Bolivar is sadly in need of a well organized fire company. Would it not be well to make an effort? Certainly there is enough at stake here even now to warrant such a step. Soon a magnificent court house, costing twenty-five thousand dollars, will be completed, and will actually demand protection from accident or incendiarism, besides, our town is so constructed, especially the business portion, that should a fire break out it would, in our present condition, be next to impossible to arrest a destructive conflagration. Insurance would be lessened to at least one-half, an item alone that would save the cost of an engine the first year. The proposition, from conversation with merchants and property holders, seems to meet with favor. Suppose we take hold of the matter and see what can be done. An organization can be perfected in a very short time; all that is needed is the machine. Who will set the ball in motion?
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 31 Aug. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.