Strange, T. M. – administration of estate

Monday, March the 1st A.D. 1880
Admr of

On motion J. M. COCHRAN was this day appointed Administrator of T. M. STRANGE deceased.

Thereupon the said J. M. COCHRAN came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars with J. J. McLEMORE, R. J. DAVIS and A. W. TAYLOR as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Stokes, Nancy H. – estate of



A. M. F. CHERRY et al )
Ex Partee )

In this cause it appearing from the petition that H. S. MOODY, Trustee for petitioner, A. M. F. CHERRY, under the will of Nancy H. STOKES, deceased, is dead and that Thomas E. NOEL is executor of H. S. MOODY, deceased, and that he,the said Thomas E. NOEL has duly served with notes of this proceeding. It is therefore ordered by the court that W. W. SPENCE be and hereby appointed Trustee under the will of Nancy A. STOKES, deceased in the place of the said H. S. MOODY, deceased,to record and control the property bequeathed to the said A. M. F. CHERRY in said will and which remained in the hands of the said H. S. MOODY at the time of his death,subject to the terms of the said trust by said will set forth on his existing Bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars. So done with J. S. SPENCE & I. A. NUNN, his securities.

A very special thank you to Sarah Hutcherson, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web page.

Stewart, L. J., M. A. & M. R. – guardianship of

Monday, February the 2nd A.D. 1880
Guardian of
L. J. STEWART Et als

On motion REBECCA STEWART was this day appointed Guardian of L. J., M. A. and M. R. STEWART minor orphans of J. K. STEWART decd. Thereupon the said REBECCA STEWART came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars with ROBERT BOYD and JAMES BOYD as her securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Stewart, J. K. – administration of estate

Monday, January the 7th A.D. 1880
Administrator of
J. K. STEWART decd

The settlement of J. A. STEWART Administrator of J. K. STEWART made with the Clerk of this Court December 29th 1879 was this day ratified and confirmed by the Court and ordered recorded.

Monday, February the 2nd A.D. 1880

The final settlement of J. A. STEWART Administrator of J. K. STEWART made with the Clerk of this Court Feby 2nd 1880 was this day ratified and confirmed by the Court and ordered recorded

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Stallings, Noah (Mrs.) & Family – support of

Alamo Tennessee Monday February 1st 1892

Ordered by the court that A. A. NANCE, W. T. WORRELL and J. B. BALL be and they are hereby appointed to set apart one years support for MRS. NOAH STALLINGS and family of NOAH STALLINGS desceased estate…

Alamo Tennessee Monday March 7th 1892

We the undersigned commissioners appointed at the February term of the Court to set aside one years allowance for the widow NORA [NOAH] STALLING. We herein set aside One Hundred Dollars to buy the nessary of life for one year. This Feb 6th 1892


[Paulina “Lina” Robason was the wife of Noah Lee Stallings, and the daughter of Griffin & Elizabeth Robason]

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Stallings, Lina ( Mrs.), ~vs~ H. S. Randle et als

Alamo Tennessee Monday March 7th 1892
H. S. RANDLE et als

This day came the Plaintiff it being the 7th day of March 1892. MRS. LINA STALLINGS by her attorney and filed her pertition in open court asking that dower be assigned her as the widow of NOAH STALLINGS died siezed and possessed of and it appearing to the court that NOAH STALLINGS died intestate in Crockett County Tennessee and he left the petitioner LINA STALLINGS as his widow and it further appearing that NOAH STALLINGS died seized and possessed of the following described tracts of land to witt situated and lying in the 7th civil district of Crockett County Tennessee bounded as follows one tract being part of Grant No 17210 range 245 and section 1112 and part of 2065 acre tract of land deeded by MARY FRENCH to JAMES H. FRENCH in Gibson County Tenn and bounded as follows… [description of land follows, bounded by…] to N. W. corner of a tract of land purchased by R. W. FLEMING from T. P. HALL… MRS. THOMPSON… containing by estimation 30 acres and it further appearing to the court from an inspection of the notice of this intended application has been regularly acknowledged by all adult heirs resident in this slate [state?] and that service has been regularly served? has upon DOSIA STALLINGS minor heir without regular guardian and that said servis and acceptance was more than five days prior to the filing of said application in this case. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that MRS. LINA STALLINGS widow of NOAH STALLINGS deceased is entitled Dower out of said real estate and upon motion it is ordered that JAMES BALL and TURNER WORRELL to gether with W. J. LAMBERT the county surveyor… be appointed commissioners to set apart and allot to MRS. LINA STALLINGS by meets and bounds one third of the real estate that NOAH STALLINGS died siezed and possessed of as dower…

[Paulina “Lina” Robason was the wife of Noah Lee Stallings, and the daughter of Griffin & Elizabeth Robason. Henry Smith Randle was the husband of Zilphia Stallings, who was the daughter of Noah Lee Stallings & Paulina Robason]

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Stallings, Dosie, M. A., Senia & J. S. – guardianship of

Alamo Tennessee Monday December 5th 1892
Guardian of

On motion MRS. C. J. KENTON was this day appointed the Guardian of DOSIE, M. A., SENIA and J. A. STALLINGS.

