William Davis Cozart Land Grant

West Tennessee Land Grant
To William Davis Cozart
Entered June 17, 1848
Book 10, page 305
In 1871 this area became Crockett County Civil District 3.

Tennessee State Library and Archives
Microfilm #181
Transcribed by Denise Cozart
July 2002

This land grant was awarded posthumously to William Davis Cozart, his death occurring around December 1846. The grant then went to his widow, Susana Boals Cozart, This tract was in Madison County, 18th Civil District, near the waters of Cypress Creek. We know the civil district from the 1865 sale of this property by William Davis Cozart’s sons. See 1865 Cozart-Spraggins deed. In 1871 this area became Crockett County, Civil District 3. Gadsden was the big town of the district.

        The land in this grant was measured in poles and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile


Know ye, That for and in consideration of the sum of Fees of Office, paid into the Office of the Entry-taker of Madison County, and entered on the 17 day of June 1848 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of said State, passed 2d day of November 1847, by No. 443, THERE IS GRANTED by the said State of Tennessee, unto William D. Cozart a certain tract or parcel of land, containing Fifty Acres by survey, bearing date the [blank] day of [blank] 18[blank] lying in said county.

Range 2, Section 11

Beginning at an Ash, poplar, hickory & white oak prs [pointers] the N.E. Corner of Res. Claim No. 146 for 50 Acres in the name of George Allen & in the West boundary line of Entry No. 203 for 640 Acres in the name of F. W. Huling. Thence West with said Res. Claim 70 poles to a Stake, Maple, Ironwood, hickory & White Oak prs: Then North 88 9/10 poles to a Stake, hickory & 3 White oaks: Then East 90 poles to a Stake, hickory, …oak prs: … West boundary of Entry No. 203: Then South with its line 80 9/10 poles to the Beginning.

With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with its appurtenances, is the said William D. Cozart and his heirs forever.

In witness whereof, N. S. Brown Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the 1 day of April in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and 49 and of the Independence of the United States, the 73rd.

By the Governor:         N. S. Brown

W. B. A. Ramsey
Secretary of State.

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

William Cozart to Gilbert Cozart

William Davis Cozart to Gilbert Cozart
Brother to brother
Registered: September 12, 1844
Madison County Deed Book 9, page 380
In 1871 this area became Crockett County Civil District 3.

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Madison County, microfilm roll #5
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

Originally when William David Cozart bought this tract, the acreage was not stated. See deed registered March 19, 1838. When William sold the tract to his brother Gilbert, the deed was for “100 acres.” Deed was registered September 12, 1844. When Gilbert Cozart returned it to William’s widow and children, the acreage was “100 etc.” See deed registered February 10, 1847. When William’s children sold it, the deed showed “150 acres.” See deed registered April 3, 1866. The additional 50 acres were acquired posthumously by William through a grant in 1848.

William may have sold this tract to Gilbert to raise money. William may have been sick in 1844 and unable to work. He died in 1846. On Gilbert’s part, it may have been a way of lending or giving his brother some help. It is likely that William and family never moved from the land. Gilbert’s farm was at least five miles to the south along the South Fork of the Forked Deer River.

This piece of property was in Madison County, 10th Surveyor’s District, 18th Civil District, near the waters of Cypress Creek. In 1871 this area became Crockett County, Civil District 3. Gadsden was the big town of the district.

380 [page]
Wm D. Cozart        
To: Deed 100 Acres        
Gilbert Cozart         
Reg 12th Sept, 1844

