1862 Assessment by US Direct Tax Commission
abstracted and contributed by the Cleveland Public Library History Branch (date unidentified)
This is an abstract of the 1862 Assessment List of the United States Direct Tax Commission for Bradley County, Tennessee. It was created from National Archives publication T227, Assessment Lists of the United States Direct Tax Commission for the District of Tennessee… located at the History Branch of the Cleveland Public Library, 833 North Ocoee Street, Cleveland, Tennessee, the Tennessee State Library and Archives and other locations.
This alphabetical list by surname of property owners, shows the civil district in which the property was located, the amount of land owned, the value of the land, the amount of the property tax, and the page number of the microfilm on which the complete entry was found. Researchers are advised the term “lots” refers to town lots that were most likely located in Cleveland or Charleston. The assessment was made under the Act of Congress entitled, “An Act for the Collection of Direct Taxes in the insurrectionary districts, within the United States, and other purposes, approved June 7, 1862, and the act amendatory thereto.”
A Bradley County map showing Civil Districts in 1862 is not available at this writing [approximately 2014]. A map showing Civil Districts in 1866, from Hurlburt’s History of the Rebellion in Bradley County, East Tennessee, reprinted in 1988, John W. Cook, editor, is available in the Maps gallery on this site. Researchers are advised it is not known if boundaries for the county’s civil districts changed between 1862 and 1866.