Robertson, M. W. – estate & divison of land

Crockett Co., Tennessee
County Court Clerk’s Minutes
Vol. A
Monday, September 2nd A.D. 1872

J. F. ROBERTSON this day produced in open Court a statement from the Clerk of the Dyer County Court shwoing the indebtedness of the Administrator of M. W. ROBERTSON Deceased estate which was ordered to be spread upon the minutes.

State of Tennessee
Dyer County

I, W. M. WATKINS Clerk of the County Court of Dyer County Tennessee do hereby Certify that there is due and owing from the Administrators of M. W. ROBERTSON decd Viz J. H. PERRY and J. F. ROBERTSON the sum of three thousand two hundred and sixty six and 36/100 Dollars / 3266.36 / as per settlement made on the 18th day of June 1872 as the same appears of record in my office.

Witness my hand at office this
August 15 Anno Domini 1872

Monday, October the 7th A.D. 1872

Adm of

On motion the Clerk presented a settlement of J. H. PERRY & J. F. ROBERSON as Administrators of M. W. ROBBERSON deceased from the Certificate of W. M. WATKINS Clerk of Dyer County Court dated Aug 15 Anno Domini 1872 showing three thousand two hundred and sixty six 36/100 dollars as per settlement made with said clerk on the 18 day of June 1872 after all just credits the Balance was passed to the credit of the three heirs of M. W. ROBERSON deceased Viz MARY E. ROBERSON, ASA L. & MOSETTA ROBERSON amounting to [blank] to each minor and so entered on Guardian apc book pages [blank] which is approved by the Court and orderd to be recorded.

Monday, November the 4th A.D. 1872


To J. F. ROBERSON regular guardian of & A. L. ROBERTSON and MOSETTA ROBERSON heirs of M. W. ROBERSON Deceased We wil apply to the next term of the County Court of Crockett County on the 1st Monday in November 1872 to assign us our part of the Lands of M. W. ROBERSON deceased as heirs of said ROBERSON
(signed) P. B. NANCE

Executed by notifying the within named parties October 29, 1872
(signed) J. W. CATES
D Shff Crockett County

To the worshipful Court of Crockett County Tennessee

P. B. NANCE and wife
of Crockett County
J. F. ROBERTSON regular guardian of A. S. ROBERTSON & MOSETTA ROBERTSON minor heirs of M. W. ROBERTSON deceased Citzens of Crockett County Tennessee Petitioners would respectfully represnt unto your worships that M. W. ROBERTSON departed this life in Dyer County now a part of the territory in Crockett County in the year of 1866. That he died seized of personal & Real property that his personal property is more than sufficient to satisfy and pay all his debts that he left no widow that he was owner in fee at the time of his death of Certain tracts of Land situated then in the County of Dyer now Crockett now the 9th & 11 Civil districts of Crockett County and bounded as follows to wit one tract lying South of and adjoining J. F. ROBERSON’S Home tract Containing about 679 acres and bounded by J. F. ROBERSON on the West by JOSEPH POWELL on the north by J. F. ROBERTSON and on the East by HENRY AVERRY one tract north and adjoining JAMES A. PERRY and adjoining W. H. POWELL & JOSEPH WARREN on the East JOSEPH & ELY WARREN on the north on the west by ELY WARREN & the MILLIE PERRY Home stead tract containing 500 acres one tract the old home tract of M. W. ROBERSON deceased of 134 acres and bounds on the north by Lands of W. B. WARD on the west by JAMES WARREN & W. H. POWELL on the south by ED LONON on the East by W. B. WARD one tract known as the THOMAS WARD Land of 55 acres & bounded on the north by lands of JAMES WRIGHT on the west by HENRY TAYLORS on the south by MRS. E. BOSWELL and JOHN STAMPS on the East by J. F. ROBERTSON.

