History Notes for Erasmus Midyett

Source for the following: Madison Co., Deed Bk. 4; Pg. 60

William Cogburn & his wife Charlotte of Madison Co., sold to John McClellan of Madison Co., for $45.00, a tract of land containing 25 acres lying in Madison Co. on the north side of the Forked Deer River in Range #2, Section #9 and bound on the south boundary line of Entry #547 for 169 acres in the name of E. Crutcher. This indenture was made Jan. 5, 1835.
Wit: M. Midgett William (x) Cogburn
Erasmus R. Midgett ** Charlotte (x) Cogburn
Reg: Jan. 8, 1835

Source for the following: Madison Co., Deed Bk. 5; Pg. 459

Sugars McLemore of Madison Co., Tn. sold to Young A. McLemore, for $900.00 and in compliance with a bond given by said Sugars McLemore to said Young A. McLemore on Feb. 9, 1835 for the conveyance of a tract of land in Madison Co., Dist. #10, Range #2, Section #9 on the waters of the South Forked River, it being the tract of land which James Ewing conveyed to said Sugars McLemore on Dec. 29, 1834 containing 300 acres and entered in the name of Alexander Ewing by Entry #23. This indenture was made February 14, 1837.
Wit: M. Midyett Sugars McLemore
E.R. Midyett
Reg: Nov. 17, 1837

Source for the following: Minutes Of Brown’s Creek Baptist Church (1835-1881)
(Changed to “Woodland Church” September 1870)

A list of male members of this church show E.R. Midyett, James A. Midyett and John A. Midyett. A list of female members of this church show Kate Midyitt, Nancy R. Midyett, Mary E. Midyett, Sarah Midyett as dead, and Patience A.P. Batchelor. A list of female slaves belonging to this church were Caroline & Polly, both property of E.R. Midyett.

August 1846
Erasmus Midyette & wife were accepted into this church by letters and was received.

Source for the following: Land Grants Card Catalog File–(Tennesse State Archives)

E.R. Midgett was issued land grant #2589 on October 25, 1846 for 215 3/4 acres in Haywood Co., Tn.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book M; Pg. 317-318

Alexander Batchelor of Haywood Co., Tn. sold to Erasmus R. Midyett of Haywood County, for $800.00, a tract of land in Haywood County, Range 4, Section 7, it being part of Entry #808 for 1000 acres in the name of Nathan Body and bounded by Thomas Cole’s south tract, containing 100 acres. This indenture was made March 16, 1847.
Wit: James A. Rogers Alex Bachellor
John A.M. Bachellor
Proved: April 2, 1847

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Court Minutes (Oct 1840-Jun 1850)

Pg. 374–October 4, 1847
Ordered by the justices being present and affirmatively that the county pay Erasmus Midyett the sum of $59.50 for building a bridge across Jeffries Creek.

Pg. 421–July 3, 1848
Ordered by the court that A. Batchelor, Erasmus Midyett & John H. Rose be appointed Commissioners to lay off and set apart one year’s provisions to Mrs. Parthene Mallett, widow of Isaac C. Mallett, dec’d., and report to the next term of this court.

Pg. 467–July Term 1849
Jury call included Erasmus Midyet of District #4.

Source for the following: 1850 Haywood Co., Tn. Census (Dist. #11)

Midgett, E.R. 35 NC
Patience 26 (Wife) GA
Nancy 9 (Dau) TN
John 8 (Son) TN
Thomas 6 (Son) TN
Mary 3 (Dau) TN

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Court Minutes (June 1850-Mar 1854)

Pg. 327–April 4, 1853
Ordered by the court that John Rose, Alexander Batchelor, And Erasmus Midgett be appointed Commissioners to view that portion of the Estnaula Road and over which Hugh Wilson is overseer and report to the next term of court whether repairs need to be made or not.

Pg. 426–January 1854
Ordered by the court that Erasmus Midgett, A. Batchelor And Samuel Anderson be appointed Commissioners to let out and superintend the levieing and bridging of the main road in Hatchie Bottom, leading from Mrs. Nancy Wilson’s toward Estnaula, said commissioners not to exceed in said contract the sum of $350.00 and on completion of said work they shall report the same to this court.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Court Minutes (Apr 1854-Nov 1857)

Pg. 1–April 3, 1854
E.R. Midgett was to serve as justice of the peace for Haywood County for the term of 6 years.

Pg. 78– October Term 1854
Ordered by the court that John Rose, Alexander Batchelor, William Maxwell, Erasmus Midgett & Emerson Walker be appointed commissioners to let out and superintend the building of a bridge across Jefferies Creek on the Brownsville and Estnaula Road and they report under oath to the next quarterly term of this court.

Pg. 261–December 1855
E.R. Midgett of the 4th District was named justice of the peace to take the tax lists for the year 1856.

Pg. 328–April Term 1856
A.J. Terrill was elected constable in Dist. #4 with E.R. Midgett listed as one of the securities on an $8000.00 bond.

Pg. 366–April Term 1856
On motion P.C. Midgett was this day appointed guardian of Josephine A. Sims and Mary A. Sims and thereupon he came into court and entered into a bond of $5000.00 with D. Whitaker and E.R. Midgett as his securities.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 221

Wm. A. Bootte of Haywood County sold to Henry & Midyett, for &1000.00, a tract of land in Haywood County, Dist. #5, on which said Bootte now lives & joining Sarah Duckworth, dec’d. & Ivy Wilkins, containing 102 1/2 acres. This indenture was made July 23, 1856. Wm. A. Bootte

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Court Minutes (Apr 1854-Nov 1857)

Pg. 368–July Term 1856
E.R. Midgett, among others, petitioned the court to incorporate the town of Welwood so as to make the boundaries as follows: beginning at the n.e. corner of E.R. Midgett’s lot on a black oak on the Jackson-Brownsville Road, running north to E.R. Midgett’s north boundary line thence west to Joseph White’s n.w. corner of his lot thence south to Margaret Stewart’s s.w. corner, thence north to the beginning.

