Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner
Scotts Hill, Tennessee
August 18, 1877-August 18, 1937

TO AND FOR: __________________________________________

On this day, August 18, 1937, we present you with this leaflet, which has been prepared for us in honor of this happy event. The presence at our home, of so many relatives, neighbors, and friends, and the many greetings from those who could not be present at the celebration, have deepened and enshrined forever in our hearts the memories of the day, and have brought back in a vivid and endless panorama the events of days long gone.

Surely no family has been more blessed than ours, and your love and kindness shall ever be roses in our garden of dreams.

May God bless all of us and keep us, and let us hope that in the ages to come, somewhere, sometime, we may unite again, and celebrate together forever, the Greatness and Goodness of God!

Lovingly inscribed by us for you, on this, the happiest day of our lives: our Diamond (60th) Wedding Anniversary Celebration:

Jonathan Sampson Turner was born in a rural settlement, known as "Lick Skillet," located in Decatur County, Tennessee, some three miles South-east of Scotts Hill, on December 3, 1857. His parents were Martin W. and Rena (Woodward) Turner. The former was born near the same place in 1830, the son of Green Turner, a pioneer from the state of North Carolina, who had spent nearly three months on the road coming in an ox cart. His mother was born in 1832, not far away. Both parents are buried in the "Fellowship" cemetery, two miles South of Scotts Hill in Henderson County, the father having died in April, 1883; the mother, in September, 1913.

"Uncle Samp" Turner, as he is popularly known, was the second oldest of eight children, Mary Ann, a sister having been born in 1855. Other brothers and sisters, in order of their births, were:

Benjamin Greenberry (1859); Jephtheh Scott (1861); Martin Woodward, Jr. (1863); Basheba (1868); Cynthia (1872); and Charlie Duck (1875). All are dead except the sister, Cynthia, who is Mrs. Peter Wheeler of Cedar Grove, Tennessee, Henderson County; and, Martin Woodward, Jr., of Washita, Oklahoma.

All of the Turner family except "Uncle Samp," Greenberry, and Cynthia, left Scotts Hill during or immediately following the Civil War Reconstruction days. They settled in Oklahoma and Texas. Descendants now live in Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Oregon, California, Illinois, and Tennessee.

Mrs. J. S. Turner, was, before her marriage, sixty years ago, on August 18, 1877, Miss Mary Frances Austin. She was born on August 13, 1859, about two miles South-west of Scotts Hill, Henderson County, Tennessee.

Her father was Benjamin Franklin ("Uncle Ben") Austin, county surveyor, who was born near the same place August 13, 1838, the son of a pioneer from North Carolina. Her mother was Lucinda (Scott) Austin, who was born in the same settlement on January 2, 1840. Both parents are buried in the "Grandsire Holmes" cemetery in Scotts Hill, the former having died on December 14, 1914; and the latter on September 19, 1899.

"Aunt Fannie" Turner, as she is known to all the relatives, was, like her husband, the second oldest of a family of eight children. Margaret, the oldest, was born in 1857. Other children in order of their births are: William Alfred (1863); Elias Washington (1865); Cynthia (1868); Lurena (1870); Addie (1875); and Charles Smith (1881). Two brothers and one sister are living: C. S. Austin, of Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee; E. W. Austin, of Sardis, Tennessee, R. F. D.; and Mrs. W. G. (Cynthia) Deen, 2196 Evelyn Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner, The Story of Their Careers

Jonathan Sampson and Mary Frances Turner wore born near the town of Scotts Hill, Tennessee, and have lived nearby or in the village all their lives. The Henderson-Decatur Counties line runs through the town. Mr. Turner was born in Decatur County, three miles south-east of town; while Mrs. Turner was born in Henderson County, two miles south-west of town. As stated elsewhere in this brochure, both were the second oldest children in families of eight children, each the second generation removed from Anglo-Saxon Stock-pioneers from North Carolina.

Both "Samp" and "Fannie", as they are known to the older generation, remember Civil War days vividly, actually having heard Shiloh's guns. Hardships wore taken as a matter of course. Each family practically lived at home, and trips to the "Hill" were few; for, not only was money scarce, but the stores contained only a few wares, consisting mostly of the necessities of life not produced at home.

