We regret very much that it was out of our power to attend the grand tournament at LaGrange on last Tuesday and Wednesday. We learn from others that it was nice affair and reflected credit upon its managers. The prize of a fine horse on the first day and a fine gold watch on the second was awarded to Capt. Wiley JONES of Fayette county, he having taken the greatest number of rings each day. We know Wiley and can vouch for his horsemanship. We can never forget his kindness to us while a soldier and will always be proud to hear of his distinction. We understand our young friend Alex SWINEBROAD of this place was second best.

see more about the Tournament online …

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 03 Nov. 1866, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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