Cairo Church of Christ

Since the congregation at Cairo does not keep a continuous written record, either in a style of minutes nor in the style of a directory, I shall attempt to relate a general amount of information as told me by dear friends of the brotherhood of Christ, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooke.

The Church of Christ was established soon after the Civil War. It was first known as the Christian Church. After the Christian Church digressed, the name was changed to the Church of Christ.

According to Goodspeed’s writings the Cairo Church of Christ in its present location was built in 1872 by A. D. A. Wray, B. F. Cook, Ben Cook, W. L. Holman, and Mr. J. R. Efland. Stating further that this building was built with shop made nails.

Mr. Cooke recalls that in the beginning the building at Cairo was small about 30×50 feet. Most all timbers were hewn with a broad ax except the ceiling and it was rough sawed and dressed by Mr. Bill Holman as a young man there. The middle sills and floor joist were knotched instead of being nailed and it is said the huge beams of the ceiling extend the length of the building.

Not able to recall its charter members, Mr. Cooke said these names were registered in a bible which has been destroyed or is in hiding. Perhaps it would be safe to assume that these persons involved in it’s construction were present. A news clipping of an unknown newspaper listing an account of the death of Mrs. J. F. Robertson stated she first attended services at Alamo, later becoming a charter member of the Cairo Christian Church. This fact substantiates the information told Maxine Mayo by her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ellen (Moore) Mayo, who was born in 1868 that she had attended as a child Sunday School services at the Cairo Christian Church. She told her that Mrs. Robertson was her teacher. This being the Mrs. Frank Robertson, who, along with her husband established the Christian Church at Crockett Mills.

Some of the first elders as recalled by Mr. and Mrs. Cooke were Smith Randle, Tom Burnett, Dick Finch and Jesse Ames. Then as they related some of the first preachers Bro. Thomas Elihue Scott from Obion was named, as was Bro. John Holland from Greenfield. He could not recall the order in which they had preached until the present, but a listing of past names follows the information related about Bro. Holland coming from Greenfield via his horse and buggy on his monthly Sunday to preach. It was probably in the mid-1920’s, along the time when the descendants of slavery stayed with the families. These negros or blacks were also worshiping in the church at that time. Another name recalled was Mrs. Byron Fewell, Paul Burke Fewell’s mother, for having made the unleavened bread back in the mid-1920’s. He said Mr. and Mrs. Fewell walked each Sunday from the Nance Community with this container – a wicker basket – of bread over their arms. From about that time Mrs. Florence Climer made this bread for many years.

Some men of renound were Brodie Hardeman, A. J. Freed, Dixon, R. E. Black, I. N. Lemons, who was an Evangelist from Texas. Others as listed by the Cookes were J. R. Stockard, D. D. Woody, Heflin, Insley, Hassell, Pasley, Clark Burns, Guy N. Woods, Cecil Doughty, Earnest Boone, James White, who was an Indian Missionary. Montague Culp, Joe Cooke Vandyke, Frank Vandyke, Jerry Burns, Phil Hefley, Paul Boone, Forries, Glen Phillips, Jimmy Colvett, Henry Booth, Sweat, Cullum, Sweeney, Charles Roland, O. D. Johns, Kelly Doyle, Johny Hardeman, Howard Parker, J. A. McNutt, John Parker, and the present John Rhenshaw from Memphis, who preaches each Sunday to the present congregation of approximately 115 people. Many more men have preached from time to time being sent from Freed-Hardeman College, but could not all be recalled to memory. 

This article was contributed, with permission of the Crockett County Historical Society, by Natalie Huntley.

This information was taken from an article which was compiled and written by Carolyn C. Peal, and published in the book Crockett County Courthouse Centennial, 1874 – 1974, prepared by the Crockett County Historical Society.

Bethesda Cumberland Presbyterian Church

On August 12, 1848, the tract of land (6.4) acres known now as Bethesda Cumberland Presbyterian Church was purchased from William A. Denwiddie, for the amount of $22.50, for a worship-school house and public burying ground, the location being Crockett County on the Crockett Mills and Eaton Road. After the land was purchased, a one-room log building was erected on what is now the north side of Bethesda Cemetery.

