State vs. SCOTT, for murder, mistrial and continued to next court. The defendant re-newed his bond.
State vs. F. G. TROUSDALE, arson, stricken from the docket.
State vs. Isaiah THURMAN, larceny; stricked from docket.
State vs. Lee PREWITT, J. H. PREWITT and Tom TIPLER, assault and battery, defendants convicted, Lee and J H. PREWITT fined $10 each and Tom TIPLER $50.
State vs. Tom TIPLER, carrying a pistol, dismissed on defendants paying costs.
State vs. Bill REDD, col., bigamy, convicted and sent to Penitentiary for 2 years.
State vs. Ed CHAMBERS, unlawful retailing, verdict of not guilty.
State vs. Lee BROGDEN, gambling, not guilty.
State vs. Mack MURPHY, unlawful retailing, dismissed at defendants cost.
State vs. Thomas BOWLING, col., carrying pistol, verdict, not guilty.
State vs. Dock PIRTLE, larceny, guilty, 4 years in Penitentiary.
State vs. Thomas TATE, assault and battery, dismissed at defendants cost.
State vs. William ANDERSON, larcenyt, verdict, 1 year in Penitentiary.
State vs. Frank BAGWELL, larceny, verdict, 5 years in Penitentiary.
State vs. Arch SIMPSON, larceny, verdict, 5 years in Penitentiary.
State vs. George SIMPSON, larceny, not guilty.
State vs. W. E. HARRISON, forgery, verdict, 3 years in Penitentiary.
State vs. William FRANKLIN, larceny, 1 year in Penitentiary.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 26 March 1886, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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