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This is number TWO of SEVEN files.
1969 - 1898 July 1 - (O.B.) M.H. GRIMMETT, J.S. & A.L. JENNINGS composing the firm of
J.S. JENNINGS & Bro., J.S. JENNINGS individually, H.A. & W.P. PHILLIPS composing the
firm of H.A. PHILLIPS & Bro. citizens of Wilson Co., TN and H.W. LESTER admr. of W.M.
PEMBERTON a citizen of Rutherford Co., TN Against Arch MIDGETT and wife Ella
MIDGETT, of Rutherford, Lafayette JENNINGS and John JENNINGS citizens of TX. Orators
filed their bill and petition 18 May 1898 in County Court of Wilson Co., TN seeking to wind up
the estate of Jacob R. JENNINGS, who died in this county about 1880 and sale of a tract of
land.... E.S. JENNINGS was admr. of his father's estate.... the heirs are set out in full in the
County Court bill. E.S. is now dead and the defdts. Ella MIDGETT, Lafayette and Jno.
JENNINGS are his only children and heirs at law. The last two minors, no gdn. L.B.
GRANDSTAFF is son-in-law of J.R. JENNINGS.
1898 July Term - (Bill & Pet.) H.W. LESTER, admr. of W.M. PEMBERTON, dec'd. a citizen of
Rutherford Co., TN, M.H. GRIMMETT, J.S. JENNINGS and brother a firm composed of J.F. &
J.S. JENNINGS, J.S. JENNINGS in his own right and H.A. PHILLIPS and brother, a firm
composed of H.A. PHILLIPS and W.P. PHILLIPS, citizens of Wilson Co., TN against Martha
GRANDSTAFF and Jacob LESTER citizens of Wilson Co., TN, Arch MIDGETT and wife Ella,
Albert ALSUP and wife Mattie, and Geo. LESTER citizens of Rutherford Co., TN; Robert
HIGHT and wife Tennie citizens of Lake Co., TN; Lafayette and John JENNINGS citizens of
TX; John CASSON and wife Lucinda citizens of Davidson Co., TN. Petitioners show that Jacob
R. JENNINGS died in this county about 1880 intestate; he left a widow Polly who afterwards
married with one GRIMMETT. Widow of JENNINGS died in Wilson Co., TN 26 Apr. 1898.
Jacob R. JENNINGS left the following children: E.S. JENNINGS, Martha GRANDSTAFF,
Tennie HIGHT, Susan LESTER, Lucinda wife of John CASON as his only heirs at law. Since the
death of Jacob. R., his son E.S. and his dau. Susan LESTER have both died. E.S. JENNINGS left
the following children: Ella, wife of Arch MIDGETT; Lafyette JENNINGS; and John
JENNINGS. Susan LESTER left the following children: Jacob LESTER; Mattie, wife of Albert
ALSUP; and George LESTER and petitioner H.W. LESTER was her husband. E.S. JENNINGS
was appointed admr. Mar. 1880. Jacob was owner of 108a bounded by Thos. EWING, T.L.
1898 Sept. 2 - Deposition of Martha GRINDSTAFF, 53, dau. of Jacob R. JENNINGS. Her
father had 9 children: "Francis, Martha, Erastus, Tennessee, Susan, Lucinda, Robert, Doak,
Haints. Those living at the time of father's death were Martha, Erastus, Tennessee, Susan,
Lucinda, Doak, Haints. Those living now are Martha, Tennessee, Lucinda. Brother Erastus left
children: Willie, Ella, the wife of Arch MIDGETT, Lafayett & Johnie. The widow of Jacob R.
died the first of May this year. My sister Susan LESTER is dead leaving children also. Her father
conveyed certain lands to her husband in his lifetime. Conveyed because of a lawsuit with Mr.
Greenberry ADAMS. The suit was because of her Pa going on a marriage license bond. ... one of
mother's nephews has had charge and control of the land. The marriage license concerned the dau.
of Greenberry ADAMS. E.S. JENNINGS has been dead 11 years. E.S. lived on the Ples
GENTRY place. E.S. lived in Lebanon at the time of his death. Jacob's wife at the time of his
death was a stepmother to Martha. Her father sold his other place just a while before he died and
moved back up there."
1899 Mar. 1 - Deposition of C.R. PUCKETT, 76. - Deposition of S.H. HARRIS, 74. says Mr.
JENNINGS went on bond for Mr. PORTER for his marriage license who married Mr. ADAMS
dau. & Mr. PORTER had a wife before that and Mr. ADAMS sued Mr. JENNINGS for damages.
After the death of Ras JENNINGS his family lived here for awhile and then moved to TX. Ras
JENNINGS admr. of estate of Jacob R. JENNINGS. - Deposition of C.F. LEHEW, 56 last Jan. -
Deposition of H.W. LESTER, about 50, mentions E.S. JENNINGS' stepmother. Says that after
the death of E.S. that his family was living in Lebanon at the time, then they moved back to
Cainsville and lived for about a year then moved over into Rutherford Co. and lived for two or
three year and then went to TX, and have returned since the death of Mrs. GRIMMETT. Mandy
was widow of Ras and her dau. is MIDGETT'S wife.... Mandy wrote a letter from TX to Pat
FLORIDA stating that Mother Polly was dead, she wanted him to act as power atty. for her two
boys Fate & John.... Mr. FLORIDA is a brother-in-law to Mrs. JENNINGS. H.W. LESTER says
his mother died at Moody's house up here by Greenvale in '85 and he is her admr. H.W. married
one of old man JENNINGS daus. ... mentions his mother went to IL. - Deposition of J. Spencer
1899 Mar. 4 - Deposition of Wm. H. SMITH says he bargained for a place from Jacob R.
JENNINGS in the spring of 1875, place in Civil District 17 of Wilson County, near Greenvale.
This is the place where the widow lives and he decided to sell it back to JENNINGS because he
wanted to go to Warren Co., TN.