Bros. James McCaleb and H. N. Rose were two of the early pastors in the 1850’s.

In 1877 a one-room school building was constructed where the church now stands. The first school teacher in this building was Molly Taylor, followed by Mrs. Newell Dunagan McIlwain. The school was conducted here until about 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Odell McCaleb now reside in part of this frame building; it was moved to the farm that was known as the Bob and Kitty McCaleb place. There have been additions made to the building over the years. This approximately 97-year-old landmark is within sight of Bethesda Church.

In the late 1800’s a wood framed church building was erected across the valley near where the church manse is located today. There were nine charter members, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Odle, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hay, Mrs. Rachel Strange, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cochran, Mr. Jim Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Mit Dunagan. Some of the early pastors were Bro. Jonathan Davis and Bro. John McIlwain.

In 1933 a modern brick building was constructed just south of the frame building, or about in the same place the 1904 school building stood. Bro. Raymond was pastor at that time.

In May of 1951, Sunday School rooms and a fellowship hall were added to the church. Bro. Carl Davis of Gadsden was pastor then. Loraine O. Jackson, Huron H. Hall, Warren White and Clarence Morton were on the building committee.

In July, 1955, another addition was made; classrooms were made of the previous fellowship hall, and a new fellowship hall and kitchen were added.

In 1960 Bro. William Cottrell, now president of Bethel College in McKenzie, Tennessee, was called as our pastor. In 1961 some land was given to the church from the Dr. Sherwood Byassee estate. Then in 1965 Hautie, Bertha and Effie Harber gave some land near where the manse was constructed.

In 1965, with Bro. L. E. Turner, Jr. as pastor, a new manse was constructed, $5,000 from Mrs. Mary Warren’s estate having been left for this purpose.

In 1966 a new organ and piano were purchased for the church; central heating and cooling were installed in 1967.

On April 28, 1969, Bethesda Cumberland Presbyterian Church voted to become a full-time pastorate, hiring Bro. Ronnie Pittenger as pastor.

In July of 1972 a complete remodeling program was carried out in the sanctuary; new pews, pulpit and lectern were included in this program and the sanctuary was completely carpeted. All of the pews and many other items were donated by families who were connected with the church. The balance of our building debt was paid in 1973.

Today we have approximately 80 people who attend the church, and Bro. Wayne Morgan is the pastor.

Thanksgiving service (with dinner on the ground) was observed during the entire history of the church until 1972.

Homecoming is an annual event, being held the first Sunday in June. Recently a trust fund for the upkeep of the cemetery was established, with $2,000 as a start.

Young men from this church who have become ministers during its history are John McIlwain, George McIlwain, Cleveland McIlwain, Oakley Woodside and O. E. White. All of these are now deceased except for O. E. White, who resides with a daughter in Val Pariso, Indiana.

Former elders of the church, now deceased, include Will Taylor, Jake Harber, J. M. Cochran, Jim Harris, George White, Charlie Smith, B. A. Harber, Fate Tillam, Austin E. Harber, J. A. White, Jerald White, Willie Weatherford, Huron H. Hall, Loraine O. Jackson, Marvin Hendrick and O. M. Bates.

Bethesda Church has been richly blessed. Many, many souls have been saved during the history of the church. We are looking forward to continued growth through Christ our Lord.

This article was contributed, with permission of the Crockett County Historical Society, by Natalie Huntley.

This information was compiled and written by Mrs. Robert Irvin and Mrs. Jerald White, and published in the book Crockett County Courthouse Centennial, 1874 – 1974, prepared by the Crockett County Historical Society.

