Grantor (Direct) Index to Deed Books A & B (1839-1927)
index created and contributed by Barbara Fagen, CGRS, of the Cleveland Public Library History Branch in 2001
This index was prepared from microfilmed copies of original Bradley County deeds. The index contains an alphabetical list of those selling property, those purchasing property, the transaction year, and the book and page number on which the original record will be found.
Original deed book pages are available free to view and download from FamilySearch. Click here to access Deed Books A & B. You will require a free FamilySearch login to browse records.
Researchers must note that a fire at the Bradley County Courthouse on November 25, 1864, destroyed record books in the Register’s Office and the Entry Taker’s Office.
The Register’s Office has always been the official location for recording deeds, mortgages, bills of sale, powers of attorney, and other documents residents wished to have permanently available, a significant portion of the county’s early documents are lost since individuals died, moved away, or lost their copies before the re-recording opportunity.
Deed Books A and B contain final decrees from Bradley County Chancery and Circuit Courts involving land. Courts are listed in the “Grantor” column. Individuals named in the decree are listed in the “Grantee” column. Names of churches and campgrounds are also included in the index.
Names followed by an asterisk (*) indicates the individual owned property being sold by the court, the sheriff, or the tax collector.
Click here to view the Reverse index (alphabetically ordered by purchaser).
This table is searchable.