Circuit Court Civil Case Files 1880-1900
This index was prepared from original records preserved at the History Branch of the Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Tennessee. This is by no means a complete list of every case heard in Bradley County, nor are all of the files represented here complete.
The index was published in book form also.
This index includes the name of the plaintiff, the defendant and others deemed important to the case. Names of bondsmen, jurors, etc. were found in abundance and were too numerous to include in every instance.
Cases involving a court ordered land sale are of particular interest to genealogists since they usually include a description of the land to be sold and the names of those owning adjoining land.
Missing documents made it impossible to determine the case numbers of some of the files. In order to be included in this work, those cases without a number were assigned one, followed by the letter “z”.
The documents may be viewed on microfilm at the Tennessee State Library & Archives or the History Branch of the Cleveland Public Library.
The History Branch is unable to accept requests to photocopy case files. However, TSLA provides a digital image from microfilm service for researchers. Click here to learn more.
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