This Indenture [deed] made this 7th day of September 1844 between William D. Cozart of the County of Madison & State of Tennessee of the one part — and Gilbert Cozart of the County and State aforesaid of the other part — witnesseth that the [said] William D. Cozart for the consideration of the sum of Two hundred and thirty three Dollars in hand paid before the ensealing and delivering these presents that receipt — whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained, sold and doth hereby bargain sell alien & convey unto the said Gilbert Cozart a certain tract or parcel of land lying in the County & State aforesaid it being a part of a six hundred & forty acre survey entered & granted to Frederick W. Huling in the said County of Madison and on the waters of Cypress Creek, the said land I the said William D. Cozart purchased of James Huling agent for Frederick W. Huling. Beginning at Madison Cozarts North west corner a black walnut, three white oak pointers, thence east one hundred & seventy eight 8/10 poles to a stake a post oak and Black Gum pointers, Thence North Eighty nine and a half poles to stake black oak & post-oak pointers, Thence west one hundred & seventy eight 8/10 poles to a stake hickory and post oak pointers. Thence south eighty nine & a half poles to the beginning. Containing by estimation one hundred acres of Land. I the said William D. Cozart, warrant & forever defend the right, title claims and interest to the said Gilbert Cozart and his heirs forever. In testamony [sic] I the said William D. Cozart, hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written.        

Wm. D. Cozart         seal

In presence of us
        Kinchen Hathaway [brother-in-law of William and Gilbert]
        Stephen Milbron

State of Tennessee
Madison County        
        Personally appeared before me Thomas W. Gamewell Clerk of the County Court of said County William D. Cozart the within named bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he Executed the within named deed for the purposes therein contained.                
        Witness my hand at office this 11th day of September 1844.                Thos. W. Gamewell Clk

I Certify that I Rcvd the state Tax on this deed
Thos. W. Gamewell Clk

State of Tennessee
Madison County        
        I Willie Langford Register of said County do hereby certify that the foregoing deed of convey was filed in my office for Registration at 11 O clock A.M. and noted in Minute Book No. 1, page 31.
        Witness my hand at office this 11th day of September 1844.                                                W. Langford R.M.C.
                                        [Register of Madison County]

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

William Davis Cozart to Daniel Cherry

William Cozart to Daniel Cherry
Registered June 22, 1835
Madison County Deed Book 4; page 204

Tennessee State Library & Archives
Madison County microfilm roll #2
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

This “William Cozart” may not have been William Davis Cozart.

In an 1838 school-census record for Madison County Civil District 9, Common School Record Book 1838-1846, there was a “William Cozart” with four children in school. This was not William Davis Cozart, whose oldest child was just born in November 1836.

If the seller were William Davis Cozart, we are not sure when he came in possession of these 200 acres through “occupant claims.”

On December 18, 1834, William Cozart sold the land, household furnishings, animals, etc. This sale was registered on June 22, 1835.

William Davis Cozart, born circa 1804, would have been about 30 years old at the time of the sale. He may have married Susana Boals around this time, because their oldest child (as far as we know), Robert William, was born in Tennessee on November 7, 1836. The wedding probably took place in West Tennessee. If this were his property, he may have been selling it in preparation for setting up a new household.

In March 1838 William Davis Cozart bought 100 acres from F. W. Huling along Cypress Creek. James Boals, Susana’s brother, bought 200 adjoining acres. During the years of William’s marriage to Susana the family lived as farmers. William D. may have been a part-time soldier.

        The land in this deed was measured in poles and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile


William Cozart        
To: Deed 200 acres        
Daniel Cherry         
Registered 22nd June 1835        

I William Cozart of the State of Tennessee and the County of Madison for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred & fifty dollars to me in hand paid by Daniel Cherry of the sd [said] state and county of Haywood I do bargain sell alien convey & transfer unto Daniel Cherry & his heirs forever my occupant claims of land of two hundred acres whereon I now live in sd [said] county of Madison and state afforesaid [sic] also one small mare all of my stock of cattle hoggs [sic] house hold and kitchen furniture of every description In writing whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th Dec 1834

Test.        Isaac M. Johnson
        Norman T. Cherry                                        William Cozart        seal
        James C. Foster
        R. W. May

State of Tennessee
Haywood County Court
Personally appeared before me Blackman Colman clerk of the circuit court of the County of Haywood Isaac M. Johnson and Norman T. Cherry who being first duly sworn depose and say that they are acquainted with William Cozart the bargainor and that he acknowledged the same in their presence to be his act and deed upon the day it bears date witness my hand at office the 8th day of June 1835
        B. Colman Clk

