City: Nashville WITHERSPOON, John Alexander, physician; born Columbia, Tenn., September 13, 1864; Scotch descent; son of John M. and Mary T. (Hanks) WITHERSPOON; father was lawyer and farmer; graduated 1887 from Medical Department of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; married Cornelia DIXON, November 8, 1888; is a Mason, Knight Templar, […]
City: Jackson WITHERSPOON, Ross, born near Jackson in 1850; son of William and Vira (Bumpas) WITHERSPOON; educated Jackson, Tenn.; married Angie HAYS, Oct. 28, 1879; president Southern Seating and Cabinet Factory; interested in various manufacturing interests of the city of Jackson; descended from John WITHERSPOON, who signed the Declaration of […]
City: Jackson WITHERSPOON, Mrs. Ross, born at Jackson, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1850; daughter of Richard Jackson and Sarah (Ballow) HAYS; married Ross WITHERSPOON Oct. 28, 1879; member of U. D. C.; worker in Home Mission Society; organized Young Woman’s Boarding Home, and is identified with every charitable organization in the […]
City: Collierville BROOKS, Cleauth, minister of the gospel; born Denmark, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1873; son Rev. Geo. K. and Elizabeth BROOKS; English-American descent; educated Vanderbilt Univ.; married Bessie WITHERSPOON; member Masons.