Archer’s Chapel Methodist Church

Photo by Natalie Huntley, March 2001

During a multi-denominational revival held in a grove of beech trees in 1911, ninety-two conversions were made and it was decided by the leaders of the community that a church building was needed; however no one denomination could afford to build one. A meeting was called in order that a solution to the problem might be found; those attending were George F. Heath, a local Methodist minister; Charlie B. Baker, a Missionary Baptist; James E. Archer, a Freewill Baptist; W. T. Gilliland, a member of the Christian Church; and N. L. Archer, who had been converted but had not joined any church. When it appeared that a stalemate had been reached, that it would not be possible to have a church at all because the representative of each denomination wanted the church to be of his own persuasion, all five men finally decided that it would be better to have a church of any denomination than none at all. Bro. Heath was requested by the others to select a man to organize the church. Bro. Heath said “If I select a man, he will be a Methodist, it will be a Methodist church and will go into the Methodist Conference.” To that they all agreed, and Archer’s Chapel Methodist Church was organized and built on the site formerly occupied by the Moore Schoolhouse. 

This article was contributed, with permission of the Crockett County Historical Society, by Natalie Huntley.

This information was taken from an article on the community of Frog Jump, which was compiled and written by Maxine Mayo, and published in the book Crockett County Courthouse Centennial, 1874 – 1974, prepared by the Crockett County Historical Society.

Alamo United Methodist Church

(The following article was published by the Crockett Times, Alamo, Tennessee in a special edition, for the dedication of the new church building, Sunday, July 6, 1952. The article was titled, “Through The Years With the Alamo Methodist Church”, and was co-written by Mr. Theo J. Emison and Mrs. S. Homer Tatum, both active members of the church. This issue had many interesting articles concerning the activities of the church. The History of Alamo United Methodist Chrch continues and additional research will bring forth the relevance of the church to its community since the dedication of this new structure.)

The Alamo Methodist Church was organized in the year 1849 when the community was known as Cageville and was a part of Haywood county. It is believed to be the oldest church in this section of West Tennessee. In January, 1853, the first property was acquired for the church by a deed from Isaac M. Johnson. This property consisted of a lot, having a footage of 100 feet, on what is now known as Johnson Street and which was the North side of the lot presently occupied by the church. The first floor of a two-story building on the property was used by the church and the second floor was used by the Independent Order I.O.O.F. No. 72, and the Order of the Sons of Temperance, No. 21. At the time of acquisition of this first property, the following men constituted the Board of Trustees of the Church: John M. McFarland, Jessie Harris, Dan’l White, Thomas Yandle and Hugh Matthews. In 1866, this original frame building was moved across the street and was established as a school, known as the Cageville Academy. Then, in the midst of what would appear to be a wilderness those early Methodist, with a remarkable vision, and a great faith in God, began the erection of a beautiful structure which served as a place of worship for over 80 years. About the time of completion of this two story colonial frame Church building in March, 1869, Isaac M. Johnson gave the church an adjoining lot which completed the city block presently owned by the church. The Board of Trustees at that time were: John McFarland, Jessie Harris, Isaac M. Johnson, H. M. Klyce and William A. Johnson. As to the construction of this beautiful Church building, it should be noted that H. M. Klyce was the contractor and a substantial contributor on this project, and he is believed to have been the architect as well.