Thereupon the said MRS. C. J. KENTON came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of Three Hundred Dollars with H. S. RANDLE, W. T. WORRELL and T. H. AVERY as her securities…

[Clarsie “Jane” Stallings Kenton was the daughter of Noah Lee Stallings & Paulina Robason, and the wife of J. C. Kinton. Theodocia Bell (Docia) Stallings was the daughter of Noah Frank Stallings & Mary Carr. Clarsie Jane & Noah Frank were brother and sister]

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Spence, H. M. – administration of estate

VOLUME A DEC.1871—FEB.1876

W. W. SPENCE; Administrator of H. M. SPENCE, deceased entered Bond of
Two Thousand Dollars with F. F. CONYERS & D. S. MOODY as his securities.

A very special thank you to Sarah Hutcherson, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web page.

Smith, Mrs. George – support of

Alamo, Monday 1st day of November A.D. 1875

Ordered by the Court that B. LASSITER, JOHN WHITE and SIMEON ROBERTS be and they are hereby appointed Commissioner to lay off and set aside one years support for MRS. SMITH widow of GEORGE SMITH decd…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Shearin Estate Settlement

Minute Book Q, Page 103, Haywood County, Tenn.

FLETCHER et al VS FAULKNER et als Feb. 6, 1877

“This cause came on to hear before the Worshipville County Court of Haywood County on the petition taken for confessed as to the non-resident defendants upon publication duly made for them as required by law upn the answer of adult defendants, GEO. FAULKNER and the minor defendants in this cause by their guardian and litem and solicitor, J.C. THOMPSON and oral testimony and proof heard upon the trial. And it appears to the Court that JARRETT SHEARIN having first made and published his last Will and Testament which was regularly probated at the Feb. Term 1860 of this Court and is now of record on WILL BOOK E p. 124.

And it further appears to the Court that said testator died having been married and leaving no issue surviving him, but leaving a surviving heir, his mother and 6 brothers and sisters, to wit: THOMAS, HARRIETT, MELISSA, JANE, SALLIE AND MARY B. SHEARIN. And it appears by his Will and Testament he the said JARRATT SHEARIN,devised, after the expiration of a life estate therein granted to his mother, all his estate and interest in the following tract of land, to wit: Situated in Haywood Co., Tenn. Cicil District 16 and bounded as follows: On the East by HARRY WINBURN’S tract of land, on the North by the same, and the West by the lands of the heirs of DORCAS SHEARIN, on the South by the lands of NANCY REVEL containing 316 A. more or less to 4 specially named of his said brothers and sisters, to wit:
THOMAS, HARRETT, MELISSA AND JANCE taking the same share and share alike.

And it further appears that the mother of said JARRETT SHEARIN and life tenant under his Will, departed this life 12 March 1876, and that before her death, to wit: on July 4, 1864, the said THOMAS SHEARIN, one of said devisees died intestate never having been married and without issue and that on the 20 Dec. JANE FLETCHER formerly JANE SHEARIN afterwards wife of petitioner, EPHRAIM FLETCHER died intestate and without issue surviving her. That in May 1868, said MELISSA SHEARIN deceased intestate never having been married leaving no issue. That in Feb. 1876 HARRIETT FAULKNER, wife of defendant GEORGE FAULKNER (George Washington Faulkner) formerly HARRITT SHEARIN demised leaving her husband GEORGE FAULKNER and minor children; WILLIAM JARRETT, NANCY,SARAH,CALEDONIA, WASHINGTON (Geo. Washington Faulkner, Jr.), FRANK (John Franklin), MELISSA AND THOMAS (Tobias Thomas) FAULKNER. That on the day of 1872 SALLIE EASON nee SALLIE SHEARIN died, a widow intestate and leaving surviving her WILLIAM, S.P., MARY, HARRIETT, NED, AND JOHN EASON and it further appears that MARY B. SHEARIN is now by marriage the lawful wife of petitioner, N.A. MCKINNON, is now named MARY BEL MCKINNON having intermarried with him about 17 years ago. And it further appears to the COURT that at the death of THOMAS SHEARIN, to wit: 4 July 1864 said land vested, subject to the life ESTATE mentioned in the WILL in the following proportions and interest, to wit:

HARRIETT FAULKNER formerly SHEARIN original interest under WILL 1/4 interest; in THOMAS SHEARIN’S part 1/5 of 1/4 = 1/20, which added to her original interest of 1/4 amounts to the aggregate sum of 3/10 of entire estate.