Rcvd State Tax
                B. Colman Clk                        

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

William D. Cozart Heirs to Narrell Spraggins

William D. Cozart Heirs to Narrell Spraggins
Registered April 3, 1866
Madison County Deed Book 24, pages 51-52
In 1871 this area became Crockett County Civil District 3

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Madison County, microfilm roll #12
Copied by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

The sale of this Cozart property took place on October 28, 1865, six months after the close of the Civil War. There was a 5-month delay in registering the sale. Tennessee was readmitted to the Union on July 24, 1866. She was the last State to secede and the first to be readmitted.

The sellers were listed in birth order. They were the three oldest children of William Davis Cozart and Susana Boals — Robert “William” about age 29, Joshua James about 27, and Gilbert about 25. The other children who shared in the $2325 were: Henderson about age 24, Newton about 23, and Jasper about 20.

Their dad bought the original tract of 100 acres in January 1838, registered in March. In September 1844 he sold it to his brother Gilbert. In January 1847 Uncle Gilbert Cozart returned the parcel to their widowed mother. He stipulated that the boys were to inherit the property and share alike. In 1848 William D., posthumously, was awarded a State grant of another 50 adjoining acres. It was the whole 150-acre tract that was now being sold.

By the 1860 U.S. Census their mother had remarried. Oldest son Robert “William” had wed Catherine “Fanny” Powell. The boys lived in different households. In 1861 the Civil War began; in 1862 the Union Army began occupation of West Tennessee; in 1865 the Civil War came to a close. The boys had hopes and plans. It was time to get on with their lives and claim their inheritance.

On the deed registered April 1866, we learn that the property was in the 18th civil district of Madison County. In 1871 this area became civil district 3 of Crockett County. Gadsden was the big town of the district.

        The land in this deed was measured in poles and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 link = 7.92 inches
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile
R. W. Cozart        

J. Cozart and        
G. Cozart                

To:        Deed                

Narrell Spraggins        

Register April 3, 1866        

We R. W. Cozart, J. Cozart and G. Cozart have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer alien, convey and confirm to Narrell Spraggins, his heirs and assigns forever for theconsiderationof Twenty-three hundred twenty-five Dollars to us in hand paid, the Receipt which is hereby acknowledged, a certain parcel of land situated lying and being in the 18th civil district in the county of Madison and State of Tennessee containing one hundred & fifty acres “more or less” and bounded as follows to wit. Beginning at Madison Cozarts North West corner, a Black Walnut & 3 white ash pointers. Thence East 178 1/10 poles to a Stake. Post oak, Black Gum pointers. Thence North 89 1/2 poles to a Stake. Black oak & Post oak pointers. Thence West 178 8/10 poles to a Stake. Hickory and Post oak pointers. Thence West 90 poles to a Stake. Hickory & 3 white oak pointers. Thence South 88 2/10 poles to a Stake. Maple, Ironwood, Hickory & white oak pointers. Thence East 90 poles to the Beginning.

        To have and to hold the same together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said Narrell Spraggins his heirs and assigns forever We do covenant with the said Narrell Spraggins that we are lawfully Seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered. We do further covenant and bind ourselves our heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to said described land and every part thereof to the aforesaid Narrell Spraggins his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatever.

Witness our hands and Seals
This 28th day of October 1865                 R. W. Cozart         seal
                                G. Cozart                seal
                                J. Cozart                seal
Executed & delivered in our presence
date given above
attest         SamlS. Watkins
                J.M. Bledsoe        

State of Tennessee
Madison County
Personally appeared before me P. C. McCowat Clerk of the County Court of such County the Subscribing Witnesses Saml E Watkins and J M Bledsoe who being first Sworn, deposed and said that they are acquainted with the bargainors and that they acknowledged said Instrument in their presence as their act and deed on the day it bears date.

State Tax 1.50
County .75

Witness my hand at Office This 3 day of April 1866.
                                P. C. McCowat clerk
State of Tennessee
Madison County         
I J. R. Chappell Register of Said County do certify that the foregoing Deed with Clerk’s certificate and $2.50 in USR Stamps therein was duly filed in my Office this day about 10 o’clock AM & noted in Minute Book 4 on page 186.