Pg. 379–August Term 1856
On motion William Hutchison was this day appointed guardian of Susan Hitchison and Sarah Jane Hutchison, minor orphans of Samuel Hutchison, dec’d. And thereupon came into open court the said William Hutchison and was duly qualified and entered into his bond in the sum of $800.00 with E.R. Midgett and Z.C. Nolen as his securities.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 155

I, Alexander Batchelor of Haywood Co., Tn., “…in consideration of the natural love and affection I have and bear to my daughter Patience Ann. P. Midyett, wife of E.R. Midyett, of the county of Haywood, state of Tennessee, have given, conveyed and by these presents do give, convey & deliver unto the said E.R. Midyett the following Negros: Caroline, Rose, Fenly, Andrew, Nasa, Prissan & Betsy…” The purpose of this present is for the maintenance of Patience Ann P. Midyett & any children she may have during her natural life & at her death shall be divided amongst her child or children. This indenture was made October 14, 1856. Proved: August 5, 1857 Alex Batchelor

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 20; Pg. 114

E.R. Midyett & J.D. Henry sold to Thomas Sherrod, for $1000.00, a tract of land in Madison County in Range #8, containing 100 acres and joining Panter Creek. This indenture was made February 4, 1857.
Wit: A.M. Wallace E.R. Midyett
Joseph White J.D. Henry
Reg: Dec. 2, 1857

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Court Minutes (Apr 1854-Nov 1857)

Pg. 451/52–February Term 1857
On motion, E.R. Midgett was this day appointed guardian of Samuel Peebles and thereupon said E.R. Midgett came into court and was duly qualified and entered into his bond in the sum of $4000.00 with J.S. Henry and Alfred B. Joyner as his securities.
On motion, John S. Henry was this day appointed guardian of Lewis Peebles and thereupon the said John S. Henry came into court and was duly qualified and entered into his bond in the sum of $4000.00 with E.R. Midgett and Alfred B. Joyner as his securities.

Pg. 470–April Term 1857
Ordered by the court that the county trustee pay to Henry & Midgett $2.95 for buying clothes for pauper.

Pg. 524–August Term 1857
C.P. Taliaferro, Clerk & Commissioner }
vs. }Judgement by motion this Aug. 3, 1857
J.L. Henry, J.W. Rawls & E.R. Midyett }

Appeared by his attorney and moved the court for judgement against the defendants, J.L. Henry, J.W. Rawls & E.R. Midyett for the sum of $1383.37, it being the amount of principal & interest due at this date on a certain bond or writing obligatory executed by said defendants for the sum of $1356.25 bearing date of Oct. 22, 1856 and due on April, 7, 1857. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that said bond was executed by said defendants to the plaintiff for the purchase by J.L. Henry for a parcel of land which belonged to the estate of F.S. Brandon, dec’d., and sold by said plaintiff under a decree of the county court of Haywood Co. And it further appearing that 5 days legal notice has been served on defendants notifying them of plaintiffs intention to move for a judgement against them, it is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover of the defendants the sum of $1356.37 together with cost of this motion on which execution may issue reutrnable to the December Term 1857 of this court.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 157-158

John L. Henry and Erasmus R. Midyett, both of Haywood County, sold to Thomas G. Smith & William W. Smith, Trustees & Attorneys of Haywood County, for $5.00 & for further considerations, sold & conveyed the following slaves: a Negro man named Harry aged about 23 years also a Negro woman slave named Polly aged 19 years & her child Alick aged about 5 months old which said slaves are now in the possession of E.R. Midyett. Also a tract of land lying in Haywood County and containing 124 acres which was conveyed to E.R. Midyett by John Curluis? but which is encumbered by a lien from a judgment recovered against the said Midyett & Henry at the July Term 1857 of the circuit court of Haywood County and which said lands are conveyed subject to the lein. this conveyance is made because E.R. Midyett & John L. Henry are indebted to Joshua F. Henry, William H. Louis, Thomas W. Smith, Ph___ Henry, Jr. and Edward Lennux, partners in a tract of land in the city of New York trading under the style of Henry Smith & Thomas, for $2898.93. If said indebtedness is not paid then said property is to be sold at private sale to make good on this debt. This mortgage was made August 13, 1857.

Wit: J.M. Rutledge E.R. Midyett
Z.C. Nolen J.L. Henry
W.W. Smith
T.G. Smith

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 174-175

E.R. Midyett & J.L. Henry mortgaged to J.W. Rauls, for $5.00,
1st: a house & lot on the Jackson-Brownsville Rd.
2nd: a store
3rd: 1 lot containing 4 1/4 acres
4th: 1 lot containing 2 acres
5th: 1 lot containing 9 1/2 acres
6th: A tract of land containing 70 acres on which E.R. Midyett lives
This conveyance is made because said midyett & henry are indebted to
Solomon Williams. If said debt is not paid then property is to be sold
at auction . This mortgage was made September 4, 1857.
Wit: W.C. Smith E.R. Midyett
J.L. Henry

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 220

J.L. Henry & E.R. midyett mortgaged to Samuel E. Stockley, for $500.00,
1st: 1 sorrel horse
2nd: 1 gray horse
3rd: 1 sorrel stallion
4th: 3 beds & furniture
5th: 1 bureau & other items
Said Henry & Midyett are indebted to Stockley for $1000.00 & if debt is not paid by Nov. 1858 then items are to be sold at public auction. This mortgage was made September 14, 1857.
Wit: James Powell J.L. Henry
Wallace C. Smith E.R. Midyett

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 222

J.L. Henry & E.R. Midyett of Haywood County, sold to A.W. Mills of Haywood County, for $600.00, 50 acres in Haywood County, Dist. #5. This indenture was made October 16, 1857.
Wit: L.B. Mills J.L. Henry
L.A. Mills E.R. Midyett

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 223

J.L. Henry & E.R. Midyett of Haywood County are bound to W.H, Pennington in thesum of $2650.00 and mortgaged to him a tract of land in Haywood County containing 102 acres. This mortgage was made November 1857.
J.L. Henry
E.R. Midyett

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book V; Pg. 224

J.L. Henry & E.R. Midyett of Haywood County transferred to Shepard M. Ashe of Haywood County, for $5.00, “…all our books of accounts for goods, wares & merchandise sold by us at Wellwood in Haywood County, our partnership name of Henry & Midyett, for the present year 1857…” This transfer was made November 12, 1857.
Wit: R.S. Porter E.R. Midyett
L.B. Hankins J.L. Henry

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Circuit Court Minutes (1858-1862)
Pgs. 90-91; 107; 110-113; 125; 130

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1858
Shepperd M. Ashe, Clerk & Master }
Vs } Motion To Sell Land
Henry & Midyett And Others }
This day appeared the plaintiff by attorney and moved the court for an order of condemnation and sale of the tract of land herein levied on and that the papers be spread of record which is ordered to be done and is as follows:
To any lawful officer to execute and return, i command you to summon J.S. Henry, E.R. Midyett And J.J. Jones, late partners under the name of Henry & Midyett, to appear before me or some other justice of said county to answer in a plea of debt for a sum under $500.00 this 2nd day of Nov. 1857
W. Langster, J.P.
Executed on all the defendants and returned before R. Thomas, Esq. on Nov. 3, 1858.