The immediate families of the subjects of this sketch saw little actual participation in the war. Both were Union sympathizers, and Martin Turner, the father of J. S. Turner, was drafted into the "Yankee" Army once or twice. However, he did not get far from home, and took part in no major battle. "Uncle Ben" Austin, Mrs. Turner's father, was conscientiously opposed to war, and saw no army service. He made shoes during this period at the old "tan-yard", not far from his home. It was customary for shoe-makers in these days to kill the cattle, tan the hides, and peg the parts of the shoes together with wooden pins. A hammer used by him for this purpose is now a prized possession of one of the descendents.

"Guerilla" warfare, during their earlier days, was mere dreaded in remote communities than the farther removed major war activities. This was a ruthless plundering and robbing by armed groups responsible to no one, If a man resisted then, he was usually hanged or shot. It was not uncommon for the "Guerillas" to rush in on a home or settlement, shoot many or all the chickens, and force the women to prepare dinner for them. Mr. Turner saw a band of them rob and almost beat to death his father, and on another occasion he witnessed his mother beat off a group from their home with a fire poker. They evidently thought that the screams would bring help from the neighbors.

Immediately after Civil War days, reconstruction followed rapidly. The chief occupation of the Turners and Austins was farming. Fine forests of hardwood were everywhere, all but untouched. After being "cleared", the land was ideal for growing the finest of corn, and within a year or so, the best of "upland" cotton. As the stumps of the "new grounds" rotted away, wheat became an important crop.

Game was abundant the country over sixty years ago. Wild turkey and deer were not uncommon; while squirrels, 'opossums, and rabbits were here in abundance. The streams, even to the smallest, such as "Flat Creek", "Doe Creek", and "Cane Creek", abounded in fish. After work hours any day, the boys could find holes aplenty, where "twelve inch cats" could be taken almost without effort. And, if it was too hot, every wide place in the creek would become the "old swimmin' hole!" Uncle Samp Turner could predict with absolute certainty whether the water was right, or whether the fish would bite!

That most thrilling of sights in the 60's and 70's was experienced by both Mr. and Mrs. Turner. It was the passing along the road of the stage coach, drawn by four running horses, which would be changed for "fresh" horses about every ten miles. Mr. Turner has ridden the stage coach between Clifton and Lexington on the main Nashville to Memphis route. The peculiar horn, heard for miles on a clear, cool, day, was a sure signal for a race by the children along the road to vantage points to watch the affair go by!

Fannie Austin, as a girl, did her share of all work. A girl in those days not only helped "keep house", but she made a "hand" in the crop too. She learned to knit and spin and weave early. There was little time for recreation as we know it today, but if they remember correctly there was no real scarcity of amusement. Corn Huskings and quilting parties frequently finished off the week's work, on Saturday night, and if the crowd became too "frisky", the fiddle and banjo might stir up an old square dance. "Aunt Fannie" says she was not much "at this dancing business", but "Uncle Samp" is known to have been one of the best dancers of his day, and as a "set caller" he had no superior. Even all was not drudgery at a "log-rollin'" or "wood-cuttin'", for at noon the score or more of men who were helping a neighbor or now "settler" get started, would come to the house for a big dinner, prepared by the women, in which "squirrel stew" or "chicken and dumplings" would be the center of attraction! On Sundays the order of the day was church attendance. If some preacher had "sent an appointment", there would be a good crowd, and there might be "night meetin'", especially if it were summer-time!

Mr. and Mrs. Turner wore married on Thursday afternoon, August 18, 1877, at the hone of the bride. The ceremony was performed by "Squire" Charles Duck. The old hickory trees near her house had done a good job of hitching the horses of Samp Turner and Frank Maness, wooing Fannie and "Marg", for now Fannie was "off" and a few months hence wedding bells will ring for "Marg! The wedding supper, to which friends were invited-a necessary part of all such occasions-was prepared at the bride's home. But about all Mrs. Turner remembers of the afternoon is that after the ceremony, she went with the other girls to drive up the cows from the pasture! Marriage must have been more of a business back then than it is nowadays.

Although for years the Turners wore engaged in agricultural pursuits, not a few extra jobs were interspersed all along. And for one thing, Mr. Turner made many a trip to Point Pleasant, when crops were "laid by", with cross-ties. This section has furnished literally hundreds of thousands of them, and Samp not only made them, but he also hauled them! Winter and summer, he had a team of mules that wore "tops" in these days. "Goober Hill" meant little to him, for seldom did any companion hauler have to "double back" to help him pull his fifteen green ties up. But on the ether hand Uncle Samp would enjoy free "goobers" at Tarbot's store at the expense of some unlucky fellow whom he would have to pull over this worst of hills! On this haul, the "mile branch" proved a welcome stop, for not only were its shade and water fine on hot days, but it was then just "a mile to the river!"