                Witness my hand at Office this the 3 day April 1866.
                        J. R. Chappell Register

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

Thornton Ellsworth Cozart to Anthony Haywood Cozart

Thornton Ellsworth Cozart to Anthony Haywood Cozart
Brother to Brother
Registered December 16th, 1852
Madison County Deed Book 16, pages 211-212
Madison County District 9; became Crockett County District 1 in 1871

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Madison County, microfilm roll 8
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
May 2002

I do not know when Thornton E. Cozart acquired this land.

A reference point in the deed below was “Nicholas Long.” His land was the starting point or boundary for these deeds: Samuel Lancaster to Anthony H. & F. L. Cozart, 1847-48; William Pillow to Joshua Cozart, 1850; Thornton E. Cozart to Anthony H. Cozart, 1852; Elizabeth Cozart to Joshua M. Cozart, etc., 1854.

The witnesses to the 1852 deed between Thornton E. Cozart and Anthony Haywood Cozart were brother, Joshua M. Cozart, and brother-in-law William H. Marlow.

In 1852 Thornton E. was about 27 years old; Anthony Haywood about 28.

We know from other deeds of near-by and adjoining property that this land was in Madison County District 9 which became Crockett County District 1 in 1871.

        The land in this deed was measured in links, poles, and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 link = 7.92 inches
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile

T. E. Cozart to        
A. H. Cozart
Reg. Dec. 16th/52

This Indenture made and entered into this the 27th day of October 1852 between Thornton E. Cozart of the one part and Anthony H. Cozart of the other part of the county of Madison and State of Tennessee, for and in consideration of the sum of 250.00 dollars, in hand paid to him by said Anthony H. Cozart, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened and conveyed and confirmed unto the said Anthony H. Cozart his heirs and assigns forever, a certain parcel or tract of Land; being lying and situate in the county of Madison and State of Tennessee be[ing] a part of a tract of Land in the name of Nicholas Long for 923 acres and bounded as follows.

Beginning on a Dogwood on the North East corner of Lot No. 1, thence West 112 1/2 poles to a stake, Dogwood, and two Black oak pointers, to the N. W. corner No. 3, thence South 117 poles and 14 links to a stake and two hickory pointers in the South boundary of original tract; Thence East 112 1/2 poles to ash, hickory and red oak pointers, the North corner of Lot No. 1, thence North to the beginning, containing 124 acres and 3/4 of an acre to have and to hold forever the aforesaid Land with all the singular the rights profits hereditaments and appurtenances that is belonging to or in any wise appertaining to the only proper use and benefit of the said Anthony Cozart his heirs and assigns forever. And I the said Thornton E. Cozart for myself heirs and Administrators doth covenant and agree with the land and premises above mentioned against the right, title claim or interest of all and every other person whomsoever, as Witnesseth whereof I, the said Thornton E. Cozart doth hereunto set my hand and Seal, with the day and date above.

                                                Thornton E. Cozart seal
Signed in our presence
W. H. Marlow
Joshua M. Cozart

State of Tennessee Madison County:
Personally appeared before me Thos. W. Gamewell, Clerk of the county court of said county: W. H. Marlow and Joshua M. Cozart, … witnesses to the foregoing Deed, who after being first sworn depose and say they are acquainted with Thornton E. Cozart the within named bargainor, and that he acknowledged in their presence the Execution of the within deed to be his act and deed, on the day it bears date

Witness my hand at office this 6th Dec. 1852
Tax Paid.                                        Thos. W. Gamewell Clk

State of Tennessee Madison County:
I Wm. W. Gates, Register of said county do certify that the foregoing Deed and Clerk’s certificate thereon was duly filed in my office this day at 1 o’clock P.M. and noted in Minute Book No. 3 page 13. Witness my hand at office this 11th day of December 1852.