Also two tracts of which said M. W. ROBERTSON deceased was owner in fee in comon with J. F. ROBERTSON as the heirs of A. ROBERTSON deceased lying in Forkeddeer river bottom one of 90 and one of about 330 acres the first one of about 90 acres bounded on the south by lands of WM. COX on the west by the BOSWELL Landf on the north by BOSWELL on the East by said river and known as the Boat yard Land. The second is about 330 acres bounded on the west by the Land of W. L. CUNNINGHAM north by BOSWELL land East by J. T. LANIER west HAYS & CUNNINGHAM. Petitioners would state further that they together with defendants A. S. & MOSETTA ROBERTSON who are minors are the only heirs and distributees of M. W. ROBERTSON deceased and as such are owners in Common of said Lands that P. B. NANCE and wife MOLLIE are entitle to and share therein A. L. ROBERTSON one share and MOSETTA ROBERTSON to one share. Petitioners would further show that the aforesaid Lands are unemcumbered in anyw ay that it would materially to the benefit of all parties concerned that said Lands be Partitioned. Premises considered Petitioners pray [written and crossed out – that a guardian ad litem be appointed for defendants] that reference be made to the Clerk as to title of land and as to property of partition of said Land and finally that the same be partitioned and J. W. LYONS, J. L. EPPERSON, THOMAS BELL, JOHN STAMPS be appointed Commissioners and JAMES H. PERRY Surveyor be appointed Commissioners to run off divide out & alot said lands in three parts according to its pecunidry? Value as said Commissioners may place upon said lands as shares of the respective heirs and legatees of M. W. ROBERTSON deceased & as they are entitled as aforesaid petitioners will ever pray &c;

Wednesday, November the 6th A.D. 1872

P. B. NANCE and wife
J. F. ROBERSON Regular
guardian of ASA & MOSETTA
ROBERSON Minor heirs of
M. W. ROBERSON deceased

Ordered by the Court that in this cause J. W. LYONS, J. L. EPPERSON, THOMAS BELL, JOHN STAMPS and J. H. PERRY Surveyor be appointed Commissioners to divide Land & set apart the Lands mintioned in the petition according to quality and quanity of said lands & let such devisions be run off lined and marked giving to each heir their distributive share and report to the next term of this Court

Monday, December 2nd A.D. 1872

P. B. NANCE & wife

In this cause it appearing to the Courth throug inadverence

The order pro Confesso and the answer for the Minors by their regular Giardian The order of refference to the Clerk an to title &c; & his report herein were not put upon the minutes of the last time of the Court. It is therefore ordered that the same be spread upon the minutes of this Term of the Court.

P. B. NANCE & wife

Ordered by the court that in this case reference be made to the Clerk as to title of Land and that he report to this term of the Court.

P. B. NANCE & wife

I, FRANCIS J. WOOD Clerk of this Court to whom was refered the cause to report as to title of said Lands as set forth in the petition for partition Begs leave to report as follows. That he has examined deeds & finds the title to the Lands vested in M. W. ROBERTSON deceased as follows Viz The 679 acre tract from J. F. ROBERTSON to M. W. ROBERTSON Registered in Registers office Gibson County Book Y page 114. The 138 1/4 tract from ASA ROBERTSON to M. W. ROBERTSON deed of gift Registered in Registers office Dyer County Book N page 135. The 55 acre tract from THOMAS H. WARD to M. W. ROBERTSON Registered in Registers office in Dyer County page 418. The 200 acre tract from ASA ROBERTSON to M. W. ROBERTSON Registered in Registers office page 211 in Dyer County and that P. B. NANCE and wife MARY E. NANCE, ASA ROBERTSON and MOSETTA ROBERTSON are the only heirs and distributees in said Land And as to the bottom Lands I find from deeds Came in possession of sald Lands by deed from W. B. WARD for 77 34/4 acres.

And from DENNIS TATUM for 244 acres Registered in Registers office page 136 & 137 Gibson County And from GILBERT HART 115 acres Registered in Registers office Book N page 75 & 6 Gibson County And that J. F. ROBERSON and the heirs of M. W. ROBERTSON deceased Viz ASA ROBERTSON, MOSETTA ROBERTSON and P. B. NANCE and wife are the only heirs and distributees in said Land all of which is respectfully submitted.

P. B. NANCE & wife

In this cause it appearing to the Court that J. F. ROBERTSON was notified of the Petitioners petition as the law directs and the same being unanswered. It is ordered that the same be taken as Confessed and be proceeded with Ex parte as to him.

