Next Friday is the day on which the tournament will be held. Everybody is earnestly requested to attend and thus contribute their mite to a noble cause. Many of the best riders in the south have entered their names as Knights, among whom are WALKER, TUCKER, MAYS, CROSS, and MEACHEN, who will contest gallantly for the prizes. A pleasant and interesting time is anticipated. Let all who can, witness the tournament here. In the evening a rare treat will be offered, as the young ladies of Bolivar will give a grand vocal and instrumental concert. Their programme, as arranged, embraces many of the most beautiful creations of the great composers, all of which, we can safely say, will be executed in a style as perfect as they are brilliant. Persons visiting the tournament and who have to travel by rail, will be required to pay half fare, that is, a return ticket will be furnished free of cost. For further particulars see advertisement in another column.
The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.