March 1, 1855
Six months after date we or either of us promise to pay to Sheppard M. Ashe, clerk & master, the sum of $245.96 value received. Witness our hands.
Henry & Midgett
J.J. Jones
Judgement for $277.93 on Nov. 30, 1857
Robt. S. Thomas
To R.S. Thomas, Esq.:
You are hereby authorized to enter my name as security for the stay of execution upon a judgement rendered by you this day in favor of S.M. Ashe, clerk & master, against Henry, Midgett and Jones for $277.93 this Nov. 30, 1857.
Elizah Baker

To any lawful officer of said county. You are hereby commamded that of the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of Henry & Midgett, J.J. Jones and Elijah Baker, the security, if they be found in your county you cause to be made the sum of $277.93 debt of suit to satisfy a judgement that S.M. Ashe obtained against said parties before me this Nov. 30, 1857. Given under my hand this July 30, 1858.
Robert S. Thomas, J.P.

Levied this day on one jack and one sorrell horse as the property of E.R. Midgett on July 7, 1858 and sold same, after giving legal notice, on July 24, 1858, for $67.50 reserving costs which leaves a balance of $62.00 which is put as a credit on July 24, 1858. No personal or real property of defendants, Henry & Midgett or Jones or any personal property of Elijah Baker are to be found in my county, therfore I have levied the balance of this upon the following tract of land as the property of Baker, to wit: Lying in Haywood Co. in Dist. #4 in and near the town of Wellwood and bounded at I.S. Henry’s s.w. corner and running to a stake on the widow McKill’s line, thence to a stake in the middle of the Denmark Road, containing 31.9/10 acres, excepting use of the same for Norvell’s shop and the ground it occupies. This 24th day July 1858.

           Ben. J. Coleman, C.H.C.

Source for the following: Minutes Of Brown’s Creek Baptist Church (1835-1881)
(Changed to “Woodland Church” September 1870)
March 1859
Elected Brother T.W. Batchelor clerk of the minutes to fill the vacancy caused by Brother E.R. Midyett’s resignation.

Source for the following: 1860 Haywood Co., Tn. Census (Dist. #4)

Midgett, E.R. 44 Farmer NC
Patience A.P. 35 TN
James 9 TN
Erasmus M. 6 TN

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Court Minutes; Vol. H; Pg. 390

June 3, 1861
Ordered by the court that John A.M. Batchelor, E.R. Midyett And Thos. W. Batchelor be appointed commissioners to let out and superintend the repairing of the bridge across Jeffery’s Creek near A. Batchelor’s and report on oath to the next term of this court.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes (1857-1865)
Vol. 9; Pg. 525; 580; Vol. 10; Pg. 78
August 5, 1861
Ashley A. Midyett makes petition for administration upon the estate of John Beaty, deceased. Be it remembered that on this day came on this petition to be heard. And it appearing to the court that John Beaty, late of the county of Madison, has departed this life intestate leaving an estate of about $175.00 in value, upon which there should be administration. And it appearing to the court that Ashley A. Midyett is qualified to take upon himself such administration and that it is the desire of those interested in the estate that he should; therefore it is considered by the court that the said Ashley A. Midyett be appointed administrator of the estate of the said John Beaty and that letters of administration issue upon his entering into bond. Whereupon said Midyett came into court and qualified and entered into and acknowledged his bond in the sum of $400.00 with Thomas W. Batchelor and Erasmus R. Midyett as his sureties.
Erasmus R. Midyett makes petition for administration upon the estate of Thos. D. Beaty. Be it remembered that on this day came on this cause to be heard upon petition and it appearing to the court that Thomas D. Beaty, late of the county of Madison, has departed this life intestate leaving an estate, real and personal, of about the value of $1200.00, the personal supposed to be worth $200.00, upon which it is necessary there should be administration. And it appearing from the petition that the parties interested desire that such administration should be granted to the petitioner, Erasmus R. Midyett, and the court being satisfied of his fitness to assume such trust, it is therefore considered that he be appointed administrator of the estate of Thomas D. Beaty, dec’d., and that letters issue to him upon his entering into bond. Whereupon the said Erasmus R. Midyett comes into court, is qualified and enters into and acknowledges his bond in the sum of $400.00 with A.A. Midyett and F.A. Beaty as his sureties.

October 9, 1861
E.R. Midyett, Adm’r. of Thomas Beaty, DEC’D., makes his administrator’s report of accounts of sale.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. County Clerk Minutes; Vol. I/10

February Term 1865
E.R. Midyett, Adm’r. of J.C. Sullivan–On Motion, E.R. Midyett was this day appointed adm’r. of the estate of J.C. Sullivan, dec’d. Thereupon the said E.R. Midyett came into open court and was duly qualified and entered into and acknowledged his bond in the sum of $1000.00 with Thomas H. Newborn and Thomas E. Noel as his securities who severally acknowledge said bond in open court, which bond is approved by the court & ordered to be recorded. Ordered that letters of adm’n. issue to E.R. Midyett.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes (1857-1865)
Vol. 10; Pg. 78
December 7, 1865
For reasons appearing satisfactory to the court, it is ordered that Francis A. Beaty, Adm’r. of Albert G. Beaty, dec’d., E.R. Midyett, Adm’r. of Thomas D. Beaty, dec’d., A.A. Midyett, Adm’r. of John Beaty, dec’d., and Andrew Turner, Adm’r. of Cicero Beaty, dec’d., be severally allowed the further time of 12 months from this day in which to finally settle the respective estates of which they are administrators.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. County Clerk Minutes; Vol. I/169

April 8, 1866–Tuesday Morning
Joseph Morton, tax collector for Haywood County presents the following lists of insolvent tax payers. Included on this list was E.R. Midyett–$2.00.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Circuit Court Minutes (1865-1867)
Pg. 221; 287-288
June 11, 1866
E.R. Mydett, Adm’r. of J.C. Sullivan, Dec’d. }
Vs. } Petition to Sell
J.W. Harrison & Wife Virginia E., James Sullivan, }
Florence Sullivan, Susan Sullivan and Sam’l. }
Sullivan, Minors }
This day appeared the plaintiff by attorney and moved the court to appoint B.P. Boyd, Esq. as guardian, ad litem, for the minors Florence, Susan and Samuel Sullivan. And it appearing that B.P. Boyd is a suitable person, he is hereby appointed guardian, ad litem, of the minors aforesaid.

October 5, 1866
Be it remembered that on this day came on this cause to be heard before the Honorable William P. Boyd, judge, assess the bill of complaint answer of guardian, ad litem, of the __ as to Travis & wife with James Sullivan. It appearing to the court that said intestate was seized and possessed of real estate being a deed from Mary Ann Smith and others to J.C. Sullivan for a tract of 200 acres. Also another tract containing 22 1/8 acres. It further appears that the widow has been assigned her dower out of above tracts and that the remainder of said tracts in 149 acres and is subject to the debts of the intestate and it is necessary to sell said 149 acres for payment of debts and the remaining monies will be divided among the heirs.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes; Vol 10; Pg. 355-357

December 4, 1866
John V. Curlin, guardian of his minor child, Thomas G., and in his own right as distributee, comes and moves the court to order E.R. Midyett, adm’r. of Thomas Beaty, to report the amount of sales of the property of his intestate, and return an inventory of the assets, he having been appointed said adm’r. at August Term 1861 of this court and has thus far failed to make any reutrns. A citation to said Midyett will be issued by the clerk of this court pursuant to this order.

