration of voters heretofore had in said counties of Benton, Coffee, Franklin, HARDEMAN, Humphreys, Lincoln, Stewart and Wilson, except such registration as has been or shall be made by the respective Commissioners of Registration in said counties appointed under the provisions of the act of February 25th, 1867, entitled, “an act to alter and amend an act passed May 3, 1866,” and no person in either of said counties shall be entitled to vote by virtue of any certificate issued by any Commissioners appointed under the provisions of the act passed May 3rd, 1866.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at the Executive Department in Nashville, this 12th day of April, A.D., 1867.

By the Governor,

“It has been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Governor that frauds have been perpetrated in the county of HARDEMAN,” says W. G. BROWNLOW. Three hundred loyal voters in this county, and his own chosen officer, ask him for the name of him, who made it appear that “irregularities and frauds have intervened in the registration of voters” in Hardeman. Will he particularize more and generalize less?

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 20 April 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Death of Col. Andrew J. POLK

The Columbia Herald says; “The numerous friends of this generous-hearted gentleman will receive with pain and sorrow the announcement of this death, which occurred at Vevay, near Lake Geneva, in Switzerland, on the 1st of March last. Col. POLK was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 10th of August, 1824, and was therefore in his 43rd year. The greater portion of his life, however, was spent in Maury county. Col. POLK‘s health gave way during the way, and about two years ago he sought the mild climate of Switzerland, in the hope of mending his shattered constitution, but alas! as so often happens, the hope was delusive.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 13 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

About the time of the surrender, as we are informed, CLARK killed a man in Somerville. A true bill was found against him for murder in the first degree. Last Wednesday the accused was arrested at Grand Junction by sheriff of this county and lodged in jail. We suppose he will be turned over to the authorities of Fayette at an early day.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 13 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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The following is a synopsis of business transacted in the County Court of Hardeman county at its April term, 1867.

The Court house Commissioners reported the adoption by them of a plan presented by Messrs. Willis and Sloan, of Memphis, which was approved by the Court, and further time granted said Commissioners to make and close contract for building, with leave open bidding for and during the present month, unless they may adjudge it the interest of the county to close contract at an earlier day.
The following persons were appointed to serve as jurors at the June term of the Circuit Court, to wit:

District No. 1; Milton PREWITT and Joseph WILLIAMS
” ” 2; Cannon SMITH and A. H. ROSE
” ” 3; Thomas GREEN and Jesse BLAYLOCK
” ” 4; James CREWS and Henry DUNCAN, Sr.
” ” 5; William CARUTHERS and D. C. HULL
” ” 6; E. P. MCNEAL and Montezuma JONES
” ” 7; S. H. DUNCAN and William G. SHEARIN
” ” 8; D. THORN and J. W. HOLDFORD
” ” 9; R. FORTUNE and David MACON
” ” 10; P. M. CRAWFORD and John CLARK
” ” 11; Joseph L. ROSSON, W. C. ADAMS and J. M. REAVES
” ” 12; David BISHOP and Michael CARRAWAY
” ” 13; Lycurgus SCOTT and A. D. NEILSON
” ” 14; Willie FORT and George S. GIBSON
” ” 15; R. H. VERNON and John G. CHISM
” ” 16; Abijah CRAIN and J. A. DEAN
” ” 17; John COSTON and Jarmon HUDSON

Ordered that the clause in order regulating prices of ferriage as regards allowing the county citizens to cross at half price, be stricked out, and that the price for crossing man and horse, each way, be ten cents.

Order releasing Tax Collector of insolvent taxes amounting to $203.80.

Order appropriating $236.80 to T. B. MCDOWELL, Clerk Circuit Court for bills of cost against the county.

Order appropriating to sundry persons for accounts against the county the sum of $175.60.

James R. RUFFIN, deputy sheriff, appointed by W. W. MCCARLY, sheriff, appeared and was duly qualified.

Resignation of W. B. RAINEY, a Justice of the Peace of District No. 15, tendered and accepted, and an election ordered to fill the vacancy.

Resignation of P. M. CRAWFORD, a Justice of the Peace of District No. 10, tendered and accepted, and an election ordered to fill the vacancy.

James LOWREY, a Justice of the Peace, elected in District No. 16, appeared and duly qualified.

The Commissioner of Registration reported 386 voters registered to April 1, 1867.

J. M. SHIVERS appointed administrator on the estate of G. B. BOWERS, dec’d.

H. HARKINS appointed administrator on the estate of William THOMPSON, dec’d.

James B. SIMMONS appointed administrator on the estate of W. T. WORRELL, dec’d.

Richard TALLEY appointed administrator on the estate of R. J. FORTNER, dec’d.

Alexander RAMSEY appointed administrator, with the will annexed, on the estate of Miss Ann E. FITZHUGH, dec’d.

S. H. DUNCAN, appointed administrator on the estate of Allen SEXTON, dec’d.

Philip LEATHERS appointed administrator on the estate of William LEATHERS, dec’d.

