Robert Boles Bible

Robert Boals Bible
Place: Moore County, NC and Crockett County, TN
Submitted by Carol Norville Berning,
On inside front cover: R. Boals his Book
On Title Page: Date 1775
On Dedication Page: Robt Boals his Book Bible
Inside are dried mums and a lock of straight blonde hair wrapped in a scrap of lined paper
On inside back cover: Sam Thompson was born about January 1770

Children’s Ages
Rebekah Boals, Daughter of Robert Boals and Susana his wife was born January the 31 1796

Mary Boals was Boarn November the 7th 1797

Margeret Boals was born Nov the 9th 1799

James Boals was Born september 13th 1801

Elisabeth Boals was born January the 12th 1804

Robert Boals was Born March the 16th 1806

William Boals was Born May the 4th 1808

John Boals was Born Aprile the 25th 1810

Benjamin Boals was Born June the 24th 1811

Andrew Boals was Born may the 19th 1814

Susana Boals was Born January the 7th 1818

Copher Children’s Ages
Robert Copher son of William Copher and Rebekah his wife was Born June the 26th 1813

William Copher was born May the 19th 1815

John Copher was Born February the 8th 1817

Stephen Copher was Born November 23 1818

Susana Copher was Born January 23 1821

James Copher was Born May 15th 1823

On a separate page:
Susanna Cole daughter of Andrew Cole and Rebeca his wife was Born February 13th 1775

John Cole was Born October 15th 1777

Andrew Boals departed this life Feb 10th 1820 Being five years eight months & 22 days old.

On a separate page:
James Emmison son of John Emmison and Margaret his wife was Born July the 2 day year 1821

Susanna Emmison daughter of John Emmison and Margret his wife was Born Feb the 3___ 1823

Rebecah Emeson was born March the 19th AD 1825

Robt Emmerson was born March the 15 1826

Susana Morris Daughter of Hugh Morris and Elizabeth his wife was born September the 18 AD 1825

Contributed by: Carol Norville Berning

Benson Family Bible

Page 28
Publisher unknown

THE NEW TESTAMENT OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST TRANSLATED OUT OF THE ORIGINAL GREEK and with the original translations diligently compared and revised. PHILADELPHIA. Published and sold by Towar and Hogan, No. 255 Market Street, 1826.

T. M. Stewart and Jincy H. Mcrory was married the 25th August A. D. 1831
Francis Stewart and Mary Boyd was married on the 25th August 1836
William P. Benson and __. B. Stewart was married Jan. the 1st, 1835
Wm. P. Hamilton and Sarah Jane Stewart was married Nov. the 3, 1858

T. M. Stewart was born August the 15 A. D. 1799
Jincey M. Mcrory was born July the 6 A. D. 1813
John Stewart was born August the 15, 1799
Minnie M. Hamilton was born August the 23, 1858
James Stewart was born Sept. 3, 1795
Clark Stewart was born Jan. 3, 1803
Charles Boyd Stewart was born 28th June 1837
Sarah Jane Stewart was born 22nd December 1838
Hariet A. Stewart was born the first Jan. 1841
Perry S. Benson was born November the 3, 1835
Margaret Grace Benson was born February the 9, 1838
Elizabeth Rachel Benson was born October the 22, 1840
Minie ——–born———
William Franklin Wilson born November 23, 1881

W. W——-died March 23, 1878
Fany Wilson died December 14, 1881, 21 days after baby born
Jane B. Benson departed this life October 4, 1841 in the 34 year of her age
Hariate A. Stewart departed this life July the 30, 1851 aged 10 years 6 months and 30 days
W. T. Hamilton died 27th June 1860
Jincy M. Stewart departed this life May 30, 1859 aged 46 years 10 months and 7 days, Monday evening 15 after 6
William Booker died October 11, 1881
Archibald Stewart departed this life on the 27th July 1830 in the 61 year of his age
Archibald Jackson Stewart died 17th May 1826 in the 11th year of his age
Grace Stewart departed this life on the 2nd day of June 1838 in the 65th year of her age
A. Stewart departed this life on the 1 day of June 1840
John Stewart departed this life May the 21, 1850

Contributed by Mrs. Annie Laurie James

Martha Ann Callis Agee Family Bible

Information from the Bible of Martha Ann Callis Agee.

The Polyglott Family Bible published by National Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio & Memphis, Tenn in 1870.

William T Agee was Married to Martha A Callis February the 12 in the year of our Lord 1857John M. W. Agee and America E Mount was married Nov 5 in the year of our Lord 1879
Mary C. J. Agee and John B. Manning was Married Nov 24 in the year of our Lord 1885
John M. W. Agee and Fannie L. E. Fraley was married Feb 24 in the year of our Lord 1886
Martha L. Agee and James T. Agee was Married June 28 in the year of our Lord 1905John M. W. Agee and Bulena J. Taylor was married Sep the 8 in the year of our Lord 1887
William A. W. Agee and Elizabeth Ferguson was married Jan the 9 in the year of our Lord 1889Francis U. A. Agee and John B. Stevenson was married in the year of our Lord Feb the 5 – 1890

Notes in margin:

W. T. & M. A. Agee moved from Gibson County Feb 22 1868

Big sleet of 1902 comme(nced) Jan 27 and went off Feb 6 & 7

William Tucker Agee the son of John D & Sarah Agee was Born April 1st in the year of our Lord 1832William Tucker Agee the son of John D & Sarah Agee died March the 1, 1913
Martha Ann Agee the Daughter of Wilkins & Mary Callis was born February the 22 in the year of our Lord 1839Martha Ann Agee the Daughter of Wilkins and Mary Callis departed this life Sep 1 1910
John Marion Wilkins Agee the son of William T & Martha A Agee was born January 31 in the year of our Lord 1858John Marion Wilkins Agee the son of William T Agee died Jan 12, 1928.
Francis Udorah Ann Agee the Daughter of William T & Martha A Agee was Born October the 27 in the year of our Lord 1861Francis Udorah Ann Stephenson Daughter of William T Agee died March 10, 1930.
J. B. Stevenson born – 1859 died – Mar 16, 1932

Notes in margin:  M.A. Agee profest Religion Sep 20 1855,  W T. Agee profest religion Sep 1848.

An infant girl of William T & Martha A Agee born and departed this life September the 27 in the year of our Lord 1859
William Alexander Washington Agee the son of William T & Martha A Agee was Born February the 5 in the year of our Lord 1864Nov 3 1936
Mary Cornelah Jane Agee the daughter of William T & Martha A. Agee was born November the 1 in the year of our lord 1866Sep 3 1936
Grand Children
Bertie Codelie Agee daughter of J.M.W. & A.E. Agee was Born July 31 in the year of our Lord 1880Bertie Codelie Agee daughter of J.M.W. & A.E. Agee departed this life May 24 in the year of our Lord 1882
Martha Louvenia Agee daughter of J.M.W. & A. E. Agee was Born Dec 19 in the year of our Lord 1882
Ruth Agee daughter of J.M.W. & B. J. Agee was Born Nov 25 in the year of our Lord 1891
Benjamin Clinton Manning Son of J. B. & M.C.J. Manning was born Jan 1 in the year of our lord 1889
Henry Wilkins Manning son of J.B. & M.C.J. Manning was Born Feb 24 in the year of our Lord 1892Henry Wilkins Manning departed this life June the 20 in the year of our Lord 1903
William Frederick Agee son of J.M.W. & B.J. Agee was bornd Oct 26 in the year of our Lord 1895William Frederick Agee the son of J.M.W. & B.J. Agee departed this life July 31 in the year of our Lord 1898.

Contributed by: Robert Togni