December 4, 1866
On the application of John V. Curlin, in his own right and as the guardian of his son, Thomas G., and it appearing to the court that Ashley A. Midyett has failed to return an inventory of the estate of John Beaty, dec’d., of which he is adm’r. It is therefore ordered that he make said return and that a citation issue.
On this day came on this cause to be heard on petition. It appearing that petitioner (John V. Curlin) intermarried in 1846 with the daughter of A.G. Beaty; that she is dead and that one child survives her; that A.G. Beaty died in May or June 1861 and that Francis A. Beaty qualified as his adm’r. in this court and had made but one report. He fails to report the proceeds of the personal assets of his intestate correctly and omits entirely from report as a charge to him about the sum of $1253.08 and further that he reports a valuable grist mill worthless and also the rent of 2 tracts of land at very inadequate prices and that he fails to report or account for the hire of Negros of said estate for 1863, 1864 and 1865. It is therefore ordered that a citation issue commanding said adm’r. to return into this court a perfect inventory of said estate on or by the February term of this court.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Circuit Court Minutes (1865-1867); Pg. 307

January 30, 1867
On December 3, 1866 the above land (see Oct. 5, 1866) was sold for $797.15 to the highest bidder who was Richard Hill.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes; Vol. 10; Pg. 456

April 5, 1867
Administrators, executors & guardian reports
Francis A. Beaty, Admr’. of A.G. Beaty
E.R. Midyett, Adm’r. of Thos. Beaty
Andrew Turner, Adm’r. of Cicero Beaty

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. County Clerk Minutes; Vol. I/384

June 3, 1867–Monday
E.R. Midyitt, Adm’r. of John Sullivan—ordered by the court that the adm’r. have the further time of 3 months for final settlement of said estate.

September 2, 1867–Monday (Pg. 414)
Ordered by the court that E.R. Midjett, Adm’r., be allowed further time to settle up the estate of J.C. Sullivan, dec’d.

December 3, 1867–Tuesday (Pg. 454)
E.R. Midjett of Dist. #4 was called for jury duty for Monday Jan 1, 1868.

Source for the following: “Tennessee Tidbits (1778-1914) Vol.2 by Fisher

Thos. D. Beaty died before 20 February 1867 when Thos. H. Drake was appointed guardian, ad litem, for May Beaty, Posey Beaty, Elvira Beaty, Edward S. Beaty & Cicero Beaty, minors, to defend the suit of E.R. Midgett, administrator vs. Mary Beaty, Et Al. (Madison Co., Tn.–Chancery Court Minutes 3/17) The suit of F.A. Beaty, administrator vs. May Beaty, Et Als., was also shown. In the suit of E.R. Midgett, administrator, Et Als., vs. Mary Beaty, Et Als., it was shown that thos. d. beaty died intestate in 1861 leaving complainants & defendants (except said Midgett) his only legal heirs. Midgett was appointed administrator. In the other suit of F.A. Beaty administrator vs. May Beaty, et als., it was shown that Albert G. Beaty died intestate in 1861 & complainants & defendants were his only heirs. F.A. Beaty was appointed administrator. 13 August 1868 the suit is shown as E.R. Midgett, administrator of Thomas D. Beaty, deceased, Francis A. Beaty, Warren G. Beaty, Martha Evelina Beaty & Ruth A. Beaty vs. Mary Beaty, Posey Beaty, Elvira V. Beaty, Edward S. Beaty, Cicero Beaty & Thomas G. Carlin. The land was sold & title divested out of complainants & defendants.

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Deed Book Z; Page 474

Thomas W. Batchelor, by deed of trust dated November 15, 1865, came to me in trust, E.R. Midyett, with power to sell a tract of land in Haywood County containing 459 1/2 acres and bounded by A. Batchelor on the north, S.P. Cobb on the east, and by E.R. Midyett on the south, which deed was made to secure to Hugh M. Clark & James Wilder the payment of $182.00 and contained a power to me to sell said land in case payment was not made. This land was sold at public auction to Anderson Rose for $1400.00. This indenture was made March 2, 1868.
E.R. Midyett, Trustee

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 27; Pg. 545

E.R. Midyett, Administrator for F.D. Beaty, F.A. Beaty, W.G. Beaty, M.E. Beaty, and R.A. Beaty versus Moses Beaty, Perry Beaty, Elvira Beaty, Ed. S. Beaty, Cicero Beaty, and T.G. Curlin. Purchase money for 100 acres of land was paid through a court order. This hearing was done August 13, 1868.
Reg: March 25, 1870
Thos. Clark, Clk. & Master

Source for the following: Haywood Co., Tn. Circuit Court Minutes; Vol. 4/211

Tuesday–October 6, 1868
E.R. Midgett, Adm’r. of J.C. Sullivan, dec’d. vs. J.W. Harris & wife Virginia, James Sullivan, Susan Sullivan, Sam’l. Sullivan, Florence Sullivan and Mary Sullivan. The clerk reports that he has collected the last payment of the sale of the tract of land mentioned in the pleadings being $398.57 and $13.94 interest making the sum of $412.51 and after deducting court cost it leaves $387.51 for probate distribution among the creditors of said J.C. Sullivan, dec’d. A deed from Mary Ann Smith, Sidney P. Smith, and Thomas G.N. Smith for 200 acres lying in Haywood County. Also another tract of 22 1/8 acres which was a grant from the State of Tennessee. The widow’s dower has been assigned as 60 acres.

Erasmus & Patience Midyett

Children of Erasmus Midyett & Patience Batchelor

1.  Nancy R. MIDYETT  born abt. 1841  died 5 July 1857
2.  John MIDYETT  born 1842
3.  Thomas H. MIDYETT  born 1844 
         married 24 Nov. 1869 in Haywood County, TN to Laura J. RUSS
         died 11 Mar. 1913 in White Co. AR
4.  Mary E. MIDYETT  born 1848
5.  James A. MIDYETT  born 1851 
         married in Crockett Co.TN 29 Sept. to Rachel SHERRON
6.  Erasmus A. MIDYETT born 3 Aug 1854 in Haywood Co.TN 

Micajah McKays Midyett

Micajah McKAYS MIDYETT was born about 1793 in NC and died September 1861 in Haywood County, TN. He married Nancy/Nicy BROOKS Feb.12, 1821 in Johnston Co., NC; daughter of Jacob Brooks & Sarah WARRINGTON. She was born in 1794 in NC.