                                                W. W. Gates, Register

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

Thornton E. Cozart to William H. Marlow

Thornton E. Cozart to William H. Marlow
Registered December 20th, 1858
Madison County Deed Book 21, pages 100-101
In 1871 this area became Crockett County

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Madison County, microfilm roll #11
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

This was marked “deed,” but it does not seem that land was involved, rather “money and effects.” The deed referred to Thornton Ellsworth Cozart as a “legatee” of his father Joshua’s last will and testament of 1851. Thornton was about 26 in 1851.

Thornton E. was mentioned in his father’s will in item #9:

Ninthly — I give and bequeath to the heirs of my son William D. Cozart, deceased, viz., Robert W. Cozart, Joshua Cozart, Gilbert Cozart, Newton Cozart, Henderson Cozart and Jasper Cozart. These last mentioned six to be considered as one heir
A. Haywood Cozart and Thornton L. [Ellsworth] Cozart
And as one heir Cintha A.E. Grey and Berry M. Grey
be made equal in this final division of my moneys and effects, including what they each have already received as I have mentioned above.

Thomas Wright was witness to Joshua Cozart’s last will and testament and to Thornton’s 1858 deed below.

T. E.’s mother, Elizabeth Marsh Cozart, had died in 1857. In December her youngest son, Joshua M. Cozart, submitted an inventory of her estate to the county court. Already in 1854 Elizabeth had sold the land she lived on to son Joshua M. Cozart, daughter Mahulda Cozart Marlow and her husband William H. Marlow, who were to divide it “by a north and south line” as specified in Joshua Cozart’s last will and testament.

By 1858 both Cozart parents were dead, and a final settling of their estate was taking place.

Note that the 1858 deed stated “Thornton E. Cozart formerly of the County of Madison and State of Tennessee.” Thornton had moved to Texas some time after the 1852 sale of his land in Madison County to brother Anthony Haywood Cozart. Thornton appeared on the 1860 U. S. Census for Shiloh Post Office, Hunt County, Texas. He died in 1864 of fever while serving in the 15th Texas Calvary in Tyler, Texas, leaving a wife pregnant with twins and four children. He was about 39.

E. Cozart To
Wm. H. Marlow deed         
Reg. Dec. 20
th 1858
all men by these presents that I Thornton E. Cozart formerly of the County of Madison and State of Tennessee for in consideration of eight hundred dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by W. H. Marlow of the County of Madison and State of Tennessee hath bargained and sold and delivered unto the said W. H. Marlow and his heirs and assigns forever my undivided interest as a legatee to the undivided property of the estate of Joshua Cozart deceased Late of said County of Madison and State aforesaid it being fully described and set forth in the last will and testament of said Joshua Cozart deceased Reference to the said will, will fully show the undivided interest herein conveyed. I hereby transfer the same and every part and parcel thereof to the said W. H. Marlow his heirs and assigns forever for the above named sum of eight hundred dollars and furthermore bind my self my heirs and assigns to defend the title of said interest against the claim or claims of any and all persons whatever to the said W. H. Marlow his heirs and assigns forever In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 26th day of October 1858 assigned & sealed in the presence of
Thos. Wright
Perry C. Wilks                        T. E. Cozart seal

State of Tennessee
Madison County
Personally appeared before me Thos. W. Gamewell clerk of the County Court of said County Perry C. Wilks and Thomas Wright the subscribing witnesses to this written conveyance who being first sworn deposed and say that he acknowledged in their presence that he executed said conveyance for the purposes therein contained on the day it bears date.

        Witness my hand at office this 20th day of December 1858

                                Thos. W. Gamewell clerk

                                By T. C. McCowat D.C. [deputy clerk]

State of Tennessee
Madison County
I Wm. G. Cockerill Register of said County do certify that the foregoing conveyance and clerk’s certificate therein were duly filed in my office this day about 12 O’clock A.M. and noted in Minute Book 4 page 9.
        Witness my hand at office this 20th day of December 1858

                                        Wm. G. Cockerill Reg.

