Johnson, HENRY -vs- State of Tennessee

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Tuesday, June 4th A.D. 1872

State of Tennessee

In this case the defendant is charges with getting a Bastard Child on the Person of SUSAN HODGE and after hearing the testimony introduced said Cause and pleading of Council for an against the defendant. The Court being fully satisfied the Defendant is guilty as charged and it is ordered by the Court that the Defendant pay all cost in this providing for which Execution may issue and that he secure the same by Personal security.

And it is further ordered by the Court that said Defendant HENRY JOHNSON come forward and give security for the sum of Forty Dollars due one year after Date hereof and the sum of Thirty Dollars Two years after the date hereof and Twenty Dollars three years after the date hereof, to be paid into the hands of W. W. NANCE a Citzen of said County for the support of said Bastard Child as provided for in the Code of Tennessee, For which Execution may —? as the payments fall due.

State of Tennessee

We HENRY JOHNSON and F. P. HALL acknowledge ourselves indebted to the State of Tennessee in the sum of Two hundred and Fifty Dollars to be void if the said HENRY JOHNSON shall well and truly pay the Cost and damages arrived against him in the forgoing under and Judgement of the Court.

HENRY (his X mark) JOHNSON

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Johnson, Author – custody of

Alamo, Tennessee, Monday July 2nd 1894

Ordered by the Court that JOHN B. PHILLIPPS, be, and he is hereby authorized to take, and care for, AUTHOR JOHNSON, as one of his own children, as long as he possibly can keep him, the boy being 12 years old.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jenkins, Flora – guardianship of

Alamo Tennessee Monday January 4th 1892
Guardian of

On motion J. B. AGEE was this day appointed Guardian of FLORA JENKINS minor heir of HENRY JENKINS

Thereupon the said J. B. AGEE came into open court and entered into Bond in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars with W. N. BEASLEY and B. H. HARMON as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jenkins, Carl, Will & Elma & Family – support of

Alamo Tennessee Monday December 7th 1891

Ordered by the court that J. P. HUNT, CHARLEY HODY & F. E. MITCHELL be and they are hereby appointed to set apart one years support for CARL, WILL and ELMA JENKINS and family out of JOHN JENKINS deceased estate exclusive of what is exempt from execution by the laws of Tennessee and report to the next Term of this Court.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jelks, Mary H. – administration of estate

Alamo, Monday 4th October 1875
Administrator of

On motion L. M. JELKS was this day appointed Administrator of MARY H. JELKS decd Thereupon the said L. M. JELKS came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Six hundred dollars with H. H. MAHON and R. B. VAUGHTER as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jelks, Lemuel Etheldred & William – guardianship of

Alamo Tennessee, Monday January 5th 1885
Guardian of
et als

On motion T. E. NOEL this day entered into and renewed his bond as Guardian of LEMUEL ETHELDRED and WM. JELKS minor orphans of WM. H. JELKS decd.

Thereupon the said T. E. NOEL entered into and renewed his bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars with D. H. THOMAS and EWEL NOEL as his securities who severally acknowledged said bond before the Clerk of the Court which was this day examined and approved by the Court and ordered recorded.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Hopper, Richard -vs- State of Tennessee

Alamo, Monday 7th day of June 1875
State of Tennessee

In this Cause on Motion and proof It appearing that the Court has no Jurisdiction the Child having been borned without the bounds of the County and further that nothing in the charge of the plaintiff showing that the said Bastard was likely to become a charge upon the County It Is ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that this Cause be dismissed and that Crockett County pay all Cost.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Hays, Alx – administration of estate

Alamo, Tuesday 5th October 1875
Admr of

On motion N. W. NUNN was this day appointed Administrator of ALX HAYS decd Thereupon the said N. W. NUNN came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars with N. J. NUNN and J. C. W. NUNN his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.