Forty to fifty years ago, wheat was an important crop in these parts. June was wheat threshing time. Mr. Turner, together with Sanders and Schlater Brigance, and Jim Baee Edgin, operated for years a mule-powered wheat thresher. Gasoline and portable steam engines were unknown in this section. It was an interesting sight to see a thresher in operation in a good field of wheat. Four teams of mules wore hitched, each to a different "pull." It took a master driver to handle them, but the art was never developed to a higher degree of skill than by Samp Turner. The most prized team of any owner was felt to be as safe with reins in his hands, as could be. And the Turner team was always a best one, and he had no hesitancy hitching his own teem to the most difficult spot. Perhaps "old Kit and Beck" was his most highly prized team, and his experiences with them would fill a small book!

At home about this time, the first "brought on" cook stove was installed, and the Turners were certainly on the "up and up." The washing machine had not made its appearance, but the "battling stick" was not entirely silent as its licks ridded "overhauls" of their most obstinate dirts and grits! Too, about this time, the "old mill pond" began to attract the men and boys on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. In addition to serving for the baptismal pool for all who wanted to use it, it became a swimming hole of some fame. Two objects in the pond were of wide interest: the "log", from which thousands learned to dive; and, the "snag", which was an old stump rising just above the water, some fifty yards from the bank. The fellow, young or old, who could "swim to the snag" was good; while if he could "swim to the snag and back" without stopping, he was some swimmer!

Then for some years Mr. Turner clerked in the general merchandise store of "Uncle Jess" Holmes. Uncle Joss never loved one of his own family more. On many occasions, likely in the middle of the day, Uncle Jess would say to Samp, "By gonnies, Sir!L which gun do you want?" Mr. Turner knew that a hunt was on, and "looking up" for the day, with dogs and guns, they would start on that best loved of all sports-a hunt! And it was almost always with the best of luck.

It was during those days also, that the annual "fishing trips" became so popular. In the summertime several families of kinfolks and friends would load up wagons with tackle, guns, and supplies--women, and children, and go for a week's "fishing and hunting" on Tennessee river! Swallow Bluff, "the cave", or Point Pleasant were most frequented, but "Bob's Landing" (Shannonsville) could with more certainty be counted upon for both squirrels and fish. The women would keep camp, cook, and "tend" to the little ones, while the men would divide up, some to go hunting, and others to get set or run the trot lines. Alf and Elias Austin, Woodward and Waltie Holmes, and Charlie Austin were frequent companions on these trips. In the "gang" of children not a few times were Smith Austin and Ellis Maness, who, prone to "walk in their sleep", were sometimes tied to wagon wheels at night with plow lines, to keep them out of the river! Surely, those were great days---and nights!

After the turn of the century, the Turners became the "proprietors" of the Central Hotel in Scotts Hill. For with Myra and Maza to help their mother cook, a table could be set that would attract the most fastidious of eaters. For years the hotel was the center of the town's business and social life. There was no bath room. Only the office was adequately heated, and, containing the best bed, that room was the one most sought after by "drummers." The telephone, more curious than practical, was in a special room, called the "telephone office." And the "sample room" was a necessity, for a drummer with driver and a double-team "hack" would bring several big trunks loaded with "samples." They had to be displayed, usually with the greatest of secrecy for merchants only, for when the new "stocks of goods" arrived they had to be "surprises" as well new! The hotel became famed for its good meals, and most any afternoon 'or night from one to several "domino" or "Flinch" card games wore in full sway---spot cards, gambling of any kind, and drinking being strictly prohibited. Rates at the hotel were $2.50 per day for drummer, driver-meals and lodgings, and feed for the team.

During and immediately after hotel days, Mr. Turner operated a small livery. Good roads had not come and automobiles wore not practical in the country. It was fifteen miles to Lexington, the county seat, and ten miles to Warrens Bluff, the nearest railroad point, on the now discontinued branch line of the N.C. & St. L. Railroad which ran from Lexington to Perryville. Roads were bad all the time and all but impassable in winter. Mr. Turner kept a team of light, fast horses and both a buggy and light wagon, for hire to transport people to and from the railroad. He could always be depended upon to got one there in the greatest comfort, on time--with lap-robe and lantern for heat in cold weather. In a thousand or more trips to the "Bluff", he never missed a train but once, and then Beech River had all routes blocked by high water.

