Taylor, Fletcher Family – support of

Tuesday the 3rd day of December 1878

Ordered by the Court, that HENRY BABB, SIMEON BABB and J. W. WILLOBY be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay off and set apart one years support for the widow and family of FLETCHER TAYLOR decd dating from the death of the said TAYLOR deceased, and report to the next term of court.

Issued Oct. 13, 1879

On motion it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that FLETCHER TAYLOR died in Crockett Co. Tenn Nov. 1878 that at the Dec. term 1878 Commissioners were appointed to lay off and set apart one years allowance for the family of the deceased. It further appears to the Court that no one has applied for letters of Administration and that no one will do so. It is therefore ordered by the Court that W. W. WHITAKER Public administrator for Crockett Co. take charge of and administer on said estate for which purpose letters of Administration may issue.

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.