Vaughn, Della & Mattie – guardianship of

Alamo Tennessee Monday April 16th 1888

Guardian of

On motion D. A. NUNN was this day appointed Guardian of DELLA and MATTIE VAUGHN.

Thereupon the said D. A. NUNN JR. came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00) with W. N. BEASLEY and J. B. PARKER as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Vandike, James C. & Sarah – guardianship of

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, February the 3rd A. D. 1873

Guardian of

Z. P. WARREN was this day appointed Guardian of JAMES C. VANDIKE and SARAH VANDIKE whereupon the said Z. P. WARREN came into Court was duly Qualified and entered into Bond in the sum of five hundred dollars with J. H. YANCY and H. H. MAHEN as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Tyler, Lucius A. – administration of estate

Alamo, Monday 4th October 1875

Administrator of

On motion R. E. ARMSTRONG was this day appointed Administrator of L. A. TYLER de? Thereupon the said R. E. ARMSTRONG came into Court and entered into Bon in the sum of Three hundred dollars with D. C. TYLER and JOHN MITCHELL as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Tyler, John C. – guardianship of

Alamo, Monday 1st day of November A.D. 1875

Guardian of

On motion R. E. ARMSTRONG was this day appointed Guardian of JOHN C. TYLER a maniac in the Asylum at Nashvill Thereupon the said R. E. ARMSTRONG came into Court and entered into Bond inthe sum of three hundred dollars with JAMES R. WEBB and J. K. HATHAWAY as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Tyler, Adline – administration of estate

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, December 2nd A.D. 1872

Administrator of

On motion D. J. WILLIFORD was this day appointed Administrator of ADLINE TYLER deceased Estate. Whereupon the said D. J. WILLIFORD came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Twelve hundred dollars with R. E. ARMSTRONG and L. S. TYLER as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded. The said D. J. WILLIFORD was duly qualified and it is further ordered that Letters of Administration issue to the said D. J. WILLIFORD

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Todd, Mary – administration of estate

Alamo, Monday February 3, 1873

Adm of

On motion D. H. JAMES was this day appointed Administrator of the Estate of MARY TODD deceased whereupon the said D. H. JAMES came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with A. J. COLLINSWORTH and HENRY BABB as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded and it is further ordered that Letters of Administration issue and the said D. H. JAMES was duly Qualified as the Law directs

Alamo, Tuesday March the 4 A.D. 1873

Adm of

D. H. JAMES Administrator of MARY TODD deceased Presented this day in open Court an apc? sale of the Estate of MARY TODD deceased which appeared to the Court to be regular and the same was ordered to be recorded

Alamo, Wednesday 7th March 1877

Admn. of

The settlement of D. H. JAMES Administrator of MARY L. TODD decd was this day ratified & confirmed by the Court and ordered recorded and said settlement was made on 22 day of February 1877

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Todd, Mary – support of

Ordered by the Court that S. S. WATKINS, J. W. ROSEMON and R. G. HARRIS be appointed commissioners to lay off and set apart to MRS. MARY TODD widow of J. L. TODD Deceased one years support for herself and Family out of the Personal assets of said estate in addition to what the Law allows her as head of a Family and that they report their action the next term of this Court.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Todd, J. L. – administration of estate

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Tuesday, May 7th A.D. 1872

Admr of
J. L. TODD Deceased

On motion D. H. JAMES was this day appointed administrator of J. L. TODD Deceased thereupon D. H. JAMES Came into Court was duly qualified Entered into and acknowledged his Bond in the sum of one thousand Dollars with NEEDHAM MOORE and R. G. HARRIS as his securities who severally acknowledged the same in open Court which is approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded ordered that Letters of administration issue to the said D. H. JAMES.

Alamo, Wednesday 7th March 1877

Administrator of

The settlement of D. H. JAMES as Administrator of J. L. TODD decd Estate made with the Clerk of this Court on 22 day of February 1877 was this day ratified & confirmed by the Court and ordered recorded.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Todd , J. F. – apprenticed to J. C. Todd

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Tuesday February 4, 1873


Indenture of apprenticship between the State of Tennessee by order of the County Court for said County on the one part and J. C. TODD on the other part. Witnesseth that whereas It has been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that J. F. TODD a minor and orphan whose parents are dead who is 12 years old the 11 June 1873 whose estate is of so small a value that no person will educate and maintain him for the profits thereof. Therefore the State of Tennessee by said County Court and with the Consent of said Minors relatives Doth hereby bind him the said J. F. TODD to J. C. TODD until he shall attain the age of twenty one years to Learn the trade and occupation of a Farmer.