Children of Micajah and Nancy:

1. Erasmus R. Midyett   born 1821 NC
2. Probate Collier Midyett   born 1824
3. Ashley Alexander Midyett   born 1826 
4. Caroline Elizabeth Midyett   born Mar 1827
5. Eliza Midyett   born 1834, died in Sept.1856 in Haywood County,TN of jaundice at the age of 22 years.
6. Joseph Midyett   born 1839, died before 1860.He was not in the 1860 census nor was he mentioned in his      father’s will.
7. Milton B. Midyett   born 1842nbsp;

Notes for Micajah McKay Midyett:
Source for the following: Copy Of The Original Marriage Bond

State of North Carolina  }
Johnston County             }

      Know all men by these presents, that we Horn & Micajah Midyett are held and firmly bound unto Jesse Franklin, Esquire, Governor, &c. or his successors in office, in the full sum of five hundred pounds, current money, to be paid to said Governor, his successors or assigns, for the which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 12th day of Feby. Anno Domoni 1821.

      The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the above bounden Micajah Middyett—Horn hath made application for a license for marriage to be celebrated between (Micajah Midyett) and Nicy Brooks of the county aforesaid: now, in case it shall appear hereafter, that there is any lawful cause or impediment to obstruct the said marriage, then above obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

          M. Midyett

Source for the following: North Carolina State Archives; CR. 56.801.2

Johnston Co., N.C.
Spring Term 1827
Micajah Midyette
      & others
Sally Brooks & others

The following jury was duly sworn and impanelled to try this cause, to wit: Jonathan Richardson, John Holt, Matthew Wilder, Benjamin Hatcher, Charles A. Hood, Zachariah Wellons, Charles M. Wellons, Warren Johnson, Joel Ellington, Lazarus Matthews, James Whittinton & Hardy Pool find this, the paper writing produced, bearing date, the 25th October 1822 and the paper writing bearing date, the 19th day of November 1822, are together, the last will and testament of the said Jacob Brooks, duly executed to _________ real estate, and that the said Jacob Brooks did divers bequeath and direct as in the said paper writings is contained.

Tho. Lockhart, Jr., Css
(On the back of this document is written)
     Jacob Brooks Will
     Recorded: November Term 1822

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1823 Tax Book 1; Pg. 17

Micajah Midgett was listed with 250 acres of land in district #10; range
1 & 2 and section 10. He had 1 white poll & 2 black polls.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes (1821-1833)

Pg. 157–March Term 1823

Micajah Midgette came into court and recorded his stock mark as
follows, to wit: a crop off the left ear & a split in the same.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 1/513-514

Thomas P. Devereux of Raleigh, North Carolina sold to Micajah Midyett of Madison Co., Tn., for $1400.00, a tract of land lying in Madison Co., Tn., dist. #10, range 1 & 2, section #9, beginning in range #2 in the northwest corner of a tract granted to Thomas Devereux, grant #16500, containing 350 acres. This indenture was made May 5, 1823.

     Wit: Sugars McLemore     Thomas P. Devereux
     M. Woodfin                         By his Attorney in fact
     M.H. Howard                      Samuel Dickens
     Proved: March Term 1824
     Reg: March 28, 1827

Source for the following: Johnston Co., N.C. Record Of Estates; Vol. 13; Page 37

Recd. 26th August 1823 of Asa Midyett, guardian to myself, by the hands of Micajah Midyett, the sum of three hundred and fifty-five dollars & eighty-three cents, in full, of the amount due me from him as guardian.
Wit: R.M. Sanders          Josiah Midyett
Johnston County–August Court 1823
     Then was the above guardian report exhibited in open court & ordered to be recorded.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes

Pg. 258–Wednesday December 24, 1823
     Ordered that Micajah Midgett, Esq. (among others) in Capt. Midgett’s Co., take a list of the taxable property in this county for the year 1824.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1824 Tax Bk. 1/48

In 1824 Micajah Midgett was listed with 150 acres of land in district #10; range 1 & 2 and section 9. He had 1 white poll & 2 black polls.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes

Pg. 271–March Term 1824
     Ordered that Benjamin S. Brooks be allowed the following hands to work on and keep of that part of the road of which he was heretofore appointed overseer–to wit: A.R. Alexander, Henry Rogers, Owen Griffen, William Caton, William Waggoner, A. Musgrove, E. Musgrove, John Dunlap, ________ Patterson, Robert Lowry, David Jackson, Abel Rains & Micajah Midgett.

Pg. 273
     Ordered that Micajah Midyett, William C. Mitchell and David Jarret be appointed commissioners to settle with the administrator of Samuel Goodwin, dec’d., and make report to the present which report is handed in and ordered to be recorded.
Pg. 276
     Ordered that John T. Porter be appointed overseer of the road leading from Jackson to Harris’ Bluff to where the lane crosses the first range line and that Micajah Migett apportion the hands of S.D. Port and W.C. Mitchell.
Pg. 279
     A deed of conveyance from Thomas P. Devereux ________ his attorney in fact Samuel Dickens to Micajah Migett for 350 acres of land. Order this day produced in open court and acknowledged by Samuel Dickens and ordered to be certified for registration.
Pg. 281
In a case between Jordon G. Stokes vs. John S. Smith the court ordered that the matters in dispute between them in their suit be referred to the final determination of Jarrett M. Jelks And Micajah Midgett and that their award, when made, be returned to the next term of the court and made the judgment of the court therein.
Pg. 329
     Micajah Midyett, among others, was appointed a juror to attend the next circuit court to be held on the 4th Monday in May next.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Will Bk. D1/29

Schedule of the property received by Micajah Midyett out of the estate of Benjamin Brooks, dec’d.
One Negro girl aged six or eight years worth———————-$200.00
     One bay mare worth————————————————35.00
     One sow & pigs worth———————————————-
     Seven head of sheep———————————————–
     One chest & one feather bed—————————————
I, Micajah Midyett, do certify that the above is a correct schedule of the property i ever received from Jacob Brooks in his life time.
M. Midyett
This schedule was proven in open court by the oath of M. Midyett and recorded this 21st day of July 1824.
Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes

Pg. 355–July 1, 1824
     A schedule of the property received by Micajah Midyett and as required by the last will and testament of Jacob Brooks to be made the property received by the said Micajah Midyett out of the estate of Jacob Brooks in his lifetime was this day exhibited in open court and proven by the oath of said Midgett and ordered to be recorded.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes

Pg. 364–September 27, 1824
     Micajah Midyett was listed as a “gentleman & Justice of the Peace” at this September Term of court.
Pg. 368
     Micajah Midyett, among others, was ordered as a member of a jury to view a road from Caruthers Ferry to the intersect of the Carroll Road near Col. Stewart, and make report to the next term of court.
Pg. 416–December 28, 1824
     Micajah Midgett was present and accounted for at this term of court.
Pg. 420
     Micajah Midyett, among others, was appointed as a member of a jury to view and lay off a road from such point of the road leading from Jackson to Waddill Bridge as they may think most suitable to the county line on a direction to Gibson Port and make report to next term of this court.

