Index for Land Deed Genealogy Marshall County, TN 1836-1840 Vol. 1
Bettye Liberty owns a copy of this book and is willing to look up individuals in the index. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to request a look-up.
Please be respectful in the number of requests you make. Do not request all entries for a surname unless it’s truly unusual.
Most of all, please note this offer is from a volunteer who will respond as her schedule permits.
Acuff | Adam | Adams | Akin | Alderson |
Aldridge | Alexander | Alford | Alfred | Allen |
Allfred | Allison | Allred | Alred | Alvis |
Amick | Amos | Anderson | Andrews | Apple |
Appleby | Archer | Armstrong | Arnold | Arrentine |
Arthur | Arthurs | Atkinson | Ausley | Bachman |
Bagley | Baham | Bailey | Baird | Baldridge |
Baldwin | Ballard | Ballentine | Baly | Banks |
Barham | Barnes | Baron | Barren | Barrett |
Barron | Bartlett | Barton | Bass | Bateman |
Batey | Bathoon | Batte | Bathoon | Batte |
Battin | Batton | Baty | Baucom | Baxter |
Beard | Bearden | Beasley | Beatie | Beaty |
Beazley | Beck | Becket | Beckett | Beckham |
Bedwell | Bell | Bengarman | Benge | Bennet |
Bennett | Benson | Benton | Bethoone | Bethum |
Bevier | Bicket | Bickett | Bidwell | Bigam |
Bigham | Bill | Billington | Bills | Bingaman |
Bingerman | Binn | Binns | Birmingham | Bishop |
Bivens | Bivins | Black | Blackwell | Blair |
Blake | Blakeman | Blakemore | Bland | Bledsoe |
Blount | Boatright | Boaz | Bobo | Boivins |
Boon | Boren | Bosley | Bostick | Bottom |
Bowden | Bowen | Bowlin | Bowls | Bowman |
Boyd | Boyet | Boyett | Brandbury | Bradford |
Bradley | Bradshaw | Brady | Brantley | Bray |
Brecheen | Brechen | Breckenridge | Brekeen | Brents |
Brewer | Briant | Brim | Britain | Brittain |
Broadway | Brooks | Brown | Bryan | Bryans |
Bryant | Bryeans | Bryens | Buchanan | Buckley |
Bullock | Burford | Burgess | Burks | Burns |
Burpo | Burpole | Butler | Bryns | Calahan |
Calhoon | Calhoun | Callister | Callahan | Callehan |
Callyhan | Calton | Calvert | Campbell | Camel |
Caneer | Canier | Cannon | Cantrel | Cantrell |
Capel | Caple | Caples | Car | Carlton |
Carnahan | Carothers | Carpenter | Carr | Carrell |
Carson | Carter | Carthel | Caruthers | Cary |
Cassedy | Castel | Castleman | Castell | Cathery |
Cathey | Catron | Caudle | Caudlem | Causby |
Causley | Cavett | Cawlfield | Chadwell | Chaffin |
Chandler | Chapman | Charleton | Cheatham | Cheek |
Cherry | Childress | Chiles | Chilton | Chisman |
Chitwood | Christopher | Chun | Clapp | Clark |
Clascock | Clayton | Cleek | Clendinning | Clift |
Cloud | Coble | Cocherill | Cochram | Cochran |
Cockrell | Cockrill | Coffey | Coldwell | Cole |
Coleman | Coles | Collensworth | Collier | Collins |
Collinsworth | Colwell | Cook | Cooper | Coplin |
Cormack | Cousby | Crowden | Cox | Craig |
Crane | Craven | Crawford | Creely | Cresswell |
Creswell | Crockett | Crow | Crunt | Cummings |
Cummins | Cummons | Cundiff | Cunningham | Cunnings |
Curtis | Dabney | Dail | Dalzey | Daizy |
Dalton | Dark | Darnell | Daugherty | David |
Davidson | Davis | Davidson | Dazey | Dearen |
Dearing | Denny | Dearing | Devin | Devins |
Dickson | Dillahunty | Dillard | Dillehay | Dixon |
Dobbins | Dobbs | Dodd | Dodson | Donnaldson |
Donnold | Dood | Dorton | Dougharty | Douglass |
Dowdy | Downing | Doxey | Dranke | Driver |
Drumright | Dryden | Dubury | Duckworth | Duggan |
Dunagan | Duncan | Dunegan | Dunlap | Dunnagan |
Dunnegan | Duvall | Dyer | Dysart | Eagle |
Eakin | East | Edmondson | Edmonston | Edmundson |
Edwards | Eggleston | Ellington | Elliott | Ellis |
Ellison | Elmore | Elsey | Elston | Ely |
Elza | Elzey | Emerson | Emmons | Endlsey |
England | Erwin | Esselman | Esslman | Estes |
Euganks | Evans | Ewens | Ewin | Ewing |
