City: Nashville LEA, Luke, lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., April 12, 1879; son of Overton and Ella (Cocke) LEA; father’s occupation, lawyer; educated University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and Columbia Law School, Columbia University, New York; graduated University of the South, B.A. degree, 1899, and M.A. 1900; Columbia Law School, […]
2 posts
WARNER, Frank G., Secretary Y. M. C. A.; born Pittsburg /sic/, Pa., Feb. 13, 1872; son of Geo. W. and Sara H. (Taylor) WARNER; educated at Pittsburg /sic/, (Pa.) High School; former Secetary Y. M. C. A., department penn., R. R.; married Mabel PRESTON, of Selmer, Ala., April 27, 1902; […]