We understand that arrangements have been made for the construction of a “Christmas Tree” on Monday evening, the 24th, at the Female Academy, where all who wish to make their friends feel happy by contributing to the “Tree” will have an opportunity of doing so. It is understood that a dance will close the program. On Wednesday evening, the 26th, the grand ‘Tableaux vivants’, gotten up by the young ladies and gentlemen of Bolivar, will take place in the large school Hall of the Female Academy. Some of our best musicians among the young ladies, have kindly consented to intersperse the scenes with music. The proceeds of this entertainment is to be given to the Monumental Society of Hardeman county. We hope to see every man and woman who wishes to pay a slight tribute to the memory of the fallen heroes of Hardeman county present on this occasion.
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 22 Dec. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.