Ewins | Ezell | Falwell | Farrar | Farris |
Faucett | Fauset | Fausett | Faver | Favor |
Few | Field | Fifer | Findley | Finley |
Fisher | Fitzgerald | Fitzpatrick | Flemin | Fleming |
Flemming | Fogg | Fonvill | Fonville | Forbass |
Forbes | Forest | Forrest | Fort | Foster |
Fowler | Fox | Frank | Freeland | Freeman |
Frey | Frierson | Fuller | Fullerton | Fulton |
Furguson | Gaines | Galloway | Gambill | Gamble |
Gambrel | Gambrell | Gammill | Ganaway | Gant |
Gants | Gantt | Gardner | Garett | Garner |
Garrard | Garren | Garret | Garrett | Garrison |
Garson | Gates | Gaunt | Gentry | Gett |
Gholson | Gibbons | Gibson | Gifford | Gilber |
Gilchrist | Giles | Gill | Gillespie | Gilliam |
Gillman | Gilmore | Gingles | Ginnings | Glann |
Glascock | Glass | Glasscock | Gleaves | Glen |
Glenn | Goldston | Goodwin | Gordon | Gourley |
Gouslsy | Gowen | Gravle | Graham | Grant |
Grants | Graves | Gravis | Gray | Green |
Greer | Griffin | Groves | Gruneway | Gubbins |
Guin | Gullett | Hart | Hackney | Haddick |
Haddock | Haddrick | Hague | Halslip | Haley |
Hall | Hamilton | Hamiton | Hamlet | Hampton |
Hanby | Hancock | Hanna | Harber | Harbour |
Hardeman | Harderson | Hardin | Hardison | Haris |
Harkness | Harkney | Harris | Harrison | Harsison |
Hart | Harwell | Hatchett | Hawby | Hawley |
Hay | Hayes | Haynes | Hays | Hayse |
Hayslip | Haywood | Head | Headin | Headles |
Heaton | Helm | Helms | Helton | Henby |
Henderson | Hendricks | Hendrix | Henley | Henly |
Hennegan | Henry | Henson | Herndon | Herron |
Hibson | Hicks | Higgs | Higham | Hightower |
Hiland | Hill | Hillard | Hillen | Hillis |
Hodges | Hogan | Hogg | Hoggs | Holbrook |
Holden | Holder | Holland | Hollis | Holmes |
Holnrook | Holt | Homes | Hooper | Hooser |
Hoosey | Hootem | Hooton | Hoover | Hopkins |
Hopper | Hopwood | Horn | Horton | House |
Houston | Houze | Howard | Hubbard | Hudson |
Huey | Huggins | Hughes | Hughs | Humphreys |
Hunt | Hunter | Hurt | Hussey | Ingles |
Ivey | Ivy | Jackson | Jacobs | Jaggers |
James | Jarris | Jenkins | Jett | Jinkins |
Job | Jobe | Johnson | Johnston | Joice |
Jones | Johnston | Jordan | Jose | Jourdon |
Jowel | Joyce | Joye | Justice | Kanier |
Keath | Keeble | Keer | Kelley | Kellums |
Kelly | Kelsey | Kendall | Kenedy | Kennear |
Kennedy | Kerr | Key | Kidd | Kids |
Kilgore | Killingworth | Kilpatrick | Kimbro | Kimmon |
Kimmons | Kincannon | King | Kinian | Kinnier |
Kirk | Lackey | Ladd | Lafferty | Laird |
Lambert | Lambeth | Landon | Lane | Langtry |
Larue | Larwood | Lavender | Lawhon | Lawrence |
Lewis | Lawson | Lea | Ledbetter | Lee |
Leeper | Leiper | Leonard | Lettice | Lewis |
Liggett | Lillard | Lincoln | Lindsey | Lipscomb |
Little | Litton | Lockhart | Logan | Lollar |
London | Long | Longtree | Looney | Lorance |
Love | Lovet | Lovett | Lovins | Lowery |
Lowry | Loyd | Luckett | Luna | Lunn |
Luns | Marshall | Martin | Malcum | Malone |
Mangrim | Mangrum | Manier | Maniffer | Mann |
Mansker | Manuel | Marberry | Marbury | Maris |
Marsh | Marshall | Martin | Mahall | Mason |
Massey | Mathews | Matlock | Matthews | Mauldin |
Maxey | Maxwell | Mayberry | Mayes | Mayfield |
Mays | McAdams | McAfee | McAlister | McAteer |
McBride | McCall | McCarlin | McCaslin | McClain |
McClane | McClary | McClean | McCleland | McClellan |
McClelland | McClslan | McClure | McCollum | McConnel |
McConnell | McCord | McCork | McCorkle | McCormack |
McCornack | McCowel | McCracken | McCristions | McCrory |
McCulstion | McCurdy | McCurry | McCutchen | McCutcheon |
McDaniel | McDonel | McDowel | McDowell | McFaddin |
McFall | McFarlin | McGahey | McGaugh | McGaw |
McGoldrick | McGreger | McGregor | McGriger | McGualoch |
McHahey | McKee | McKinney | McKinny | McKnight |
