Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Baptist Church Minutes - 1828 to 1840

This record contains original pages 86 - 110; only transcribed page 62 is numbered.

December January February 1828 No bisness Don at these 3 months as I can find

March 1st 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Er DANIEL LAYMAN Came forward in the name of Bethel Church and Requested this Church to Recind on there Book Concarning NANCY MAPLES and Give hir in to the hands of Bethel Church as the Charge of Bethel Considers that their is the place that she will have to give satisfaction and not to the Big pigion Church which Request they granted 2, the Church also takes into Concideration the Case of THOMAS HILL and the Church say they have no Charge a Gainst him to Deprive him of there Fellowship they do there fore a Gree to Restore him his former Previlages as usiel and to Give him a notification of what is Done by sending of him a few Lynes Requesting him to Come forward and attend to them A J tell meeting in Corse LAYMAN JONES Clk.

5 Apriel 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. the Church agree to aquit Brother GORGE ALLEN as Looking at him as a Deeon 2 the Odaination of a Decon prospond tell the Church think proper to put it forred again 3 Br SAMUEL MILLER applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted 4. Concarning the Church Requesting Br. THOMAS HILL to attend this meting, he attend and s.d Church Give him the Rite hand of fellowship A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk.

3 May 1828
Met accordan to appointment and worship prosead to bisness AJ BENJAMINE ODELL Clk

30 May 1828
Met accordan to apointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Concarning a Decon laid over 2. the Church appointed Brn and Sisters to attend at MARY NULANDS on the 2 of June 1828 to Receive members Br. THOMIS HILL BENJAMIN MCKAY MARY GORMIN ABRM MCKAY the BRN DRISKEL and BOMAN agred to Go also Sister SARY BLANCHIP applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted 4. appointed the Brn BENJAMIN ODELL and JEREMIAN MCKAY to attend the union meeting at Long Creek 5. appointed the Clk to write a few Lynes to the Same A J JOHN DRISKEL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

(ORG. PAGE 87)

5 July 1828
Met accordan to appointment and prayer prosead to bisness lst REBEKAH DAVIS applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted 2. appointed the Clk. write the Churches Letter to the Association to be held at Creek meeting Hous Hokens County Tennesee 3. the Brethen appointed to attend the Same Br THOMIS HILL W.M COLMAN and JEREMIAH MCKAY 4. the Br.n and Sisters attended at Mary _______ Received MARY NEWLAND by Expearance A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk WILLIAM COLMAN Modrator

2 August 1828
Met acordan to appointment and after worship proceed to bisness. 1. the Church Letter to the Association Red and Received A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk. J.N. DRISKEL Modrator

6 September 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness. 1st appointed the brethen to attend at bent Creek Meeting hous Green County on friday before the 1 Saturday in November 1828 to Meet other Brethen to forme a Constution for an Association THOMIS HILL W.M COLMAN BENJAMIN ODELLand JEREMIAH MCKAY 2. appointed the Brethen BENJAMIN ODELL and JEREMIAH MCKAY to Cite Sister MARY BRIDGES to attend November meeting to let the Church no hir Reason not attending Meting A Jorng JOHN DRISKEL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1 November 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1st Sister MARY BRIDGES Came forred and Give Satisfaction to the Church A J THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1828 December Meeting it being sd wet nothing Don


3 January 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness lst Recived two by Letter BENJAMIN ROBERTS and wife BARBARE A J THOMIS HILL Modrator no pen and Ink [here follows a blank half page]

(ORG. PAGE 88)

2 May 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness 1. B.r JOHN HUFF applied for a letter of Dimsmission the Same Granted A.J JOHN DRISKEL Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk

6 June 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness

4 July 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 appointed the B.r.n to attend the Nolechuckey association on the 1st Friday in September THOMIS HILL Jeremiah McKay & ABRAHAM MCKAY appointed the Clark to write the Letter to the association A J tell meting in Corse THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY

1 August 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter to the Association Red and Rece A J JOHN DRISKEL Modrator JJEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

3 October 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1st the Church a Gree for B.r BERJEMIN ODELL to Serve as a decon as formly A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

31 October 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after Prar prosead to Bisness JOHN DRISKEL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 December 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received TOLLEVER SISK by Expearance 2 Received JOHN MANTUTH by Expearence 3 Br BENJAMIN ROBERTS applied for a Letter for him Self and wife of demission the same Granted 4 TESTIMONY GORMON applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted A.J. THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk


2 January 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received MARY ANN MCKAY by Expenrance A J THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

6 Febryary 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received NANCY SISK by Experence 2 Received JANE MANTOTH by Expearance A J THOMIS HILL Modrator and Clk for the Day

(ORG. PAGE 89)

6 March 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL Modrator

3 Apriel 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness A.J THOMIS HILL Modrator

1 May 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received 2 by letter JEREMIAH MIER & RACHEL his wife 2 BENJAMIN ROBERTS & wife Returned thare Letter to the Church THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIIH MCKAY Clk

5 June 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received 2 by Letter JOHN DRISKIL & wife MILLEY 2 the Church pointed Br JOHN HUFF to insite B.r WILL HUFF to attend nex Meeting to Give his reason absenting himself from Church meting 3 appointed B.r TOLIVER SISK to invite B.r GORGE ALLEN to attend nex meting in corse to Give his reason for absenting his self from Church meting AJ THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

3 July 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. B.r JOHN nor WILLIAM HUFF not attending Lad over tell nex meting 2 Br ALLEN not attending Lad over tell nex meting A.J tel meting in Corse THOMIS HILL modrator

31 July 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to Bisness 1 the Church appointed B.r JOHN HUFF to invite B.r W.M HUFF to nex meting in Corse also appointed the Brethen JOHN MANTUTH TOLIVER SISK to invite B.r GORGE ALLEN nex meting in Corse 3 appointed the to attend the association THOMIS HILL JOHN MANTUTH & TOLIVER SISK also the Clark to write the Churches Letter to the association A.J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

4 September 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 B.r W.M. HUFF Came forred & give Satisfaction 2 Br GORGE ALLEN Came forred and give satisfaction 3 Re.ed MIKEL BRANSON by Letter 4 the Church Letter red and received 5 the Church appointed B.r MIKEL BRANSON to go to the association as a Dilligate 6 B.r JOHN DRISKEL applied for a Letter of Dismission for himself & wife MILLEY the same Granted A J JOHN DRISKEL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

(ORG. PAGE 90)

2 October 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 AJ THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

4 December 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Br BENJAMIN ROBERTS and wife applied for a Letter of Dismission the same Granted A J tell meting in Corse MIKEL BRANSON Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk


5 February 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to Bisness A J tell THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 March 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received LEWSEY ALLEN by Letter A J tell THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

2 Apriel 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received ANDERSON VINSON by Letter 2 the Church to Consider on the ordenation Br BRANSON tell nex meting in Corse A.J THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY

30 Apriel 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to send for a Presbey to ordane Br MIKEL BRANSON at July Meeting the Bethen Chosen H RANDOLPH T.S SMITH PATE & JONES 2 Received LEAR FAUBION by Expearanee A J THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

4 June 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Prosead to Bisness MICHAEL BRANSON Mod JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

July 2
The Church met according to appointment and after worship proceeded to business. 1. The Presbyterry sent for last may viz. HERY. RANDOLPH, THO.S SMITH, and SAMUEL PATE, came, and after examining brother MICHAEL BRANSON agreed togethe with the Church to ordain him tomorrow, Adjourned HENRY RANDOLPH Mod. MICHAEL BRANSON Clerk protem.

(ORG. PAGE 91)

1831 Aug. 6th
Met according to appointment and after worship proeeeded to business - 1. The church appointed the brethren THO.S HILL, MICHAEL BRANSON, ABRAHAM MCKAY, and JEREMIAH MCKAY to attend the Association at Concord. The Clerk, with Brother to help BRANSON appointed to write the Churches letter the Association. 2. Sister HURST applied for a letter of dismission; the same was granted. THO.S HILL, Moderator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clerk

Sept. 3 1831
Church met according to appointment and after preaching proceeded to business - . 1. The Churches letter to the Association read and received. THO.S HILL Mod. JERAMIAH MCKAY Cl.k

Oct 1st 1831
The Church met according to appointment, and after preaching proceeded to businees. MICHAEL BRANSON Mod. and Clerk protem.

Nov. 5th 1831
Met according to appointment and after preaching proceeded to business. Nothing came forward THOS HILL Mod. JEREMIAH MCKAY C.l.k.