After the marriage of Myra and Maza, hotel operation was given up and the Turners retired to a more quiet life. For a few years, until Scotts Hill was destroyed by fire in 1917, Mr. Turner operated a grocery store at the old "Gabe" stand (where Uncle Gabe Scott had so successfully run a store for years). Along about this time also, and for years afterward, Uncle Samp operated a grist mill. The last of the farm property was finally sold more than twenty years age, and in 1918 Mr. Turner began clerking in the drug store owned by his son-in-law, Dr. R. L. Wylie. There he has been engaged continuously since, and until recently ho gave all of his time to the work.

Six children have been born into the Turner's family. Two boys, Henry and Willie, died when young. A daughter, Mintie, married L. L. Brigance, but lived only a little over a year after their marriage. Three children are living. Myra married John C. Graham, a well-known preacher of the Church of Christ. Maza married Dr. R. L. Wylie, the town doctor, they having lived in the some house in Scotts Hill since their marriage. Gordon Hie married Allean Wright, and has followed teaching and school administration most of his life. He is now Assistant State Director of the National Youth Administration with office in Nashville. He has for years been a leading influence in the activities of the Church of Christ, teaching and preaching, and having taught in David Lipscomb College, and served on its Board of Trustees. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have been located in Sheffield, Alabama, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Akron, Ohio, for the past eighteen years, he being minister for the Church of Christ at each place. Complete information about the descendents of these families will be found elsewhere in this pamphlet.

Outstanding traits of Mr. Turner are his unbounded optimism; his confidence in people; his love of humorous stories; and, his promptness in meeting engagements. He frankly admits that he has seen few "blue" minutes in his life. He enjoys hearing and telling, funny tales connected with the community life long age. It is worth driving miles to hear him tell any one of a dozen tales about "Dave Caudell", a unique character of the long ago; or, about some exciting incident of some hunt. Mr. Turner never met a. man he did not like or see some good in. He greatly delights in just "talking", and almost every day he goes to "town" despite the chidings of his wife, to got "the news." A few years ago ho was given a good radio. Surely, thought his wife, he would not have to go to town so much, for she told him that he could now "get the news" at home over the radio. Leaving for town again in a few minutes, however, his only remark was, "Yes, I know, Fannie. But I can't get the Scotts Hill News over that radio!" And, Mr. Turner is so prompt in any appointment, trivial or important, that he usually makes it a point to be ahead of time! He and Mrs. Turner love "the children" and the "grandchildren." Dr. Wylie is such a "good doctor" that his "under-study", Samp Turner, thinks he can do almost any kind of operation. Myra and "Johnnie" have always been "tops" with them. And Gordon Hie, the baby boy, has always been the brightest of boys to them! And he was never at his best any more than at present in his seemingly very greatly appreciated work with the Lawrence Avenue Church of Christ in Nashville! "They have the biggest mid-week Bible class in Nashville, and Gordon teaches the class!"

Mrs. Turner has always been a model as a woman devoted to her home and children. Smoking, gossiping, and liquor have ever been strangers to her and her views. A charitable neighbor and friend to all in sickness and in health, she remembers having spoken harm of no one. And first in her life and heart, even down to old age, comes the church, where her loftiest hopes have centered for more than sixty years. The Turner home was the accepted "preachers" home in Scotts Hill for many years. Some of the best known preachers in the Church have made their home, during the protracted meeting with them. And all who have passed under their threshold came to esteem them very highly. These grand old men even took a higher place in the lives of the Turners than did their family doctors through the years. And to say that the Turners loved anybody more than Dr. Austin, Dr. Winston, Dr. Bevel, Dr. Rogers, Dr. Keeton, not to mention the son-in-law and nephew, Dr. R. L. and Paul Wylie, respectively---was going some. For family physicians meant and mean a lot!

The Turners have always been religious people, over active in the Church. Mrs. Turner was baptized by a Brother Biggs in 1876, when seventeen years old. Her husband was baptized in the Fall of 1878, by Bro. R. P. Meeks, a beloved preacher of that day. In many years neither of them has missed a church service unless illness prevented. They are the oldest living members of the Church of Christ at Scotts Hill, Mrs. Turner being the only living charter member. Mr. Turner was a loading influence in the movement which resulted in the erection of the church's present beautiful little building. They are proud of the seven "preachers" in the family, or who have married into the near kin. They are: L. L. Brigance of Henderson; C. S. Austin of Mt. Pleasant; John C. Graham, of Akron, Ohio; Gordon H. Turner of Nashville; Jesse B. Austin of Scotts Hill; Larimore Austin of Nashville; and Coy C. Johnson of Scotts Hill, R.F.D.