On Sunday night, June 8, 1869, there was a service which must have deeply stirred the hearts and souls of those hearty pioneers for God and Country, a service of joy and thanksgiving, a service of dedication, for it was on that happy occasion that Bishop H. N. McTyeire of Nashville preached the sermon of dedication of what at that time was perhaps one of the most beautifully appointed Churches in all of West Tennessee. And it was generally understood that a part of the ceremony of dedication was the burning of the unpaid notes and mortgage which was held by H. M. Klyce. The second floor of this building, owned and occupied by the Orders heretofore mentioned, was to play an important part in the early political life of our people and of the County. The organization of Crockett County, as we know it, took place there on March 12, 1872. And the first Courts were held there. The Alamo Baptist Church was organized in the Methodist Church building on November 23, 1872. Many were the important meetings held there. It was only the first floor of this two-story, frame, colonial building which was originally used by the Church. The second story was used by the Orders of I.O.O.F. and the Free and Accepted Masons. It was not until September, 1923, that the Church acquired the rights of the Alamo Lodge No. 131 of I.O.O.F. On September 5, 1923 the Church bought the upper story of the brick building on the South side of Court Square known as the E. G. McLean building the purchase price being $1050.00. This upper story was transferred and conveyed to the trustees of Alamo Lodge No. 164, F. & A.M. and the trustees of Alamo Lodge No. 131 I.O.O.F. in consideration of which the trustees of the above mentioned Orders relinquished their title to the upper story of the church building, thus the Methodist acquired full possession. The Reverend E. L. Robinson, pastor 1922-1924, initiated this forward movement and under his ministry this upper story was converted into facilities for the development of a program of Christian Education. In 1927, Alamo Methodist Episcopal Church, South was transferred from the Alamo circuit and became one of the churches on the two-point charge, known as the Bells-Alamo Charge. In 1941 the charge was transferred from the Brownsville District to the Jackson District. In 1943, the Rev. James P. Irion was appointed as pastor to the Bells-Alamo charge. Recognizing the inadequacy of the present church building to meet the needs of the growing congregation, his faith and vision challenged the church to plan a long-range building program which would meet the needs of the present and future generations. More than two years of education and cultivation were required to harmonize the different opinions related to this movement. Many felt that the rich heritage which had come to them through the use of this magnificent colonial building which had served three or four generations, laid upon them a definite responsibility to provide for the present and future generations a more present day adequate building. Others shared the opinion that this rich heritage should be preserved by restoring, remodeling and redecorating the building to meet the needs.

A Church conference was called, at which time the pastor presented plans for a new building. The majority vote was in favor of accepting the said plans. From the date of the conference until the present the congregation has worked as a unit and in a spirit of love and cooperation. The Rev. C. H. Rayl was employed to provide architectural plans in consultation with the pastor, the Reverend James P. Irion and the building committee, composed of H. A. Thomas, W. C. Cullipher, Happle Bell, James B. Nance, Theo J. Emison. F. M. Porter, Mrs. S. Homer Tatum, Mrs. J. E. Klyce and Mre. E. O Prather, Jr. The building plans were prepared to accommodate and facilitate the three-fold work in worship, Christian education, and personal culture in the varied activities of fellowship and recreational programs. Special building features were: Sanctuary of Gothic style including the open chancel which was to be dedicated to the exclusive use of Worship; educational facilities which would meet the highest requirements of the General Board of Christian Education. The congregation is justly proud that each department has been provided with its own assembly and classrooms, thus making it possible for the Church School to properly function by departments. In addition to the above facilities, a general assembly hall and other recreational features have been provided; a spacious Church Parlor has been provided for social and business meetings; the well planned pastor’s study consists of a combined library and reception room in addition to the pastor’s private study. The frame, colonial building was demolished in the Spring of 1947 and the building plans were begun. During the ad interim the congregation worshipped in the Alamo High School Building. Despite the inconveniences the church enjoyed a steady increase in interest and attendance. By the Spring of 1848 the basement and the walls of the entire building had been completed and the congregation assembled in the basement for their regular church services. In 1950, the Alamo church became a station. The Reverend Harrell Townsend was appointed pastor. Under his able and concentrated leadership, marked progress in every phase of the church program has been noted. Only faith and prayer could enable the visualization of the immediate completion of the building. An indebtedness on the structure together with the amount needed for completion seemed as insurmountable obstacle. In the Spring of 1951 plans for refinancing and raising funds for completing the building were launched, culminating in a victorious financial achievement on Easter Sunday. architects were employed and contracts let for finishing the building. A. J. Tucker was added to the building committee. During these two years under the leadership of The Reverend Harrell A. Townsend as a full-time minister, the church has experienced a deepening of spiritual growth and increased membership, and an intensified and renewed interest in the general program of the church. Reviewing and analyzing the 6 year building program we find it has been so challenging in its difficulties and so thrilling in its rewards that the congregation has been inspired to “launch out into the deep” and achieve victories that come only through adventures in faith.

