City: Nashville EASTMAN, Corinne Gleaves, teacher; born Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1853; Scotch-English descent; father, merchant; daughter of Henry Albert and Eliza Jane (Tannehill) GLEAVES; paternal grandparents Thomas and Mary (Dean) GLEAVES, maternal grandparents Wilkins and Eliza (Dewees) TANNEHILL; graduated Nashville high school, June 1870; married Elbridge Gerry EASTMAN February […]
City: Nashville EASTMAN, Charles Hazen, insurance man; born Plymouth, N. H., February 25, 1845; English descent; son of Elbridge Gerry and Lucy Ann (Carr) EASTMAN; father, editor Union and American, Nashville, Tenn.; paternal grandparents Timothy and Abigail (Wilkins) EASTMAN, maternal grandparents Spencer and Zylphia (Goodrich) CARR; educated Nashville, Tenn., public […]
City: Jackson SPRAGINS, Robert Franklin, lawyer; born Jackson, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1873; Irish and Welsh descent; son of Thos. J. and Mary S. (Brown) SPRAGINS; father’s occupation, lumber manufacturer; paternal grandparents W. F. and N. R. (Wilkins) SPRAGINS, maternal grandparents Robert and Susan BROWN; educated public schools of Jackson, Tenn., […]
City: Brownsville RICHARDSON, William Lebbens, educator and farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., June 31, 1839; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Mary C. (Wright) RICHARDSON; father’s occupation farmer and mechanic; paternal grandfather Lebbens RICHARDSON, paternal grandmother Francis (Wilkins) RICHARDSON, maternal grandfather William WRIGHT, maternal grandmother Rebecca (Smith) WRIGHT; married Amanda […]