Source for the following: West Tennessee District Land Grants; Book I;
Page 580
#589 Recorded 27 June 1827; certificate #5659; 25 May 1824 registered in west Tennessee: Isaac Taylor, 16 acres entered 11 Sept by #1469 granted Micajah Midgett, assignee, said register 10th district, Madison County, on the north side of the south fork of Forked Deer River adjoining entry #373 Woodfolk entry #235.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes

Pg. 465–February 7, 1825
     Ordered that Micajah Midyett, Esq., Daniel Tiffapan?, and John Shannon divide the hands and distance for the road leading from Jackson To Harris’ Bluff between John T. Porter and Wm. C. Mitchell, overseers, and furnish each overseer with his distance and quota of hands.
Pg. 477
     The jury of venue appointed at the last term of court to view a road from near James Moore to the county line on a direction to Gibson Port this day made right which was received by the court and it is ordered that Sugars McLemore be appointed overseer of the same from James Moore to the south fork of Forked Deer and work all the hands west of Cane Creek and north of the said McLemore’s, Micajah Midyett, Asa B. Midyett, ________ Brooks, Jarrett M. Jelks, Patrick Duffy’s and east of Deer Creek and north of the said Forked Deer River between Deer and Cane Creeks and that Samuel D. Waddle be overseer from the North Fork to Gibson County line and work all hands west of the mouth of Turkey Creek and south of Gibson County line and north of the river and east of the mouth of Waddle’s Creek to open and keep the said in repair.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 2; Pg. 92-93

Micajah Midyett of Madison County sold to Henry H. Horn of Madison County, for $400.00, a tract of land in Madison County, Dist. #10, range #2 and section #10 and lying at the s.w. corner of entry #283 in the name of Thomas P. Debrough (Devereux) for 500 acres, containing 100 acres and being a part of T.P.
Debrough’s 500 acres. This indenture was made March 15, 1825.
Wit: Josiah Midyett          M. Midgett
Isaac Peevey
Proved: May Term 1828
Reg: Aug. 22, 1828

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1825 Tax Book 1; Pg. 86

In 1825 Micajah Midgett was listed with 150 acres (no district or range given) and also 16 acres (entry #1469) with 1 white poll & 2 black polls

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 1

Pg. 507–May Term 1825
     Ordered that William Birdsong, Micajah Midyett, And Mathias Deberry be appointed to let the building of a bridge across the north fork of Forked Deer River where the main road leading from this place to Gibson Port crosses the same and that the sum of $200.00 be appropriated toward the completion of the bridge to be paid out of any monies in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated so soon as the same is completed provided the same cannot be done for less.
Pg. 531–May 7, 1825
     The resignation of Micajah Midyett as a Justice of the Peace was this day handed in and received by the court.
Pg. 537–August 2, 1825
     Ordered that Micajah Midyett (among others) to serve at the next term of circuit court for Madison County.
Pg. 541–August 8, 1825
     Ordered that John McClelland, Thomas J. Smith and Micajah Midyett, freeholders in Madison County, lay off to Mrs. Sarah J. Dyer a sufficient portion of the present crop, stock, and provision for her support for one year and make report to next term of court.

Source for the following: Land Grants Card Catalog; Book BB; Page 605;
Tennessee State Archives

Micajah Midgett & Jarrett M. Jelks received Grant #24419 on December 31,
1825 for 44 acres in Madison Co., Tn.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 2; Pg. 25

Lewis Tyner of Gibson Co., Tn. sold to Micajah Midgett of Madison Co., Tn., for $520.00, a Negro man named Isaac, aged 26 years. This bill of sale was made May 13, 1826.

               Lewis Tyner
     Proved: Feb. Term 1828
     Reg: April 2, 1828

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 2

Pg. 129–November 6, 1826
     Micajah Midget was summoned by the sheriff to serve at the next term of circuit court.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1826 Tax Book 1; Pg. 25 & 27

Micajah Midgett was listed with 150 acres, 1 black poll & 2 slaves. He was also listed with 100 acres (no range or district given). Also 16 acres being Entry #1469 in District #10, Range 2 and Section 9.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 1; Pg. 648-649

William B. McClellan & his wife Juliett L. McClellan of Madison Co., Tn. sold to Sugars McLemore of Madison Co., Tn., for $205.00, a tract of land lying in Madison Co., 10th Dist., it being 1/12 (or 34 1/6 acres) of an undivided 410 acres and it being part of 500 acres granted to Bird Smith by Grant #17204.
This indenture was made December 5, 1826.
               Wm. B. McLellan
               Juliett L. McLellan
     Reg: March 24, 1828
     Proven: May Term 1827
Micajah Midget & Joshua Cosart were given power to take the examination of Juliett McClellan and this was done on February 6, 1828.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1827 Tax Book 1; Pg. 86

Micajah Midgett was listed with 100 acres, 1 white poll & 2 black polls.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 2; Pg. 234

James A. Edwards of Madison Co., Tn. sold to Micajah Midgett of Madison Co., Tn., for $300.00, a Negro man named Peter, aged about 11 years next April. This bill of sale was made March 27, 1827.

Wit: Josiah Midgett          James A. Edwards
     Asa B, Midgett
Proved: Feb. Term 1829
Reg: August 29, 1829
Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 2

Pg. 214–Monday, May 7, 1827
     Ordered that John L. Henderson be overseer of the road in the place of Sugars McLemore from James Mooney’s to the north fork of Forked Deer River and work all hands west of Cain Creek and north of said McLemore’s, Micajah Midgett’s, Asa B. Midgett’s, Brooks’ (no first name), Jarret M. Jelks and Patrick Del__ and east of Deer Creek and north of said river between Deer and Cain Creek to keep the same in repair.
Pg. 257–Monday, August 6, 1827
     Micajah Midget was summoned to serve as juror for the next term of county court.
Pg. 313–November 6, 1827
     Micajah Midgett is to serve as foreman of the jury for the next term of county court.
Pg. 331–November 6, 1827
     A deed of bargain and sale from Samuel Dickens to Wiley Brasfield for 104 acres of land was this day produced in open court and the execution thereof proven by the oaths of Jarret M. Jelks And Micajah Midgit, the subscribing witnesses.
Pg. 338–Thursday, November 8, 1827
     A deed of trust from Thomas N. Pulliam to Micajah Midgett for 274 acres of land and his undivided interest, being the 1/3 part of the following named Negroes: Dolly, Nancy, Amy, Jane, Rachel, Mary, Adam, Harriet, Grace, Solomon, and Richard was this day exhibited in open court and the execution thereof duly proven by the oaths of Ezum L. Holland and James D. McClellan, the subscribing witnesses.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 1; Pg. 641-642

