Benton County, Tennessee Genealogy

Benton County Cemeteries

There are many public and private cemeteries located throughout Benton County, Tennessee. If you have pictures of individual tombstones of your ancestors and would like to have them included in this site, please notify County Coordinator.  Also, if you have transcribed tombstones at any of the Benton County Cemeteries and would like to donate the information to the web site, please contact me.

Cemeteries Transcribed

Monument Dedications

Edward Lindsey Cemetery


Bateman Cenotaph Marker at Mt. Comfort Cemetery
Herrin, Beverly
Herrin, Sarah Watson
Swindle, Marium
Swindle, Thomas
Todd Cenotaph Marter at Pleasant Hill Cemetery

In 1995, The Benton County Genealogical Society started the enormous task of updating the "Benton County Cemetery Records" which was published by the Glovers Trace Daughters of the American Revolution. The end result was a book they have for sale.