McLain | McLane | McLean | McLearen | McLeary |
McManus | McMorris | McMurry | McMury | McNease |
McNutt | McQuistion | McRee | McReynolds | McRory |
McWhirter | Meadows | Medearis | Medling | Medlock |
Meek | Melear | Melone | Mencer | Meritt |
Merrit | Merritt | Miars | Miles | Millen |
Miller | Milligan | Minton | Mirchell | Mitchel |
Mitchell | Montgomery | Moody | Moor | Moore |
Morgan | Morphis | Morris | Morrison | Morton |
Moses | Moss | Mossley | Mount | Mozley |
Murfree | Murphey | Murry | Mustain | |
Myers | Myrick | Nash | Neece | Neeley |
Neely | Neil | Nail | Neill | Nelson |
Nesbit | Newburn | Newsom | Newson | Nicholas |
Nichols | Nisbeth | Nix | Nobles | Noblin |
Norman | Nowland | Nowlin | Nunn | Nunne |
Oakley | Odom | Ogilvie | Oglesby | Old |
Olderson | Oliver | Oneal | Orman | Ormond |
Orr | Osbirne | Osborn | Osborne | Osborne |
Osburn | Osburne | Osley | Osteen | Ousley |
Owen | Owenby | Owens | Owensby | Park |
Palmer | Pannell | Pardee | Parham | Park |
Parker | Parks | Parnel | Parnell | Parrish |
Paterson | Patilo | Patrick | Patterson | Patton |
Paxton | Pea | Pearson | Penn | Perry |
Pertillor | Pettis | Pettit | Pettitte | Petty |
Phelps | Phifer | Phillips | Pickens | Pierce |
Pigg | Piland | Pillow | Pinkering | Pinkston |
Pinson | Poue | Polk | Pool | Poole |
Porche | Porter | Porterfield | Powdrell | Powell |
Powrell | Powrill | Prewit | Price | Pritchett |
Pruett | Pruitt | Purdum | Purnel | Puryear |
Putman | Pyland | Pylant | Pyle | Radford |
Ragain | Rainey | Rains | Ralson | Rambo |
Rambow | Ramsey | Randolph | Raney | Ray |
Reamey | Reasonover | Record | Redy | Reece |
Reed | Reid | Ridley | Riggs | Riner |
Ring | Ritchie | Rives | Roan | Robbins |
Roberson | Roberts | Robertson | Robeson | Robinson |
Robison | Rodgers | Rogan | Rogers | Rone |
Roseboro | Rose | Rossin | Rosson | Royster |
Rule | Russel | Russell | Rust | Rut |
Rutherford | Rutledge | Sainders | Sandafer | Sanders |
Sandliford | Sansom | Saunders | Sawyers | Scott |
Seals | Seeton | Shane | Shannon | Shapart |
Sharp | Shaw | Sheffield | Sheiffield | Shelby |
Shelton | Shepherd | Sheppard | Shirer | Shockley |
Short | Shuffield | Sibley | Siler | Simmons |
Simms | Sims | Sinston | Slaughter | Sledge |
Small | Smiley | Smith | Smyth | Snell |
Snodgass | Spear | Spears | Spencer | Spivey |
Spradlin | Squires | St. John | Stamps | Stanford |
Steagall | Steel | Steele | Stegall | Stephens |
Stephenson | Stevens | Steward | Stiles | Stillwell |
Stilwell | Stinson | Stockton | Stodder | Stone |
Street | Stringfellow | Stump | Sutton | Swan |
Swanner | Swanson | Swift | Swinney | Tailor |
Talbot | Tally | Tankersley | Tankersly | Tatum |
Taylor | Temple | Terry | Thomas | Thompson |
Thornberry | Thorneberry | Tidwell | Tiler | Tillman |
Tilman | Titsworth | Titus | Todd | Tomlin |
Tomlinson | Tooley | Tooly | Torrence | Trott |
Trout | Troutt | Tucker | Tuly | Tuberville |
Turner | Turney | Turrentin | Twitty | Utzman |
Uzzel | VanBuren | Vance | Vaulx | Venable |
Vernon | Vernor | Vest | Vincent | Vincents |
Vinus | Voorhes | Wade | Wakefield | Walden |
Waler | Walker | Wall | Wallace | Wallis |
Walls | Walter | Walters | Walton | Ward |
Warner | Warren | Waterson | Watson | Weakley |
Weaver | Web | Webb | Webster | Welch |
Wells | Welsh | West | Wham | Wheatley |
White | Whiteside | Whitesides | Whitsett | Whitthorn |
Whitthorne | Whitworth | Wiggs | Wiles | Wilett |
Wiley | Wilkerson | Wilkes | Wilkinson | Wilks |
William | Williams | Willis | Wills | Willson |
Wilso | Wilsohm | Wilson | Winn | Winstead |
Winsted | Winston | Wisener | Wisner | Witherspoon |
Wood | Woodard | Woods | Woodward | Wootton |
Wray | Wright | Wynne | Yancy | Yarborough |
Yarbrough | York | Young | Yowel | Yowell |