Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Baptist Church Minutes - 1798 to 1807

This record contains original pages 28 -50 and transcribed pages 20 - 33.

5th of January 1798 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O JOHN KEENEY Came forward and informed the Church that he and a traveling man Differd so that they got to blows - and he also made acknowledgements to the Church for his faults to the satesfaction of the same -

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BR.O JOSEPH KEENEY report to the Church that JAMES STINET did not tell him whither he would Come to or not to give satesfaction for his Disorder BR.O JOHN KEEKEY is appointed to go to JAMES STINET and inform him that the Church hath declar.d thear None fellowship with him and shall prosead to his Exclution without satesfaction made - Wheareas theare is some Matters of Dispute between SAMUEL HUFF and JO.S KEENEY the same being Mov.d to the Church its Consider.d that a comitee would bee the best Method to settle s.d Dispute and the Breathren SAM.L PHARES JOHN HERD WIL.M LILLARD PETER FINE and ABRA.M MCKAY bee appointed to settle the same - and make report Next meeting - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A. M. Ck.

3rd of February 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Received SISTER SARAH VINCENT into fellowship of the Church - the Church hath Declard theare none fellowship with JAMES STINET and hath Excluded him from our sociaty for Falsly speaking and refeusing to heare the Church when Cald upon - BRO. FRETHIS [URIAS ??] WALL and his wife receiv.d into fellowship of the Church


the Church hath Manefested a dissatesfaction with BRO. OSBURN for adruptly Contridecting BR.O LILLARD in the face of the Church Calls on him to render satesfaction for the Same - The breathren appointed as a commitee to labour with SAM.L HUFF and JOSEPH KEENEY report that the Matter in Dispute is not setled and the same breathren is appointed aain in ____ to settle the same and JAMES NICKELS is appointed in the place of SAM.L PHARES - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M. Ck

31st of March 1798 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer Proseaded to buisness BR.O OSBURN Came before the Church and made such acknowledgementas rendered satesfaction to the same - The Breathren appointed as a Commitee to labour with SAM.L HUFF and JOSEPH KEENEY report that theare was not a reconsilation betwean them when they laboured with them but upon further labours Used with them at the present Meeting they have come to reconsile Each to the Other - BR.O ABRAM HEASTON made satesfaction for a Letter of Dismistion the same being granted unto him - ajornd till meeting in corse A. M.

5 of May 1798 Met according to ajornment and after Prayer proseaded to buisness - The Matter being moved to the Church respecting JEMIMAH WHITE haveing a base born Child and BRO. MATTEW MADDOX is appointed to know of hir whither she has joined any Other Church since she left heare

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and if not to Labour with hir respecting hir Conduct and Make report Next meeting Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. M.

2nd of June 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness BRO. MADDOS report to the Church that he talked with JEMIMA WHITE respecting hir Conduct - but she gave him little or no satesfaction - the Church takeing the Matter under Consideration doth heareby Exclude hir from Sociaty for the sin of haveing a base born Child - By virtue of A letter sent to this Church from the Catawbe Church in halafax County in virginia sent to inform us of the Excumincation of MICAJAH HAMPTON we having some time past receiv.d a letter from him as an Ordily Member -we thearefore ____ sd. letter and hold s.d HAMPTON as no Member with us - BRO. PHARES Mov.d to the Church that if theare is any that has any accustions against him that they would make it manyfest - ajornd till Meeting in Corse to bee held at WIL.M COLMAN.S A. MCKAY Clk

14th July 1798 By appointment Met at WIL.M COLMANS and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness -the Church Opening a door for the reseption of Members - and NATHANAL BOMAN and his wife OLAFREY; and WILLIAM COLLMAN were receiv.d by Expearance - the following Breathren and sisters receivd the same Day by letter viz - THOMAS SNELSON - ALMOND GUIN - and NURANY his wife - NANCY HALL, CHARITY SOWEL, JUDITH MULLER, JESSE BRADLY and wife SISTER SNELSON, RACHEL HAMPTON taken under the watch Care of the Church - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. MCKAY

4th of August 1798 Mett according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness by a motion for Members to attend the Ass.o and the Breathren appointed to attend the same are JOSHUA KELLEY, THOMAS SNELSON & ABRAM MCKAY; by application for letters of Dismistion for MAGDELEUM HASTON ANN HASTON, THOMAS HILL and wife - the same being granted unto them -the Church letter to the Ass.o red and agread to and one Dollar put into the hands of the Deligates for the Use of the Ass.o

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by a motion of BR.O BONHAM that a letter bee sent to BR.O DANIEL HILL requesting him to stop any Execution against s.d BONHAM till after Next Monthly Meeting wheare they are both requested to attend and make a true statement of theare Matters to the Church - DANIEL HEASTON made


application for a letter of recomendation - the same being granted unto him -the matter between BR.O KELLEY and BR.O PHARES prosponded till next Meeting - the Matter between breathren LILLARD and PHARES prosponded till next Meeting - Ajornd - A. M.

1st of Sep.t 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter between Br.o BONHAM and Br.o HILL setled upon principles that Each one pay half the Cost that is between them in law - Sist.r ABIGAIL PAGET obtain.d a letter of Dismistion DAVID JOB and wife the same NANCY MATHES the same the Matter respecting Br.o PHARES accusing BR.O LILLARD of swearing wrong it.s mad apear not to bee so - and the Church Expreses a dissatesfaction with BR.O PHARES for his wrong accusation of s.d BR.O LILLARD - Ajornd till meeting in Corse A.M.

