It was the general belief that the contract for building the new court-house would be let out at the April term of the County Court, but for reasons best known to the gentlemen who have the business in hand, an extension of one month’s time was asked for and allowed, however the commissioners have the power to close up the business at any time previous to the first of May, if they should think it proper to do so. The Court was quite liberal in its views save in one or two instances and granted the prayer of the Commissioners asking for a cash basis, and pledged itself to see that the money necessary for the building of the house should be forthcoming as the work progressed. The structure is to be completed by the first of January 1868.
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 April 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.