1899 Mar. 17 - Deposition of Mrs. Amanda JENNINGS who was wife of E.S. "E.S. died in
1886. They were married in Oct. 1866. Jacob died in Jan. 1880. E.S. left the place in 1879, lived
at Barton's Creek in 1880, in Big Springs on MOTLEY'S farm in 1881, in 1882 and 1883 in
Carthage Smith Co. and there from Greenvale in Wilson County until 1886, then to Lebanon
where he died. Jacob left two children by his last wife, six I think by the first wife. Martha
GRINDSTAFF was the oldest, Erastus JENNINGS, Tennie HEIGHT, Susan LESTER, Lucinda
CASON, by the second wife Doak JENNINGS & Hance JENNINGS. The older children
were living as well as I remember as follows: Martha lived at Round Lick, Erastus was living on
the place now in dispute, Tennie and Susan were in IL. Lucinda CASON who was then unmarried
was living at home with her father. The other two younger children were at home with their
father. The youngest child was 5 years old in 1872. E.S. JENNINGS had 4 children: Willie the
oldest, Ella, now MIDGETT, Lafayette, Johnnie. The oldest child is now dead. When she wrote
to Mr. FLORIDA her dau. was here and could take care of her own part. Levi GRINDSTAFF
was her husbands admr." - Deposition of Pack B. FLORIDA says his wife is sister to Mrs.
Amanda JENNINGS.... - 11 Mar. 1899: Deposition of Jno. C. HAYS of Dyer, TN.
1899 Mar. 20 - Deposition of J.B. LASITER taken before Hugh LESTER Notary Public Fannin
Co., TX. J.B. age 48, lives Bailey Fannin Co., TX. He lived in Civil District 17 of Wilson Co.,
TN in 1867 or 1868, but not in 1873. He is a brother to the widow of E.S. JENNINGS.
1899 June 10 - Deposition of Robert R. HIGHT, 55, lives in Civil District 4 of Lake Co., TN. He
married 18 Sept. 1866 to a dau. of Jacob R. JENNINGS. He moved from Wilson Co., TN in
1889. He lived in IL in 1870 & 1871, then to Wilson Co., TN.
1970 - 1890 Oct. 21 - (O.B.) W.F. GREGORY Against W.G. SEAGROVES & G.W.
MCCLANAHON Cumberland University. About a judgment. J.D. GLENN, J.P. and E.G.
MOUNT, shff.
1971 - 1897 Feb. 17 - ( O.I.A.B.) Debt. T.E. GUTHRIE Against B.M. MACE.
1972 - 1894 Oct. 8 - (O.B.) D.W. & W.D. GRINDSTAFF & John C. SANDERS Against W.S.
PHILLIPS & wife M.S.E. PHILLIPS & Ross PATTON all of Wilson Co., TN. Orators show
they are owners as tenants in common, but in unequal moities of real estate in Civil District 16 of
Wilson Co., TN: a house and lot at Cherry Valley bounded by W.S. PHILLIPS'...
VANTREASE ... CARTWRIGHT ... lot near Cherry Valley of 5a or 6a ... bounded by Sparta
pike, BASS & the old Methodist Church lot. Also lots 4&6 & Woodland lot 8 in the partition of
the David PHILLIPS land. More specific description of these last three lots refer to the decree of
partition in Chancery Mary PHILLIPS & others VS W.A. SELLERS.... On 7 Mar. 1892 the
defdt. M.S.E. PHILLIPS filed her bill against defdt. W.S. PHILLIPS, saying she and her husband
were married in 1858, that she was the dau. of Preston HENDERSON who died in 1857 ... her
husband was the owner by purchase of lots 4,6,&8 of lands belonging to his father's heirs....
1894 July 3 - Deposition of Elvis BASS, 51, says, "my first wife was Mittie PHILLIPS, sister of
W.S. PHILLIPS. Two children were living at her death. One died the next summer after she did,
the other lived about two years. I have no children by my last wife, living.... I don't think Shela
PHILLIPS was present. ... at the time we consulted Col STOKES my oldest girl was living, but
not positive."
1895 Nov. 12 (A.&S.B.) D.W. & W.D. GRANDSTAFF and John C. SANDERS of Wilson Co.,
HENDERSON and wife S.A. HENDERSON of Wilson Co., TN. O.B. filed 8 Oct. 1894 against
defdts. W.S. & M.S.E. PHILLIPS and Ross PATTON in which it is alledged that they were the
owners of lands ... based on a sheriff's deed The decree of this court in favor of Mrs. M.S.E.
PHILLIPS.... They alledge that many years ago W.S. PHILLIPS and Hardin PHILLIPS traded
lots, that W.S. PHILLIPS was the owner of a lot in Cherry Valley perhaps the lot on which
defdt. Hardin PHILLIPS now lives.... Orator alledges that in the partition of land belonging to the
heirs of W.S. PHILLIPS mother lot No. 4 was allotted to Mary BASS and lot No. 6 and
WOODS lot No. 8 was allotted to defdt. S.A. HENDERSON. They alledge that S.A.
HENDERSON sold her two lots Nos. 6 & 8 to W.S. PHILLIPS.... Mary E. BASS who drew lot
No. 4 died after partition leaving only one dau. who died after the other leaving the defdt. Elias
BASS as her heir. The object of the O.B. was a sale of land for purpose of partition. M.S.E.
PHILLIPS filed her bill 7 Mar. 1892 against her husband W.S. PHILLIPS.... she claims the lands
were purchased with her money, derived from her father, Preston HENDERSON'S estate and that
her father died about 1857....
1896 Nov. 7 - Deposition of W.S. PHILLIPS says he had a brother named William. Says he
thinks he was married in 1858. He thinks Dee BLANKENSHIP and Lus HENDERSON were
exors. of Preston HENDERSON. BLANKENSHIP died somewhere in 1880.... W.S. owns 50a in
Civil District 16 bounded by BALL, CAMPBELL & PAULS heirs which is a part of the
BEADLES tract.
1898 Apr. 25 - The death of W.D. GRANDSTAFFF admitted. Cause revived in the names of
Tabitha GRANDSTAFF, John J. GRANDSTAFF, Lizzie LANE and husband V.E. LANE &
Tabitha GRANDSTAFF as the next friend of Frank M. GRANDSTAFF a minor being the widow
and all the heirs....