6th of Oct.o 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Minits of the Association red and agreed to - Sister MARYAN MATHES and MARYAN STEAVENS applied for letters of Dismistion the same being granted to them - MARTHA JONES the same - the Matter respecting the Breathren KELLEY and PHARES Prosponded till Meeting in Corse - ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A.M. this should bean Enter.d in the month above. BENJIMIN BONHAM gave in his letter of recomendation to the Church but was not taken into fellowship till some Matters is setled in the Church he came from -

1 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Br.o PHARES Accuseing Br.o LILLARD of swearing falsly is now taken up again for a further hearing PHARES has faild to support his Accusation against Br.o LILLARD and the Church has Manifested thear Dissatesfaction with him for accuseing Br.o LILLARD of Swearing falsly the Matter respecting PHARES giving satesfaction to the Church is prosponded Till meeting in Corse -

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SAMUEL HUFF and wife made application for letters of Dismistion the same being granted unto them. Ajornd till meeting in Corse A.M. agreed that Matters bee Determined in the Church in what place she may ajorn too


2 of february 1799 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - The matter respecting PHARES accuseing Br.o LILLARD of Swearing falsly being brought under Consideration of the Church and after duly Considering the same it.s thought to bee most Conveanent and to the glory of God to Exclude SAMUEL PHARES from sociaty for attempting to prove before the Church of some of the Breathren swearing falsly before the Cort and he failing to prove the same, nor would not give satesfaction to the Church for his wrong accusation - JEREMIAH SHELLY [possibly SHELBY] prayed aletter of Dismistion the same being granted unto him - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A.M.

5 January 1799 This was a Meeting held at WIL.M COLMANS the 5 of January 1799. Met according to ajornment & c HOSEA HAMPTON and RACHEL HAMPTON his wife receiv.d by letter - JONATHAN DAVIS and his wife applied for letters of Dismistion the same being granted unto them JOSEPH KEENEY applied for a letter also it being granted unto him. Ajornd till meeting in Corse D. HILL

6th of April 1799 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the br.o appointed to talk with BONHAM last meeting Reports that they talked with BONHAM About his neglecting attending of Meetings from which Conversation he promis.d he would attend at this meeting. but has fail.d in Complying to his promise - MARK MITCHELL made Application for letters of Dismistion for himself and wife. granted unto them ajornd till meeting in Corse A. MCKAY [Note: About this time Mark Mitchell sold his land (This is handwriten in the margin by who ever typed it)]

4th of May 1799 Meeting Opened in Common form - the Breathren SNELSON and COLMAN report to the Church that theare is a report in


Circulation that HENRY STIERS is apt to drink too Excess and has bean a gambeling and took a quantity of led and kep it some time and the BR.O also report that they have Converst with him Conserning the same and that he Confes.t to part of the reports the Church Manifested hir Dissatesfaction with him for the same -

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and Appoint the Breathren LANE and GUIN to go acquaint him of the same and Cite him to next Meeting in Corse to give satesfaction for such Conduct - Ajorn.d till Meeting in corse W. LILLARD

1st of June 1799 Meeting Open.d in Common form -BR.O LAND report that he and BR.O BUIN talked with HENRY STIERS accordin as the Church directed them and he signafied as if he would attend this Meeting - but has faild to Comply - and the Church has again Manifested theare dissatesfaction with him - and after due Consultation on the same, its thought most Conveanant to Exclude HENRY STIERS from sociaty for Drinking of ardiant spirits to Excess gambeling and for wrongfulley takeing some led from SOLOMAN ALLEN - Propos.d what is to bee done with RACHEL LEE for leaveing the Church without a letter and Marring a man which is reported has another wife living - prosponded till next Meeting Agread that BR.O LILLARD draw a fair statement of the Sircumstance that ANN HEASTON left this Church and send it to the Church wheare she lives the first Opertunity Ajornd till meeting in Corse A. MCKAY C.l

6th of July 1799 Meeting Open.d by prayer BENJAMIN BONHAM Mov.d for a letter of Dismistion and it was granted unto him so far as to let the Church know how his standing is in this Church - BR.O WITT mov.d for a letter of Dismistion granted - and his wife the same but was lade Over for further Consideration Motion for Deligates to attend the Association its agread that the Brethren J. KELLEY, TH.O SNELSON, EZEKEL CAMPBELL and A. MCKAY attend the same and s.d MCKAKY To write the Churches Letter and have it ready to bee red against next Meeting - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M.

August 13 1799 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - application made by BR.O KELLEY for letters of Dismistion for JOHN MADDOX and wife - MARGET KELLEY and SAMUEL VAUGHN and all granted unto them -

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BR.O WESTLEY WHITE made application for a letter for Sister BOTTOMS. it not being granted but the brethren HILL and LANE to site hir to apear at next Meeting - NANCY COX receiv.d by letter #9; BR.O BONHAM having bean to the Church he formelly belonged to and presented an insterment of writing to sertify the same is restor.d to fellowship again and hath obtain.d a letter of Dismi. by a motion of BR.O RIGHARD WOOD that EBENZR LEETH attend this meeting in order to give satesfaction to the Church that he may Obtain a letter of recomendation - Ajornd W. COLMAN

September 1799 Met according to ajornment meeting opend in common form proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting RACHEL LEE taken under consideration. and agread that a true statement of the sircumstance she left this church in and send it to the church wheare she lives in Order for them to deal with hir and theare satesfaction will bee ours - and A. MCKAY to write s.d letter - Ajornd till meeting in corse - A. M.


