Reliable information has been received that this fatal and alarming disease which has prevailed in may sections of the South during the past two months, no longer exists in Memphis, owing to the heavy frosts which have recently made their appearance there. The citizens are returning to their homes, the people from the country are flocking into the city, and business is resuming its natural channel. The only symptoms of disease which remains in all that section of the country is a few cases of chills and fever, which the Texas Tonic Syrup, as soon as it reaches them, will dispel. It has cured thousands of cases in North Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas during the past season. Many physicians are ignoring the use of quinine and substituting for it this wonderful remedy in their private practice, and we would say to all who are afflicted with this miserable disease, “Here is your remedy.”

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 Nov. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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