The project of forming a new county out of a portion of the southern part of Hardeman and the south-east corner of Fayette, is still engaging the attention of a good many persons who live along the Memphis and Charleston railroad. In the sections named above. Last week we endeavored to show the exact number of square miles that could be taken from this county – fifty – and asked where the three hundred additional square miles was to come from. So far, the question has not been answered, and, we presume, never will be. If, however, the new county should be formed, we are frank to say that Hardeman county will lose a handsome portion of her best lands and most wealthy and intelligent citizens. We learn that a survey of the proposed county is to be made at an early day. Should the project succeed, LaGrange, Grand Junction and Saulsbury will each strive for the location of the county site.
The Bolivar Bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 05 Oct. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.