5th of April 1800 Met according to ajornment Meeting Opend in common form proseaded to buisness - after some Consultations nothing of consequence came forward. ajornd till meeting in corse A.M.

3rd of May 1800 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O LANE mov.d to the Church respecting the Ordination of THOMAS SNELSON - was referd till next Meeting. Ajornd till Meeting in corse - WM. COLMAN

31st of May 1800 Met according to


ajornment Meeting Opend in common form and proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting the Ordination of BR.O SNELSON after some conversation on the subject agrea.d to prospon.d the buisness till next meting - agread that the first sabatrh in august bee a communion season if Opertunity will admit. sister REGENA MOORE Dismist from the Church by Letter ajornd. A. MCKAY

July the 5th 1800 Met according to appointment at BR.O COLMANS after prayer proseaded to buisness -

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4th January 1800 the paper holding this Minit was lost for some time - Met according to ajornment the 4th of January 1800 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - A letter form Herrods Creek Church in the State of Kentuckey being presented to this church respecting JOHN MATHES Obtaining a letter of recomendation from us the matter being consider.d the church is not satesfied to grant him one without further satesfaction - and that a letter bee sent to Herrods Creek church to aquaint them of the Deficualties they are under - ELEZEBETH SNELSON receiv.d by letter - Ajornd & C. A. MCKAY

2nd of August 1800 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - this paper not comeing to hand till now - the matter respecting the Ordination of BR.O SNELSON taken under consideration and agread to dismis the same - the church takeing under consideration the sircumstance of the people on turkey Creek Agree to send Members to theare assistance to Examine into theare ripeness for Constitution and if found so to administer the same - and breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, EZEKEL CAMPBELL, THOMAS SNELSON and WILLIAM LANE to attend the same five shillings and six pence put into the hands of the Dacon for the Use of the Church Sister VINCENT appied for a letter of Distmistion the same being granted unto hir-RACHEL BELLOW the same - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse -

6th of September 1800 Met according to ajornment Meeting Opened in common form and proseaded to buisness the Deligates Made theare report from the Association and the Minets theare - of red and agread too - ROBERT EWEN prayed a letter of recomendation for himself and wife the same being granted - the BREATHREN LANE and COLMAN appointed to site JOHN KEENEY to attend Next Meeting; ajornd till meeting in Corse ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k

no meeting in October

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1 November 1800 Met according to ajornment and after prayer prsded to buisness - the matter respecting BR.O KEENEY presented before the Church it was Consider.d as he was not theare to wate with him till next Meeting and have appointed the Breathren SNELSON and BOMAN to site him to next Meeting - A report respecting BRO. CAMPBELL being in Circulation from the word and on Confession from him to some of the breathren or members the church have thought it best for him to lay down his gift till he gives satesfaction to the Church and have appointed the Breathren LANE and COLMAN to site him to next meeting in Corse - Application made for letters of Dismistion for sister PHARES and LUCE a black woman the same being granted unto them both - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. C.

6th of December 1800 Meeting Open.d by prayer and proseaded to buisness -the matter respecting BRO. JOHN KEENEY.S not attending meeting prosponded till meeting in corse - the Matter respecting BRO. CAMPBELL.S Charge of Intemperance. he acknowledges the Charge to bee Just and the Church thinks best to Silence him from preaching till a further Consideration on that subject BR.O KELLEY reports that thear was five Members receiv.d in this Church on turkey Creek Bunkam County Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. M-


May 1801 Meeting Open.d in common forme and proseaded to buisness AGNESS GUIN receiv.d into the fellowship of this Church by letter of recomendation BRO. OSBURNS Case referd till next


Meeting the Breathren CAMPBELL and WILLIAMS referd till next meeting - BRO. SNELSON appointed WILLIAMS to same - Ajornd till Meeting in corse -

6th of June 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - at a meeting held at BRO. JOSHUA KELLEY.S Receiv.d by letters into fellowship of this Church - Viz WILLIAM COPLAND, ELEZIBETH COPLAND and ELENOR COPLAND

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the same - agread that from and after this date that Monthly Meetings bee held at one place and that place bee at this meeting house on pigeon near THOMAS DILLON - the Breathren CAMPELL and WILLIAMS Came to a reconsilation togeather again - Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. MCKAY C.k.