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

Robert “William” & Catherine “Fanny” Cozart to Demetrie Ethridge

Robert “William” & Catherine “Fanny” Cozart to Demetrie Ethridge
Parents to Daughter
Registered April 4, 1912
Crockett County Deed Book U
[?], page 437

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Crockett County, microfilm roll #A4267
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

Robert “William” and Catherine “Fanny” Cozart bought a 85 1/2-acre tract around 1865 when the area was part of Gibson County Civil District 16. In 1871 this became Crockett County District 4. Coxville was the big town of the district.

Thirty acres were sold to Carroll Jackson in 1875; 19 1/2 acres to oldest daughter Demetrie Ethridge, age 49, in 1912. Since her husband was not mentioned, it is likely she was a widow.

William was 75 in April 1912. He would live until November 4, 1915. Fanny was around 68. She would live until February 12, 1929.

R. W. Cozart
& Wife
To:        Deed
        Demetrie Etheridge
4 district
19 1/2 acres
        R L Conyers …

The indenture made and entered into this the 26 day of March 1912 between R W Cozart of the first part of the County of Crockett and State of Tennessee and Demetrie Etheridge of the second part of the County and State of foresaid witnesseth that the said R W Cozart has this day sold to Demetrie Etheridge for the consideration of $780.00 Seven Hundred & Eighty dollars … in hand the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged a certain tract of land in the County of Crockett and State of Tennessee in the 4th Civil District and bounded as follows Beginning at a Stake in the North boundary line of Sec Selph [? was Section 11 in 1875] thence West 37 … poles to a stake thence south to a stake 85 poles thence East to a stake 37 poles thence North to a stake 85 poles to the beginning containing by estimation 19 1/2 acres more or less to have and to hold the same to the said Demetrie Etheridge to her
And her heirs and assigns forever the said R W Cozart doth covenant with the said Demetrie Etheridge her heirs and and [word repeated] assigns that he is lawfully seized of said land and the same is unencumbered and that I have a good right to convey the same and I do further Covenant with the said Demetrie Etheridge that I and my heirs and legal representatives will forever warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: in testimony I have Signed my name this 26 day of March 1912.
                                                        R W Cozart

                                                        Mrs C F Cozart

State of Tennessee
Crockett County

Personally appeared before me R S Conyers Clerk of the County Court of said County R W Cozart the bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained and Mrs C F Cozart wife of the said R W Cozart having personally appeared before me privately and apart from her husband the said Mrs C F Cozart acknowledged the execution of the said deed to have been done by her freely voluntarily and understandingly without compulsion or constraint from her husband and for the purposes therein expressed, Witness R S Conyers Clerk of said Court at office this 4th day of April 1912.
                                        R L Conyers

I certify that the above deed was Received in Record April 4 1912 at 4 O clock PM and so noted in minute Book no 3 page 282 & 283                                        
                                        G L Bennett

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

Robert “William” & Catherine F. Cozart to Carroll Jackson

Robert “William” & Catherine F. Cozzart [Cozart] to Carroll Jackson
Registered December 2, 1875
Crockett County Deed Book 8, page 544

Tennessee State Library & Archives:
Crockett County, microfilm roll #8
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
Junly 2002

According to the 1860 U.S. Census Robert “William” and his bride Catherine “Fanny” were living on the old home place where he had been raised, next to Uncle Madison Cozart and family. This was in Madison County, District 18, near Cypress Creek. Their post office was Gadsden.

In 1865 this familiar property was sold (see Cozart Heirs to Spraggins deed). Robert “William” and Catherine “Fanny” then apparently bought 85 1/2 acres in Gibson County Civil District 16, where Fanny had been brought up. William was around 29; Fanny about 22. On the 1870 Census they were in Gibson County with post office of Humboldt/Gadsden. In 1871 this area became Crockett County Civil District 4. One of the leading communities was Coxville.

In the following deed William and Fanny were selling back to the previous owner, Carroll Jackson, 30 acres “of the 85 1/2 acre tract deeded to me by said Jackson.”