At present the Turners live in a modest but hospitable little home in Scotts Hill, which they have owned for nearly thirty years. They have made but little money in life, but have never needed it when they did not have it. In peace and happiness they have gone down life's lanes together. Blessed greatly even yet, they enjoy comparatively good health at almost four score years. Their neighbors are all kind and good to them. This year-1937-the Turners never had a "bettor garden", "finer fruit" or more "good to eat."

A stone's throw away is the old "Grandsire Holmes" Cemetery. There many older members of the families, not a few friends, and their own dead children sleep the last long sleep. Sometime, under its peaceful skies Uncle Samp and Aunt Fannie expect to join that throng, and with such companions as Uncle Eon Austin and wife, Alfred Austin and his daughter, Maida, Aunt Margaret and Aunt Addie, and their own children-not to mention such friends as Uncle Jess Holmes, Charlie and Eliza Ann Austin, Woodward Holmes, Aunt Cynthia Holmes, Ike Davenport, and Gabe Scott--the last sleep should be a pleasant one. But until that time may God in His infinite mercy and goodness continue to smile upon that splendid home of Samp and Fannie Turner.

I.  MARGARET AUSTIN: born May 10, 1857; housewife; member Church of Christ; died Jan. 23, 1928; buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill, Tenn. Married J. Frank Maness, farmer; member of Church of Christ, on Feb. 20, 1878. He was born Dec. 4, 1854, the son of "Uncle Tommy" and Betsy (Duck) Manes., both deceased, and buried Bethel Cemetery two miles S. of Scott. Hill. J. Frank Manes died Sept. 26, 1891; buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill.

A.  Rosa Maness: girl, born Sept. 29, 1879; died Mar. 16, 1884; buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill.

B.  Ellis Woodward Maness: boy; born Oct. 14, 1881; stock breeder; member Church of Christ; address, Scotts Hill, Tenn. Married Ozie Johnson, member Church of Christ, Dec. 24, 1902; now separated. She was a daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson, her father now living in Decaturville, Tenn.

1.  Frank Maness: boy; born Oct. 8, 1903; bus operator Dixie Greyhound Lines; married Gretchen Rosson, telephone operator, member Methodist Church, Aug. 30, 1935. She was born Dec. 12, 1903, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Rosson, of 1819 Crump Ave., Memphis, Term, same as Mr. and Mrs.Frank Maness.

2.  Lura Maness Minton: girl; born Dec. 29, 1905; housewife; member Church of Christ; married Joe Minton, farmer, Dec. 26, 1923; address, Reagan, Tenn. RFD. He was born June 3, 1896, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minton, his father now living at Scotts Hill, Tenn. RFD.

3.  Lorene Maness Rochelle: girl; born Aug. 22, 1909; housewife; member Baptist Church; married John Lee Rochelle, farmer, member Baptist Church, Feb. 16, 1930. Address, Nesbitt, Miss. He was born Oct. 28, 1896, the son of Robt. L. and Emma Rochelle, now living at Nesbitt, Miss.

4.  Martie Sue Maness: girl born Sept. 11, 1912; lives with mother, Mrs. Ozie White, Scotts Hill, Tenn. RFD.

a.  Reginald Norris Maness: boy; bornJuI~:29, 1929; 2nd grade.

Ellis Woodward Maness married Minnie (Robbins) Kelley, housewife, member Pentecostal Church, April 10, 1919. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robbins, both deceased. Address, Scotts Hill, Tenn.

1.  Grace Maness: girl, born April 8, 1921; 11th grade.

MARGARET AUSTIN MANESS: married Isaac N. Davenport, farmer, Federal Veteran, member Church of Christ, Feb.20, 1894. Ho was born Nov. 9, 1840, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Davenport, deceased. He died Sept. 16, 1922; buried in Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill. There were no children by this marriage.

II.  MARY FRANCES AUSTIN: born Aug. 13, 1859; housewife; member Church of' Christ; married Jonathan Sampson Turner, farmer, member Church of Christ, Aug. 18, 1877 in honor of whose Diamond (60th) wedding anniversary this brochure is being prepared. Their address: Scotts Hill, Tenn. He was the son of Martin Woodward and Rena (Woodward) Turner, being born on Dec. 3, 1857.