Dec. 3rd 1831
Met according to appointment and after sermon proceed to business. MICHAEL BRANSON Mod JERAMIAH MCKAY


4 Feb.ry 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after Sermon prosead to bisness -

3 March 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness. 1 B.r THOMIS HILL answurd to a Reporte that was a bout him Concarning him concarning fighting & c and the Church Satisfide with him 2. B.r ANDERSON VINSON answered to certen Reporte about himself and satisfied the Church Ajornd THOMIS HILL Modrator MI EL BRANSON Clk

31 March 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after two Sermonts prosead to bisness AJ JEREMIAH MCKAY clk THOMIS HILL Modrator

5 May 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching prosead to bisness AJ JER AH MCKAY clk THOMIS HILL Modrator

2 June 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after Preaching prosead to bisness THOMIS HILL Modrator JER AH MCKAY clk

30 June 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching prosead to bisness THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY clk

(ORG. PAGE 92)

4 August 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen & the Constution of the Church Explained by B.r THOMIS HILL Prosead to bisnes 1 the Church agree to alter of meeting at 10 clock to 12 on Church meeting Day 2 Concord Church Sent for fhree members THOMIS HILL MICHAEL BRANSONJEREMIAH MCKAY which the granted to meet on the 2nd Tusday in August 1832 - 3 the Church monstruth against the 3 which Don on Saturday (TRAN. PAGE 58)

of the mitees of the Association in 1831 4 prosead For members to go to the Association appointed the B.r THOMIS HILL MIKEL BRANSON JEREMIAH MCKAY & TOLIVER SISK 5 the Clk to write the Churchs Letter to the Association to present it nex meeting in corse A J THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1 September 1832
Met accordan to appointment after preachen Prosead to bisness 1. Sister MARY BRIDGES applied For a letter of Dismission the same chged that is She has Never Give Satisiaction Concarning Report that was a bout hir and she left Still renden Cencier of the Church 2 the Letter Red and Received THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 October 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1 Respecting MARY BRIDGES after Conversion on the Subject we Exclude hir from This Church For a Dultry a Jornd tell tomorrow 10 OClock THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

6 Oct.r
Met accordan appointment after preachen Prosead to bisness 1. Received ORPHE MATHES by Letter 2 Received JOHN FAUBION by Expearence 3 the Church appointed the Brethen to attend at Clay Creek Meeting Hous to Meet the Comity that the Association Sent to Settle a Distress on the 30 of October 1822 THOMIS HILL MIKEL BRANSON JEREMIAH MCKAY WILLIAM COLMAN JOHM MANTUTH ABRAHAM MCKAY BENJAMIN ODELL WILLIAM HUFF JOHN FAUBION THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

3 November 1832

Met accordan to appointment and after preaching Prosead to bisness 1 B.r THOMIS HILL applied for a Letter of Dismission for SARAH STRANGE

(ORG. PAGE 93)

which was granted 2. Whearas we appointed a number of members Last Meting to attend at Clay Creek the 30 of October to settle a mater of Distrest in the Churches the Distrest not being settled Thare we have agreed to meet at Bethel South on the forth friday in November to try to setle the Distrest betwene us and that Church _erim Move for which heerfore we Have appointed the Br THOMIS HILL JEREMIAH MCKAY ABRAHAM MCKAY and MIKEL BRANSON to attend at the time and place above Mention for that Purpose A Jornd THOMIS HILL Mod. MIKEL BRANSON Clk protem

1 December 1832
A wet Day and nobody met but HILL and BRANSON


5 January 1833
Met accordan to appointment after preachen Prosead to bisness Received a letter from B.r GORGE ALLEN wishing for this Church to send him a Letter of Dismission in Wilson County West Tennessee the Church Objected and Thot it best to Waite till He mad Returne the Church agree to send him a letter to let him know that they had Sum Objection that the Brethen MIKEL BRANSON modrator and JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk To write the Letter MIKEL BRANSON Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY

2 February 1833
Met accorden to appointment after preachen Further pro__ded

2 March 1833
Bad wether no Bisness Don Sunday the Church met Dore Open OLIVER H P HILL Received by Expearance and Bapise by MIKEL BRANSON

5 Apriel 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to Church bisness 1 the Church in vites Sister VINSON and Br. ANDERSON VINSON to attend our nex meting by the Br JOHN ELLISJEREMIAH MCKAY to Give thar Reason for not attending Church Meeting and to anseer to sum Reports in Surclation

Saturday the 6
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 The Church invite B.r JES.E a Colerd man to attend nex meeting invited by the Br BENJAMIN ODELL and JEREMIAH MCKAY 2 The Church a Gree to travel for A Decon tell nex meeting

(ORG. PAGE 94)

3 the Church A Gree to in vite Sister BREDEN and Sister ALLEN which we understand they have Letters of Dismisaion invited by B.r TOLVER SISK and THOMIS HILL Mod JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

4 May 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Sister & Br VINSON was invited but Dident attend For which the Church Exelude them For Hold _ arme_ing Doctrin and refuse to here the Church also for Reports on ANDERSON VINSON that he drank two much and was at a Shuting mach and was Shuting . the Reports on LYDEY VINSON that she Dident Hold Sum of the members in fellowship nor Cood not 2 JESS Came forred and Give Satisfaction 3 Received JOHN LILLARD by the Gra_ of a Letter also CHERTY SMITH 4 the Church ____ thar mind Concarning Decons and Chosen the Br TOLVER SISK and JOHN MANTUTH and to be Ordained nex meting 5 Received SARY BREDING by Letter A J THOMIS HILL Mod JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1 June 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen Prosead to bisness 1 Received THOMIS A BRANT by Letter 2 the Church a Gree to hold Church meeting at THOMIS ALLENs Concarning Sister ALLEN not being able to Come to Give hir Letter of Dismission to be on friday before meting in Corse 3 the Brethen TOLVER SISK & JOHN MANTUTH Exammed and ordain as Decons by THOMIS _____ THOMIS HILL and MIKEL BRANSON A J THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMISH MCKAY Clk

5 July 1833
Met accordan to appointment at THOMIS ALLENs and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister VINEY ALLEN Give up hir Letter to the Church and was received in fellowship A Jorn to I2 Oclock tomorrow at the meeting hous

Saturday the 6
met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Give Brother JOHN HUFF Privilede to Excercise his Gif in the Bounds of the Church A J JER MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL Modrator

(ORG. PAGE 95)

7th on Sunday after preachen the Church open a Dore for to Receive members PETER HUFF G__ WILEY LUKKE BRANSON Came forred and was Received by Expearance and Baptise by By Br MIKEL BRANSON THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCK clk

3 August 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1 Received NANCY HUFF by Expearance 2 JOSEPH ALLEN Sent his acnoledgment to this Church by Letter from the misorie and Obtained a letter of Dismission also Sister RACHEL ALLEN Sent for a Letter of Dismission the same Granted 3 the Church appointed the Brethen THOMIS HILL MIKEL BRANSON JOHN HUFF to attend the Association at Bethel South on the 4 Friday in September 1833 4 appointed the Brn MIKEL BRANSON TOLEVER SISK with the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the Association to be inspected nex meeting in corse A J tell meeting in corse THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

4 August on Sunday
the Church Open a Dore for members JAMES RONUNDS came forred and Give in Expearance and was baptise by Br THOMIS HILL

3l August 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received JOSIAH LUFTIN by Expearance 2 Received LITTEN HOLT by Expearance 3 HETTY VINSON applied for aleter of Dismission the same Granted 4 the Churches Letter to the Association Red and 5 the Church agree to Licen Br JOHN HUFF to preach the Gospel when Ever the Lord may Call him THOMIS HILL modrator A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Cik

October 1833
the Church met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 ISBELL YONGBLOD Received by Expearance 2 Received ELISABETH WILEY by Expearance 3 Received SARY BRANSON by Expearance

(ORG. PAGE 96)

October 6 Sunday
open a Dore for Expearance & Received ARUNAH HILL By Expearance November 1833 the Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 appointed Brethen JOHN HUFF and JEREMIAH M_____ to go and see Sister ALTHA SUTTON and invite her to attend

1833 - cont.

our nex meeting and give hir reason for holding hir Letter so long A J tell to morrow.

Saturday met accordan to a Jornment 1 B.r LITTLENTON U HOLT applied for a Letter of Dismission which was Granted 2 A Dore was Open and ELIZABETH HENRY was Received by Expearance 3 ELIJAH BREDING was Received by Expearance 4 on Sunday A Dore was opened and MARGARET MCNABB was Received by Expeararce

30 November 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Brethen hoeue [who] was to invite Sister SUTTEN, failed, and the Church wishes for them to invite hir to Nex meeting 2 Received MARY ELLES by Expearance A J THOMIS HILL moderator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk


4 January 1834
the Church met acordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness the Breth met that was appointed to vite Sister SUTEN to meeting the mater stands Just as it was TOLIVER SISK Clk

February 1834
Met accordan to appointment after preachen prosead to bisness 1 with Regard to Sister SUTTEN the Bisness as it was till nex meting in corse 2 a minet Red from our Association and Received 3 a minut from French brod Association to be Red nex meting

(ORG. PAGE 97 - Cont.)

