The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial says, under date of the 6th; “The President is being petitioned by the citizens of Tennessee to disarm the militia in that State, by directing that the ten thousand stand of arms furnished by a resolution of Congress be placed in arsenals in lieu of being kept in what they term ‘active service.’ Unless this is done, it is declared that there will be civil war in that State.”
We have some curiosity to know what junta of scared fools have been bothering the President about this matter. We need have no fears of civil war in this State. The people have proved themselves law-abiding under the most trying circumstances that have ever surrounded a population matured and reared in civil liberty. Civil war can be inaugurated here only by BROWNLOW! As he values a whole skin he will not attempt it. In case he should be so foolhardy as to do it, ten thousand “melish” would scatter like frightened sheep, and he himself would probably be the first to reach Mason and Dixon’s line.
We have entered this campaign to dispose of the militia as well as the other feature of Brownlowism, in a more peaceful manner. Such appeals to the National Executive are untimely and unwise. They should in any event be held in abeyance, while we are endeavoring to remove the evil by other means. Andy JOHNSON is at best a broken reed on which ’tis rather unsafe to lean. Better fight our own fight. (Nashville Gazette).
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 18 May 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.