In March 1912 William and Fanny, 75 and about 68, sold another 19 1/2 acres to their oldest daughter, Demetrie Cozart Ethridge. William lived until November 4, 1915; Fanny until February 12, 1929.

According to family tradition, both William and Fanny were buried at “Salem Chapel,” which likely was Salem Cumberland Presbyterian. This may have been Fanny’s childhood church. It was about three or so miles south of the intersection of State Route 152 W and Salem Road. Cox’s Chapel was less than a mile south of this same intersection on Salem Road. On the map Salem Road was just east of Coxville on State Route 152 W. Salem Road ran south to Gadsden from this intersection. (directions courtesy of Hugh Dunlap)

R. W. Cozzart
To:        Deed
        30 acres
        Dist. No. 4

We R. W. Cozart [spelled with one “z”] and Catharine F. Cozart [spelled with one “z”] wife of the said R. W. Cozart have this day bargained and sold and hereby transfer and convey to Carroll Jackson and his heirs forever for the consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy three dollars and fifty five cents in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged for a tract of land in the state of Tennessee crockett county Range 3 section 11 in 4 civil district of crockett county containing containing [word repeated] thirty acres more or less and bounded as follows

Beginning at a stake black oak pointer on Martha Jane Williams west boundary line runs thence north one hundred and 9 5/10 poles to a stake sweet gum pointer thence west 39 1/4 1/10 [?] poles to a white oak thence south 79 8/10 poles to a stake thence east 24 poles to a stake black oak pointer thence south 30 poles to a stake black oak pointer thence east 61 1/2 1/10 [?] poles to the beginning containing thirty acres more or less being part of the 85 1/2 acre tract deeded to me by said Jackson to have and to hold the same to said Carroll Jackson his heirs and assigns forever we do covenant with the said Jackson that we are lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered we do further covenant and bind ourselves our heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to said land and every part thereof to the said Jackson his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatever given under our hands and seal this the 23rd day of November 1875 —
                                                        R. W. Cozzart seal

                                                        Catharine X Cozzart seal
state tax $.25 paid

State of Tennessee
crockett county

Personally appeared before me, Francis J. Wood, clerk of said county, R. W. Cozzart the bargainor, with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within Deed for the purposes therein contained, And Catharine Cozzart wife of the said R. W. Cozzart having appeared before me privately and apart from her husband the said R. W. Cozzart acknowledged the execution of the said Deed to have been done by her freely, voluntarily, and understandingly without compulsion or constraint from her husband, and for the purposes therein expressed,

Witness of Francis J. Wood, clerk of said county at office, this 2nd day of December 1875

                                        Francis J. Wood,

State of Tennessee
crockett county
I certify that the foregoing Deed and certificates were recd. For Registration December 2nd 1875 at 1 O’clock P.M.
                                        R. T. DeFouche, Register

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

Madison Cozart Land Grant

West Tennessee Land Grant #9769
To Madison Cozart
Entered April 23, 1849
Book 9A, page 18
In 1871 this area became Crockett County.

Tennessee State Library and Archives
Microfilm Roll #180
Transcribed by Denise Cozart
July 2002

This land adjoined that of brother William Davis Cozart according to the grant which means it was near the 100 acres Madison previously had bought from George Allen in 50-acre parcels in 1838 and 1842. This added another 42 3/4 acres.

        The land in this grant was measured in poles and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 link = 7.92 inches
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile

The State of Tennessee: No. 9769

Know ye
, That for and in consideration of the sum of fees of Office, paid into the Office of the Entry-taker of Madison County, and entered on the 23rd day of April 1849 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of said State, passed 2d day of November 1847, by No. 324, THERE IS GRANTED by the said State of Tennessee, unto Madison Cozart a certain tract or parcel of land, containing Forty Two and three fourths acres by survey, bearing date the 15th day of May 1838, lying in said county.