1898 May 26 - Deposition of Jordan VANTREASE says the W.T. VANTREASE tract owned by
PHILLIPS originally owned by his father. The PHILLIPS have 2 boys and 5 girls. One boy is
about 28 and is now in TX. The other son is about 21 and is merchandizing at home. One dau.
married Dr. SEAT living in the neighborhood; another is married and lives in neighborhood.
There are 3 girls at home; one about 21 and the other two about 14 and 16. The merchant's son is
a cripple and the wife of Dr. SEAT is an invalid. - Deposition of Mrs. M.S.E. PHILLIPS, 56 ...
bought the lot from John VANTREASE.
1898 Mar. 16 - Deposition of Fanny BASS, maiden name NEAL, married 3 Jan. 1877... She says
she signed the land to her brother....
1900 May 7 - Deposition of Joe BERRY says W.S. PHILLIPS is about 69 and his wife about 60.
Neither in good health.
1973 - 1898 Aug. 2 - J.T. GREEN VS S.M. ANDERSON and wife Jessie, P.Y. HILL and Joe
JOHNSON all of Wilson Co., TN. About buying some mules.
1974 - 1867 Oct. 9 (O.B.) - Edward J. GOLLADAY trustee of Samuel L. COLHOUN of Wilson
Co., TN and William M. PROVINE of TX and Planters Bank of Nashville and other creditors of
Samuel COLHOUN named in his deed of trust of 20 May 1861 Against Samuel L. COLHOUN
and P.B. COLHOUN of Wilson Co., TN. PROVINE shows that he sold 75a near Taylorsville ...
P.B. COLHOUN admr. of John N. TAYLOR.
1975 - 1897 Feb. 15 - (O.B.) Lydia HARRIS a married woman sues by her next friend John
HARRIS of Wilson Co., TN Against Jake OWEN of Wilson County and Frank HARRIS of IL.
Oratrix and Frank HARRIS were married in 1854 and lived together ever since. They lived in TN
till about 1892 and moved to IL.
1897 Apr. 14 - Deposition of Lydia HARRIS says her husband was a member of the Odd Fellows
Lodge. She says she has 6 children: 20, 22, the youngest 20, the oldest boy 25, they are all in
Chicago but one, the other is in MS. The youngest is a boy and single. "We all live together with
WOMACK. The oldest boy John went to MS after the war. I never keep up with the childrens
ages after they get large enough, I turn it over to them." He went about 20 years ago with his
father to work and she has not seen him since. The boys are all older than the girls. Her boys Tom
and George HARRIS are in Chicago. One of them is on the N. side at a school, he has been there
about 5 years. The other has a little business of his own. The one at school gets about $10. a
week and is not married. The other has a poole business and is married. Says her son-in-law
works for Nevell in Chicago as over seer. She lives at No. 2976 corner of 30 and Durben St. for 3
years. She and her husband go to the African Methodist Church. My dau., Mrs. WOMACK,
joined the church. Her girl children are Mrs. WOMACK and Mary MCCLAREN. MCCLAREN
left Mary. Mrs. WOMACK is a dressmaker. Lydia says she has a half brother living in Lebanon,
Jordan DEBOW ... Jerry DEBOW. She was running a dining room and an ice cream parlor in
Chicago... Foster OWEN is father of Jacob OWEN. - Deposition of Frank HARRIS, Cook Co.,
1897 Oct. 6 - Deposition of John HARRIS, 63, bro. of Frank. Frank is about 4 years older.
1898 Mar. - Deposition of Niely STOKES who lives by the Col. church in the Frank HARRIS
house. He was born free and knows nothing about slavery. - Deposition of Reuben HALE says he
was a slave to Esq. James GRISSIM at Rome, Smith Co. - Deposition of Marshall CARUTHERS
says he went to Chicago in 1892 and lived with his sister at 19 State St. He was born and raised in
Lebanon. He and Frank HARRIS voted in the elections. - Deposition of Robert Walton
MCCLARIN owns a barber shop at 2810 State St., Chicago. He married the dau. of Frank
HARRIS about 13 years ago in Lebanon, TN by a minister. He is 32 his next birthday. Does not
live with his wife.
1976 - 1897 Oct. 11 - (O.B.) Frank M. HARRIS of Wilson Co., TN, temporary residence in
Chicago, IL Against Jake OWEN, J.A. WOOLARD, John HARRIS and W.S. WOOLARD all of
Wilson Co., TN. Orator seeks relief ... in 1891 W.S. WOOLARD took a judgment against him in
Wilson County, execution issued and levied on the remainder interest of orator's homestead in
Lebanon which is bounded by the colored Babtist Church & Sycamore St., City St., Sherman
REEVES & by Frank LANE. Land sold 6 Sept. 1891 by the shff.... Orator went to Chicago in
May 1892 to work to redeem his home leaving his household goods on the premises.
1977 - 1898 Sept. 21 - (Bill) Laura E. HOOKER Against Robert H. HOOKER. She and defdt.
were married in Wilson Co., TN 13 Aug. 1890. They had three children.... Complt. is the only
child of her father and they live with him. She is the owner of a tract in Civil District 2 of 108a
bounded by H.L. BASS, R.G. THOMPSON, VIVRETT, & Asa JACKSON. Deposition of Laura
says her first child was still born 18 June 1891, Cora Helen born 19 Apr. 1892, and Geo. Eddy
born 21 Aug. 1895. They joined the Sugs Creek Church in Aug. 1890. A negro woman named
Martha ODUM/OLDHAM was on the place. Her mother's name is Mary. Martha had a white
1978 - 1895 Sept. 26 - (O.B.) Nancy HILL of Wilson County VS Dan HILL residence unk. They
were married in Wilson County about 6 years ago. Frank MCDONALD says he married them
about 4 years ago....
1979 - 1896 Dec. 28 - (Bill) Eva HOGAN against Bob HOGAN. They were married in Wilson
County about 4 years ago. She and her mother, Gencie TURNER, bought a lot jointly....
1980 - 1896 Nov. 6 - (O.B.) Wm. E. HALE of Wilson Co., TN VS J.R. SMITH, T.C.
