Norville, Mattie A., Rubin T. & L. I. B. – guardianship & support of

Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876
Guardian of

On motion H. C. WINBURN was this day appointed Guardian of MATTIE A. NORVILLE, R. T. NORVILLE and L. I. B. NORVILLE. Therupon the said H. C. WINBURN came into open Court and entered into bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with A. G. WINBUR, P. M. NEAL and J. C. BEST as his securities…

Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876

Ordered by the Court that A. G. HICKS, T. G CATES and H. H. MAHON be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to lay off and set apart one years support for the minor heirs of A. G. NORVILLE under 15 years of age Independent aside and Exlusive of what is allowd said Minors by the —-? Laws of Tennessee and some species of property must be set aside for the purchase such things as are not on hand and report to this term of the Court.

Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876

Ex Partee In this Cause it appearing to the Court that F. J. WOOD Clk is incompetent to take proof. The Court after hearing proof and it appearing from said proof and the petition of said H. C. WINBURN guardian that the sale of the property of said Minors would be manifestly? to the interest of said minors It is therefore ordered & decreed by the the Court that said H. C. WINBURN guardian proceed to sell said property or such part as would be damaged or be expensive? in the keeping to all of said property except such articles of house hold furniture as may be deemed necessary to keep for the use of said minors.

Alamo, Thursday 10th February 1876

Finding not a sufficiency on the place for one years support for the minors of A. G. NORVILLE we the Commissioners set aside the following property to wit

15 stand bees All Irish potatoes 1 Cow 2 Sheep all farming utensils all house hold and kitchen furniture the remainder of meet and lard 2 bales of cotton already skipped all the corn Fodder & Hay 1 corn sheller 1 grind —-? 1 sewing machine all books 1 wheel barrow 1 vice 1 bench all plows 1 brace & bit The above includes all property we find on the premises exempt from Execution F. G. CATES A. G. HICKS H. H. MAHON

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Norville, A. G. – administration of estate

Alamo, Wednesday 9th February 1876
Admr of

On motion JOHN C. BEST was this day appointed Administrator A. G. NORVILLE decd Estate Thereupon the said JOHN C. BEST came into Court and entered into bond in the amount of Five hundred dollars with H. C. WINBURN and WILLIAM BEST as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Noel, E. Ollie/Olive – guardianship of

Alamo Tennessee Monday November 3rd 1890
Guardian of

On motion THOS. E. NOEL was this day appointed Guardian of E. OLLIE NOEL a minor Heir of EMMA J. NOEL Deceased.

Thereupon the said THOS. E. NOEL came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars with T. N. SKELTON and D. H. THOMAS as his securities…

Alamo Tennessee Monday March 16th 1891

Guardian of

On motion THOS. E. NOEL was this day appointed special Guardian of E. OLLIE NOEL a minor heir of EMMA J. NOEL Deceased.

Thereupon the said THOMAS E. NOEL came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars with T. N. SKELTON as his security…

Alamo Tennessee Monday November 16th 1891

Guardian of

On motion T. WALTER HARDY was this day appointed the Guardian of E. OLIVE NOEL a minor of THOS. E. NOEL decd.

Thereupon the said T. WALTER HARDY came into open court and entered into Bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars with EWELL NOEL and R. P. PAYNE as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Noe, Sarah & Family – support of

Alamo, Monday 6th day of December 1875

Ordered by the Court that W. GRIFFIN, J. A. YEARWOOD, B. C. BRIDGER be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to lay off and set apart one years support for MRS. SARAH NOE & family out of the Estate of NUTE J. H. NOE decd…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Noe, J. A. – administration of estate

Alamo, Monday 6th December 1875
Admr of
J. A. NOE decd

On motion S. A. YEARWOOD was this day appointed Administrator of J. A. NOE decd thereupon the said S. A. YEARWOOD came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars with B. C. BRIDGER and J. A. YEARWOOD as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Nichols, John W. and Nancy J. & William T. Antwine – support of (heirs of Martha Antwine)

Alamo, Thursday 14th October 1875
Ordered by the Court that WM. SIMS, J. N. THOMPSON, Z. P. WARREN in Conjunction with W. A. JOHNSON County Surveyor who are all free holders be & they are hereby appointed Commissioners to set apart a years support for WM. T. ANTWINE and JOHN W. NICHOLS & lay off a homestead out of the lands of MRS. MARTHA ANTWINE for NANCY J. ANTWINE and WILLIAM T. ANTWINE and report to the next term of this Court.

