Ocoee Community News, February, 1909
transcribed and contributed by Susan Langheld (date unidentified)
Newspaper: Not stated
Date: 02/01/1909
Jim Hunt of Dare, spent Friday with Larry Armstrong.
Mrs. Snyder and her children, of Ocoee Tank, and Miss Jessie Armstrong of this place, spent Thursday with Mr. John Fraizer.
Elmo Cook made a business trip to Greasy Creek this week.
Miss Jennie Armstrong is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jim Hunt of Dare.
Mrs. Henry Snyder and son Paul, and the writer spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Henry Cook.
Messers Sherman Fraizer and Elmo Cook are putting up a photograph building at Ocoee Tank.
Mrs. White and children spent Friday night with Mrs. Henry Cook.
Mr & Mrs. Pennie of near Old Fort, spent Thursday with Jack Postun
Mrs. Maude White and Johnnie Lou Cook spent Friday with the writer
Elmo Cook spent Sunday with Sherman Fraizer.
A Few of the young folks enjoyed a singing at the Shelton home Sunday afternoon.