WHEELER, & A. BRYAN all of Wilson Co., TN. Complt. bought from A. BRYAN in 1893 a
town lot in Watertown, TN....
1981 - 1895 Jan. 1 - (O.B.) J.T. HOBBS of Wilson Co., TN against W.M. HARKREADER
County Court Clerk, and N.G. ROBERTSON admr., citizens of Wilson Co., TN, and John G.
HOBBS of TX. Complt. obtained a judgment against J.G. HOBBS... John YOUNG a J.P.... J.G.
HOBBS is one of 11 children of Green HOBBS, dec'd. who died intestate in Wilson Co., TN
about 15 Oct. 1893 possessed of 80a in Civil District 8 of Wilson Co., TN ... land sold in the
county Court.... N.G. ROBERTSON admr. of Green HOBBS.... J.G. HOBBS is entitled to
1982 - 1866 Nov. 14 - (O.B.) Sophia K. HATTON Widow and Extrx. of Robt. HATTON dec'd.
of Wilson Co., TN Against Rielly HATTON, Mary HATTON, & Emma HATTON, the minor
children of Robt. HATTON dec'd. who are without gdn. & A.W. ROWE of Wilson Co., TN, I.W.
WILSON & W.W. BERRY of Davidson Co. and also for the benefit of all other creditors of the
estate of Robt. HATTON... Oratrix shows her husband Robt. HATTON was killed in battle on
the 31 May 1862; testate ... the late residence of the testator in Lebanon about 8a bounded by L.
DRIFOUS, Dr. Thos. NORMAN, Main W. St. leading from Lebanon towards Nashville. Also
one office formerly the law office of the testator adjoining the W. boundary of TARVER &
GOLLADAY law office and under the Odd Fellows Hall ... And one tract of 3a & 46p in Civil
District 3 about 2 miles from Lebanon on the Nashville Pike ... ROWE and WILSON are
1983 - 1883 Sept. 10 - (O.B.) T.B. HUDSON & W.C. HUDSON of Wilson Co., TN against
Wm. L. WATERS admr. of G.W HUDSON dec'd., Margaret HUDSON the widow of G.W.
HUDSON dec'd., William HUDSON, Mollie HUDSON, Dillard GRINDSTAFF & wife "Sis" her
true name not known to complts., Burnell BASS & wife Frances, David MURPHY & wife
Delilah, Jno. M., Nora & Minnie HUDSON all of Wilson County. G.W. HUDSON died intestate
in Wilson Co., TN about the first of Oct. 1880 leaving as his widow Margaret and W.L.
WATERS became admr.... Decedent left land in Civil District 16 ... 92a bounded by George
A. LEEK, Francis HALEY, John SMITH, W.L. WATERS & Wm. YOUNG on which the widow
now lives....
1984 - 1893 Dec. 29 - (O.I.A.B.) Herman Brothers and LINDAEUR a firm of Nashville Against
J.M. BROWN, J.L. WEIR, R.E. NICHOL & Bank of Lebanon. BROWN is a merchant.
1985 - 1891 Mar. 7 - (O.B.) Ellis HARPER of Wilson Co., TN against J.C. SANDERS C&M of
Chancery of Lebanon & successor of R.C. SANDERS, who succeeded R.P. MCCLAIN in said
office. Re money W.G. SWINDLE borrowed from MCCLAIN.
1986 - 1889 Aug. 1 - (O.I.B.) Ellis HARPER of Wilson Co., TN VS Doak MARLER of Wilson
Co., TN but temporarily absent in Rutherford Co., TN, E.P. BELL of Wilson County, Joe
LANNOM and J.W. BARBER of Rutherford Co., TN. Complt. and MARLER entered a
copartnership in Nov. 1887 for purpose of boring, or drilling wells....
1987 - 1897 Aug. 14 - (Bill) G.H. HUGLEY of Wilson Co., TN against The Peoples Bank of
Lebanon. Bank book and cancelled checks in this file.
1988 - 1894 Sept. 8 - (O.B.) C.C. HAMBLEN of Wilson Co., TN Against Martha PAYNE and
Jesse PAYNE of Wilson Co., TN, James BRIDGES and wife Douglass BRIDGES citizens of
Gainsville, TX, and Bill AVANS and wife Mary citizens of MO. Petitioner shows that Jesse L.,
Martha C., & Salurah B. PAYNE bought 91a ... 95a from Mrs. Sallie B. BARTON 27 Oct. 1890
... Civil District 24 bounded by S.B. HARDY, C.P. BURNETT, Fanny BURNETT. Salurah died
in Wilson County in 1892 unmarried & leaving brothers and sisters her heirs: J.L. PAYNE,
Martha PAYNE, Douglass PAYNE who married James BRIDGES and lives in TX and Mary
PAYNE who married Bill AVANS and lives in MO.
1989 - 1895 Apr. 12 - (Bill) Mrs. Agnes S. (L.?) HOLMES and Emily SAYLES who is a minor
and sues by her next friend Agnes S. (L.?) HOLMES Against William HANNER in his own right
and as trustee of complts. all of Wilson Co., TN. Complt. states that Hattie PAGE formerly
RAGLAND willed to complts., her relatives, $1000. of her estate.... Defdt. HANNA as
trustee of Complts. Agnes HOLMES an aged lady ... HANNA a brother to dec'd ... death of
James RAGLAND the defdt. HANNA'S brother ... Defdt. & HANNA were sons of the same
1889 Dec. 26 - Will of Hattie Hart PAGE ... "By virtue of the power and authority conferred on
me in my father Hardin RAGLAND'S will ... my husband William G. PAGE ... at death of
husband exor. to pay to Dr. Wm. HANNAH as trustee for Mrs. Agnes HOLMES and her
granddau. Amelia SALES $1000. ... exor. to purchase a home for Mat HANNAH ... remainder
equally between Harding RAGLAND, Clark RAGLAND and Willie EDWARDS...." Wits.: Eliza
J. DURDIN; John Wm. STARK. Codicil: to pay the support off Sallie Estell CRANE ... $1000 ...
revoke the home for Mat & pay him $1000. Wits: Jennie D. HAYNES; G.L. ROBINSON.