P. B. NANCE & wife

The answer of ASA & MOSETTA ROBERTSON by their Regular Guardian J. F. ROBERTSON to Petitioners petition These respondents saving and reserving &c; for answer to the Petitioners petition Say they admit that they are minors They admit the death of parties as named & that they own the Lands as stated They know nothing of the allegations in said petition That they can say nothing of their own knowledged about it & places themselves upon the protection of Court and having answered as fully as they can pray to be dismissed &c.;

(Signed) J. F. ROBERTSON
Regular Guardian

[Plat map of property here]

We the Commissioners appointed by the County Court of Crockett County at the November Term thereof 1872 to? devide Land appropriate the Lands mentioned in the order or decree by which we were appointed have met together upon the premises and after being duly sworn have performed the duties assigned as follow to Wit.

We have allotted and appropriated to ASA L. ROBERTSON a portion of said Land called Lot No. 1… bounded by THOMAS BELL & J. F. ROBERTSON… containing 351A 2R 19P and valued at Four thousand three hundred & ninety five dollars and seventy three cents.

Lot No 2 to MOSETTA ROBERTSON containing 355A 2R 18P and valued at Seven thousand & Seventy one dollars 12 1/2 cents and bounded… by J. FERGUSON

[Plat map of property here]

Lot No 3 Called the Home tract Containing 138 1/4 acres valued at twenty seven hundred and sixty five dollars and bounded… by THOMAS BELL, W. H. POWELL and ELY WARREN

[Plat map of property here]

To P. B. NANCE and wife MOTTIE E. Lot No 4 Containing 54 acres valued at one thousand and eighty dollars and bounded by… J. F. ROBERSON

[Plat map of property here]

To P. B. Nance & wife MOllie E. Lot No 5 Containing 200 acres and valued at Five thousand dollars and bounded by… W. H. POWELL, J. H. PERY, MILLIE PERRY and ELY WARREN

[Plat map of property here]

To P. B. NANCE & wife MOLLIE E. Lot No 6 Containing 77 3/4 acres and valued at one hundred and ninety four dollars 37 1/2 cents and bounded by… McLEMORE & VAIL

[Plat map of property here]

To P. B. NANCE & wife MOLLIE E. Lot No 7 Containing one hundred & forty acres and two rods? and tweny poles and valued at three hundred anf fifty one dollars & fifty six cents and bounded by… 250 acre tract sold by HART to WM SMITH, H. T. COOP, WM MURRY

We also charge the dividend of Land allotted to ASA L. ROBERTSON with Two hundred & seven dollars and forty seven cents to be paid to P. B. NANCE and wife MOLLIE E. We also charge the divident of Land allotted to MOSETTA ROBERTSON with one hundred and eighteen dollars and Eight six cents to be paid to P. B. NANCE & wife MOLLIE E.

Witness our hands and seals
this November 23 A. D. 1872
THOS. (his X mark) BELL
J. H. PERRY Surveyor

We the Commissioners appointed by the County Court of Crockett County at the November term thereof 1872 to divide and appropriate the Lands mentioned in the order or decree by which we were appointed have met together upon the premises and after being duly sworn have performed the duties assigned to us as follows to wit we have allotted and appropriated to J. F. ROBERTSON Two hundred and eighteen acres & one quarter and 2 poles it being one half of the Lands lying in the bottom of the Middle fork of the Forked deer river… bounded by ASA ROBERTSON, GILBERT HART, W. B. WARD & DENNIS TATUM… which was undivided between M. W. ROBERTSON and J. F. ROBERTSON at the death of said M. W. ROBERTSON and valued at Five hundred and forty five dollars 93 3/4 cents. The other half Two hundred & Eighteen acres one rod and twenty poles to the heirs of M. W. ROBERTSON deceased MOLLIE E. & P. B. NANCE and A. L., MOSETTA ROBERTSON and valued at Five hundred forty five dollars 93 3/4 ccents

Witness our hands and seals this the 23 November 1872
THOS. (his X mark) BELL
Jas H. PERRY Surveyor

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley.