City: Memphis PETTINGILL, Edgar Alfred, advertising agent (newspaper and magazine); born Marengo, Ill., Sept. 20, 1867; English descent; son of Lemuel R. and Cornelia (Simonds) PETTINGILL; father’s occupation, farmer, later foreman; paternal grandparents William R. and Ann (Wells) PETTINGILL, maternal grandparents Alfred and Abagail (Milliman) SIMONDS; educated University of Rochester […]
City: Paris SHERRILL, Samuel W., superintendent of City Schools; born at Maryville, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1869; son of Dr. J. H. and Teckie (Wells) SHERRILL; Scotch-Irish descent; graduate of Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn., May 30, 1892; member of K. of P. and W. O. W.; author “Heroes in Gray” and […]
City: Knoxville BOLT, George Washington, Public Official; born Loudon Co., Tenn., March 4, 1864; son of William Jasper and Elizabeth (Wells) BOLT; English, Irish and Dutch descent; educated institutions of learning of Loudon Co.; married Mary J. PRESTON; member I.O.O.F., Chilhowee No. 247, of Knoxville; Columbia Counsel No. 43 of […]
City: Huntingdon WATSON, Charles Mayes, ginner; born at Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1869; Scotch-Irish-English descent; son of Joseph Anderson and Emma (Hilliard) WATSON; father’s occupation educator; educated in the public schools of Durham, Texas; in early life worked on a farm and left the farm at the age of 22 […]
City: Hilham WELLS, Milton Henry, physician; born near Olga, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1863; English descent; son of Mitchell and Manerva (Mathews) WELLS; father’s occupation, farmer and manufacturer; paternal grandparents Stephen and Nancy (West) WELLS, maternal grandparents John and Sarah Shootman) MATHEWS; educated at Oak Hill Institute; graduated from University of […]
City: Del Rio BURNETT, James Huff, farmer and merchant; born Del Rio, Cocke Co., Tenn., July 21, 1859; French-Irish descent; son of James M. and Caroline (Huff) BURNETT; paternal grandparents Swan P. and Francis (Bell) BURNETT, maternal grandparents, Stephen and Betsy (Carson) HUFF; educated Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; began […]
Town: Charleston CALLAWAY, Luke Lea, farmer and stock raiser; born Cleveland, Tenn., May 19, 1850, Welsh and Scotch Irish descent; son of Thomas H. and Susan (Lea) CALLAWAY; father’s occupation railroad president and banker; paternal grandfather Joseph CALLAWAY, paternal grandmother Lucinda (Howard) CALLAWAY, maternal grandfather Luke LEA, maternal grandmother Susan […]