4th of July 1801 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness BRO. WALL reports to the Church that he informd BRO. OSBURN of his Neglect in attending of meetings - the offending brother came forward and Confessed his faults and promised better Conduct for the futher - A motion made for members to attend the Association and the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, THOMAS SNELLSON and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the same & MCKAY to write the churches letter and have ready against next Meeting - Bro. COPLAND appointed to aquaint SAMUEL MATHES of the churches oneasiness with him for his neglect in attending of Meetings and to request him to give his reasons for his neglect and BRO. BOMAN to acquaint JARAT BRICKY the same - the matter respecting REUBEM ALLENS going away coordily prosponded till Next Meeting - Ajornd till meeting in corse A. M

1st of Agust 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - put into the hands of the Deligates 2 dol and 35 Cents to defray the Charges of the Association - BR.O MATHES Came forward and gave satesfaction to the church respecting his neglecting of attending Meetings - JARRAT BRICKEY the same the Matter respecting REUBEN ALLEN taken under Consideration of the Church and after mature Deliberation on the same Conclude to dismiss it at the present. Ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M.

5th of Sept 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Sister JANE ROBERD Receiv.d by letter, also STACEY MATHES the same the matter respecting JOHN MATHES obtaining a letter of Dismission prosponded till next meeting - JAMES BAXTER prayed a letter of dismission the same granted unto him the Breathren WALL and SNELSON appointed to Site ANN FINE to attend next meeting in Order to give hir reasons for hir Neglect in not attending the same Ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M- Clk

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Oct. 3 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting JOHN MATHES taken under Consideration and the Church thought best to send thear grevance to the Church wheare he Lives and if he gives satesfaction to them it will bee the same to us - the Breathren WALL and SNELSON made thear report respecting ANN FINE She not apearing BR.O WALL appointed to site hir to attend next Meeting BR.O FINE mov.d to the Church to bee dismist from being a Dacon was referd till next meeting - ajornd till meeting in corse

Oct.o 31 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting ANN FINE prosponded till next meeting and Br.o FINE to acquiant hir of the same - BR.O FINE releast by the Church from the offis of a Dacon - BR.O COLMAN Nominated for a dacon and the Church to take the matter under Consideration against next Meeting - application made to the church for a letter of dismission for mary green the same granted ajornd till meeting in corse A. M.

5th of December 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness the Matter respecting BR.O COLMAN being appointed as a Dacon the Church fulley agree that he should act in that place


but being few in member it is presponded till next meeting in Corse- JOEL MOORE came before the church and made such acknowledgements as gave the Church satesfaction and he was restored into fellowship again - Ajond till Meeting in corse - A.M. Clk


6th of Febry 1802 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - a door being Opened for the reception of members and MARY JEFFERS came forward and was receivd by Expearance - as also TOM and SAL two Negroes the same - JAMES WISEHEART came forward and made such acknowledgement to the Church that he was restord into fellowship again A petission being handed forward respecting the Members up French broud river on turkey Creek and it was agreed that the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, WILLIAM LILLARD and EZEKEL CAMPELL bee apointed as aprisbetary to go up and Constitute them into a church if found ripe for the same - Ajord - A. MCKAY

6th of March 1802 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness. BRO. CAMPELL reports that he attended up french broud according to the Churches appointment

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and that theare was a church Constituted up thear the Church agree that a hand shall bee Immeadtely hired for to work for BRO. KELLEY none Months and the Church agree to pay for the same and that BRO. LILLARD bee Implied to hier s.d hand and Make report Next Meeting - ajord A.M.

3rd of April 1802 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - a door being Opened for receiveing of Members and JEREMIAH MCKAY came forward and was receiv.d by Expearance NANCY LILL (ARD?), NANCY FINE, JOHN FINE, NANCY MORGAN and ________ LEE the same and JESS a black man the same By a motion the Church agree that the members living up french broud about the mouth of big Creek and neare about theare become an arme of this Church and that theay have the liberty of holding Monthly Meetings among them selves and to receive members by Expearance provided that some of the members of the body bee with them With such helps as is legally qualified to administer the Ordinances - BRO. LILLARD report that he has hired a hand for BRO. KELLEY and the Church agree to the same - ajornd - A. MCKAY ( Note: In margin in other handwriting-Constitutes Church on Turkey Creek - An arm at Mouth of Big Creek 1802 Just above or Near where Del Rio now stands W Gm)

1 of May 1802 Met according to adjornment and after Devine Servis proseaded to buisness. Adore being Opened for the Receiving of Members & POLLEY MCKAY, RACHEL MCKAY, BETSY NETHERTON, JOHN NETHERTON and DAVID MCKAY Came forward and told theare Expearances and was receiv.d into fellowship in the Church and was Baptised. ANN CUNNINGHAM and BENJAMIN ODELL was receiv.d by letter - &.C - ajornd ____ MCKAY

5th of June 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - A door being Opened for the receaveing of members and the following persons came forward gave in theare Expearances and ware receiv.d & Baptised. viz - CALIB ODELL, WILLIAM CAFFEE, EDEE CIKNAB, ABRAM MCKAY JUNR., WILLIAM GEORGE, ENOUGH NETHERTON, MARTH LUSK, SARAH HUFF..- as also the following Members ware Receivd by letter viz- SUSANAH BRA_NT, DOLLEY JAMES, ABEL HODGE and MARY HODGE, MARY SISK, MARTEN SISK. A petision being presented to the Church from Newfound Creek in bunkam County North Carolina respecting the Ordination of BRO. THOMAS SMELSON and the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY and W. RANDOLPH appointed as a prisbetary to Examin into him repeness for Ordination and if found fit to adminester the same. Ajord. A. MCKAY C.l.k. (Note: In margin in other handwriting: Newfound Creek Church Buncom Co. N.C. Ordain BRO. THOMAS SNELSON)

