Antioch News and Other Articles

by Mrs. A.H. Taylor

May 21, 1959 Lexington Progress

Antioch News by Mrs. A. H. Taylor

We were saddened to learn of the passing of H. W. Creasy. The writer went to school to him a long time ago at old "Pleasant Grove" school in Dunbar community in Decatur County. After this building burned, another was erected not far from where the old one stood. This one, which is still standing, was new "Pleasant Grove" school and Turman's Creek Baptist Church. Mr. Creasy taught two or three schools there. School continued there until about 1951. Mr. Creasy was one of those teachers, who though having 50 or 60 pupils, still found time to have review sessions and to give words of encouragement where they were needed.

We usually had spelling bees and ciphering matches on Friday afternoons when parents were cordially invited to visit. Teachers would sometimes visit the home of their pupils too.

Ray, J. M.

January 28, 1960 Lexington Progress

Antioch News by Mrs. A. H. Taylor: We were sorry to learn of the death of J. M. Ray of Decatur County. Mr. Ray, who was 91 years of age, was a retired farmer, who for many years, ran a sorghum mill, and was considered one of the best sorghum makers in the area in which he lived. [Marker in Old Center Cemetery, Decatur County, for J. M. Ray: 1868-1960; N. J. Ray: 1871-1959]

Forum, Editor, The Progress

Although living on a farm means plenty of hard work, it has compensations too. There is beauty all around us, if we have "the eyes to see." Here are a few thoughts I jotted down as they came to me one summer morning.

We arose early; having done the breakfast dishes, I went to the garden while dew was still on the roses. Although the sun was way up and there was the prospect of another hot day, the freshness of the morning remained. The rose moss showed several beautiful colors as well as pure white blooms. The freshly mowed grass gave out a sweet odor; the four o'clocks which are "pretty-by-night" had not yet closed their blossoms. To my delight I saw a bunch of blooms on the red crape myrtle; the mocking bird was singing his chorus in the elm tree. Why did I say "mocking bird"? Well, he is a nearby neighbor though I'm not sure just where his home is.

I picked some snap beans, remembering all the while that our grandmothers said, "Don't handle the vines while the leaves are wet." Dew sparkling on red blooms was like rubies, sun shining on green leaves and plants were emeralds and gleaming white petunias were like pearls.

Having filled my pan with beans, reluctantly, I turned and went into the house, wishing I could take the outdoors inside.—Mrs. A. H. Taylor [Longtime Antioch community correspondent for The Lexington Progress]

October 9, 1969 Lexington Progress

What Reading Has Meant To Me (by Mrs. A. H. Taylor)

As a child, I would listen to my mother read. There were very few books in the home. But the McGuffey series of readers contained some of the best reading for children. Then when we were old enough to go to school there were more good stories, poems and excerpts from books for children and young folks.

How I longed to read all of "Little Women", "Little Men", "The Little Confederates", "Huckleberry Finn", and others. I think the first book I ever owned was "Lots of Joys for Little Girls and Boys". It had many rhymes and stories and I practically memorized the book.

There was a summer school and a winter school, often with a different teacher for each. I shall never forget the delight that a small plain book case with 15 or 18 volumes brought to our little one room school house. We read during recess; skipping the fun of playing games and building play houses. Often we'd slip a book over our textbook and would finish a story after "books". No, we didn't get all the books read. After summer school was out, the school house burned down and all the good books were lost. To us, it was a tragedy.

When our children were in school, they had choice of many books to read, which we were glad and read many of them.

Through the years, I've had many hobbies or interests, I call them, but not only pleasure but for information, and inspiration, too, reading has meant the most to me. I've made scrapbooks of different things, clippings collected, sometimes over several years. Some were lost in a fire when our house burned, some were saved, and I've made more since that time. I hope I shall always be able to read.