MELISSA’S interest after Thomas’ death 1/4 + 1/20 = 3/10.

JANE FLETCHER nee SHEARIN after THOMAS’ death 1/4 + 1/20 = 3/10

SALLIE EASON formerly SHEARIN after THOMAS’ death 1/20 = 1/20

MARY BELL MCKINNON formerly SHEARIN after THOMAS’ death 1/20 = 1/20

After the death of JANE FLETCHER formerly JANE SHEARIN by calculation it appears that the survivors took in the following proportions:

HARRIETT FAULKNER formerly SHEARIN interest at death of THOMAS 3/10 added to her interest in the share of JANE FLETCHER 3/40 = 3/40 + 3/10 = 15/40

MELISSA’S interest after death of THOMAS 3/10 added to interest of JANE FLETCHER’S share of 3/40 aggregates 3/10 + 3/40 = 15/40

SALLIE EASON formerly SHEARIN interest at death of THOMAS SHEARIN 1/20 added to interest in JANE FLETCHER’S share of 3/10 aggregates 1/20 +3/40 = 5/40

MARY B. MCKINNON formerly SHEARIN interest at death of THOMAS SHEARIN 1/20 + 3/40 interest in JANE FLETCHER ESTATE aggregates 5/40

After the death of MELISSA SHEARIN the survivors took in the following proprotions.

HARRIETT’S interest after the death of THOMAS AND JANE 15/40 added to her interest in MELISSA’S share of 5/40 + 15/40 = 20/40 = 1/2

SALLIE’S interest after death of THOMAS AND JANE added to her interest in MELISSA’S share 5/40 + 5/40 + 5/40 + 10/40 = 1/4

MARY B. interest after death of THOMAS AND JANE 5/40 added to her interest in the share of MELISSA of 5/40 aggregates 5/40 + 5/40 = 10/40 = 1/4

And it further appears that HARRIETT FAULKNER died leaving surviving her the above entioned minor children: WILLIAM J. (Wm Jarret), NANCY, SARAH, CALEDONIA, WASHINGTON (Geo. Washington), FRANK (John Franklin), MELISSA and THOMAS (Tobias Thomas?) FAULKNER who are entitled to inherit her interest in said estate and that SALLIE EASON died leaving surviving her the above mentioned children, to wit: WILLIAM, S.P., MARY HARRIETT, NED, & JOHN EASON,who are entitled to inherit her share and interest in said estate. And it further appears that EPHRAIM FLETCHER is entitled to tenacy by the courtesy in so much of said estate as belonged to his wife, JANE FLETCHER, at her death to wit:in 3/10 thereof.

It is therefore ordered by the Court that CALVIN BEST, GREEN WORTHAM, A. EASON, H.M. EASON and D.P. WILLIAMS freeholders of said County and J.C. THOMPSON, county Surveyor, divide said land so as to allot to petitioner, EPHRAIM FLETHCER, a tenancy by the courtesy in 3/10 thereof and ther remaining 7/10 be alloted in the following proportion:

To the children of SALLIE EASON 1/4 thereof.

To MARY B. MCKINNON 1/4 thereof.

And it is further ordered that after the 3/10 of said land is allotted to RPHRAIM FLETCHER as life tenant thereon, that the same shall be subdivided among the children of HARRIETT FAULKNER, SALLY EASON and MRS. M.B. MCKINNON (Mary Bell) in the following proportion:

To the children of HARRIETT FAULKNER in the 1/2: to the children of SALLIE in the 1/4;and to MARY B. MCKINNON in the 1/4, to be subject, however, in all respect to tenancy by the courtesy of said EPHRAIM FLETCHER. And a lien is herby declared on the interest of said M.B. McKINNON AND EPHRAIM FLETCHER to secure the fee of H.W. Bond and A.D. BRIGHT for service on the cause as their attorney and a lien as hereby declared on the interest of the heirs of HARRIETT FAULKNER to secure the fee of D.A. Nunn for services as their attorney and that the commissioners herein appointed report their action hereunder at the next term of this Court.

A very special thank you to Sister Mary Francis Cates, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.