1896 Jan. 15 - Deposition of Tabitha SAYLES mother of Amelia SAYLES ... she married 13
Nov. 1872. Her nephew is Brice BANES. - Depositions of Sallie C. and Joe S. KITCHING. -
Deposition of S.A. FLIPPIN, bro. of Tabitha. Depositions of E.S. and wife Mrs. Dora BOWERS
live in home of Agnes "Aggie".
1896 Feb. 19 - Deposition of S. WATERS, 43, married with 4 children. Agnes HOLMES is his
step-grandmother. - Deposition of J.H. KIDWILL, chicken pedlar. - Deposition of Dr. William
HANNAH, half brother of James RAGLAND. James RAGLAND was sick about three weeks
before he died. He died at the home of Dr. HANNAH, where he had been for about 2 months. Dr.
COWEN waited on him.
1896 Mar. 25 - Deposition of E.E. BEARD qualified as exor. of Mrs. Hattie PAGE June 1890.
... three legacies: Dr. HANNAH'S, Mat HANNAH'S, and trustee of Mrs. HOLMES.
1896 Mar. 30 - Deposition of Mrs. Tabby SALES mother of Amelia SALES and daughter-in-law
of Mrs. HOLMES.... Mrs. HOLMES was striken with paralisys this Jan. one year ago. She was
married in 1872 and has been living with Mrs. HOLMES every since. Her husband died 8 years
ago 18 day. of last Dec. She rec'd. $200. last year from the estate of her father ... her brother
Nathan ... "BAINS boys have given me some clothing and money. Dr. FLIPPIN a brother-in-law
of mine has given me corn." Says she has made Mrs. HOLMES a faithful servant for the last 8
years. And she does not want to swap me off for another for she told me so the other day. "I
never go off and leave her without asking her before I go." Her afflicted child is mentioned. Says,
"Mama Agnes' husband was a Dr. and so was mine and the Drs. that have been there since have
not charged us any thing". - Amelia is 20 year old. - Deposition of J.F. MEADER, physician for
30 years, says Mrs. HOLMES cannot stand alone and she has fractured her hip. Amelia gets about
by crawling like a child....
1990 - 1898 Apr. 12 - Laura HANEY VS Henry HANEY, both of Wilson Co., TN. They were
married in this county about 4 year ago. No children. Mentions Mary PALMER.
1991 - 1891 Feb. 25 - (O.B.) J.P. HEARN against Dave CHUMBLEY. He sold to defdt. a small
tract of land in Civil District 11 of Wilson Co., TN bounded by J.A. WHITEHEAD & Mrs. Ann
1992 - 1896 Nov. 24 - (O.B.) W.L. HANCOCK Against I.W. TRIBBLE & Luke
MCMINNEWAY. Regarding a judgment. No personal property of TRIBBLE. Will levy a fi fa on
whatever interest - supposed to be 1/6 as tenant in common of TRIBBLE to land in Civil District
15, 60a bounded by CHASTIN, JONES, AYERS, TARPLY. The property was once owned by
J.L. TRIBBLE now dec'd. who was the father of I.W. TRIBBLE....
1993 - 1891 Oct. 9 - (O.B.) W.D. HANCOCK Against J.N. HOLLOWAY, R.H. FAKES, & J.L.
CASTLEMAN, all of Wilson Co., TN. On 27 Jan. 1890 Sam F. HANCOCK was employed by a
firm known as J.N. HOLLOWAY & Co. as a clerk or business manager to take charge of and run
an alliance store in the 21st Dist. of Wilson County. Became indebted to the store.
1994 - 1894 Mar. 12 - J.L. HAYS of Dekalb Co., TN Against Maria TODD, Tibiart TENPENEY
& L.P. BRIANT all of Wilson Co., TN. Re a judment....
1995 - 1895 Aug. 28 - (O.B.) P.Y HILL & MCDONNOLD & Co ( the latter a firm composed of
Wilson Co., TN. Re a judgment. E. HARPER an extensive dealer in live stock, jacks, jinnetts,
horses, mules &C.
1996 - 1895 Dec. 11 - (O.B.) Sydney HENLEIN & Co. whose stockholders are Sydney
and R.E. SOLSCUTTER who join this bill and sue for the use of Wm. M. BUTLER doing
business under the name of Wm. M. BUTLER & Co. all of Davidson Co., TN Against John F.
SCHOTT of Wilson Co., TN and Mrs. Sallie HUGINS of Davidson Co. SCHOOT was a
merchant in Lebanon. A note is written on the back of a menu from The Belmont Restaurant
dated 5 Sept. 1896. Their specialties - Squirrel and Oysters - Any Style - Peaches and Cream, 10c
- Cucumbers, 10c - Green Tomatoes, 10c. Their dinner was Soup puree of Tomatoes with Rice,
10c, Grapes, 10c - Fish Baked Red Fish au Madeira, 20c Potatoes Natural - Boiled Hock of Ham
and Cabbage, 15c - Extra Prime Cut of Beef, Drip Gravy, 20c - Short Ribs of Beef, Brown
Potatoes, 15c, Spring Lamb Barbecued, 20c - Chicken Stew a l' Americaine, 20c - Hamburg
Steak a l' Espagnole, 20c - Chicken Salad, 10c - Potato Salad, 10c - Mashed Potatoes, 5c -
Stewed Corn, 5c - Squash, 5c - Candied Sweet Potaotes, 5c - Cabbage 5c - Lady Peas, 5c -
Apple Roll, Hard and Brandy Sauce, 10c - Peach Pie, 5c - Egg Custard Pie, 5c - Regular
Boarders, $5.00 per week. We serve all our Regular Meals for 25 cents, and promise prompt and
courteous attention. Give us your patronage. Respectfuly, C.W. BURTON & Co.