A.  Henry Hooks Turner: boy; born Mar. 10, 1879; died July 29, 1881; buried in Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill.

B.  Mintie Turner Brigance: girl; housewife; member Church of Christ; born Apr. 18, 1881. Died September 25, 1900. Buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill. Married Leonard L. Brigance, teacher-preacher, member Church of Christ, July 2, 1899. He was born May 22, 1879, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Brigance, both deceased and buried in Henderson, Tenn. His address, Freed-Hardeman College, Henderson, Tenn.

C.  Myra Lee Turner Graham: girl housewife; member of Church of Christ; born Aug. 26, 1884. Married John C. Graham, teacher-preacher, member Church of Christ, June15, 1909. He was born June 13, 1882. Their address, 596 Robinette Court, Akron, Ohio. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P.Graham, of Estellino, Texas, both deceased and buried there.

1.  MaryElizabethGraham: girl; born Sept. 23, 1910; teacher, Akron, Ohio Pubic Schools; member of Church of Christ; address, In care City Superintendent of Schools, Akron, Ohio.

2.  Faye Graham: girl; born Nov. 9, 1912; teacher, Akron, Ohio Public Schools; member Church of Christ; address, In care City Superintendent of Schools, Akron, Ohio.

3.  James Foster Graham: boy; born July 17, 1915; student, University of Tennessee Medical College; member Church of Christ. Address, In care College of Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn.

D.  Maze. Turner Wylie: girl; housewife; member Church of Christ; born Nov. 20, 1886; married Robert L. Wylie, physician, June 14, 1908. Their address, Scotts Hill, Tenn. Ho was born Sept. 21, 1877, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wylie, now living at Sardis, Tenn. RFD.

1.  Paul F. Eve Wylie: boy; physician; born March 1, 1909; member Church of Christ. Married Virginia Fischer, nurse, member Baptist 'Church, Sept. 15, 1934. Their address, Hohenwald, Tenn. Born Nov. 21, 1912; her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer, now reside at DeVall's Bluff, Ark.

2.  Melba Wylie: girl; born Feb. 9, 1914; died Feb. 28, 1914. Buried in Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill.

E.  Benjamin Willie Turner: boy; born Nov. 5, 1889; died Aug. 18, 1893. Buried in Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill.

F.   Gordon Hie Turner: boy, teacher-preacher; member Church of Christ; born Nov. 22, 1898. Married Allean Wright, housewife; member Church of Christ; on July 14, 1923. Their address: 3201 Granny White Pike, Nashville, Tenn. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ira M. Wright, and was born on June 23, 1901. Mr. and Mrs Ira M. Wright live at New Site, Miss. RFD.

1.  Gordon Hie Turner Jr.: boy; born Jan. 26,1928; 4th grade.

2.  Marion Frances Turner: girl; born Jan. 14, 1934.

III.  WILLIAM ALFRED AUSTIN: born Oct. 18, 1863; farmer, electrician, postmaster; member Church of Christ. Died March 13, 1934. Buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill. Married Julia Holliday, housewife; member Church of Christ, March 1, 1891. Her address, Scotts Hill, Tenn. She was born Mar. 15, 1863, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Holliday, both deceased and buried in Kelley Cemetery, near Bath Springs, Tenn.

A.  Una Austin Babbitt: girl; housewife-teacher; member Church of Christ; born Jan. 14, 1892. Her address, Lexington, Term. Married James A. Bobbitt, teacher, member Church of Christ, May 31, 1914. Mr. Bobbitt died Aug. 4, 1933; buried City Cemetery, Lexington, Tenn. Ho was born Jan. 15, 1889, the son of Mr. and Mrs William A. Bobbitt, his mother now living in Lexington, Tenn.

1.  Ruth Bobbitt: girl; teacher; member Church of Christ; born Jan.13, 1917.

2.  Austin_Bobbitt: boy; employee Resettlement Administration, Lexington, Tenn., member Church of Christ. Born Jan. 26, 1919.