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3rd of July 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis


proseaded to buisness -proseaded to buisness A dor being Open.d for the receaveing of members and POLLEY SIMS Came forward told hir Expearance and was receav.d into fellowship with the Church POLLEY GUYN, CATRON SANDUSKEY, SAMMEUL MATHES, PETER HUFF, THOMAS GREEN, BEN BOMAN the sam - the Church takeing into Consideration respecting Members to attend the Next Association and the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the same and sd. MCKAY appointed to write the Churches letter and have it ready against next Meeting.. ajourd A. MCKAY

31 July 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being Opened for the Receaving of Members and BETSY MCGLOCHLAN came forward told hir Expearance and was receaved into fellowship - DEBORAH HUFF, - BETSY CUNNINGHAM, PEBEY THOM__, ELEZEBETH HUFF, CHARITY HUFF, SARAH BARNETT, JOSEPH BLACK, SOLOMON ODELL, POLEY OSBURN, ELEZEBETH JONES, JINCY ODELL, CATY KELLEY, BEN ALLEN, HANNAH a black girl- the same - the Churches letter to the Association red and agread to - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M.

3 rd 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being Opened for the Receiving of Members and GEORGE JEFFERS Came forward told his Expearance and Was received into fellowship of the Church WINNE HAMPTON.. ANNE HAMPTON.. WILLIAM JOB.. JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM - JOANNA CAMPELL.. SARAH OSBURN.. LEDGESD FINE.. PHEBE COOPER.. MOSES NETHERTON..ABSOLUM HUFF.. the same.. the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend at bent Creek Church the first Wensday in October - next. Ajornd till Meeting in corse- A. M. C.l

1st October 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divin servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being Open.d for the receveing of members and REBEKAH ALLEN Came forward told hir Expearance and was receiv.d into fellowship of the Curch.. as also MARY JOB.. VINE HAMPTON.. XLITHA HAMPTON.. RACHEL PHILIPS- SAMUEL STEAPHENS.. NAN a black girl.. POLEY HUFF the same - MARY HALEY, DOLEY JAMES.. ABELL HODGE and his wife all mov.d for Letters of Dismission the same being granted unto them.. Ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M.

_th November Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness.. adoor being Opened for receaving of Members and SUSANAH MCPHERSON Came forward told hir Expearance and Was Receiv.d, as also REBEKAH ALLEN.. JOHN YATES.. BETSY POE??? JA,ES EDENTON.. JACOB JOB.. JACK a black boy.. SARAH ALLEN.. EDMON GROSS.. BETSY FINE.. FAN a black girl.. the same ajornd till Meeting in corse-A.Mc

_th December 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness .. adoor being open.d for Reseption of members and CHARLES LEWIN came forward told his Expearance and was receiv.d MARY LEWIN PRICOLAR MORRES- RACHEL SUTTON.. the same ajornd- A. Mc


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1 January 1803 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness.. the Matter conserning sister SARAH WITT.. being brought under consideration and BRO. LANE made his Objectios against hir having a letter of Dismission thearefore the buisness is prosponded for further Consideration BRO. JOSPEH BLACK is granted a letter of Dismission RACHEL SUTON the same - the Breathren NATHANAL BEMAN and WIL.M LANE is chosen as Dacons to serve the Church.. JOHN CARR Receiv.d by letter.. JAMES WISEHEART has acknowledged that he drank spirits to Exces.. thearefore the church agree to send the Breathren WIL.M JOB and THOMAS CLEVENGER to cite him to attend Next Meeting JONSTON EWETT receiv.d by Expearance also granted a letter of he moves away before next Meeting.. Sisters NELLEY and POLLEY THOMASES granted letter of dismission the Church agree to cite Sister WITT to attend next Meeting

BRO. CAMPELL to do the same ajornd A. M.

5th of Febru. 1803 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness a door being Opened for the Reseption of Members and SUSANAH JOB Came forward told hir Expearance and was receiv.d Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. M.

5th of March 1803 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting SARAH WITT being taken under consideration & after debating on the same is granted a letter of Dismission ajornd A. M.

30th of April 1803 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being Opened for the Receiving of Members and MARY SISK Receiv.d by Letter - the Breathren W. GEORTE... C. CAMPELL... W. COLLMAN appointed to labour With LETTES COFFEE [or CAFFEE] for charges lade in against hir for the sin of adultry - the Breathren JOB and CLEVENGER appointed to cite CATE SABDYSJET to attend at next Meeting to answear the charge lade in against hir of being pregnant - the same breathren appointed to cite JAMES WISEHEART to attend next Meeting to answer to charges against him of intoxacation ajornd A. MCKAY

April the 2nd no buisness done only two members receiv.d by Expearance Namely W. MORGAN and ELEZEBETH GREEN - Ajornd A. M.