The roster of ministers who have served the Alamo Methodist Church since the year 1855 is as follows: 1855, Rev. Simpson Weaver; 1856, Rev. N. P. Ramsey; 1857 & 1858, Rev. C. J. Mauldin; 1859, Rev. J. R. Sykes; 1860, Rev. Wm. S. Harrison; !861, Reb C. J. Mauldin; 1862-1863, Rev. N. P. Ramsey; 1864, Rev. Andrew C. Smith; 1865-1866, Rev. James B. McCutcheon; 1867, Rev. W. J. Mahon; 1868-1869, Rev. James B. McCutcheon; 1870, Rev. B. M. Burrow; 1871-1872, Rev. Nathan Sullivan; 1873-1874, Rev. W. L. Duckworth; 1875, Rev. O. P. Parker; 1876-1877, Rev. W. B. Seward; 1878-1979, Rev. C. J. Mauldin; 1880, Rev. T. C. Holmes; 1881, Rev. J. D. Bush; 1882, Rev. B. A. Hays; 1882-1884, Rev. M. M. Taylor; 1885, Rev. George H. Martin; 1886, Rev. J. W. Knott; 1887-1888, Rev. J. M. Maxwell; 1889, Rev D. L. Hines; 1890, Rev. H. B. Owens; 1891-1893, Rev. W. A. Dungan; 1894, Rev. T. E. Smith; 1895-1896, Rev. Lee Sanders; 1897-1898, Rev. P. A. Fowler; 1899, Rev. J. Calvin Wilson; 1900, Rev. J. G. Burke; 1901-1903, Rev. W. Hardy Neal; 1904-1905, Rev. J. C. Throgmorton; 1906-1908, Rev. T. S. Stratten; 1909-1910, Rev. T. N. Wilkes; 1911, Rev. R. W. Thompson; 1912-1915, Rev. U. S. McCaslin; 1916-1917, Rev. J. C. Rudd; 1918, Rev. W. L. Suggs; 1919, Rev. R. A. Wood. 1920-1921, Rev. A. C. Moore; 1922-1924, Rev. E. L. Robinson; 1925, Rev. W. L. Drake; 1926, Rev. J. E. James; 1927, Rev. V. A. DeShazo; 1929, Rev. C. A. Riggs; 1930-1932, Rev. W. T. Garner; 1933, No one listed; 1934, Rev. G. T. Sellars; 1935-1938, Rev. R. P. Bryant; 1939, Rev. Wm. M. O’Donnell; 1940-1942, Rev. E. V. Underwood; 1943-1949, Rev. James P. Irion; 1950-19 , Rev. Harrell A. Townsend (This is a list of the pastors who have served since the above article was written)

Contributed by Margaret N. Nichol

Alamo Church of Christ

The congregation at Alamo was established about 1840. It has always been a prosperous congregation; it is not large, yet it has sent out a number of preachers who are doing splendid service for the Master in different parts of the United States. The following are some of the ministers who have gone out from this congregation: A. Cook, W. A. Cook, W. H. Cook, J. R. Farrow, W. G. Conley, Jno. T. Brown and Arthur Brown. Present elders: P. B. Nance, H. W. Cook and R. L. Conley. Text taken from Churches of Christ: A Historical, Biographical, and Pictorial History of Churches of Christ in the United States, Australasia, England and Canada by John T. Brown, M. A. Published by John P. Morton and Company, Louisville, Kentucky, Copyright 1904 The Alamo Church of Christ was the forerunner of the present-day Alamo Church of Christ at 729 West Church Street and the Alamo First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at 78 West Main Street. The building was located at 150 Poplar Street just to the northeast of the Alamo Cemetery on the site where Mrs. Claude Thornton’s home once stood. For many years, the church’s original steps remained on-site at the rear of the lot. The book referenced above was written by John Thomas Brown, a native of Crockett County, who was born one mile north of Alamo in 1869 (then Cageville, Gibson County.) Brown’s leather-bound, 683-page edition is considered the definitive work on the history of the Churches of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the American Restoration Movement. The text above were taken from a copy of John T. Brown’s book that belonged to my great-grandfather, William Stephen Corbett.

Contributed by Jeff Reece