Kenten, Susan – administration of estate

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, January the 6th A. D. 1873

Adm of

On motion and by order of the Court S. A. GRADDY was this day appointed Administrator of SUSAN KENTEN deceased Estate. Thereupon the said S. A. GRADDY came into Court and entered into Bon in the sum of Three hundred dollars with F. P. HALL and L. K. NORVILLE as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded and the said S. A. GRADDY was duly Qualified as the Law directs and It is further ordered that Letters of Administration Issue to the said S. A. GRADDY

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Kearnell, M. C. – name change to M. C. Wilson

Alamo, Monday 4th October 1875

From the petition which is sworn to It appearing to the Court that M. C. KEARNELL is a Citizen of Crockett County Tenn and It further appearing that she was in the year 1869 Married to one KEARNELL from whom she was afterwards divorced but not remitted to her maiden name and that said matter of remitting her to her maiden name was not passed upon or adjudicated by said Court and It further appearing that the said M. C. KEARNELL under a misapprehension of the law resumed her maiden name of WILSON and has transacted business in said name of M. C. WILSON and is generally known by the name of WILSON and It further appearing that by resuming said name of KEARNELL she the said M. C. KEARNELL would be subject to great embarrassment and some pecuniary? loss as well as being very disagreeable to the said petitioner. Therefore it is ordered by the Court the name of M. C. KEARNELL be changed and hereby is changed to that of M. C. WILSON

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Kavanaugh, Mary Ann E. -guardianship of

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Tuesday, October 8th A.D. 1872

Guardian of

WILLIAM N. BEASLEY was this day appointed Guardian of MARY ANN E. KAVANAUGH minor orphan of JAMES P. KAVANAUGH deceased whereupon the said W. N. BEASLEY came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Seventy five dollars with B. H. HARMON and W. P. RICE as his securities, which Bond was severally acknowledged in open Court approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded and the said W. N. BEASLEY was duly Qualified as Guardian of MARY ANN E. KAVANAUGH

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Kail, Isaac -vs- State of Tennessee

Alamo, Tuesday 3d August 1875
State of Tennessee

In this Case It appearing from the return of the Sheriff of this County that after diligent Inquisition of a Jury of twelve men as the Law directs he finds that the said ISAAC KAIL is a lunatic and it is further appearing that said ISAAC KAIL has property and effects to the yearly value of seventy nine dollars per year. It Is therefore ordered by the Court that a guardian be appointed to take charge of the person & property of said ISAAC KAIL And It further appearing that WILLIAM STAMPS is a suitaly person to be appointed Guardian for said KAIL It Is therefore ordered by the Court that WILLIAM STAMPS be and he is hereby appointed Guardian of said ISAAC KAIL on petition of IVEY KAIL, B. T. KAIL, MARY J. FAULKNER, NANCY WARD, W. M. KAIL, G. W. KAIL. Thereupon the said W. STAMPS Came into Court and entered his bond in the sum of Two hundred fifty dollars with I. T. MOORE and B. T. KAIL as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and the said STAMPS was duly Qualified as the Law directs and It Is further ordered that the Guardian pay the Cost of this proceeing out of the first Money coming into his hands of said KAIL

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jones, W. A. , S. D., J. W. and J. A – guardianship of

Monday, December 2nd, A.D., 1878
Guardian of
W. A. JONES Et al

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that said W. F. JONES has tendered his resignation as Guardian of W. A. , S. D., J. W. and J. A. JONES, that notice was given and settlement made according to the law, the Court is pleased to accept the resignation as aforesaid, and the said W. F. JONES is released from the position of such Guardianship.

Monday, December 2nd, A.D., 1878

Guardian of
W. A. JONES Et al

On motion W. T. JONES was this day appointed Guardian of W. A., J. A., S. D. and J. W. JONES, minor orphans of M. A. K. JONES deceased.

Thereupon the said W. T. JONES came into court and entered into bond in the amount of Three Hundred dollars, with W. F. JONES and H. H. MAHON as his securities who severally acknowledge said bond in open court which was approved by the Court, and the said W. T. JONES was duly qualified as the law directs.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jones, Samuel (Col) – apprenticed to N. T. Perry

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, May 6th A.D. 1872

Apprenticed to

SAMUEL JONES Colored minor orphan was this day brought into Court and by the Court apprinticed to N. T. PERRY whereupon the said N. T. PERRY Came into Court and entered into and obligation for the Faithfull performance of his duty as Master to said apprentice as required by Law and the payment of one hundred Dollars in Currency at the end of his apprenticship with J. B. TUCKER and J. H. RIDDICK as his securities who severally acknowledged said obligation in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jones, P. R. – administration of estate

Alamo, Tennessee, Monday January 7th A.D.1884
of P. R. JONES

On motion T. J. JONES was this day appointed Administrator of the estate of P. R. JONES decd.

Thereupon the said T. J. JONES came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of One hundred dollars with W. J. LAMBERT and Z. P. WARREN as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jones, Mary L. – guardianship of

Alamo, Tenn., Wednesday the 6th Nov. A.D. 1878
Guardian of

The final settlement of W. F. JONES Guardian of MARY L. JONES made with the Clerk of this Court on the 4th of November 1878, was this day ratified and confirmed and ordered recorded.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Jones, Granvill – guardianship of

Monday, February the 2nd A.D. 1880
W. T. JONES Guardian of

On motion W. T. JONES was this day appointed Guardian to GRANVILL JONES minor orphan of BETTIE L. JONES deceased. Thereupon the said W. T. JONES came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars with W. F. JONES and H. H. MAHON as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Johnson, John – adoption of by F. C. Harwell

Alamo Tennessee, Monday September 4, 1882
Adopted to

F. C. HARWELL having by petition filed in the Court asked that he be allowed to adopt an infant male child named JOHN JOHNSON the mother of said child being dead and his father ALFRED JOHNSON being present in open Court and consenting thereto when it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the adoption of said child would be greatly to the interest of said child the Court is pleased to decree that said adoption be allowed and it is therefore decreed that said child shall be the adopted child of said F. C. HARWELL with full right of a legitimate child of inheritance and c.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.