Throughout Middle and portions of East Tennessee, secret societies known as “Ku Klux” have been organized. The radical press of the State have charged that the objects of the society were disloyal and fraught with danger to every loyal man in the neighborhood of its existence. We clip the following from the Shelbyville Rescue of a late date:
The Ku Klux Klan: The following note which we received through the Post Office speaks for itself – “A card. As there are many surmises as to who and what we are, we propose (as far as we deem it prudent) to answer the question. In the first place we are men, living men! Armed it is true, but entirely harmless when let alone. We are neither murderers, assassisn, nor robbers. We seek no man’s life, desire no man’s property. We wish to injure no one – white or black – in person or in property. What then is our object? That’s our busines, “It is said that the Ku Klux is composed of unreconstructed Southerners. Who knows?
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 22 Feb. 1868, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.