_th of June 1803 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being Opened for the Receiving of Members and MARY HANEY came forward told hir Expearance and was received into fellowship of the Church - the Matter respecting LETES CAFFEE [or COFFEE] being taken under further Consideration She upon Examination Confessed hir transgration and Was Excluded from Sociaty for the sin of Adultrey - also CATE SANDUSKEY Excluded from Sociaty for the sin of fornication - the Matter respecting JAMES WISEHEART prosponded till next Meeting in corse - BRO. WHITSON Receiv.d from his Deaconship

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2 of July 1803 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being Opened for the receiving of Members and EDWARD MILSAPS came forward told his Expearance and was receiv.d also GEORGE COUTCH the same - the Matter respecting JAMES WISEHEART Continued till next Meeting - the Church agree to answear the Petision of the arm of this church with respect of its being a constitution and hath appointed the breathren KELLEY CAMPELL, LANE COLMAN, LILLARE and MCKAY to attend on them upon that occation at theare next Meeting - A motion made for deligates to attend the Association and the breathren JOSHUA KELLY, EZEKEL CAMPELL, and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the same and sd MCKAY to Write the Churches letter and have it ready to bee red at next meeting - the breathren BOWMAN and GROSE appointed to cite cite JOHN KEENEY to attend our next meeting and make Report theareof - Ajornd till meeting in corse A. M.

4th August 1803 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - JAMES WISEHART came forward before the Church and made saiesfaction for his transgration and was restor.d into fellowship - the Church letter to the Association Red and agreed to the breathren GROSS and BOMAN appointed to cite JOHN KEENEY to attend our next meeting and make report theareon - Ajornd A. M.

5th of Sept 1803 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - a door being Opened for the receiveing of Members and none Came forward - the Breathren COLMAN CARR and HAMPTON appointed to go and labour With JOHN KEENEY and let him know that the Church is greaved With him for Omiting of attending on publick worship and Monthly Meetings and make report theareof next meeting - the Minits of the Association red and agreed too ajornd till next Meeting in corse - A. M.

1 October 1803 Met according to adjornment prayer being made proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting JOHN KEENEY laid Over till Next

Meeting - JOHN BARNETT Mov.d for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife the same being granted unto them - T. GREEN and wife the same. BETSY CROSSWHITE and SUSA BRADCUT the same - Ajornd - A. M-

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3rd of December 1803 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting JOHN KEENEY taken under consideration he not being present nor would not attend to Calls of the church and by absenting himself theare from Excluded from sociaty - ajord till Meeting in corse. A.M.

31st of December 1803 Met according to ajornment Meeting Open.d by prayer and proseaded to buisness - BETSY ADAMS made application for a letter of Dismission the same being granted to hir - the breathren P. HUFF, E. CAMPELL appointed to Invite BEN ALLEN to attend next Meeting as also TOBIAS WILLIAMS the same and make report next meeting Ajornd A. M-


5th of Febr 1804 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - a door being Opened for the receiveing of Members and JAMES SOWEL Came forward told his Expearance and was received BEN ALLEN Came forward and mad his Excuse for his neglect of attending meeting and was heard - BRO. LANES accusation against T. GREEN for selling a hog that did not belong to him laid over till next meeting - ajornd till meeting in corse. A.M.

3rd of March 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting GREEN.S selling the hog is lade Over till he can bee sent for - BRO. TOM a black man Obtain.d a letter of dismission - the Breathren FOX & RICE appointed to Cite SOLOMAN ALLEN to attend next meeting to render some account of his drinking to Excess BENJAMIN ALLEN taken under dealings for drinking to Excess - and lade Over till next meeting. ajornd -- A. M.c

31st of March 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting SOLOMAN ALLEN being taken under Consideration . . and after duly Delberating upon the same he not attending to make defense is

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Excluded from sociaty for drinking to Excess and Other disorderly Conduct - the Matter respecting BENJAMIN ALLEN being taken under Consideration and after duly deliberating upon the same he is Excluded from sociaty for drinking to Excess and Other disorderly Conduct - the Breathren LILLARD and COUTCH appointed to invite THOMAS MANTOOTH to attend next meeting and make report theareon - REBEKAH ALLEN Obtaind a letter of dismission - SARAH ALLEN the same. BETSY ALLEN the same - the Matter respecting BRO. CAMPELL being accus.d for drinking too much laid Over till next Meeting - Ajornd A. M.

6th of May 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - THOMAS MANTOOTH Came before the Church and Made acknowledgment of his transgration and was heard the Matter Respecting EZEKEL CAMPELL being taken under consideration and after Conversing upon the same it.s thought most proper to lay it Over till next Meeting - WILLIAM ALLEN and his wife KITTY ALLEN Receiv.d by letter ZILPHY CLARK the same - JOHN BRICKEY applied for a letter and Was refeused on account of his drinkin to Excess and Cursing and Swearing - but it.s laid Over till August Meeting for afurther hearing - A Jorn.d till Meeting in Corse A McKay

2nd of June 1804 Met according to a jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness. the Matter respecting EZEKEL CAMPELL being taken under Consideration and after a due Consideration on the same he is Restored to fellowship again. . Application being made for a letter of dismission for MARY RECTOR the same being granted unto hir

ajornd - A. M. -

30th of July 1804 Met according to A Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness by a motion for deligates to attend the Association and the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, EZEKEL CALPELL and A. MCKAY appointed to attend the same.. and MCKAY to Write the Churches Letter and petision the Association for the next Ass.o to bee at this place - the matter respecting JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM posponded till next Meeting - adjornd A-M-

4th of August 1804 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM being taken under Consideration and after discourseing upon sam Concluded to lay it Over till next Meeting and the breathren W. JOB and W. WHITSON appointed to aquaint him of

