Last Tuesday, Rev. N. A. D. BRYANT, registration officer for Hardeman, opened his books in this place and proceeded to issue certificates. We understand that he left on the Thursday evening train for the Junction, and that he will return to Bolivar on next Monday. About fifty certificates were issued by the officer while he was here, of this number, however, some ten or twelve are null and void, they having been issued to persons who hold commissions from the Governor, while the law itself provides that no certificate shall be valid based upon a commission issued since the 5th of June, 1865, and as the mistake was innocently made, parties are notified that the certificates so issued cannot be used.

There is only one or two persons in the county who hold commissions from the Governor, dated prior to the time above mentioned, consequently they are the only one who can legally register upon the grounds of having been commissioned by the chief State executive officer. Our people should bear in mind that but a few weeks intervene between this day and the first of August, and that it is all important that every man who can register should do so. As we said above, Mr. BRYANT will be here again on Monday, County Court day, for the purpose of discharging the duties of his office. We also learn that Tuesday next is the day on which the freedmen can come forward and claim their certificates. We are not advised of any other movements of the registration officer.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 29 June 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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