1997 - 1897 Oct. 18 - (O.B.) William J. IRBY for himself and as next friend of his wife Bettie,
James HEARN as next friend to Myra IRBY, a minor aged 17 years VS Mrs. Bettie IRBY and
Myra IRBY all of Wilson Co., TN. Complt. James HEARN is the father of Bettie IRBY, who is
the wife of complt. W.J. IRBY, and the mother of Defdt. Myra and though Mrs. Bettie J. has
been married 10 odd years, Myra is the only child she has had to live. Mrs. IRBY has an interest
in the livery stable of HANNAH & IRBY. IRBY and wife are 1/2 sharers in the lease of 5 years
on the West Side Hotel, J. Matt HANNAH holding the other half. ... running the hotel for 6
months, Mrs. IRBY supervising the tables and bedrooms, etc. She and her mother Bettie IRBY
own a house and lot in Lebanon on the E. side of S. Cumberland St. The purchase price paid by
James HEARN, her grandfather, who bought from Jas. A. WOOLARD, who bought it at sale of
this Court in the case of Watley BLOODWORTH VS Orange BLOODWORTH et als, in 1892.
1998 - 1891 Oct. 19 - (O.B.) Lee A. JENNINGS and Emma JENNINGS, gdn., next friend and
mother of John JENNINGS, Tarpley JENNINGS and Jessy JENNINGS minors. Lee a citizen of
Wilson County and Emma Davidson Co., TN Against John JENNINGS, Tarpley JENNINGS and
Jessy JENNINGS of Davidson Co., TN. Anderson JENNINGS died testate many years ago in
Wilson Co., TN; made his will 23 May 1868 ... duly proved. He devised land to his wife Malinda
in her lifetime, then to the children. Civil District 1 ... 130a ... Lee A. is a son. His co-complt.
Emma married Sam JENNINGS another son, and John, Tarpley, and Jessy are the only
children.... Emma is the widow of Sam JENNINGS and their children are: John, Tarpley, and
1999 - 1871 May 30 - (O.B.) Elisabeth JENKINS, Thomas WAGONER and Sarah Elisabeth
WAGONER of Wilson County and Jno. B. JENKINS of Williamson Co., IL Against Obediah
JENKINS of Wilson County. William B. JENKINS died Oct. 1867 testate. Elisabeth, exetrx. He
gave all of his property with the exception of a few small bequests to complt. Elisabeth his widow
for life and at her death to his three children, Sarah Elisabeth, Jno. B., and Obediah JENKINS.
Sarah Elisabeth has married Thomas WAGONER, Jno. B. is of full age and resides in IL....
Obediah is a minor of about 9 years. They want to sell the land... 89a on JENKINS Fork of
Round Lick Creek in Civil District 8 bounded by Jno. T. GOODALL, William SMART,
Archibald HUFFMAN. Copy of will: "I, Wm. B. JENKINS to dau. Elizabeth ... son Jno. B.
JENKINS ... grandson Wm. I. DICE ... wife Elizabeth ... son Obadiah his just turned his 6th
year...." 20 Sept. 1867.
1906 Oct. 11 - Elizabeth died in 1906.... Obediah died some years ago leaving his only heir
Obediah JENKINS. Mrs. WAGONER is still alive.
1907 Mar. 20 - Deposition of D.J. HALL says the JENKINS lived near Salusberry in Wilson
County. ... Elizabeth died the first of August. ... John B. lives at La Hunter Mrs. WAGONOR is
dead and left one heir W.B. WAGONOR who lives in Smith Co. Obediah moved to IL and died
leaving a son, Guy JENKINS. Mrs. WAGONOR has been dead 30 years. Her husband has been
dead 25 years. Wm. B. JENKINS left one other boy dis-inherited under the will.
1907 Mar. 20 - Williamson Co., IL: Deposition of Mrs. Mahala J. FERGUS mother of Guy
JENKINS. Guy was born 6 July 1888 four miles S.E. of Marian Williamson, Co., IL. He will be
19 years old 6 July 1907. He is the only son of Obediah JENKINS dec'd. who died intestate in
Williamson Co. 3 July 1889....
2000 - 1897 Oct. 18 - (O.B.) J.J. JEWELL gdn. Against Eva BRYANT. He is gdn. of defdt. She
is about 19 years old. She lives with her father who is a poor man. Her mother is dead. Her father
is married to a second wife by whom he has a large family of children. His ward has always lived
and moved in the very best society where she has resided. She is now a young lady and desires
to present herself and petitioner desires the same as becomes her station in life. She is the
prospective owner of some real estate worth perhaps some $4000, but this will come to her only
at the death of her grandmother....
1897 Nov. 19 - Deposition of Samuel H. BRYANT father of Eva. She is 19 and lives with him in
Statesville. He has two boys by his present wife. Eva has musical ability and they want to buy a
piano for her to teach.
2001 - 1896 June 1 - (O.B.) R.G. JACOBS and J.M. JACOBS Against C. ALTMAN & Co.,
William A. LYNCH, receiver of C. ALTMAN & Co., Daniel SMITH, L.A. BASS, and C.G.
NETTLES, all the defdts. except SMITH, BASS, and NETTLES are non-residents of TN. L.W.
BERLEN? Cashier Columbus National Bank of Boston. Complts. state they purchased from D.L.
SMITH as the agent of C. ALTMAN & Co., a Tracksion Engine ... it broke down....
2002 - 1895 Feb. 20 - (O.B.) H.R. JOHNS of Marshall? Co., TN Against Joe BARRITT of
Wilson Co., TN. BARRIT is indebted to him....
2003 - 1898 Mar.7 - (O.B.) Elizabeth JACKSON, Mary E. YORK, and husband J.R. YORK, T.J.
Lawrence JACKSON, Elmo JACKSON, Andrew JACKSON, & Eva JACKSON all of Wilson
Co., TN. Asa JACKSON died intestate in Wilson Co., TN... land in Civil District 2 of 213a more
or less ... he left as heirs his wife Elizabeth and the following children: Mary E., who married J.R.
YORK; Susan, who married T.J. BASS; J.E. & R.L. JACKSON and defdts. Lawrence; Elmo;
Andrew; & Eva JACKSON, who are the children of a dec'd. son; Andrew JACKSON and wife
Flora JACKSON (nee) BURDINE; Orville and Ruth YOUNG children of Novella YOUNG.