W. A. CARRINGTON appointed guardian of Mary Lea CARRINGTON.

M. H. PIRTLE appointed guardian of Jesse PIRTLE.

H. HARKINS appointed guardian of heirs of Ellen THOMPSON, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Elizabeth J. GAMBLE, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of John F. ARMSTEAD, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of William SIMPSON, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of John and John D. FUTRELL, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of E. KIRKLAND, dec’d.

Order to pay the administrator of J. S. JOURDAN, dec’d.

Order to pay the administrator of J. T. JONES, dec’d.

Order to pay the administrator of J. A. BARHAM,, dec’d.

Order to pay the administrator of W. F. AYRES, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of William PIRTLE, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Martha CREWS, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Eli COX, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of James LEATHERS, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Thomas THOMPSON, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of M. K. COLLINS, dec’d.

Order to pay the administrator of R. M. CALLAHAN, dec’d.

Order accepting resignation of Andrew SAIN, guardian of Elizabeth SAIN and appointing John A. MCKINNIE in his stead.

Order Clerk to issue copy, subpena and capias in case of L. B. FARRIS vs. Rhoden BOWERS.

Order allowing Commissioners appointed to divide the lands of Alvin GRANTHAM, dec’d, further time to report.

Order appointing Commissioners to assign dower to Parmelia KING, widow of William KING, dec’d.

Order pro confesso guardian aslitem and reference in case of W. S. DOUGHERTY, administrator vs. heirs of J. E. MASTIN, dec’d.

Order pro confesso and reference in case of J. J. SHINAULT, administrator, et al. vs. R. M. LAX and wife.

Order pro confesso guardian adlitem and reference in case of J. R. RAY et al. vs. John STRICKLAND et al.

Order pro confesso and guardian adlitem in case of J. W. ROSS and wife vs. D. C. HULL et al.

Order sale town lots belonging to the estate of J. E. MASTIN, dec’d.

Order sale land belonging to the estate of W. N. SHINAULT, dec’d.

Order sale land belonging to the estate of J. M. RAY, dec’d.

Report of Commissioners appointed to assign dower to Mrs. Syrena RAY filed and confirmed, and title decreed.

Report sale of land belonging to the estate of J. T. JONES, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

Report sale of land and lot belonging to the estate of James A. BARHAM, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchasers.

Report sale of land belonging to the estate of W. F. AYERS, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed.

Report sale of land belonging to the estate of R. M. CALLAHAN, dec’d, filed and confirmed and title decreed to purchaser.

Order for J. H. BRINT, adm’r estate of C. M. BROWN, dec’d, to sell uncurrent money belonging to said estate.

One jury of view appointment.

Twelve appointments of overseers of roads.

Order appointing Commissioners to set apart one year’s provisions to Sarah F. SEXTON.

Order for an election in District No. 11 for Constable to fill the vacancy of J. M. KIRK, dec’d.

Order judgement in favor or R. P. NEELY, former C & M vs E. C. CRISP et al.

Pro rata statement estate W. H. CREWS, dec’d, presented, approved and the administrator, J. B. FRANKLIN, ordered to pay account according to same.

The following settlements, inventories, etc., presented, approved and ordered to be recorded and filed, to wit:

A settlement with Bailey MACON, adm’r estate of J. S. JOURDAN, dec’d.

A settlement with W. H. TODD, adm’r estate of N. GATEWOOD, dec’d.

A settlement with J. B. FRANKLIN, adm’r estate of W. H. CREWS, dec’d.

A settlement with Isaac W. PIRTLE, adm’r estate of B. W. PIRTLE, dec’d.

A settlement with M. CARRAWAY, adm’r estate of C. M. CARRAWAY, dec’d.

A settlement with Andrew SAIN, guardian of Elizabeth SAIN.

A settlement with Wincey JOURDAN, guardian of J. S. JOURDAN, dec’d.

A settlement with T. W. HUDSON, guardian of M. and W. D. MCKINNIE, dec’d.

An inventory property estate of William PIRTLE, dec’d, by Pirtle and Chisum, adm’rs.

An inventory property estate of H. DAVIES, dec’d, by B. F. Davis, adm’r.

An inventory property estate of J. M. RAY, dec’d, by J. R. RAY, adm’r.

An inventory property estate of W. B. ELKS, dec’d, by P. M. CRAWFORD, adm’r.

An inventory property estate of Nancy SHINAULT, dec’d, by W. A. MASK, adm’r.

An inventory property estate of Martha DAY, dec’d, by E. H. DORRIS, adm’r.

An inventory and account sales property estate of C. BROWN, dec’d, by J. H. BRINT, adm’r.

An account sales property estate of Nancy ROSS, dec’d, by A. WILSON, adm’r.

An account sales property estate of E. DANIEL, dec’d, by G. W. DANIEL, adm’r.

An account sales property estate of William PIRTLE, dec’d by Pirtle & Chisum, adm’rs.

A receipt to W. A. MAY, adm’r of L. R. SUTTON, dec’d.

A receipt to Mary CARNES, guardian of heirs of D. B .CARNES, dec’d.


The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 13 April 1867, Page 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.