1 March 1834
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother LUKE L BRANU_ applied for a letter which was was Granted 2 Sister
applied for a letter which was Granted 3 the Case of Sister SUTTEN Refured tell nex meting in Corse TOLIVER SISK Clk

4 Apriel 1834
the Church met Accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother HUFF Reported the Case of Sister SUTEN and as it appearse the Letter she holds was not Give hir by this Church we have no more to do with hir case 2 DIDAMA ROSE Received by Expearance THOMIS HILL mod MIKEL BRANSON Clk protem

2 May 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1. the Constitucian of the Church and Rules Red 2 the Church appointed members to attend Butlers Meeting Hous to Hold meeting with the members of Betheney Church THOMIS HILL WM HUFF JAMES ROMINES JOHN LILARD JOHN ELLIS ABRAHAM  & JEREMIAH MCKAY A Jornd JEREMIAH MCKAY THOMIS HILL modrator

31 May 1834
This Church met according to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness TOLIVER SISK Clk

1 June 1834
whereas Br BRANSON motion to this Church to Here Br IRUNA HILL Repation the Church a Gree to do so & B.r IRUNA HILL Came forred & tole this Church his mind & Feelings and this Church Give him Leave to Excercise his Gift in the Bounds of this Church TOLIVER SISK Clk

(ORG. PAGE 98 - Cont.)

5 July 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness Church of Christ on Big pigion Dear Brethen & Sisters we have Received Several Names it appears that you wish a arme at the New meeting Hous on Bogard we think it best to meet thar Onley when Tharis nead of Holding Church Meeting A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL moderator

2 August 1834
Met accodan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 appointed the Brn to attend the Association at Big pigion on the 4 Friday in September 1834 THOMIS HILL MIKEL BRANSON and JOHN HUFF 2 MIKEL BRANSONJEREMIAH MCKAY appointed to write Church Letter to the same 3 Received EMBE ROBESON from South Calina Seconed Church under the wach Care of this Church JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

September the 6 1834
the Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1. the Church Letter to the Association Red and Received

4 October 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 THOMIS BRENT applied For a letter of Dismission by a letter he sent from the Allebam State the Same Granted A.J MIKEL BRANSON modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

31 October 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received JAMES OXFORD and wife by letter 2 Sister RACHEL MATOX applied for a letter of Dismission the same granted A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MIKEL BRANSON modrator

l November 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 AJ JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MIKEL BRANSON modrator [In margin for these two days there is written: 31 October 1834 Saturday this was done on November 1834 and this on Friday ]

6 December 1834
Nothing Don


January 1835

Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MIKEL BRANSON modrator

February and March Bad wether no body attended 1835

(ORG. PAGE 99 )

4 Apriel 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received W.M FREE and wife ELLENDER by Letter A J JEREMIAH MCKAY modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

2 May 1835
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A J THOMIS HILL modrator TOLIVER SISK Clk

6 June 1835
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A J THOMIS HILL mod TOLVER SISK Clk

4 July 1835
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Rec.d EMB ROBERTSON by Letter 2 the Church appointed Br JEREMIAH MCKAY to tak the Subscription paper and git the Stove TOLIVER SISK Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

August 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching prosead to bisness 1 the Church a Gree to adobt the abstract of princbles which was adopited in a minet of the french Broad association Except the first article in other words 2 the Church appointed the Br to the Association MIKEL BRANSON THOMIS HILL and JEREMIAH MCKAY at warrensburg and the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the Same and to be Red nex meting 3 Sister Didame Rose applied for a letter of Dismission the same Granted A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MIKEL BRANSON mod

5 September 1835

Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church a Gree to have the Constution of the Noley Chuckey to be Recorded in the thar Church Book as ther Constution 2 the Church Letter to the association Red and Received A J THOMIS HILL Modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

(ORG. PAGE 100)

3 October 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br JAMES OXFORD applied for a Letter of Dismission for himself & wife MARY the same Granted A jornd JOHN HUFF modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

31 October 1835
Met accordan to appointment & after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Excumated ORPHE MATHES from this Church for joined the Presbeteren Sociaty 2 Received REBECKAH BRANSON by Letter A J 3 Br WILLIAM FREE applyed for a Letter of Dismission for him self & wife ELLENDER the same Granted JEREMIAH MCKAY MIKEL BRANSON modrator

5 December 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received MARY MURR by Letter 2 Pointed the Brethen TOLEVER SISK & JJEREMIAH MCKAY to invite Br WILLIAM HUFF to Nex meeting and Give his reason for absenting his self from Church meeting JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator


2 January 1836
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 B.r W.M HUFF came forred and Give Satisfaction 2 the Church Agree to have all the members names Put on a paper


to Gethere the males to Gether & the females to Gether and to be Call at Church meetings A J MIKEL BRANSON modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

(ORG. PAGE 102)

6 March 1836
No meeting on Saturday on Sunday JAMES ROMINES applied for a Letter of Dismission the same Granted MIKEL BRANSON m

2 Apriel 1836
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Gree to Send for the Brethen HENRY RANDOLPH THOMIS SMITH JOSIAH LEETH to attend our nex meeting in Corse as it is our Communion meeting JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MIKEL BRANSON mod

29 Apriel 1836
met accordan to appointment & after preachen proud Sead to bisness 1 the Church A J till to morrow 12 oclock JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL mo-or

30 Apriel
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to in vite B.r P_NY HILL to our nex meeting by B.r BRANSON to Give his Reason for his abeenting his self from meeting 2 Appointed B.r THOMIS HILL to Go & See B. JOSIAH SWETMAN & know why he has not Come to meeting 3 Appointed Sister ODELL to Go & See Sister EMILINE ROBERTSON & inquire of Sum Reports Concenning hir and Invite hir to meeting 4 the Church agree to have the folling records Recorded which if anney member or members Joind Either of the sociatys Is to be Delt with the Same if they Joine anney other Sociaty to wit Since we see the Sociatis and Institutions of the day are Causing Divisions in Churches whene Ever they are introduced and as they are not warrented by the word of God therefore Resolve that we declare an unfellowship with the Tempe_nce Tracts Manumition Home Missionary Sociaties and Sunday School union

(ORG. PAGE 103)

30 Apriel
5 The Church agree to have the Comunion Season on the first of May & November 6 Received JUDAH ANDERSON by Expearance JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

2 July 1836
Met acordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A Jornd tell meeting in Corse THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

6 August 1836
pople met no preaeher attended Nothing Don

3 September 1836
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 the Church agreed to appoint the Bre to the Association MIKEL BRANSON THOMIS HILL & JOHN HUFF 2 SINEA ELLETON and LUISSEA ALLEN applied for a Letter of Dismission By Sister CHARETY SMITH the Same Granted 3 the Church a Gree to have sed home in thar objection to the missinery [this perhaps may explain the fact that "Home" is inserted above and between the words "Manumition" and "Missionary" on page 102] JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MIKEL BRANSON modrator

1 October 1836
Met accordan to appiontment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister LEVINA ALLEN applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted A jornd JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk MILKEL BRANSON modrator

(ORG. PAGE 104)

4 November 1836
Met accordan to appointment and after prayr prosead to Bisness 1 A.J tell to morrow 12 oclock 5 met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 Respeting Brer SWETMAN which Br HILL was to in vite him to meeting he Has faild in being ___ the Church appointed Brother JOHN HUFF to in vite Br SWETMAN to nex meeting the Church to Consider Br JOHN HUFF Ordnation THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

31 December 1836
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 appointed Br O H HILL Clark protem 2 Br MIKEL BRANSON applied for a letter of Dismission for him self and SARY the Same Granted 3 also for a letter for Sister REBECKAH BRANSON the same Granted 4 our Clk orderd to write Same O H P HILL Clk Protem


4 February 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br JOHN HUFF invited Br SWETMAN he has faild to Come the Church Laid it over tell nex meting 2 the Church agree to Br JOHN HUFFs Ordination at May meeting a Greed to Call the Bre.n HENRY RANDOLPH and THOMIS SMITH & the Clk to write to Br RANDOLPHE A jorne tell meting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS SMITH modrator

(ORG. PAGE 105)

6 May 1837

Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received by Letter LYDA QUILIMS 2 the Presbyteer met Examed Br JOHN HUFF as a preacher to Ordain Him his answers Excepted appointed to Ordain Him on the 7 by THOMIS HILL SAMUEL PATE & THOMIS SMITH which was Don A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk SAMUEL PATE modrator

3 June 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received MARY BRIGG [or Bugg] by Letter A J JOHN HUFF modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1 July 1837
no meeting

5 August 1837
Met accordam to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church tuck up the Grevence that Brother HILL had with Bethany Church also the Church being Greved with s.d Church for hir acts the Church agree to Send members to Inquire in to the Distrest BENJAMIN ODELL JOHN HUFF JOHN MANTUTH TOLIVER SISK JOHN ELLIS ELIJAH BREEDING JOHN LILLARD ABRAHAM MCKAY JEREMIAH MCKAY WM. HUFF PETER HUFF to attend the 3 Saturday Insted 2 appointed the Clk to write a Letter to Bethany Stating the Churches Destrest 3 the Church agreed to send Dilligats to the Association THOMIS HILL ELIJAH BREEDING JOHN HUFFJEREMIAH MCKAY appointed. TOLIVER SISK with the Clk to write the churches Letter to the Association to be Red nex meeting A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL moderator

2 September 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 the members that was sent from this Church to Bethany church Reported that the s.d church had nothing aGainst Br THOMAS HILL more then they lad Bare and that the sd Church Refuesed to Received them and Letter the Church not Satsfyed a Greed to appoint the Brn ABRAHAM MCKAY TOLVER SISK & JO_LILLARD to have a Letter to s.d church which Br M.L BRANSON wuth the Clk is to write a letter and to be Red nex meting

(ORG. PAGE 106)

2 Sep 37
Stating where in the church is dissatisfyd the churches letter Red Received JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL mod

30 September 1837
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to bethany Red and Received A J till meting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk HENRY RANDOLPH moderator

3 November 1837
Met accordan to ajornment and after prayr prosead to bsness 1 the Dilligate that was Sent to bethany Churcb went and Reported the Bethany Church has agreed to se_ two Dilligats to our nex meeting in Corse to Let us no thair mnd Concerning the Charges we Hold against hir TOLIVER SISK Clk

2 December 1837
Met accordan to apoint and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 the members from Bethany attended this church not Satisfied Lad it over tell nex meting in corse 2 Rece.d W.M GARRETT by Letter JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS HILL moderator


6 Jannuary 1838
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 this church agree to call on three Churches for helps Bent Creek Hope well County Line to Setle a destrest with Bethany Church to meet at Bethany Church on the 3 Saturday & the day before in Apriel 1838 2 the Clk to write to those Churches 3 agreed that the Bre.n Bare the Letters to the s.d Churches JOHN HUFFJEREMIAH MCKAY A J tell meting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

Febr- 1838
March cold wether no meeting nothing Don

(ORG. PAGE 107)

31 March 1838
Met accordan to appointment & after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church agreed to not Call for the furren Brethen as the Brn. faild carren the Letters to them. 2 a Greed to call for members out of Slate Creek Church Antyock Hopewell & Providence to meet at Bethany church on 3 Saturday in May 1838 4 to appoint the Brn to attend at Bethany Church JOHN LILLARD and ELIJAH BREDEN TOLEVER SISK JOHN and WM. HUFFs JOHN FAUBION JOHN ELLIS ABRAHAMJEREMIAH MCKAY the Clk to write to Slate Creek Church Br Hill to write to the Ballence A J THOMIS HLL modra JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 May 1838
this Church met accordan to Ajorment and after preachen prosead to bisness no bisness Came forred A j T. S Clk.

2 June 1838
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Received the Report from Bethany Church or the Members that attended thar 2 Br SAMUEL MILLAR Came forred and Give Satisfaction to this Church A Jn tell meeting in corse JOHN HUFF modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk the Reporte is as folles

Report Met May 19 Day 1838
at Bethany Church on Cosby Crek for the purpis of Reclaimimg hir to fellow ship or Deal with hir for hir Conduct the Church Give us that was here present Satisfaction all but three a List of the Names of the members Restored to fellowship FRANCES A CAVENDER CASE YO_THA CASE KISIAH WHILHITE MARTHA GILLIAN RODAH SEALS JAIN MCFALLS CASSEA CLARK JAIN L SMITH SARAH DRILLING those that wont Give

(ORG. PAGE 108)

Satisfaction for thar ur__re to wit RUSEL ALLEN SAMUEL MILLER PHILLIP JINKINS The Desishion of Big pigion members and Helps that was present Hold that the Eleven that was Restored to fellowship is the Church - The members of Big pigion with the members Called on by hir of other Church to wit the Church Antoch A.m HILL from provedence SAMUEL PATE from Hopewell RICHARD WOOD and HENRY PARRETT the members from Big pigion WILLIAM HUFF THOMIS HILL JOHN LILLARD JOHN HUFF ABRAHAM MCKAY ELIJAH BREEDING

30 June 1838
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Reported that Sister NANCY ALLEN has Joind the freewill Baptis appointed Sisters CHARITY SMITH SARY HUFF to See hir to no whether it is so no and to make Report nex meeting in Corse 2 the Church agree to send a letter to provadence Church to Let hir no our princbles against the Sociaties of the Day SAMUEL PATE which we Reseved thar Diligate but no Letter A J tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrater

4 August 1838
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Sisters that was to see Sister NANCY ALLEN made thar Reporte 2 the Church Excumation the s.d Sister for Joinen the freewill Baptis 3 the Church appointed the Brethen to attend the association at Big pigion THOMIS HILL JEREMIAH MCKAY & TOLIVER SISK 4 the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the same to be Red nex meeting in Corse 5 the members present is to invite ballence to Come to nex meting in. Corse A J THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

September 1838
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter Red and Receved 2 A J tell meeting in corse THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

(ORG. PAGE 109)

No record 6 October 1838

2 November
This Church met and after Preachen sat in a church way but there being no bisness A J tell to morrow Morning Saturday Met According to Ajn. and after preachen prosead to bisness - 1st Recd WILLIAM CROSS & his wife REBEKAH by Letter T S Clk1

December 1838
Met but no Preacher


January 1839 February 1839
no meeting

2 March 1839
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to appoint Br JOHN HUFF a sisten modrator 2 Br applied for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife REBEEKAH the same granted [Minutes do not name the Brother] A J tell meeting THOMIS HILL modrater JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

6 Apriel 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Receivd CHAREN INEGOREM by letter 2 B.r WM CROSS Declind moving away and Give up the Letter was Granted to them A Jornd JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk JOHN HUFF modrator

4 May 1839
Met accordan to appointment and 2 preached prosead to bisness - Repection Bethany Church & the members from Big pigion Church agreed when the Destresst was Setled that if anney the members of Betheney Come to Big pigion Church & Give Satisfaction _Repection turning of B.r HILL from being thar pasturel Care thar acknoledgment was to be Received and as SAMUEL MILLER Came forred to this Church and Maid his acknowledgment of his Irre and Gaind fellowship this Church at 2 June 1838 and got a letter to shoe what had bin Don and as he has Refuesed to Give the Letter to Bethany Church we agree to put him in the same plaee where we found him A J tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk JOHN HUFF modrator

June 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 this Church Received by one of Bethany Church members a Record of thare Meeting 24 November 1838 which Give us to understand that

(ORG. PAGE 110)

SAMUEL R MILLER is a member with them A J JOHN HUFF modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

no meeting 6 July 1839

3 August 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Chose Br to attend the Association at Concord THOMIS HILL JOHN HUFF TOLLEVER SISK JEREMIAH MCKAY JOHN MANTUTH JOHN LILLARD 2 WILLIAM CROSS and wife for a Letter of Dismission the same granted A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

31 August 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter Red and a menent maid_ JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk HENRY RANDOLPH modrator

5 October 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

1 November 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J to morrow 12 oclock THOMIS HILL modtr JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk met accordan to appointment after preachen prosead to bisness


December 1839 & January 1840
no Record foun nerry February

29 February 1840
the baptis Church of Christ at Big pigion met accordan to ajornement and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister ISBELL YONGBLOOD applied for a Letter which was Granted 2 appointed TOLEVER SISK to go and see Br JOHN HUFF and Enquire of him his Reason for not attending meeting

4 Apriel 1840
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1. the Church agree to Invite the Brethen to attend nex meetintg WI-M HUFF and PETER HUFF MARGET ALLEN B.r JOHN LILLARD to Invite 2 Br HILLto Invite Br MURR 3 Br BREDIN to invite Br SWETMAN 4 the Church agree to Exclude GORGE ALLEN for Disobedanee & a Report that he had a child by a yong woman and agreed to marrer hir and Disappointed hir. A J TOS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Cik

(ORG. PAGE 111)

2 May 1840
this Church met accordan to appointtment and after preachen attended to Bisness 1 appointed Br HILLto invite Br SWETMAN to come to meeting if he could find where he lived and tell the Church his reason for not attending meeting

6 June 1840
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1. the Church a Gree to have the Decest members Names Recorded on the Church Book Look on the out Side Leaf for there names A J THOMIS HILL mo.tor JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

July no meting

1 August l840 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Churches Constution & Rules Red 2 Sister MARGET ALLEN Give Satisfaction for hir Neglect of meeting 3 Br WM. HUFF applied for a letter of Dismission by Br JOHN LILLARD the same Granted 4 the Church a Gree to appoint the Brethen to attend the Association at Frenship meeting Hous on Friday before 1 Saturday in October 1840 THOMIS HILL TOLEVER SISK ELIJAH BREEDIN JOHN LILLARDJEREMIAH MCKAY & the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the same & to be Red Nex meeting for Exammeniat A J THOMIS HILL moderator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 September 1840
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to the Association Red and Received A J LAXON CASE modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk [in margin:] 45 members

(ORG. PAGE 112)

3 October 1840
no meeting on the acount of the Association at frenship meeting house

30 October
Met no brethen no bisness Don

Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received M___RUNNION by Exparance A J tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL Modrator

December 1840


6 February 1841
This Church met accordn to A Grement and after preachen prosead to bisness TOLEVER SISK Clk

6 March 1841
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received AREHEBLE BORDEN by Declaring a Gainst Sociates of the Day which be Long to warrensburg Church which is a missionary one A Jornd JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL mod

3 Apriel 1841
no meeting on Saturday THOMAS SMITH preache on Sunday

30 Apriel 1841
no meting

1 May 1841
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness a jorned meting ARRUNAL HILL m.or JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

June & July 1841
no Church meeting

Preachen on Sunday 31 July 1841
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to Let DR RAMSEY have the church Book if the person will be wiling to be Bound for the Delivery who takes it to him 2 the Church agree to appoint the Br to attend the Association at Long Creek on the 1 friday in October THOMAS HILL JON MANTUTH TOLIVAR SICKJEREMIAH MCKAY and the Clark to write the Churches letter to the same 3 CATHERN INGRAM applied for a letter of Dismiss the Same Granted THOMAS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

[The typed manuscript I received jumps here from July 1841 to April 1842. GRB]



(ORG. PAGE 113)

2 Apriel 1842
Met accordan to Appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 MARY MUR applied for a Letter of Dismiss the Same Granted 2 Received RACHEL BORDAN by Delaring unfellowship with the Sociaties of the Day be Longing to warrens burg Church A jornd JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modr.

29 Apriel l842
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Cik THOMIS HILL Modr

30 Apriel
met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 ajornd Samuel pate Clk SAMUEL PATE modrator

4 June 1842
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received SARY ROBERTS by Experance and was Baptise on Sunday Ajornd THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

2 July 1842
Met Accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to appoint the 2 Thursday in August for fast day to meet at the meeting Hous THOMIS H moderator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

11 August 1842
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st the Churchs Constution and Rules Red the church appoint the Brethen to the Association THOMIS HILL JOHN LILLARD and JEREMIAH MCKAY to be held at bent Creek meeting Hous & A & JEREMIAH MCKAYs to write the churches Letter to the same and to be Red at nex meeting in corse A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

3 September 1842
met accordan to appointment and after preachen to bisness

(ORG. PAGE 114)

1 the Letter Red and Received 2 appoint Br JOHN HUFF to attend the Association A J JOHN HUFF modr JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

October and Novemeber
no meeting on the acount of no preaeher

3 December 1842
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J THOMIS HILL modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk


January & February 1843
no Bisness Don _

March 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received JOHN CARNEY on Declarration 2 Received GORGE ROBERTS on Delaration A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS SMITH modrator

1 Apriel 1843

Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Ajorned tell meting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

no preachen 5 May 6 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received NICOLE. PARKER by Ajornd JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS HILL modr

3 June 1843

Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the church to write to Br PERY HILL & the Clk to write the Letter and to be Red at nex church meeting also to write to Br JOHN HUFF 2 the Church A Gree to send for Br MURR to no why he has absent from Church meeting the Bre GORGE ROBERTS and ELIJAH BREDEN to in vite him to nex meeting 3 the Church Request that the Clk to Exammon the church Book whether Br L. HOLT has got a Letter Granted unto him A Jorned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS HILL modrator

July 1843
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to Br PERY HILL Red and Received 2 Concarning Br MURRH Lad over tell meeting in Corse 3 LN HOLT Got a Letter 4 Br CARNEY came forred and ask priveledg to Excersice his Giff the same Granted 5 the sent to Br HUGG A jorned tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

August 1843
The church met accordan to Ajornment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the church appointed Brethen THOMAS HILL JEREMIAH MCKAY TOLLEVER SISK ARCHEBLE BORDAN

(ORG. PAGE 115)

JOHN LILLARD to attend our Association Br JEREMIAH MCKAY to write the Churches Letter TOLEVER SISK Clk LAXSON CASE modr

2 September 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness Churches Constution & Rules Red and Confurm A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk WILSON OLIVER Mod

30 September 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 JEREMIAH MURH applied by Letter for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife which the Church Refuesed they wish for him to come and Give Satisfaction which we Invite him to nex meeting by the Brethen ROBERTS and Br ______ the Churches Letter to the Association Red and Received THOMAS HILL mod JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

3 November 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness the church taken the matter of Br MURs and wife LADE over the matter to morrow A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

4 November Saturday
after preachen prosead to bisness 1 taking up the mature of Br MURS and wife the church agree to invite Br MUR and wife by the Brethen BREDEN & SISK to nex meeting in corse A Jorned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk WILSON OLIVER moderator


6 January 1844
the Church met and after prayr prosead to bisness but Brother BREDING not being present the case of MURR was not taken up the Received a Letter from O H P HILL THOMIS HILL modrator TOLEVOR SISK Clk

2 March 1844
Met accordan to appointment after preachen the church agree to not go in to anney bisness but few members and none of the Records present JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

6 Apriel 1844

Met accordan to appointment and after preachen by Br SMITH proseaded to bisness the matter Respecten JEREMIAH MURR & wife the Church Excluded them for Denining the faith Disobeing the Church & Joining the freewill Baptis Sociaty 2 the mater Respection

(ORG. PAGE 116)

O H P HILL the church ant Reconciled to his answer to the Church to Give him aletter at the present JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS SMITH modrator

3 May 1844
the Church met accordan to ajornment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J TOLEVER SISK Clk THOMAS HILL modrntor

Saturday the 4
Met accordan to apointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 Br O H P HILL applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted and Br TOLEVER SISK to write the Letter and Read the same at nex meeting to the Church A Jorened tell meeting in corse TOLEVER SISK Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

1 June 1844
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to Br O H P HILL of Dismission Red and Received the church agreed for Br ER HILL to Send it on to him as Sune as Convenient A jorned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS HILL modrator

no count of July August September and October Meetings in 1844

(ORG. (page 117 is a blank page, 118)

1 November 1844
But five met no preachen 2nd Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Breathen GORGE RUSSELL and WM HENDRIKSON presented a Request to this Church to come to providence Church and Setle a Difficulty between Br HILL and Br PATE the church thinks it not in order and Refuse to Go A J advise of the association Tennessee TOLEVER SISK Clk

on Sunday the 3
the Church sat and ELIZABETH SMITH came forred and was Received by Expearance and was Baptised by THOMAS HILL THOMAS HILL modrator


4 January 1845
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Chosen Br JEREMIAH MCKAY modr. 2 Brother JOHN CARNE applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted 3 Br ARCHEBLE BORDAN and wife applied for a Letter of Dismission the same Granted Sister JUDITH ANDERSON applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted A J tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH Clk

February 1845
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 after inquire if there was anney bisness non A J JOHN ELLIS modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

30 May 1845
met but no preacher

on 31
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st LYDA HENDERSON applied for a Letter by Br SMITH of Dismission the Same Granted and the Clk conve the Same to hir A J tell meeting in corse THOMAS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

this Record belong before May it was Looked over 5 Apriel 1845 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st the Church a Greed to put of the communion tell June meeting A J THOMAS SMITH moderator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk (Eld THOMAS SMITH chose Pastor as Eld THOMAS HILL Died Mar 1 1845)

5 July 1845
this Church met accordan to A jornemt and after preachen prosead to bisness TOLEVER SISK Clk THOMAS SMITH moderator

