W. T. SOLOMON was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., May 18, 1855.  His father, W. C. Solomon, was born in 1818, in North Carolina, and came to Tennessee when quite small.  About 1853 he wedded Sallie C. Tarver, born in Columbus, Ga., in 1824. The father died in 1880.  At the age of sixteen our … Read more

SMITH, John A.

JOHN A. SMITH, farmer, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., October 27, 1855, son of Jasper N. and Sarah E. (Carrothers) Smith, and of English extraction.  The father was horn in Bedford County, Tenn., November 7, 1828, and the mother was born in the same county December, 1839. Our subject is first of eleven children … Read more

SMITH, George

GEORGE SMITH was born December 12, 1831, in Bedford County, Tenn., son of John E. and Nancy (Mayfield) Smith, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively.  The father was born in 1801 or 1802 and died about 1840.  He was a successful farmer.  The mother was born about 1806.  Our subject was the second of … Read more

SMALLING, Benjamin Forsyth

BENJAMIN FORSYTH SMALLING was born in what was Bedford County but now is part of Marshall County, Tenn., November 24, 1825.  He is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bostic) Smalling, and is of German lineage.  His father was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., about 1800, and his mother was born in Wilkes County, N. … Read more

SHOFNER, William J.

WILLIAM J. SHOFNER was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., May 3, 1819, and is a son of Christopher and Elizabeth (Jenning) Shofner, who died in 1826 and in 1845, respectively.  To them were born four daughters and four sons, three of whom are yet living. Our subject resided with his widowed mother on a farm … Read more


MONROE SHOFNER was born in Tennessee September 16, 1833. son of Austin and Rebecca (Cook) Shofner, natives of North Carolina, born August 16, 1801, and April 21, 1798, respectively.  The father was brought to Tennessee in 1807, and in 1818 married our subject’s mother and became the father of eight children:  Plummer W., Mitchell D., … Read more

SHAW, William S.

WILLIAM S. SHAW is a native of Bedford County, Tenn., and a son of William M. and Mahala (Wilson) Shaw, natives of North Carolina. Our subject was born May 26, 1834, and was reared on a farm, and received limited educational advantages.  At the age of twenty-two he began farming for himself, continuing until 1862, … Read more

SHAW, William M. (Rev.)

REV. WILLIAM M. SHAW, one of Bedford County’s old and prominent citizens, was born July 5, 1806, in Orange County, N. C., and immigrated to Bedford County, Tenn., in the year 1816.  He was the son of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Shaw, natives, respectively, of South Carolina and Maryland.  The father was born November 8, … Read more


REV. G. C. SANDUSKY was born January 25, 1834, in Wayne County, Ky., being one of a family of ten children born to the union of Jacob Sandusky and Elizabeth Burnett, natives of Kentucky, where they now live. Our subject was reared on a farm.  At the age of twenty-four he immigrated to Tennessee and … Read more

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