Hogish –
Another rider is up and will run on a straight-out hogish ticket for the penitentiary. The name of this new candidate for cheap boarding house favors is Henry FERGUSON, and he hails from the neighborhood of “Sunny Side.” Henry, it seems, in attempting to shoot a blackbird with an old English musket – half ounce ball – accidentally killed a very fine hog! Unfortunately for him, the owner of the same porker was in close proximity to the scene, and he forthwith pounced upon the unlucky marksman and brought him before Esquire BOYLE, who in default of $2,000 bail sent him to the “cheap boarding house” of Hardeman county, where he will remain until the case is investigated by the Circuit Court.
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 09 March 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.