2 August 1845
this Church met and prosead to bisness 1 appointed Brethen ELIJAH BREDEN JOHN LILLARD TOLLEVER SISK and ABRAHAM MCKAY to the Association and Br JEREMIAH MCKAY to write the Churches Letter TOLEVER SISK Clk

6 September 1845
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter to the Association Red and Received 2 the Church Chosen brother THOMAS SMITH to be thar Pastrel Care with full consent 3 the Rules of the Church Red

(ORG. PAGE 119)

September 1845
A J tell meeting in corse THOMAS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

October November December no Church meeting


January February and March 1846 no Church Meeting atime or two preach on Sunday

4 Apriel 1846
Met accorden to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agreed to write to Brother PETER HUFF to no what is his Reason for absenting himself from the Church without aletter and the Clk to write the Letter 2 We Concider that the Commencement of the bisness between Brother PATE & Brother HILL was not agreeable to the Gospel Deseplen nor Sence tharfore this Church obgects against the advise of the association the 5 article which is for this Church to Go to Providence Church to try to Gain Reconcilation this Church thinks She Give no Grounds for a h___ as she invited one of them to preach and both to the Comunion table and one Did preach on Sunday A Jorned tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

1 May 1846
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother SWETMAN took under conciderration Lad over tell to morrow Concarning him absenting himself from this Church A J tell to morrow JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH Modrator

2 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br JOSIAH SWETMAN Excommuncated for absenting himself from this Church and joining the free will Baptis Sociaty A J tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH Mo.dr

June no meeting Brother SMITH had to Go to Dandredg corte

4 July 1846
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received SARY CARNEY by Experance 2 Br TOLEWR SISK to write to Br PETER HUFF as he hant sent no letter 3 also the Church agree to write to Brother

(ORG. PAGE 120)

JOHN HUFF and the Clark to write to him JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modr

1 August 1846
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother PETER HUFF applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted 2 appointed the Brethen to the Association TOLEVER SISK JEREMIAH MCKAY & JOHN MANTUTH & the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the Same A J tell meetin in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY THOMAS SMITH moderator

5 September 1846
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church letter Red and Received 2 appoinited Br_ JOHN HUFF and JOHN LILLARD to the Association A J JOHN HUFF modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

3 October 1846

3 December 1846
the Church meet accordan to adjornment and after preachen prosead to bisness TOLEVER SISK Clk THOMAS SMITH mod


2 January 1847

the Church Meet accordan to adornment and POLLEY ELLIS applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted TOLEVER SISK Clk

6 February 1847
the Church met but no preachen TOLEVER SISK Clk

6 March 1847
Met accordan to appoint and after Preachen prosead to bisness A Jo JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk JOHN HUFF modrator

3 Apri 1847
Met acordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A jorn tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

1847 - cont.

1 May 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A Jorne tell meeting in corse THOMAS SMITH mod JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 June 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st appointted the Brethen JOHN MANTUTH and JOHN LILLARD to in vite Br JESS to nex meeting to Give his Reason for absenting his self from Church Meting JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modra.

3 July 1847 Met acordan to appointment But on modrator the matter Respectin JESS a Collerd Brother Nothing Don

31 July 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received ELIZABETH BRYANT by Experance 2 Brother JESS not attending meeting we agree to Invite him by Br JOHN LILLARD to attend our nex meting 3 agred to appoint Diligats to the Association TOLEVER SISK JEREMIAH MCKAY JOHN LILLARD JOHN MANTUTH & JOHN HUFF and the Clarke to write the Church Letter to the Association and to present it to the nex Church meting to be Enspected & c JEREMIAH MCKAY Clarke THOMAS SMITH modrator

4 September 1847 August no meeting 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Recev.d MARY SHANNON by Experance 2 Received JAMES M. THOMAS by Letter 3 Brother JESS not attending being not able to come Lad over tell Nex meeting in Corse 4 the Church Letter Red and Received A J tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modra

2 October 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister ELIZABETH HENRY applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted 2 Br JESS Came forred and Give Satisfaction A J tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH mod

6 November 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modra

(ORG. PAGE 122)

December nor February March Cole wether nothing Don preachen but no bisness Don


1 January 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J THOMAS SMITH mod Jeremiah McKay Clk

1 Apriel 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister JUDA ANDERSON returned hir letter in fellowship 2 agree to Invite Br GORGE WILEY to nex meeting by the Brn JOHN ELLISON and JEREMIAH MCKAY to Give his Reason for his absent from meeting A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk PLESENT A WITT modr

5 May 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother GORGE WILEY not present Lad the Bisness over tell tomorrow Br ELLIS not her A J tell tomorrow JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH mod

6 May 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br GORGE WILEY came forred and Give the church Satisfaction A J tell meting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH mod

3 June 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bigness 1 After Examining the minits we Object against the __ article of our Last years minits of the Association Held at Roring Spring meeting Hous 1847 A J tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk LAXSON CASE modr

1 July 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st agread that our Church meeting be on friday before the 5 Sunday of July A Jorned tell the sd Time LACKSON CASE modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

29 July 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 appointed the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the Association and Brother TOLEVER SISK to Assist 2 appoint the Brethen to the Association JEREMIAH MCKAY TOLEVER SISK ELIJAH BREADIN and JOHN MANTUTH 3rd the sd Letter to be Red nex meeting for Inspection AJorned tell meeting in Corse WILSON OLIVER modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

10th September 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after meeting to Gather the letter Red and Received & C JERE MCKAY Clk

30 September 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st A jorned tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator


Nov Dec 1848 February 49 and January 49 the wether Disagreable no meeting no bisness Don nor March meeting 1849

31 March 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after peachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother J M THOMAS applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted which he applied by letter Dated 23 October 1848 2 Received MARY MANTUTH by Experance JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH mod

5 May 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1st Red the Abstract of our prinsples and our Rules & C A Jornd JJEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS SMITH modrator

(ORG. PAGE 123)

2 June 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1st Received SARY MANTUTHG by Experance 2 A jorned tel meeting in corse THOMAS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

30 June 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 st ajorned tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

4 August l849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness Chosen the Brethen to the Association JOHN LILLARD ELIJAH BREDEN JEREMIAH MCKAY and TOLEVER SISK and the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the Same to be Inspected nex meeting in Corse THOMAS SMITH modrator J MCKAY Clk

1 September 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after the Church met the Letter Red and Received Ajorned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

8 October 1849 no meetin

2 November 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness ajorned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS SMITH modrator

3 Oct Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness A J TOLEVER SISK Clk THOMAS SMITH modra.

1 December 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisnsss A J JERE MCKAY Clk THOS BUCKNER


January 1850 February March and Apriel nothing Don no bisness Don Disagreable wether

4 May 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st A Jorned THOMAS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1 June 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st A Joned tell meeting in corse THOMAS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

6 July 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1st Ad Ajorned tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrntor

3 August 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after Singn a few Lines prosead to bisness 1st Chosen JEREMIAH MCKAY modrator 2 appoint the Brethen to attend the Association JEREMINH MCKAY TOLEVER SISK JOHN MANTUTH JOHN LILLARD and ELIJAH BREEDING 3 Appointed the Clk to write the Churches letter to the Same A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk m

31 August 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after Singing a Hyme prosead to bisness lst Chosen Brother Tolever Sisk modrator 2nd the Churches Letter Red and Received A J JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk Tolever Sisk modrator

(ORG. PAGE 124)

1850 October and November no account of meetiag at Each month

30 November 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Ajorned tell meeting in Corse JOHN HUFF modrator TOLEVER SISK Clk 4 January 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen by Brethen SMITH and MOUNT prosead to Bisness 1st AJorned tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator


4 January 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen by Brethen SMITH and MOUNT prosead to Bisness 1st AJorned tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

February 1 1851 Cole wether no meeting March no meeting Brother SMITH not well the wether cole

5 Apriel 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Received LOSEN SISK by Expearance 2 Received SARY SISK by Expearance 3 Received NANCY CLEVENGER by Expearance 4 the Church agreed to have the Communion meeting at June meeting on the Count of the union meeting JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk UMPHREE MOUNT modrator

3 May 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Jorned tell meeting in corse JOHN HUFF modrator

31 May 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st MARY GORMAN applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted JJEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

5 July 1851 August Septem Octob the Record lost

November 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received VINEEN RUNNELL and MARY his Wife By letter A J tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH mod


December 1851 January 1852 Feb & March the wether Cole & Disagreable that thar was no meeting

(ORG. PAGE 125)

