ROY, Rob — Editor and Publisher; born Alexandria, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1876; Scotch descent; son of J.F. and Helen (Yeargin) ROY; paternal grandfather Beverly ROY, paternal grandmother Jane (Lawrence) ROY, maternal grandfather R.W. YEARGIN, maternal grandmother Salena (Vick) YEARGIN; educated Webb’s School Bell Buckle; married Carrie SIMPSON Jan. 18, 1899; […]
2 posts
ROY, John F. — banker, born Front Royal, Va., Aug. 15, 1845; Scotch descent; son of Beverly and Jane (Lawrence) Roy; father’s occupation, miller; received common school education; married Helen F. YEARGIN Feb. 24, 1870; Democrat; organized Bank of Alexandria in 1888, cashier of same for 22 years; elected president […]