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the same and request him to attend next Meeting - the letter to the Ass.o red and agread too - SAMUEL YATES Made acknowledgment before Church of his falling into transgration of Commiting abatrey upon the body of JAMES MILLSAPES - and the buisness theareof is laid Over till next meeting for the Want of the testamoney of EDWARD MILSAPS - the Breathren P. HUFF & ABSOLOM HUFF appointed to invite TOB__W.LHELMS to attend next Meeting and report theareon Ajorn.d A. M_

1 Sept.r 1804 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness.. adoor being Opened for the receiving of members.. and WILLIAM STUART Came forward told his Expearance and Was receiv.d NANCY STUART and LUCY NORTH the same - JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM Came before the Church and made such acknowledgments as gave general satesfaction - the Matter respecting S.M YATES laid Over till next meeting - the minutes of the Ass.o red and agread too - put into dacons hands 3/9 for the Churches Use. Ajornd A M

6th of October 1804 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting SAMUEL YATES laid next meeting and the breathren LILLARD and COPLAND and LANE appointed to labour With YATES and MILSAPS to indeavor to bring them to a reconsilation and make report next Meeting - put into hands of the Deacons 5/3 - SAMUEL MATHES and his Wife POLLEY and STACY RAMSEY applied for letters and Obtained the same DANIEL HILL the same - A Jornd till Meeting in corse A. MCKAY

4th 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the breathren LILLARD COPLAND and LANE made thear report to the Church that YATES and MILLSAPS had come to a reconsilation - ajornd till Meeting in corse W.L..

3rd December 1804 Met & c prayer being made proseaded to buisness - br.o JAMES SOWEL Came before the Church and acknowledged he had acted Contrary to the rules of the Church in speaking in publick in a Way of preaching without the consent theareof and acknowledged he was rong in doing and by his application the church agree to give him a letter of dismission

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SUSEY HILL the same Ajornd. W.L.



5th January 1805 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness -ZILPHIA CLARK applied for a letter of Dismission the same being granted unto hir ELEZEBETH MORRIS the same ajornd till meeting in corse - A. MCKAY

2nd of Feb.y 1805 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the breathren JOB and BOMAN appointed to invite JAMES WISEHART to attend next Meeting and make report theareof ajornd A. M-

2nd March 1805 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting JAMES WISEHART posponded till next meeting EDE SAVAGE applied for a letter of Dismission the same being granted unto hir EDMON GROSE the same Ajornd .c A MCKAY

6th of April 1805 Met &.c and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting JAMES WISEHART having Come before the Church and after duly deliberateing upon the same he is Excluded from sociaty for the practise of Drinking to Excess Ajornd - A. MCKAY

4th of May 1805 Met &.c and after Devine servis proseaded to buisness - a letter of dismission granted to GEORGE MCKOWEM and his Wife MARGET - the Church agree to send for JOHN BRICKEY by letter to attend at Next Meeting a Jornd till Meeting in corse A M-

1st of June 1805 Met &.c and after prayer proseaded to buisness a letter of Dismission granted to ____CY COX, SALLY STINETT the same Ajorn.d A. MCKAY

6th of July 1805 Met &.c and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting JOHN BRICKEY laid Over till next Meeting by a motion for members to attend the Ass.o and BRO. JOSHUA KELLEY & ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the same . . and sald MCKAY to Write the Churches letter ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A M

3rd of August 1805 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - the matter respecting JOHN BRICKEY laid Over till Next Meeting & A. MCKAY appointed to write a letter to him Stateing the sircumstance of his Case to him and requesting an answear. . the Church Letter to the Ass.o red agread too the breathren KELLEY and LILLARD appointed to talk with SOLOMON and CALIB ODELL conserning of Miss Conduct and to cite them to next meeting and [last line not on photocopy] a Mc.

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no Meeting in September

2nd of October 1805 Met according to a jornment and after prayer proseaded to business -SOLOMON & CALIB ODELL Came before the Church and mad such acknowledgment to the Church as gave satesfaction. . Ajornd A.M-

30th November 1805 Met according to a Jornment and after divine servis proseaded to business - BETSY FINE Receiv.d by Letter the Matter respecting the Choice of a dacon laid Over til next meeting in Corse; by a motion made by BRO. LANE respecting Nesesaryes for Communion and that the Members Come provided against next Meeting to discharge the same - ajornd till meeting in Corse A. MCKAY


4th of January 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business. . NANCY MATHES receiv.d by letter - BRO. JOSEPH HUFF appointed by the Church a Dacon ajornd A. M-

February 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - no buisness Came forward ajornd A. MCKAY

March 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - DISE MATHES, JOHN CARR & PATY CARR all applied for Letters of Dismission and obtain.d them ajornd A.M

5th of April 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - THOMAS HICKS received into fellowship of the Church by letter; BRO. JOSEPH HUFF Ordained a Dacon in the Church Ajornd till Meeting in corse - A. MCKAY

1st of May 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer being Made proseaded to business - no Matters of Consequnence Came before the Church and so ajornd A.m-

31st of May 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - BRO. HUFF appointed to invite SAM.L STEPHENS to attend next Meeting and report theareon - ajornd A. M-

5th of July 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - BRO. JOSEPH HUFF made his report to the Church that he talked with SAM.L STAPHENS and invited him to attend Meeting but he failing thearein the Breathren JO.S HUFF & WIL.M ALLEN is appointed to request him to attend next Meeting and report theareon by a motion for Members to attend the Association and BRO. JOSHUA KELLEY appointed to the same - and A. MCKAY to Write the Churches letter and have it at next Meeting in order to bee red to the Church Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A.. M.