30 Apriel 1852 met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agreed to Invite Br ABRAHAM MCKAY to our nex meeting by the Brn. TOLEVER SISK ELIJAH BREDEN and JOHN MANTUTH to Give his Reason for Absenting himself from Church meeting & C A J tell meeting in Corse THOMAS SMITH modr JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

1 May 1852 Met accordan to appointment and preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Br Invited Br A MCKAY he not attended Lad it over tell nex meeting 2 the Church a Greed to In vite the Said Br by the Brn TOLEVER SICK and JEREMIAH MCKAY to our nex meeting in corse A Jorned THOMAS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

5 June 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received JOAB BLACKWELL by Declaration 2 the Brn that was to invite Br A MCKAY faild Going on the count of wet wether We agree to Lay the matter over tell nex meeting and appoint the Brn JOHN MANTUTH TOLEVER SISK to invite the sd Br to nex meeting 3 A Greed to hold Church meeting at Sister GORMANs the 6 in the Evening to Receive her Letter as she is not able to come to meeting 4 the Rules of the Church Red 5 the Church met at Sisters GORMANs and Recd hir by Letter a jorned THOMAS SMITH moderator Jeremiah McKay Clk

July no meeting

31 July 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br ABRAHAM MCKAY he not attending Lad over tell meeting in Corse 2 Received a Letter from Br PETER HUFF whishing for this Church to send Som of the Brn to attend that to in quire in to his Case we agree to appoint meeting at SIR HUFF nex monday the 2 August 11 oclock in order to Received members 3 the Church agree to appoint Brn to the Associatian

(ORG. PAGE 126)

and for the Clk to Rite the Letter to the Same JEREMIAH MCKAY LAWSON SISK JOAB BLACKWELL to attend the Association the Church agree to in vite Br and Sister RUNNELS to our nex meeting in Corse by LOSSON SISK and JEREMIAH MCKAY A Jorned JEREMAIH MCKAY Clk UMPHRE MOUNT modrator

2 August 1852 Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received PETER HUFF by Letter 2 Received WILLIAM ONBEY by Declaration a jorned tell meeting in Corse



4 September 1852 Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br ABRAHAM MCKAY he not attending Lad it over tell nex meeting in corse the Breth to invite the sd Br TOLEVER SISK JOHN MANTUTH 2 the Matter Concarning Br RUNNELS and wife they not attending Lad over tell meeting in corse 3 the Churches Letter to the Association Red and Received A jorned tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

October meeting no bisness Don

5 November 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Br ABRAHAM MCKAY not attending Laid over tell to morrow 2 Br RUNNALL Came forred and Give Satisfaction A J THOMIS SMITH modrator JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk 6 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Received WILLIAM ALLEN by Letter 2 sister RUNNALS Came forred and Give Satisfaction 3 Received CATHRIN INIGOM by Letter 4 Br ABRAHAM MCKAY not attending Lad over tell meeting in Corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMIS SMITH modrator

4 December 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after prayr and Exerlation prosead to bisness 1st Brother ABRAHAM MCKAY not attending Lade over tell meeting in Corse A jorned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk JOEL REED modrator



(ORG. PAGE 127)

February March April no preacher attended 1 January 1853 no bisness Don the wether disagreable

30 Apriel 1853 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st the Matter concarning Br ABRAHAM MCKAY the Brethen that was appointed to in vite the sd Brother Came forred and in formes the Church that they attended at the sd Br and met with Br JEREMIAH MCKAY thar and he be come Reconcild with him he not attending to Day we Lay the matter over tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOMAS SMITH modrator

4 June 1853 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br ABRAHAM MCKAY he not attending the matter Lad over tell meeting in Corse A J THOMAS SMITH modr JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

2 July 1853 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br ABRAHAM MCKAY he not attending Lad over tell meeting in corse 2 agree that the Clk write the Church Letter to the Association to be Red at the September meting to be Inspected 3rd appointed the Br to the Association TOLLEVER SISK JEREMIAH MCKAY LAWSON SISK ELIJAH BREDEN JOHN MANTUTH JOAB BLACKWELL A Jorned tell meeting in corse JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk SAMUEL PATE modrator

6 August 1853 August the 6th 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to bisiness 1.. the reference called for and the record not being present there was no business Done adJourn.d T. SISK clk T. SMITH M.d

September the 3rd 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after prayer by Br CASE proceded to business 1. the matter concerning Br A MCKAY laid over 2. the churches letter to the association Red and rec.d adjourned T. SISK Clk T. SMITH m.d

October 1853 no meeting

(ORG. PAGE 128)

Friday November the 4th 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching by Br A MOUNT proceded to business 1. there being but few members business laid over till tomorrow

Saturday met according to adjournment 1. the matter concerning Br A MCKAY liad over and the brethren appointed to invite him again T. SISK L. SISK J. MANTUTH 2. Received a letter from Bethany Church petitioning for the Deacons of this church to attend her at her next meeting which is communion season which requst was granted

3. Brother RUNNELL applyed for letters of Dismission for his self and wife which was granted. adjourned T. SISK Clk U. MOUNT ,.D,

December 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business. 1 Br A. MCKAY not come forward the case laid over 2. Brother RUNNILS letter sent back for correction by the hands of Br. T. SMITH the church autheised Smith to correct said letter THOMAS SMITH M. D. T SMITH protem Clk


January February and March 1854 all cold and no meeting

April the 1st 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1. the matter concerning Br A. MCKAY laid over adjourned JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk

May the 6th 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to Business. 1. Br. A. MCKAY came forward and gave the church satisfaction for his long Absence. 2. The church at may meeting 1853 passed an act cocerning a Deacons holding office which act was not put on the minutes the church now orders the clerk to put it on the Church believes the ordination of a minister and a Deacon one and the same thing and that both are ordained for life or During good behaviour the minister to preach the gospel and feed the church with the word the Deacon to serve the table we believe them officers together in the church of Christ in whatsoever clime their lot many be cast. the minister carrys his credentioals when he Removes therefore we the church believe when a Deacon Removes it should be put on the letter of Dismission below in this wise AB the said Br.. is an ordained Deacon T SISK T. SMITH M. D.

(ORG. PAGE 129)

June the 3rd 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 adjourned J. MCKAY Clk T. SMITH M.D.

July the 1st 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 Received SYCHA BLACKWELL by Expearance 2 Received JANE a woman of colour by Experance adjourned TOLAVIR SISK Clk THOMAS SMITH M. D.

August the 5th 1854 The church met but no preacher there. was no business Done T. SISK Clk

Sept. the 2nd 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching by L. CASE proced to business 1 chose the bretheren to the association JOAB BLACKWELL E. BREDAN UM. ALLEN L. SISK T. SISK and J. MCKAY 2 the association letter Read ant Recd. T. SISK Clk L. CASE M. D.

Oct. 1854 no Meeting Nov. 1854 The church met but no preacher Dee. 1854 no meeting


January the 6th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business T. SISK Clk SAML. PATE M. D.

February 1855 no Meeting March 1855 no meeting

March 31st 1855 Met according to adjournment and after preaching JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk P. A. WIT M. D.

May the 5th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business T. SISK Clk THOMAS SMITH M.D.

(ORG. PAGE 130)
June the 2nd l855 The church met but no preacher T. SISK Clk

June the 30th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business T. SISK Clk P. A. WIT M. D.

August the 4th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 Appointed T. SISK to write the churches letter to the Association 2 Appointed the Bretheren to attend the association JOHN MANTOOTH ELIJAH BREEDAN TOLEVER SISK JEREMIAH MCKAY L. SISK T. SISK Clk S. PATE M. D.

Sept. the 1st 1855 The Church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 The church Declares a non fellowship with the No Nothing order or party or organization or the great American party so called 2 the churches letter to the association Read and Received 3 The church Sendeth a letter to Enquire after Sister MARY BUGG JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk THOS SMITH M. D.

October 1855 November 1855

(ORG. PAGE 131)

December 1855


January the 5th 1856 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proced to business 1 Sister MARY BUGG applied for a letter of Dismission by letter the same granted JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk WM. R FLYNN M. D.

February 1856 March 1856 April 1856 May the 3rd 1856 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business JEREMIAH MCKAY Clk T. SMITH M. D.

June the 5th 1856 The church met and after preaching proceded to business T. SMITH Mod. T.S. Clk

July 1856 August 1856 no meeting

September the 6th 1856 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proced to business 1 appointed Delegetes to the Association JOAB BLACKWELL LAWSON SISK JEREMIAH MCKAY There being a letter prepared to the Assoc 2 the letter Read and Received JEREMIAH clk T. SISK M. D. protem

(ORG. PAGE 132)

October 1856 November 1856 December 1856


January 1857 February 1857 March 1857 April 1857

May the 2sd 1857 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching preceded to business T SISK clk T. SMITH M. D.