Complts. show they are owners as tenants in common by descent from their father Asa
1898 Mar. 26 - Deposition of H.L. BASS aged 63 says Asa left 6 children (named). Andrew
JACKSON was a dec'd. son and Novella a dec'd. dau. W.B. VIVRETT aged 48 adopts the above
1898 Nov. 4 - Deposition of Andrew MCGREGOR 66 years old and a real estate agent. W.M.
HARKREADER says he agrees with the statements of Andrew MCGREGOR and adopt his
deposition as mine except his age "I am not that old." [Deposition did not give his age.]
2004 - 1895 Dec. 30 - (O.B.) J.J. JEWEL against L.C. TURNER, N.T. JEWEL & J.M.
JENNINGS all of Wilson Co., TN. J.N. JEWEL aged 39 in 1897 is son of J.J. JEWEL.... 29 Dec.
1898: Petition of Flora JACKSON in her right and for her children....
2005 - 1893 Dec. 16 - (O.I.B.) R.G. JACOBS and wife Susan VS W.G. OAKLEY & J.L.
TRIBBLE all Wilson Co., TN. R.G. JACOBS made a promisory note in 1891 to his
mother-in-law Martha OAKLEY. W.G.OAKLEY got possession of the note....
2006 - 1886 Apr. 30 - (O.B.) C.R. JARRETT in his own right and as next friend of Annie,
Higden, and Cora JARRETT minors all of Wilson County, John LEWIS and wife Hattie, Will
ATKINSON and wife Nettie, citizens of Rutherford Co., Tom HAYNES and wife Mollie
HAYNES citizens of (blank) Co., TN. VS Norman P. SHANNON and Napolean JARRETT of
Wilson Co., TN. C.R. JARRETT, Sr. died in Wilson County about the beginning of the year
1884, leaving 11 children to wit: Clayburne R.; Annie; Higden; Cora; Mollie, Wife of Complt.
Thomas HAYNES; Hattie, wife of Complt. John LEWIS; Nettie, wife of complt. Will
ATKINSON; Joicie wife of Defdt. N.P. SHANNON; Defdts. Napolean JARRETT, and Ophelia
wife of Ben POSEY. Deceased had 146a in his own right in Civil District 22 ... widow Jane....
2007 - 18(___) Dec. 12 - (O.B.) D. JOHNSON Sr. of Smith Co., TN and A.M. JOHNSON of
Wilson County Against W.T. GOLDSTON, M.A. GOLDSTON and Sam GOLLADY of Wilson
Co., TN. Re a judgment.
1897 - Deposition of S.H. JOHNSON has lived 1/2 mile from W.T. GOLDSTON for 5 years.
Jack, son of W.T., has been married about a year.
1897 - Deposition of Capt. R.P. MCCLAIN says W.T. and M.A. GOLDSTON are
2008 - 1896 Apr. 6 - Mary Ellen JOHNSON VS F.H. JOHNSON both of Wilson Co., TN. They
were married in Rutherford Co. about one year ago and then moved to Wilson County. Wants her
maiden name of Mary Ellen DUNAWAY restored.
2009 - 1898 Feb. 10 - Allas JENKINGS VS Abe JENKINGS col. both of Wilson Co., TN. They
were married in Wilson County in 1897 living together for two or three months....
2010 - 1880 Sept. 22 - (O.B.) Samuel W. KEATON and wife Rebecca, & Shelton ROBINSON
citizen of Wilson Co., TN, George CHRISMAN a citizen of Williamson Co., TN and Burton P.
SHIPPY and wife Elizabeth P. and Nelson B. ROBINSON and wife Harriet citizen of TX Against
D.N. ALSUP and wife Susan, Payton RATHER and wife Isabella, Saml. I. ALSUP and John
ROBINSON and Thomas ROBINSON minors without reg. gdn., S.S. PRESTON admr. of Asupp
ALSUP gdn, and Ann C. ALSUP citizens of Wilson Co., TN, Alin ALSUP a citizen of
Montgomery Co., TN, Lee FOSTER and his wife Susan, Lawson LEE and his wife Rutha, Saml.
FLORIDA and Parkingham FLORIDA citizens of DeKalb Co., TN, Elijah ALSUP a citizen of
Rutherford Co., TN and Asaph A. ROBINSON, Wm. ROBINSON and Isack W. ROBINSON
citizens of TX.... At the Oct. Term 1879 court complt. KEATON and wife Harriet S. and
Elizabeth P. (?) brought a judgment against G.M. ALSUP admr. of Saml. J. ALSUP and
defdt. PRESTON as admr. of Asaph ALSUP.... Elizabeth P. has married Complt. Burton P.
SHIPPY and complt. Harriet S. has married with Complt. Nelson B. ALSUP.... Asaph ALSUP
owned at the time of his death some 830a in Civil District 20 ... bounded by Allen ALSUP & S.S.
BURTON, Morgan GRAU & M. ALSUP, D.N. ALSUP and Francis BOND and Saml.
CHRISTIAN and S.J. BOND. Asaph left four children and four sets of grandchildren his only
heirs.... Saml. KEATON et als recovered a judgment in Chancery at Lebanon at Oct. Term 1879
against G.M. ALSUP, Admr. of Wm. F.M. ALSUP, dec'd., S.S. PESTON admr. of Asaph
ALSUP dec'd. and S.J. ALSUP for near $2000. Harriet L. ALSUP was the owner of one share as
childs part of the recovery and she married N.B. ROBINSON since the judgment. Shelton
ROBINSON and his wife Mary Ann have this day transferred to N.B. ROBINSON and wife a
tract of land in Sebastian Co., Ark. it being the last half of the N.W. quarter of Section 12th
township 5th range 30 and also N.W. 4th of same quarter ... 123a ... transferred to Shelton
ROBINSON and wife the entire interest of Harriet L. in the estate of her grand father Asaph
ALSUP, dec'd. and my undivided share in the real estate of Asaph ALSUP which was allotted to
the children of my father Wm. F.M. ALSUP, dec'd.... Asaph ALSUP left surviving him as his only
heirs at law, two heirs Saml. T. & E.B. ALSUP 3 daus., Sarah married to Shelton ROBINSON,
Rebecca married to Jno. ROBINSON who has since died leaving an only child, Isabella, married
to RATHER; Morning? married to P. FLORIDA she left three children as her heirs Susan married
to (blank) FOSTER Ruth married to the defdt. Lee and Saml. FLORIDA, Susan married to D.N.
