Bedford County Photo Gallery

Bedford County Photo Gallery

Pictures of Bedford County points of interest. Please submit to us any old pictures of historic Bedford County sites,
old school, old buildings, old churches, old family pictures or portraits for use on this page.  Share with others and
possibly make a connection with another researcher.

Eleanor (Ellendor) Nellie Powel & Cannon Powell

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Eleanor/Ellendor "Nellie" Powell Cannon, daughter of John Powell and Naomi Carter Powell of Bedford Co., TN -born 7 Feb 1818 -died 4 Feb 1899 in Bedford Co., TN -buried in New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Bedford Co., TN. Almond Cannon -born 13 June 1812 -died 18 August 1896 in Bedford Co., TN -buried in New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Bedford Co., TN Parents of Taylor Cannon (1849-1926), and John Louis Cannon (14 June 1846-25 Aug 1918).


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