City: Lafayette WEST, Perry Bunyan, traveling salesman; born Walnut Shade, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse and Sarah F. (HUDDLESTON) WEST; father’s occupation farmer; trustee and clerk and master of Chancery Court, Macon county; educated at Lafayette, Tenn. and Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn.; in early life taught […]
City: Nashville WEST, Joseph Ready, attorney-at-law; born Hadensville, Todd County, Ky., January 16, 1858; son of Joseph Burrus and Mary Rebecca (Jarrad) WEST; English descent; educated Nashville and Clarksville, Tenn.; graduated S. P. University, Clarksville, June, 1877, B.A.; Vanderbilt University, June, 1880, B.L.; he taught school and practiced law in […]
City: Nashville TERHUNE, John R., telegrapher; born Rome, Ga., October 18, 1859; son of W. B. and Clara (Alexander) TERHUNE; father, lawyer; educated in common schools of Rome, Ga.; went to work as telegrapher early in life; at one time served as alderman and councilman, Lexington, Ky.; married Jennie WEST, […]
City: Memphis CRAWFORD, West J., publisher; born Madison Co. Miss., Nov. 1, 1844; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of E. S. and E. A. (West) CRAWFORD; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandfather, Col. James CRAWFORD, veteran of war of 1812, paternal grandmother, Mary T. (Stribling) CRAWFORD; maternal grandparents, William and Elizabeth […]
City: Lebanon GREEN, William Edgar, wholesale grocer; born Lebanon, Tenn., May 1, 1869; English descent; direct descendant of early settlers at Jamestown, Va.; son of William E. and Amanda E. (Solomon) GREEN; father’s occupation livery business; paternal grandparents John S. and Janet (Morris) GREEN; maternal grandparents Elijah Durham and Mary […]
City: LaFollette EAST, Joseph Richard, carpenter, machinist; born Pittsylvania county, Va., March 2, 1845; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (West) EAST; father’s occupation farmer, and for 25 years he was an old Va. overseer; paternal grandparents, Joseph and Polly (Bell) EAST, maternal grandparents, Joseph and Catharine (McCaney) WEST; enlisted in […]
City: LaFollette CALDWELL, Winfield M., physician; born Union Co., Tenn., June 15, 1862; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Hugh and Polly (Bayless) CALDWELL; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel and farmer; paternal grandfather Hugh CALDWELL, paternal grandmother was a Miss GAUTT prior to her marriage, maternal grandfather Isaac BAYLESS, […]
City: Lafayette WEST, Perry Bunyan, traveling salesman; born Walnut Shade, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jessee and Sarah F. (Huddleston) WEST; father’s occupation farmer; trustee and clerk and master of Chancery Court, Macon county; educated at Lafayette, Tenn., and Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn.; in early life taught […]
City: Joppa KINSLAND, John Early, teacher; born near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tenn., Aug. 6, 1863; Scotch-Irish and French Huguenot descent; son of William and Rachel (West) KINSLAND; father’s occupation minister of the Gospel (Methodist); paternal grandparents Jesse and Priscilla (Halland) KINSLAND; maternal grandparents Thomas and Rachel (Oliphant) WEST; graduated Lebanon, […]
City: Hilham WELLS, Milton Henry, physician; born near Olga, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1863; English descent; son of Mitchell and Manerva (Mathews) WELLS; father’s occupation, farmer and manufacturer; paternal grandparents Stephen and Nancy (West) WELLS, maternal grandparents John and Sarah Shootman) MATHEWS; educated at Oak Hill Institute; graduated from University of […]
City: Hickman HUDDLESTON, Felix W., business man; born at Difficult, Tenn., Oct., 1869; son of Wade and Millie (West) HUDDLESTON; reared on a farm and studied at home to secure his education; married Fannie E. NEWBELL July, 1890; member Illinois Commercial Association; engaged in hotel and livery business and dealer […]
City: Clarksville BYERS, I. Newton, insurance man; born Clarksville, Tenn., March 10, 1878; son of George Newton and Eleanor B. (Rentch) BYERS; father’s occupation, druggist and insurance; paternal grandfather George BYERS, paternal grandmother Margaret (Miller) BYERS, maternal grandfather Daniel S. RENTCH, maternal grandmother Savilla (Stonebraker) RENTCH; educated public schools and […]
City: Carthage KEMP, Newton Jefferson, public official; born Difficult, Tenn., 1845; Irish descent; son of John W. and Juda (Pankey) KEMP; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Bagdad (Tenn.) Academy, and graduated from that institution 1867; began his business career as a school teacher; elected register of Smith Co., Tenn., 1896 and […]