Guardian of

On petition D. H. BURNETT was this day appointed Guardian of NANCY J. ANTWINE, W. T. ANTWINE and J. W. NICHOLS minor orphans of MARTHA ANTWINE decd Thereupon the said D. H. ANTWINE came into Court and entered into bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars with DUKE KLYCE and T. H. AVERRY as his securities… Be it understood the said JOHN W. NICHOLS is only grand son of MARTHA ANTWINE.

Alamo, Tuesday 2 day of Novem 1875

To the Worshipful County Court of Crockett County

Pursuant to an order of your Worshipful Court at Its October term

We your Commissioners appointed to lay off and set apart one years support for WILLIAM T. ANTWINE and JOHN W. NICHOLS minors of MRS. MARTHA ANTWINE dec have proceeded to the duty, and say that we find no effects or money on hand and that as we agree and set apart of the present Crops on hand the cotton some three acres and the same being yet in the filed is not sufficient hence It so to be gathered and same sold and iexpenses paid balance to go to use of said monors and the balance of allowance of $80.00 for each or of the $160.00 to be paid from the sale of four pork hogs one of which is a fine Burkshire guilt and if any balance is yet due to be raised or procured from the sale of Corn raised on the farm these articles above to be sold by the Administrator on the same day of his sale of other articles and to be sold for cash so as to raise the above amount of $80 for each of the said WILLIAM T. ANTWINE and JOHN W. NICHOLS making one hundred and sixty dollars for the two and agreeable to your order above alluded to we have agreeable to your order proceeded to lay off and set apart of the Real Estate of the said MARTHA ANTWINE decd a Homestead for her minor children viz MISS NANCY J. ANTWINE and WILLIAM T. ANTWINE including the mansion house and improvements upon which she resided at the time of her death Situated in said County of Crockett and state aforesaid near and East of Cairo Tennessee Butted and bounded as follows…[description of land, bounded by WILLIAM STEAL, Cairo Church and ESQ. WARREN] …by estimation 33 1/3 thirty three 1/3 acres more or less Including the Homestead or improvements of the same All of which is respectfully submitted after being duly sworn.

Alamo, Tenn., Wednesday the 6th Nov. A.D. 1878

Guardian of
N. J. and W. T. ANTWINE

The settlements of D. H. BURNETT Guardian of N. J. and W. T. ANTWINE made with the Clerk of this Court on the 22nd of Oct. 1878 was this day ratified and confirmed by the Court and ordered recorded.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Nichols, John – apprenticed to T. H. Avery

Alamo, Monday 6th December 1875

JOHN NICHOLS was this day apprenticed to T. H. AVERRY witt and by the Consent of his father JAMES W. NICHOLS given in open Court Thereupon the said T. H. AVERRY came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars with F. M. McEWIN and J. C. COOK as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Nichols, Eula A. – administration of estate

Alamo, Wednesday 6 October 1875
Admr of

On motion E. J. BUCHANAN was this day appointed Administraor of EULA A. NICHOLS decd Thereupon the said E. J. BUCHANAN came into open Court and entered into Bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with WISE A. COOPER and J. C. COOK as his securities…

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Nance, Mary E. – guardianship of

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, November the 4th A.D. 1872

Guardian of

On motion it is ordered by the Court that P. B. NANCE be and is hereby appointed Guardian for MARY E. NANCE thereupon the said P. B. NANCE came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum of Three thousand dollars with J. F. ROBERSON and W. W. NANCE as his securities which Bond was severally acknowledged in open Court approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded.


J. F. ROBERSON this day came into Court and tendered his resignition as Guardian of MARY E. ROBERSON Now (MARY E. NANCE) minor heir of M. W. ROBERSON deceased which was received and approved by the Court

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.

Mount, Mary Jane – guardianship of

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, February the 3rd A. D. 1873

Guardian of

HARRIS N. MOUNT on motion was this day appointed Guardian of MARY JANE MOUNT whereupon the said HARRIS MOUNT came into Court and was duly Qualified and entered into Bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with EDWARD STEPHENSON and F. M. BOLING as his securities who severally acknowledged said Bond in open Court which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.