History, First Baptist Church, Parsons, Tennessee


Final Words

Our hearts break forth with joy as we review the history of our church and see what the Lord hath wrought through his people. From the accomplishments of the past we reap the harvest. It is to those who have served our church through long hard years that we are indebted.

First Baptist Church has been a beacon of light for our community. Men, women, and children have thrived in its warm fellowship, and through its doorways many have come to find Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. May we as a church face the future in christian love and unity.

As this committee brings its efforts at this important task to a close, we humbly apologize for incompleteness and for oversights that may have occurred. May this brief history be a blessing to our church and to the glory of God.

100th Anniversary Committee

Chaiman: Doris Fisher

Church History:

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Townsend

Church History and Pictures:

Raymond Townsend (Chairman)
Sophia Townsend
H.L. Townsend, Sr.
Ruth J. Townsend
Bill Fisher
O.C. Jordan

Displavs and Pictures:

Allie Mae Stevens (Chairman)
Wanda Conger
Kathleen Fisher
Sue Carrington
Sophia Townsend
Joy Ray

Music Committee:

Matt Plunk
Wanda Conger

Decorating Committee:

Sue Carrington (Chairman)
Joy Ray
Bertie Sue Smith

Fellowship Meal:

Brenda Pettigrew (Chairman)

Publicity Committee:

Olis Quinn, Jr. (Chairman)
Shelby Quinn
Doris Fisher
Bro. David Ray
Joy Ray

Special Activities Committee:

Doris Fisher (Chairman)
Debbie Maxwell
Jim Haggard
Teresa Haggard

Pictorial Committee:

Judy Tanner (Chairman)
Travis Tanner
Glynda Tate
Ralph Tate
Peggy Yates
Matt Plunk


Margaret Moore
Melinda Ward
Juanita White
Gussie Parson
Marilyn Russell

Centennial Quilt:

Gussie Parsons (Chairman)
Maxine Riggs

Special Recognition:

History Display Cabinet — Jack Maxwell
Stained Glass Window Frame — Johnny Fox
Centennial Quilt Case — Delmar Yarbro
Glass for Display Cabinet — Ralph Smith
Courtyard Flower Boxes — Howard Belew, Ottis Pettigrew, Bill Fisher
Sign Flower Bed — Sue Carrington, Olis Quinn, Jr.
Typesetter — Matt Plunk
Photographer — Phil Maxwell
Printer — David Renfroe
Martin Fisher — Music Memorabilia

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