West of the Meridian line,
Range three and Section eleven.
[Wm. Davis Cozart’s 1848 grant was range two, section 11]

Beginning at a black quince and white oak, the South West corner of Entry number 203 for 640 acres in the name of F. W. Huling, runs thence West Seventy Six poles to a small dogwood black oak and hickory pointers; then North 88 9/10 poles to a dead maple, sweet gum and two poplar pointers, to the South boundary of Wm. D. Cozart’s 50 acre Reserve Entry; then East with his line 76 poles to an ash, poplar and other pointers his corner in the West boundary line of said Entry number Two Hundred and Three; thence South with its line 88 9/10 poles to the beginning.

With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with its appurtenances, to the said Madison Cozart and his heirs forever.

In Witness Whereof: William Trousdale, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the 10th day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and 49 and of the Independence of the United States the 74th.

By the Governor: Wm Trousdale

W. B. A. Ramsey
        Secretary of State.

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.

Univ. of NC to Joshua Cozart

University of North Carolina to Joshua Cozart
Registered April 27, 1825
Madison County Deed Book 1; page 282
In 1871 this area became Crockett County Civil District 1

Tennessee State Library & Archives:        Madison County microfilm roll #1
Transcribed by Denise L. Cozart
July 2002

The following deed from 1825 is the earliest Cozart deed or grant I have found so far for Joshua Cozart. He was born circa 1776 in North Carolina and later migrated to Georgia. According to the U.S. Census the oldest children of wife Elizabeth Marsh and himself were born in Georgia. By 1820 he and his family had moved to West Tennessee where his daughter Malinda was born. In 1825 Joshua was about 49 years old.

This property was north of the South Fork of the Forked Deer River in Madison County. In 1830 Joshua’s son, Gilbert, bought property near-by. (See deed registered December 9, 1830.) Both tracts were in the 10th Surveyor’s District, 9th Civil District, 2nd Range, 9th Section of Madison County. In 1871 this area became Crockett County, Civil District 1.

        The land in this deed was measured in poles and acres:
        1 pole = 16 1/2 feet
        1 mile = 320 poles = 5,280 feet
        1 acre = 160 square poles = 43,560 square feet
        1 square pole = 272 1/4 feet
        640 acres = 1 square mile

Trustees of North Carolina        
To: Deed         
Joshua Cozart         
Registered 27 April 1825

This Indenture [deed] entered unto the 1st January 1825 between the Trustees of the University of North Carolina of the one part and Joshua Cozart of the County of Madison and State of Tennessee of the other part witnesseth that the said trustees of the university of North Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of Six hundred and Ninety Six Dollars in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged thereof hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Joshua Cozart his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of Madison containing one hundred & Seventy four acres 10th District 2nd Range 9th Section and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at W. Ewings South boundary line of Entry No. 23st two Gums thence East one hundred and thirty poles to his South East corner thence North 38 7/10 poles to a Black Gum at a point Due west of Alexander & Porters South west Corner thence East Sixty Seven and half poles to a stake thence South one hundred and Seventy five poles & 4/10 to the South boundary line of Entry No. 450 then West 197 1/2 poles to a White oak & Hickory then North to the Beginning it being a part of a trace of 274 acres held by Grant No. 15941 issued on sd [said] Entry No. 450 — together with all and singular the appertainances [appurtenances] thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining To Have and to Hold the same with all and singular the rights and privileges thereunto belonging to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Joshua Cozart his heirs and assigns forever and the said Trustees of the university of North Carolina doth covenant to and with the said Joshua Cozart that they will forever warrant and defend the right and title in and to the said one hundred & seventy four acres of land agains[t] the claim or claims of every other person or persons whatsoever to the said Joshua Cozart his heirs & assigns forever In witness whereof the said Trustees have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year given written

        The Trustees of the university
        of North Carolina by their atto[rney] in fact
Signed Sealed and
Delivered in presence of        Samuel Dickens                        Seal

State of Tennessee
Madison County Court February Term 1825
        Then the within Deed of Bargain and Sale from the Trustees of the university of North Carolina was produced in open Court and the execution thereof acknowledged by Samuel Dickens their attorney in fact to be his act and deed and ordered to be certifyed [sic.] for Registration.

                                R McIver Clk

A very special thank you to Denise Cozart, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.