3.  Evelyn Bobbitt: girl; member Church of' Christ; born Mar. 21,1923. 10th grade.

4.  James A. Babbitt, Jr.: boy; member Church of' Christ. Born Mar. 2, 1925. 8th grade.

5.  Julia Martha Bobbitt: girl; born Sept. 30, 1928. 4th grade.

B.  Maida Austin Stuart: girl; housewife-teacher; member Church of' Christ; Born July 3, 1893; died June 21, 1936. Buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill. Married John Thomas Stuart, timber dealer, member Church of Christ, Sept.25, 1924. He was born Fob. 13, 1879, the son of' Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, both deceased, and buried in Liberty and Salem cemeteries, respectively, near Wright, and Milledgeville, Tenn., respectively. Mr. Stuart's address, Scotts Hill, Term.

1.  Thomas Leo Stuart: boy; born Jan. 16, 1927. 6th grade.

C.  Grace Austin Johnson: girl; housewife; member Church of Christ; born Jan. 31, 1900. Married Coy C. Johnson, R.F.D. carrier; member Church of Christ, Jan. 14, 1923. Mr. Johnson was born Jan. 16, 1894, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hick M. Johnson, his father now living at Decaturville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's address, Scotts Hill, Term. R.F.D.

1.  William Marion (Billy) Johnson: boy; born Apr. 2, 1926; 7th grade

2  Carey Curtis Johnson: boy; born Aug. 5, 1933.

3.  Ralph Austin: boy born Jan. 2, 1936.

4.  ____________, born,______________

IV.  ELIAS WASHINGTON AUSTIN: born April 10, 1866; farmer; member Church of Christ. Married Sophronia Scott, house-wife; member Church of Christ, Nov. 19, 1891. Their address, Sardis, Tenn. R.F.D. She was born Mar. 26, 1873, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scott, both deceased, and buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery, near Lexington, Tenn.

A.  Eugene Austin: boy; born Mar. 5, 1893; died Mar. 11, 1895; buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill.

B.  Esther Austin Durbin: girl; housewife; member Church of Christ; born Aug. 7, 1895. Married Edward Durbin, insurance salesman, member Church of Christ, May 2, 1920, Their address, Jackson, Tenn. RFD 3. Mr. Durbin was born Apr. 5, 1891, the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Durbin, his father now living at Scotts Hill, Tenn. RFD. His mother is buried at Liberty Cemetery, six miles East of Scotts Hill.

1.  James Edward Durbin: boy; born June 4, 1923. 9th grade.

2.  Helen Durbin: girl; born July 8, 1926. 7th grade.

3.  Paul Durbin: boy; born Dec. 27, 1929. 3rd grade.

4.  Betty Durbin: girl; born Sept. 14, 1932.

C.  Jesse Ben Austin: boy; teacher-preacher; member Church of Christ; born May 23, 1898. Married Pearl Duck, housewife; member Church of Christ, Nov. 16, 1920. Their address, Scotts Hill, Tenn. She was born Sept. 11, 1897, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Duck. Her father, a teacher in the famous Sootts Hill College, died Jan. 7, 1934, and is buried at Mt. Tabor Cemetery, about four miles South of Parsons, Tenn. Her mother lives at Parsons, Tenn.

1.   Leon Austin: boy; born June 30, 1926. 7th grade.

2.  Virginia Lee Austin girl; born Sept. 25, 1930. 2nd grade.

D.  Lottie Lee Austin Crews: girl; housewife; member Church of Christ; born July 27, 1901. Married Lester Crews, farmer, member Church of Christ, on Nov.16, 1920. Their address, Jackson, Tenn. R.F.D. 2. He was born Feb. 14, 1898, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crews, both deceased, and buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery, three miles South-West of Scotts Hill.

1.  Ruth Hilda Crews: girl; born May 27, 1922; 9th grade.

2.  Loona Crews: girl; born Dec. 28, 1926; 5th grade.

3.  Joan Crews: girl; born June 2, 1931; 1st grade.

E.  Earl Austin: boy; farmer; member Church of Christ; born Oct. 30, 1903. Married Rosa Chandler, housewife; member Pentecostal Church, March 14, 1931. Their address, Sardis, Tenn. R.F.D. She was born June 30, 1912, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler of Scotts Hill, Tenn.

1.  Mary Evelyn Austin: girl; born Feb. 15, 1933

F.  Harding Austin: boy; farmer; member Church of Christ; born May 25, 1911. Grace Jones, housewife, member Church of Christ, Oct. 27, 1934. Their address, Sardis, Tenn. R.F.D. She was born Jan. 5, 1915, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chase Jones, Scotts Hill, Tenn.

