Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith

Mr. Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith of Jackson has published seven genealogical miscellanies for Henderson County.  He wishes to share this information as widely as possible and has granted permission for these web pages to be created.  We thank Mr. Smith for his generosity.  Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 2001

In compiling the data for this second genealogical miscellany publication dealing with Henderson County, Tennessee the present writer acknowledges a debt of gratitude to the following individuals: Mr.Jack D. Wood and Mr. Robert D. Taylor, Jr., librarians, Jackson-Madison County Library; Mrs. Lynn Lewis, librarian and her staff members, Mrs. Dinah Harris and Mrs. Joy Johnson, Everett Horn Library, Lexington; Mrs. Genella Olker, Tennessee State Library and Archives; Dr. James R. Johnson, manager, History Department, Memphis and Shelby County Public Library and members of his staff; Mrs. Brenda Kirk Fiddler, local historian, Henderson County; Mr.Joseph F. Hall, Sr. and Mr. Joseph F. Hall, Jr., Jackson; the Henderson County courthouse officials; Mrs. Janie Hopper, secretary, Sand Ridge Baptist Church; Mr. W. C. Nichols and Mr. Woodrow Nichols with Hepzibah heritage; Mrs. Inez Nichols Lott with Hepzibah heritage; Elder T. L.Webb, Jr., B. D.Bryant Memorial Library, Milan; Mrs.Sue C. Stewart, Puryear of the Carrington descent; Historian's Office, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, D.C.; numerous current postmasters of Henderson County; Ms. Noelle Yetter, diligent National Archives researcher; Mr.Steve Baker, librarian and members of his staff, Union University Library, Jackson; Mr. Bill Sumners, director, Library and Archives of the Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville.

Other works by Jonathan K. T. Smith can be found at the Madison County Records Repository at TNGenWeb.

Return to Table of Contents for A Genealogical Miscellany Henderson County Tennessee

volume I · volume II · volume III · volume IV · volume V · volume VI · volume VII