June the 6th 1857 The church met July the church met

August the lst 1857 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 A letter to be Rote to the Association 2 Betheren appointed to attend the same ELIJAH BREADAN L. SISK and T. SISK 3 Received a letter from Brother JJEREMIAH MCKAY for a letter of Dismission for himself and wife which was granted T. SISK clk T. SMITH M. D.

September the 5th 1857 The church met and sat in order for buainess 1 the Association letter Read and Received T. SISK clk

(ORG. PAGE 133)

October the 3rd 1857 The church met and a man by the Name of KILGORE called himself one of our faith and order tried to preach but could not advance any thing but A_mia_is_ T. SISK clk

Nov the church met December the church met


January 2sd 1858 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proced to business 1 Brother JEREMIAH MCKAY not Received his letter by mail came forward in person and Requested another which was granted T. SISK clk T. SMITH M. D.

February the 6th 1858 The church met according to adjournmont and after preaching proced to business 1 Brother ELIJAH BREADAN applyd for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife which was granted 2 Brother P. A. WITT the M, D. of the Nolachucky Association came forward and Requested the church to send Delegates to the association as he belived it his Duty to call the Association together on important business to meet on the third Saturday in March which Request was granted 3 appointed the Brethren to attend the Ass JOAB BLACKWELL LAWSON SISK and T. SISK The Association to meet at Bent Creek meeting house Jefferson County on the third Saturday in March 1858 T. SISK Clk P. A. WITT M. D.

March the 6th 1858 no meeting after the dath of our beloved Brother TOLEVER SISK our old Clerk and Deacon in our church which dath tuck place on the 10th of November in the year of our lord 1880 at 10 ½ oclock at night and in the 85 yare of his age the church then apponted B BRYANT SON thare Clerk to take Charge of thare old Book & papers and find them in the folloing order

no records on the old Book onley up to 6th day of March 1858 but find sum records on scraps of paper in the old Book and will put them down in there order

(ORG. PAGE 134)

April 3d 1858 no meeting no meetings on record up to Sept 4d 1858 Church met & C after preaching by B BRYANT SEN proseeded to Bizaness firt the association leter Redd & Recd T. SISK Clerk B BRYANT M. D.

Oct 2d 1858 the primitive Baptist church of Jesus Christ met at Big Pigion meeting house after prayer set for Biseness l) Brother PETER HUFF & NANCY HUFF aplied for leter of Dismission which was Granted T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

Nov 6d 1858 the church met in persuant to Ajorment and after preaching proceeded to Biseness 1 Chose Brother B. BRYANT Moderator 2 Brother JOHN MANTOOTH come forward & request the church to relese him from serving as a Dacon on the Account of Inability the church release Brother MANTOOTH he also named Brother LAWSON SISK to fill the place the church agreed to way the _ till the meeting in Course T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

Saturday Dec. 4th day 1858 the church met & C and after preaching proceeded to Bisness 1 the Church Chose LAWSON SISK a deacon & agreed to send for help for ordination at April 1859 T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.


Feb the 5d 1859 the church met & C and after preaching proceeded to Bisness 1 Recd ELIZEABETH RUTHERFORD by leter T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

NB January 1th day 1859 the church met & C and after preaching proceeded to Biseness 1 Chose B. BRYANT M. D. T. SISK Clerk

up to this date find on the Old Book & on scraps in the Book we sum times had meeting at old Pigion meeting house on from this date up to sum time in l8ó3 the ware become so trublesom we had no more regular meetings untill first April 1872


April 13d 1872 we the primitive Baptist church of Jesus Christ on Big Pigion Met at the house of Sister SALLEY ROBERTS after preaching by Brother BUMMIT BRYANT proceeded to biseness Recved BUMMIT BRYANT by dicularation Called for prisbetary to ordain Brother BRYANT

(ORG. PAGE 135)

3 appointed a meeting to be held at Bro AB. MCKAY on the 27th day of April 1872 for the pur_ of Ordaining Brother BRYANT T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

_Sence concluded to go on in the old Book untill the dath of our former Clerk TOLEVER SISK which tuck place on the 10th day of November in the yare of our lord 1880 at half past ten oclock in the night

April 27th 1872 the church met at Bro AB MCKAYS and after preaching Removed to house of Bro THOS. SMITH and set as a church firt the presbytary case forward and ordained Bro. B. BRYANT at the Rev THOS SMITH & T. SISK D.C 2 Recved THOS. SMITH on Dicularation AD THOS SMITH M. D. T. SISK Clerk

May the 2 day 1872 the church met at Sister SARAH ROBERTS after preaching proceeded to Biseness A. D. T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

June 1th day 1872 the church met B. BRYANT school house and after preaching proseeded to bizeness the church agreed to Met at sd. School house untill Shee can repare the meeting house on the River A.D T. SISK Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

July 6th day 1872 the church Met and after preaching proceeded to Bisiness none T. SISK C. Clerk B. BRYASNT M. D.

August 1th day 1872 the church Met & C after preaching proceeded to Bisiness 1 AGree to send a leter to the association 2 Deligates JO BLACKWELL B BRYANT T. SISK C. Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

August 31th day 1872 the church Met & C after preaching proceeded to Business 1 the association 2 Read and recved




Oct 5th day 1872 The Church Met & C after preaching proceeded Bisiness none TO SISK C. Clerk B. BRYANT M.D.

(ORG. PAGE 136)

November 2th day l872 the church met and after preaching proceeded to Bisiness none came TO SISK C. Clerk B. BRYANT M. D. this is the last Record down on the old Book or on luce paper if thare was any it has been lost or miss layed we Met as a church regularly all the time on Saturday before the first Sunday in each month & done our regular church Bisiness up to November the meeting 1880 But no regular record made of it as we could find TO SISK C. Clerk B. BRYANT M. D.

we now move to a New Book mak our record from Page 136 to page _35 on the New Book



1874 March 10th day Rev Elder THOMAS SMITH our beloved Brother and Moderator untill his dath Deceased on this date above writen B. BRYANT SEN C. Clerk B. BRYANT SEN M. D,

[the succeeding page is numbered 140 and the next two and last pages are unnumbered]


(ORG. PAGE 140)

6 June 1840 the Church agree to have the Decst members Names Rec 1840 ELIZABETH HUFF Decest l840 BENJAMIN ODELL Decest 28 May formly a Dacon SARY HUFF Decest July 1840 JANE MANTUTH Decest March 1842 SAMUEL YATS Decest March 1844 1844 WILLIAM COLMAN Decest October 1 1844 GORGE ROBERTS Decest November 1845 Elr THOMIS HILL Decest 1 March who was paster of big pigion church in 1847 ELIZABETH WOODS Decest 15 Apriel MARYANN MCKAY or FAUBION 1st Decest the _______ 1849

Abstract of Principles we belive in one only true and Living God the Father Son and Holy Ghost and these three are one we belive that the Scriptures of the old and New testaments are the word of God and the only Rule of all Saving Knowledge we belive in Election according to the fore Knowledge of God the Father Through Sanctifation of the Spirit and belief of the t_________ 4 we belive in doctrine of original sin 5 we believe in mans Impotency to recover him self from the fallen State he is in by his own free will or ability we believe that Sinners are Justified in the Sight of God only by the Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ we believe that Saints will persevere in Grace and never fall finally away we believe that Baptism and the Lords Supper are ordenances of Jesus Christ and that true believers are the only Subjects of these ordinances and the True mode of baptism is Immerssion 9 we believe in the resurrection of the Dead and a General Judgment 10 we believe that the punishment of the wicked will be Everlasting; and that the Joyse of the Righteous will be Eternal 11 we believe that no minister has a Right _ the administration of the ordinances but s_ as are Regularly Called and Come render ____ Imposition of hands by a presbytery

Church Rules Church meeting once Ever month on Saturday be fore the first Sabath and meeting to commence at 12 oclock

4 Apriel 1789 The Churches Rules 1 The Church agree that if a Member Shall Negleet Thear attendance two Church meetings together Shall bee Liable to the Church Cnshur without Rending A__able Satisfaction for the Same 2 Church Meeting bee held in public Except in purticlur Cases and then for the Members to Retire by them s____ or to Desire the People to withdraw 3 Members to talk at Large Resp__ of matters Done in the Church as Tuching of fellowship as also To____ behine the back of any


person they are agreved with Except it bee for Infermation and that to bee members of the Church - and members Guilty of Shuch behavour is ___ to be Delt with as in other Immorrel Conduct No members Shall Speak to any Subject whilst Setting on his Seat but Shall Rise to his feet and then Speak to the Cause one at a time and if two attempt to speak a time the modrator Shall Call them to Order -