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2 August 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting SAMUEL STEAPHENS posponded till next Meeting - the Association letter red and agread to - 8s..4d..1/2 laid in by BRO. PETER HUFF the Matter respecting BRO. COUTCHES Motion to know what shall bee done with a member that in Indebt to a member and dont pay.. answer.d to deal with such a person as in Other offences and the Breathren W. COLEMAN & A. MCKAY appointed to go with BRO. COUTCH on that Occation & the breathren W. JOB & W. COPLAND to attend with BRO. HUFF on the same Occation - ajorn.d - A. MCKAY

6 September 1806 Met &.c proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting SAM.L STEAPHENS posponded till next Meeting the breathen JOSEPH HUFF & W. COPLAND appo. to site him to attend the same - the breathren W. GEORGE & B. ODELL appointed to talk with BETSY LEWIS & know of hir reasons for absenting hir self from our sociaty and make report [last line not on photocopy]

4th October 1806 Met &.c proseaded to buisness - the report made respecting SAMUEL STEAPHENS he discovere.d no intention of attending Meeting to give any satesfaction for his Miss Conduct and after duly Considering the same, he is Excluded from sociaty for absenting hinself from Meeting and being disorderly in his famelley - the report made respecting BETSY LEWIS that the Members did not see hir, and that the breathren PETER FINE and W. COLMAN appointed to talk with hir and no of hir reasons for absenting from us - Negro JACK obtain.d a letter of Dismission and SOLOMON ODELL Excluded from sociaty for fighting and Disorderly Conduct- Respecting LEDGAR.D FINE & ENOCH NETHERTON posponded till next Meeting, ajorn.d A.M.

1st November 1806 No buisness Came forward -


3rd January 1807 Met according to appointment Prayer being made proseaded to buisness.. the Church declares a unfellowship with BETSY LEWIS for absenting hir self from Meeting - WIL.M COFFEE came forward made satesfaction to the Church.

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the Breathren FINE & NETHERTON restor.d to fellowship - the Matter respecting BRO. HICKS posponded till next Meeting.. ajornd A.M.

31st January 1807 Met & C proseaded to buisness - BRO. HICKS not being present the breathren GEORGE COUTCH & W. LILLARD appointed to Cite him to attend next Meeting ajornd A.M.

by a rong Entry the following Meeting Comes in - 1st of November 1806 after prayer proseaded to buisness the brethren JOSEPH HUFF, W. JOB & W. LILLARD appointed to Cite BRO. COFFEE to attend next Meeting and that he give his reasons to the Church for his neglect of attending Meetings.. BRO. LANE Inform.d the Church that CALIB ODELL has been gilty of fighting.. and the breathren WM. LANE & J. HUFF appointed to Cite him to attend next meeting - and the brethren LILLARD and JOB to Cite HICKS to attend next Meeting ajond A.M.

28th of February 1807 Met according to a Jornment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - no buisness - Came forward - ajorn.d A. MCKAY

4th of April 1807 Met according to ajornment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by letter BENJAMIN WALDRIP and AILSEY his wife THOMAS HICKS came forward and made some Confession but not to the satesfaction of the Church. thearefore the Church Declares a nonfellowship with him for beating his Wife.. ajornd A. MCKAY

2nd of May 1807 no buisnessd Came forward thearefore ajornd till meeting in corse A.. M

6th of June 1807 Met according to a jornment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - from a complaint against WILLIAM COFFEE; for his


gambling the breathren WILLIAM COLMAN & WILLIAM JOB is appointed to Cite him to attend next meeting - Conserning the same - A Jorn.d A- M-

4th of July 1807 Met according to a jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting WILLIAM COFFEE the breathren make thear report that he did not know Whether he Would attend or not but did not deny the

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facts. he did not attend the Church taking matter into consideration hath declard a non fellowship with him for gambling and onreaglur Conduct - BRO. ASA BELL and his Wife ANN receiv.d by letter into fellowship of the Church TOLLEY SIMES Excluded from sociaty for giving hir self a member to the Methedes - sociaty - The breathren JOSHUA KELLEY PETER FINE and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the insueing Association and sd. MCKAY to Write the Churches letter -

1st of August 1807 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - TABITHA COOPER receiv.d by letter - the Association Letter red and agread too ajornd till Meeting in corse - A. MCKAY

1st of September 1807 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the brethren A. MCKAY & FINE Appointed to site J.O CUNNINGHAM to attend next Meeting - also JARRED BRICKEY & J.O HUFF appointed to site CALEB ODELL to attend next meeting - ASA BELL and Wife Dismist by Letter as also BEN WALDRIP and Wife Dismist by letter - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M.

31th of October 1807 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM Excluded from sociaty for fiteing and not giving satesfaction to the Church - the Matter respecting CALIB ODELL laid over till meeting in Corse. Ajornd A. MCKAY