And the State as aforesaid, covenants with said J. F. TODD that J. F. TODD shall faithfully serve him and correctly demean himself during the term of the apprenticship And the said J. C. TODD doth covenant with the State that he will provide J. F. TODD diet clothing and accomodations for and necessary and teach him or cause him to be taught to read and write and cypher to the single rule of three and at the Experation of the apprenticship pay him the said J. F. TODD one hundred dollars in Currency and one good suit of Sunday clothes.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Todd, Misc. Family Documents

From Crockett Co., TN., Court Minute Book B., for the time period bwt. March 1876-Dec. 1879. LDS Microfilm # 1007389
page 319
Alamo, Monday 3rd day of November, 1877

J.M. Todd, Administrator of Aquilla Todd this day produced in open court, Inventory and account sales of said estate and the same was ordered recorded.

C.P. Pipkins, Adm. of Wm. Todd, decd.
P.C. Pipkins, Administrator of Wm. Todd, this day produced inventory and account sales of said estate and the same was ordered recorded.

page 337
Alamo, Wednesday, 9th day of January 1878

J.M. Todd Et als
Martin Moor Et als

In the County of Crockett. In this cause it is ordered by the court that W.W.(or H.) Biggs be appointed guardian ad letum for the minor defendants to wit; Martha J., Robert, James Edward L. Rae Caroline, Nancy, Maggie and infant not named all children of Wm. Todd decd. and that he answer this bill of complaint filed in this cause on or by the 1st Monday in February 1878

page 345
Alamo, Monday 4th day of February 1878

J. M. Todd
Martin Moor & wife et al

In this cause the death of defendant Martha Ellington has departed this life since this suit was commenced having four miner children names not known and that a serafacias-? Issue making them defendants to appear at the next term of this court to plead answer or demuer to complainants bill and the same is continued to next term of this court

page 355
Alamo Monday 4th day of March AD 1878

J.M. Todd Et al.
Martin Moor & wife

In this cause it is ordered by the court that William Biggs an attorney of this court be appointed Guardian ad letum for the miner defendants in this cause to wit Martha J. Robert, James , Edward Rae Caroline, Nancy, Maggie Todd, and an infant not named of Wm. Todd also the miner children of the defendant Martha Ellington to wit Mollie L, James N, Edward & Minnie Ellington and that he be required to plead answer or demur to complantant bill by the next term of this court to be held on the 1st Monday in April 1878 and that this cause be continued to the next term of this court.

**Later found the record of guardianship concerning these minor children of William Todd. This guardianship bond was recorded in:

Minute Book B, page 647 dated in Alamo, Sept 1, 1879.
Also says to the side “Guardianship Bond Book – page 286
Mrs. J.C. Todd (Jane Cardine Pipkin-Todd), was this day appointed Guardian of Mattie, Robert, James, Eddie Rae, Nannie, Maggie and Lidie Todd, minor heirs of Wm. Todd dec’d. She paid a $300 bond with J.M. Todd, and T.F ?(or J.M) Pipkins (hard to make out these initials) as her securites. Jane was the widow of William Todd, and the mother of these children.

page 380
Alamo Thurday 4th April 1878

J.M. Todd Et Al.
Martin Moore & wife Et al.

Be it remembered that this cause came on to be heard before D.H. James Chairman of the Worshipful County Court of Crockett County, on the the 4th day of April it being the fourth day of said trem 1878 on the bill and answer of the guardian adlitem for the minors and judgement pro-confess against all the other defendants. and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the court that the complainants and defendants are the heirs at law of Aquilla Todd deceased are entitled by decent to equal interest as tenants in common in the described in the pleadings and that the same being so small a tract only containing forty five acres & a feed poles that it can not be partitioned by meets and bounds amongst complainants and defendants without manifest injury to the value of the same
It is therefore ordered and judged & decreed by the court that the same be sold by the clerk and Master of this court at public sale made at the court house door in the Lawn of Alamo to the highest & best bidder on one and two years credit with the exemption of one Hundred Dollars cash the remainder divided in two equal payments taking notes with good security of the purchaser with a lien re (cont’ on page 381) tained an said land for the payment of the same said land to be advertised according to law by printed hand bills and report to the next term of this court until which term all other matters are reserved.