Thomas N. Pulliam of Madison Co., Tn. sold to Micajah Midget, for $1160.50, a tract of land in Madison Co., Tn. containing 274 acres founded on Grant #17244 for 274 acres granted by the state of Tennessee to Haynes Morgan And William Buford situated in the 10th Dist., Range Two, Section Nine. He also sells the following named Negros yet undivided of which the said Thomas N. Pulliam has an undivided interest of 1/3, to wit: Dolly, Nancy, Amey, Jane, Rachel, Mary, Adam, Harriet, Green, Solomon and Richard. The condition of the above deed of conveyance and the sale of Negros as above described is such that whereas Thomas Pulliam this day purchased of JOHN McClellan the above described tract of land and has executed several notes for the payment of the same in the manner following: one note payable on Dec. 25, 1828 bearing interest from Dec. 25, 1827 for $378.16 2/3 and the other note for the same amount due Dec. 25, 1829 and the next note due Dec. 25, 1830. If Thomas Pulliam makes these notes then the above deed of conveyance and sale of Negros to Micajah Midget is null & void. this indenture was made September 21, 1827.
Wit: E.L. Holland          Thomas N. Pulliam
     James D. Mcclellan
Reg: March 11, 1828

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1828 Tax Book 1; Pg. 17

Micajah Midgett was listed with 100 acres, 1 white poll & 3 black polls.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 2

Pg. 345–Monday, February 4, 1828
     Ordered that Micajah Midget and Joshua Cozart be appointed to take an examination of Julett L. McClellan respecting the execution of a deed of conveyance from William B. McLennan of said Juliett B. McLillan To Sugars McLemore for 34 1/6 acres of land and that commissioners issue accordingly.
Pg. 380–Thursday, February 17, 1828
     A bill of sale from Lewis Tyner to Micajah Midget was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof duly acknowledged by the said Lewis Tyner to be his act and deed and ordered to be certified for registration.
Pg. 394–February 1828
     Micajah Midget and Joshua Cosart this day made return of the examination of Juluet L. McLellan for a deed of bargain and sale executed by William B. McClellan and the said Juliett, his wife, to Sugars McLemore which is ordered to be registered.
Pg. 421–May 7, 1828
     In the case of Micajah Midgett vs. Benjamin Fletcher, the plaintiff, Midgett, dismissed his suit herein at the cost of the defendant.
Pg. 422–May 7, 1828
     An indenture of bargain & sale from Micajah Midgett to Henry Horn for 100 acres of land was this day produced in open court the execution thereof acknowledged by the said Micajah Midgett to be his act and deed and ordered to be certified for registration.
Pg. 427–Friday, May 9, 1828
     In the case of Thomas Shannon, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas I. Smith, Guy Smith, Bird B. Smith, John T. Porter, Micajah Midgett, Jesse M. Hanna, Abel Miller & William Espsay, defendants, for an unpaid debt, the court finds in favor of the defendants.
Pg. 453–August 1828
     Micajah Micay Midgett was one of the jurors summoned by the sheriff to serve at the next term of circuit court.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 3

Pg. 27–Saturday, November 8, 1828
     A bill of sale from Robert G. Jones to Micajah Midgete for certain Negroes therein mentioned was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof proven by the oaths of John McClellan and William McClellan to be the act and deed of the said Robert G. Jones for the purposes therein mentioned which was ordered certified for registration.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 2; Pg. 210-211

John McClellan of Madison Co., Tn. sold to William B. McClellan of Madison Co., Tn., son of said John McClellan, “for and in consideration of the natural love and affection and also for the better maintainance, support and livelihood of him, the said William B. McClellan,” have given and granted a tract of land lying in Madison Co. on the east bank of Turkey Creek and bound by the s.e. corner of Entry #286 in the name of A. Lewis And Henry Cassel’s line, containing 156 1/8 acres, it being part of 481 acres granted by the state of Tennessee to Andrew Boyd by Grant #18032 dated September 16, 1822. This deed Of gift was made November 10, 1828.
Wit: B.M. Perry               John McClellan
     M. Midyett
Proved: May Term 1829
Recorded: Aug. 24, 1829

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 2; Pg. 263-264

Benjamin M. Perry of Madison Co., Tn. sold to Micajah Midyett, for $1007.25, a tract of land situated in Madison County, containing 237 acres and bounded by Grant #18481.
This indenture was made November 15,1828.
Wit: Sugars McLemore               B.M. Perry
Proved: Feb. Term 1829
Reg: Sept. 7, 1829
Benjamin M. Perry purchased from John Mcclellan the before described property and has executed promissory notes payable Dec. 25, 1829 for $400.00, Dec, 25, 1830 for $200.00 & Dec. 25, 1831 for $607.25. If notes are paid then this mortgage to be null & void, if not paid then said Micajah Midyett as trustee for John McClellan, shall sell land at public auction.
Wit: Sugars McLemore               B.M. Perry
       Benjamin G. Brooks

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 2; Pg. 231

Robert G. Jones of Madison Co., sold to Micajah Midgett, for $500.00, a Negro woman named Lucy, aged 25, and her 2 children, Henry & Albert Henry, about 1 1/2 years old & 9 months old. This bill of sale was made January 2, 1829.
Wit: Josiah Midgett               Robert G. Jones
       John McClellan
       Wm. B. McClellan
Proved: Feb. Term 1829
Reg: August 28, 1829
Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 2; Pg. 403-404

Micajah Midgett of Madison County to William Dickins of Madison County. whereas Micajah Midgett did by a deed of trust extended to him by Thomas N. Pulliam on November 7, 1827 and conveyed to him a tract of land made & known that he would sell on January 20, 1829 at the courthouse in Jackson when William Dickins became the highest bidder for $702.00 for 274 acres in Madison County, founded on Grant #17244 granted by North Carolina to Haynes Morgan and William Bufold, being in Dist. #10, Range #2 and Section #9. This indenture was made January 20, 1829.
Wit: Sugars McLemore               M. Midgett
       Henry H. Horn
Reg: Sept. 17, 1830
Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 2; Pg. 262-263

Whereas a deed of trust was executed by Thomas N. Pulliam to Micajah Midgett, trustee, to secure a debt to John McClellan dated Sept. 21, 1827. It is now agreed that the principal of said trust may be so far changed so that the property may be sold on a credit so as to meet the payments of two notes, one due Dec. 25, 1829 and the other due Dec. 25, 1830 as specified in said trust. This was made January 20, 1829.
Wit: James M. Haralson               Thomas N. Pulliam
       Jacob Hill                                 John McClellan
Proved: Feb. Term 1829                M. Midgett
Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 3

Pg. 29–February 2, 1829
     A bill of sale from James A. Edwards to Micajah Midgett for a Negro boy named Peter was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof acknowledged by the said Edwards to be his act and deed for the pruposes therein mentioned which was ordered to be certified for registration.
Pg. 45–Thursday, February 5, 1829
     The guardianship of the infant heirs of Jacob Brooks, to wit: Frederick Nash Brooks, Joseph William Brooks, And James Stephen Blackman Brooks was this day granted and given to Benjamin M. Perry who entered into 3 separate bonds in the penalty of $400.00 each with Micajah Midget and Benjamin Brooks as his securities.
Pg. 46–Thursday, February 5, 1829
     An article of agreement between Thomas N. Pullium, John M. McClellan and Micajah Midget was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof proven by the oath of James M. Haralson, a subscribing witness thereto and filed for futher probate?.
Pg. 46–Thursday, February 5, 1829
     A deed of trust from Benjamin M. Perry to Micajah Midget was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof acknowledged by the said Benjamin M. Perry to be his act and deed. Ordered to be certified for registration.