1.  Bessie Jane Austin: girl, born May 4, 1937.

V.  CYNTHIA AUSTIN: born Aug. 30, 1868; housewife; member Church of Christ; married William G. Deen, teacher, member Christian Church, Nov. 4, 1888. Their address, 2196 Evelyn Ave., Memphis, Tenn. He was born Jan. 4, 1870, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Deen, both deceased, the former being buried in Magazine, Ark., the latter, in Barnes Springs Cemetery, near Reagan, Tenn.

A.  Pearl Dean: girl; Supervisor, Memphis City Schools; member Christian Church, born August 25, 1889. Address, 2196 Evelyn Ave., Memphis.

B.  Aoenah Deen Person: girl; housewife; Supervisor, W.P.A. Hot Lunch Program, Madison County, Tenn.; member Christian Church. Born Feb. 5, 1892. Married Edward Barnett (Dick) Person, Salesman, member Christian Church, July 17, 1922. Their address, 586 N. Hayes St., Jackson, Tenn.. He was born Feb. 19, 1886, the son of Mr. and Mrs James Person, both deceased and buried at Brown's Church, about six miles East of Jackson, Tennn.

1.  Dorothy Deen Person: girl; member Christian Church; born Dec 4, 1924, 8th grade.

C.  Erie Mai Deen Moore: girl; teacher; member Christian Church; born May 8, 1897; died July 14, 1934. Buried, Memorial Park, Memphis, Tenn. Married Nathan Moore, Asst. Manager, Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta Ga., member, Presbyterian Church, Sept. 2, 1918. He was born May 30, 1895, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Moore, his mother now living at 410 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. His father is deceased, and buried at Sweetwater, Tenn.

VI.  LURENA AUSTIN: girl, born Jan. 15, 1871, died Sept. 20, 1872. Buried in Fellowship Cemetery, two miles South-West of Scotts Hill.

VII.  ADDlE AUSTIN: born July 8, 1874; housewife; member Church of Christ. Died Aug. 10, 1913. Buried Grandsire Holmes Cemetery, Scotts Hill. Married Perry H. Maness; farmer, member Church of' Christ, Feb. 11, 1909. He was born Dec. 3, 1879, the son of "Uncle Charles" and "Aunt Ellen" Maness. He died April 15, 1909, and is buried in Fellowship Cemetery, about two miles South-West of Scotts Hill. His father, Charles Maness is buried also at Fellowship Cemetery, but Aunt Ellen Maness still lives at the B. F. (Uncle Ben-head of this list of posterity) Austin home-place, about a mile and a half South-West of Scotts Hill.

VIII.  CHARLES SMITH AUSTIN: born Nov. 24, 1881; farner-teacher-preacher; member Church of Christ. Married Minnie Starbuck, house-wife, member Church of Christ, June 15, 1904. Their address, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. She was born April 23, 1882, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Starbuck, both of whom are deceased, and are buried on their home-place about one and a half miles East of Pope, Tenn., on Tennessee Highways 20 and 100.

A.  Hazel Austin: girl, member Church of' Christ; born June 9, 1906. Address, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. RFD 4, with her parents.

B.  William Benjamin Larimore Austin: boy, Artist, Works Progress Adm.; teacher; member Church of Christ. Born Mar. 28, 1908. Married Mary Elizabeth Patton, housewife; member Church of Christ, June 20, 1936. Their address, 1111 Montrose Ave., Nashville, Term. She was born Oct. 29, 1913, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patton, of Hampshire, Tenn. R.F.D.

C.  Eugene Austin: boy; member Church of Christ; born Aug. 23, 1920; 12th grade.


NOTE: Due to the fact that I began the preparation of the "Family Trees" so late, it has not been possible to complete the "Turner Side" as yet. They are scattered widely over the country and it will take some time yet to make it complete. However, from the letters and reports coming in, I believe that within a very few weeks, I can have the tree drawing, and details about each descendent worked out for the Turner connection, just like the one contained herein for the Austin side, which is believed to be absolutely correct.

Names and address of all who receive this booklet will be kept by me, and as soon as I have prepared the "Turner Part" I will mail or deliver this to each one. Then you receive same, simply remove this sheet, and insert the additional sheets I send in its place. Thc booklet, as you see, is "loose-loaf" being bound only with the binding cord. Remove it, and carefully insert the additional sheets, and place cord back as it is new. Then your booklet will be complete.

Those receiving those booklets, please check for accuracy. . . .

Yours sincerely----Gordon H. Turner