Same page.

James M. Todd et al.
Martin Moore & wife Et al.

In the County Court of Crockett County. In this cause is appearing to the court that the defendants Martin Moore and his wife Mary E. Moore, Ned Ellington & his wife Martha Ellington who having died during the pending of this suit leaving the following minor children, Mollie L. James N, Edward and Minnie Ellington who have been regularly made parties defendants to this suit by Scenafacias and have answered by their Guardian ad litum (W.H. Biggs)
Thomas Hoppers & his wife Francis Hoppers and Starkee Daws have been regularly served with Subpoenas to answer more than five days before the term of this court and that they have failed to appear and make defence to this bill within the time required by law, it is ordered by the court that as to them the complaintants bill be taken as confect and the cause set for hearing exparted.

page 387
Alamo Monday 6th day of May 1878

J.M. Todd
Martin Moor Et al

In the County Court of Crockett County.
Be it remembered that this cause came on to be finally heard before DH James Chairman of the Worshipful County Court on this the 6th day of May 1878 when the report of the clerk apon sale of the Land mentioned in the pleadings in said cause at the April Term of this Court 1878 which report is in the following words and figures to wit~

State of Tennessee
Crockett County

The undersigned in compliance with an interlocking order of Crockett County Court the April Term 1878 Did proved to sell at the Court house door in Alamo Tennessee on the 6 day of May 1878 the tract of land 45 acres and 125 poles WT Farrow being the best and biggest bidder the same was marked-? off to him at ten 10/00 dollars per acre the said WT farrow has paid into my hands one hundred dollars in cash and executed his two notes due respectively in twelve and twenty four months for one hundred and eighty one 19/00 dollars each with B Nance and Inv-? Farrow as his securities ?? is respectfully _? bond in open C


F.J. Wood Clk & Com.
page 388
Which report is ?cepted to and is in all things confirmed by the court and it is ordered and judged and decreed by the court that the title of the land in this cause be devested out of the complanants and the defendants and vested in WT Farrow with a lien returned on said land for the payment of the notes given for the unpaid fees _ _ ? money and that this cause be retained in this court to that end And it is so further ordered and decreed by the court that a fee of twenty five dollars be allowed RW Sims sale ? for Complainants and a fee of five dollars be allowed to W.H. Biggs as Guardian ad litum for said miners and that said fees be paid out of the cash payment on said sale.

page 603
Tuesday June the 3rd A.D. 1879

J. M. Todd
Adm. of
A. (?) Todd dec’d. (middle initial looks like a “2” with a small “c” following it, or it could be a fancy capital “L” with an extra loop following it, or even a capital “Z”).

The settlement of J.M. Todd Adms. of A (?) Todd dec’d made with the clerk of this court May 17th 1879 was this day ratified and confirmed by the court and ordered recorded.

Also found on this same film on page 572
Monday April 7th A.D. 1879

J.E. Ellington
Guardian of
Mary L. Ellington

J.E. Ellington was this day appointed Guardian of Mary L., Jas N., Eddie, and Minnie L. Ellington minor orphans of Martha A. Ellington dec’d. There upon the said J.E. Ellington came into open court and entered into Bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars with M.N. Jackson and W.P. Williams as his securities who severally acknowledge said Bond in open court which was approved by the court and the said J.E. Ellington was duly qualified as Guardian aforesaid.

**James Edward “Ned” Ellington and Martha Ann Daws were my gg.grandparents and their daughter “Minnie Lee Ellington-Christie” was my great-grandmother.

I have transcribed this to the best of my abilities and show punctuation as I see it, as well as spelling. Please excuse any mistakes I may have made.

A very special thank you to Christi Crawford Partee, who transcribed and contributed this document for use on this web site.