Bolivar is being supplied with genuine Pittsburg coal at 39 cents per bushel! It is sent here by rail from Cairo. This is a new feature, and one that promises most beneficial results. During last winter, wood commanded at least seven dollars per cord, and at times as much as eight. Those who desire to rid themselves of this heavy tax during the coming winter should lose no time in having their fire places changed, grates put in, and a supply of coal secured. Those who have used coal know its superior advantages over wood, and those who have not, will be convinced of its cheapness on first trial. We learn that several of our citizens are determined to prepare their fireplaces for grates, as they intend to use coal instead of wood.
The Bolivar Bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 17 Aug. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.