ALSUP the defdt. Alice the only child of Joseph F. a son who died before his father and the four
children of W.F.M. ALSUP a son who died before his father viz: Elizabeth, Anna C., Harriet and
Rebecca. Estate devisable into 8 shares. ... the widow of W.F.M. ALSUP was Sarah. She died
some time before the suit was brought. their child was Anna C. and a deceased brother named
Anthony.... Elizabeth SHIPPY was some 23 years old at the bringing of her suit Nov. 17, 1873.
Complt. Harriet was some 19 years and complt. Rebecca was some 15 months younger than
Harriet. The Intestate of S.S. PRESTON died 7 July 1871. When the suit was commenced for the
shares of the mother, sister and brother, Asaph ALSUP had been dead more than 7 years and the
cause of action had occurred more than 14 years before....
1882 Sept. 29 - Deposition of S.T. ALSUP says he is a son of Asaph ALSUP, dec'd. Before his
father's death he gave to his sister Susan something near 100a. In 1854 he gave her and her
husband a deed to this land. They had possession since 1839. He gave brother E.B. ALSUP 104a
deed made in 1843. "My father died 7 July 1871." Deposition of G.M. ALSUP son of Asaph
2011 - 1895 July 8 - A.J. KENNEDY and Pattie J. KENNEDY, his wife, both of Choctaw City
OK Ty VS R.W. SKEEN, general gdn. of Pattie J. KENNEDY and J.J. DODSON and J.M.
GOODBAR his sureties as such gdn. all of Wilson Co., TN. A.J. and Pattie J. KENNEDY were
married on 10 Apr. 1895, and Pattie while a minor and as one of the heirs and next of kin of
Martin SKEEN, dec'd. became entitled to a small estate. Martin SKEEN died in the spring of
1880. She was a young child at the time of Martin SKEEN'S death. Her uncle R.W. SKEEN was
appointed gdn. in 1882. She was Pattie J. HANCOCK. She married 21 Sept. 1890 Joseph S.
BEARD and moved with him to TX. Pattie J. KENNEDY was born 10 Jan. 1872 as Pattie J.
HANCOCK and married Joseph S. BEARD who died 31 May 1892 leaving her a widow of 20
years of age. And on 10 Apr. 1895 she married A.J. KENNEDY.
1882 Dec. 19 - Robt. W. SKEEN'S appointment as gdn. of Jas. S., Wilson D., Martin L., Pattie J.
and Carl E. HANCOCK minor children of W.F. HANCOCK. His deposition says that after
Pattie's husband died she and her child came to live with him for a while then went to a brothers in
this county and then returned to his home with two children one born in her absence.Martin
SHEEN was her grandfather.
1896 Mar. 7 - Deposition of J.H. EVEREST, 31, of Oklahoma City, OK Territory.
2012 - 1897 Mar. 13 - (O.B.) P. LENOX & Co. a firm composed of Patrick LENNOX and James
T. LENNOX citizens of Mass. and for the use of Jno. R. GATELY a citizen of IL Against
KNOWLES & POOLE a firm composed of Jno. T. KNOWLES & Myrom A. POOLE citizens of
New Hampshire. J.L. WEIR of Wilson Co., TN, & C.L. JOHNS of Wilson Co., TN.
2013 - 1898 Oct. 4 - (O.B.) Salie LASH, alias Sallie BOYD of Wilson Co., TN VS Jessie LASH
alias Jessie BOYD of Robertson Co., TN. They were married in Smith Co. in 1895 and moved to
this county at once....
2014 - 1898 Apr. 18 -(O.B.) M.H. LARGENT of Wilson Co., TN VS Manervie LARGENT of
Sumner Co. They were married in this county in Dec. 1895....
2015 - 1891 Dec. 28 - (O.B.) Lela LAYNE and her husband Decard LAYNE, Laura SMITH and
husband Dick SMITH of Wilson Co., TN, Etta DONNEL and husband J.F. DONNEL of TX
Against J.W. SORRY and wife Mary SORRY and against Mary SORRY as extrx. of R.B.
WILLIAMS, dec'd., Maud WILLIAMS, Mirtle WILLIAMS, Anna Lu WILLIAMS and Jessy
WILLIAMS of Wilson Co., TN, and Minnie THOMPSON and husband B.F. THOMPSON
citizens either of Davidson or Wilson. Complts. show that they and the defdts. except SORRY
and wife are the children of R.B. WILLIAMS, dec'd. and Mary SORRY is the widow of said
dec'd. Their father's will was published on 30 Mar. 1889 and he died during the year 1890
testate... probated May 1890. He owned about 130a in Civil District 10 and 11 of Wilson Co.,
2016 - 1897 Mar. 3 - (O.B.) The Lebanon B&L association Against Earle LESTER, Van
LESTER & Phillip, Fred, and John A. LESTER all of Wilson Co., TN. H.D. LESTER has
recently died intestate. Earle LESTER is his admr. and Van LESTER is his widow.... She became
his wife after the execution of said mortgage. Phillip and Fred are his only children ... John is
2017 - 1895 Dec. 31 - (O.B.) W.M. LEWIS Against Sarah LEWIS, R.M. JOHNSON, James,
Harvey and James PRUETT. He and defdt. were married in Wilson County in 1895. He resided in
White Co. before his marriage.... She had about 426a having a life estate....
2018 - 1895 Sept. 3 - (O.B.) W.L. LANIUS of Wilson Co., TN VS W.H. WALLACE, The Bank
resident of Davidson Co.
2019 - 1893 Oct. 18 - (O.B.) Mrs. Sallie LAYCOCK of DeKalb Co., TN Against Edgar
WATERS and wife Kate, W.H. BROWN, A.W. HOOKER, The Peoples Bank of Lebanon, The
Bank of Lebanon, W.H. CARPENTER of Smith Co., Wm. WOODS, M.A. GOLDSTON of
Wilson Co., TN....
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