W.A. Powell, Tribute, 6 Apr 1891

Tribute to William A. Powell
Crockett County Minute Book “E”
Page 404

Alamo Tennessee Monday April 6th 1891

On motion it was ordered by the Court that the resolutions of the death of W.A. Powell a member of the Alamo Bar, be spread upon the members of this Court.

Whereas on the 22nd day of February 1891 the ever unwelcomed messenger, death, thrust his scythe into our little band of attorneys at Alamo and cut down our companion in the law W.A. Powell and thereby created a vacant seat in the court room and emotions of sorrow in our hearts; and whereas in our opinion it is meek and proper for the survivors to pay tributes of respect to the departed whose deeds in life merited expressions of esteem, therefore;

Resolved that in the death of W.A. Powell the Alamo Bar loses one of its most courteous members, a gifted and talented lawyer and one who was ever ready by his eloquence and force of character to defend the truth and by his manly becoming and affable manner endured him to those who knew him best.

Resolved further, that in the Death of W.A. Powell our city has lost our able and estimable defender of and devoted to principles of truth; that we are not aware of any man whose daily conduct more strikingly demonstrated his adhering of truth as a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue that was found in the deceased, in honor of whose memory these resolutions were written.

Resolved further that while we may not at all times comprehend the mysterious doings of our all wise Creator we bow in submission to his will and herby turn our sympathies to his sorrowing widow and bereaved orphans, expressing the belief to them that He who has thus bereaved them doethe all things will.

Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the bereaved Widow of the deceased and that the same be presented to the Chancery, Circuit and Quarterly term of the County Court to be spread by the Minister of the same and that the Crockett County Sentinel be requested to publish the same.

C A Goodloe
H E Austin
W H Biggs