Source for the following: Johnston Co., N.C. Deed Book O; Page 255-256

Know all men by these presents that I, Micajah Meyett, of the county of Madison and the state of Tennessee, for divers good causes and considerations, me hereunto moving, have made, ordained, authorized, nominated and appointed and by these presents do make, ordain, authorize, nominate and appoint, Benjamin M. Perry, of the county of Madison and state aforesaid, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name and for my ever proper use and benefit to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive of, and from isaac stallings all such sum or sums of money, debts and demands whatsoever which are now due and owing unto me, the said Meyett, by and from the said Stallings and to have use to take all lawful ways and issues in my name or otherwise for the recovery thereof by attachment __________ distress(?) or allow, use and to compound and agree for the same for me and in my name, to make, seal and to do all other lawful acts and things whatsoever concerning the p_________ or fully in every aspect or I, myself, might or could do were I personally present at the doing thereof. And attornies, one of more under him, for the purpose aforesaid, to make, and again at his pleasure to revoke, ratifying and confirming and by their presence allowing whatsoever my said attorney shall, in my name, lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the pu_________ by virtue of their presence, witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of March 1829.
Wit: Jesse Simms               M. Midyett
        Benjamin S. Brooks
Reg: Aug. 6, 1829

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Book 2; Pg. 261-262

Thomas Crutcher of Madison Co., Tn. has this day received of John McClellan $250.00 and whereas Thomas Crutcher is desirous to secure the payment thereof. This indenture therefore made and entered into this May 1, 1829 between Thomas Crutcher, William Crutcher, William Jones And Bird Smith, of the 1st part and Micajah Midgett of the 2nd part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas Crutcher for and in consideration of the premises and for the further consideration of $1.00 hath granted unto said Micajah Midgett, trustee, one negro man named Philip, about 45 years old, one yoke of oxen and cart, two head of horses, one mare and colt, six cows and calves. If Thomas Crutcher, William Crutcher, William Jones and Bird Smith shall pay John McClellan on or before October 1, next the sum of $250.00 then this deed of trust is to be null & void. This deed of trust was made May 1, 1829.
Wit: John S. Edwards          Thomas Crutcher
Bird S. Reed                         William Crutcher
Proved: August Term 1829       William Jones
Reg: Sept. 5, 1829               Bird B. Smith

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. County Court Minutes
(1821-1833); Minute Book 3

Pg. 63–Monday, May 4, 1829
     A deed of trust from M. Midgett to Josiah Midgett for the benefit of Celia Tyner was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof acknowledged by the said Micajah Midgett to be his act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned which was ordered to be certified for registration.
Pg. 64–Monday, May 4, 1829
     An article of agreement between Thomas Pullum, John McClellan And Micajah Midgett was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof proven by the oath of Jacob Hill, the probate of James M. Haralson having been taken at the last term of this court. Ordered to be certified for registration.
Pg. 71–Tuesday, May 5, 1829
     In the case of Micajah Midgett, plaintiff, vs. John H. Hicks, defendant, for an unpaid debt, the jury finds in favor of the plaintiff and charges John H. Hicks to pay the debt of $448.00 plus $9.60 court costs. (John H. Hicks asked for an appeal and entered into bond of $900.00 with Allen W. Hicks as his security.)
Pg. 98–Monday, May 11, 1829
     a deed of trust from thomas crutcher to micajah midgett for the benefit of john mcclellan was this day produced in open court, the execution thereof proven by the oaths of John S. Edwards and Bud S. Reed, subscribing witnesses thereto. Ordered to be certified for registration.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1829 Tax Book 1; Pg. 58

Micajah Midgett was listed with 100 acres, 1 white poll & 3 black polls.

Source for the following: 1830 Madison Co., Tn. Census

Micajah Midgett was listed thusly:
     2 males 5-10
     1 male 10-15
     1 male 30-40
     2 females 0-5
     1 female 30-40
     4 male slaves 0-10
     1 male slave 10-24
     1 male slave 24-36
     1 female slave 0-10
     2 female slaves 24-36

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. 1830 Tax Book 1; Pg. 26

Micajah Midyett was listed with 100 acres, 1 white poll & 3 black polls.

Source for the following: Madison Co., Tn. Deed Bk. 2; Pg. 403-404

Micajah Midgett of Madison Co. to William Dickins of Madison Co.-Whereas Micajah Midgett did by deed of trust executed by Thomas N. Pulliam on Nov. 17, 1827 did convey to said Midgett a tract of land containing 272 acres for the purposes therein mentioned, advertised & nade known that he would sell on Jan. 20, 1829 at the courthouse in Jackson and where he exposed the tract of land which was then sold to William Dickins for $702.00. This indenture was made January 20, 1830.
Wit: Sugars McLemore          M. Midgett
        Henry H. Horn
Proved: Aug. Term 1830
Reg: Sept. 17, 1830

Jesse Midyett and Sarah Brooks

Jesse Midyett was born about 1769 in Hyde County,NC and died in 1806 in Mt. Pleasant Hyde Co. NC a son of Christopher MIDYETT Sr. and Mary???. Jesse married Sarah “Sally” BROOKS, who was born in 1766 in Cape Hatteras Currituck Co. NC a daughter of Stephen BROOKS Jr. and Mary FARROW; and Sarah died in Madison Co., TN about 1836. Jesse and Sarah were married in 1789 at Chicamacomico Hyde Co. NC.

Their children:

1. Selah/Celia Midyett born abt. 1792 married Lewis Tiner/Tyner 7 Mar 1815 in Johnston Co. NC

2. Micajah McKays Midyett born abt. 1793 married Nancy/Nicy BROOKS 12 Feb 1821 in Johnston Co. NC

3. Anna Midyett born abt. 1794 married John WELLONS 19 Sep 1817 in Johnston Co. NC

4. Asa Brooks Midyett born 27 Mar 1798 married Sarah Elizabeth Hinton 9 Oct 1820 in Johnston Co. NC

5. Josiah Midyett born about 1802 in NC married Ann??